'Nobody Needs ten Bullets To Kill Someone In a Gun Free Zone'


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
You're exactly right there, Andrew, you made it exquisitely easy for them to kill someone with just one. And if you help Comrade Barack strip Americans right to bear arms, as you've previously made it clear you intend to, you've made America a 'Gun Free Zone' "From Sea to Shining Sea". Comrade Barack and his murdering Islamic brethren will no doubt thank you for that, probably just before they shoot you, too, for then they can bring the Westgate Mall story to any mall in America and whatever other nefarious intent Comrade Barack has planned for America, for "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away"

BREAKING: Shooting In Long Island Causes Lockdown Of School/Mall Nearby | Weasel Zippers
Not even to stop the guy trying to kill everyone in a gun free zone?

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