Nobody Wants To Be Associated With These Insurrectionists...

I'm all for any insurrectionist, or insurrectionism

In fact, maybe it;s high time

None of them represent you/me/us

LefTard Logic:


Not Insurrectionists-

Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent and even half sane takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Yes to your anology.

Also/too, 81 American Citizens took it serious and voted.

Thank you very much!

81 voted?
Not Corporate America, not anyone.

I'd imagine even those w/their own businesses might end up having to close-up shop due to their treachery.

People have said that Social Security is the third rail you cannot touch without risking everything. The reaction to insurrection against the United States by people that posed as loyal citizens is indeed the third rail. Real loyal Americans are quit willing to see traitors destroyed by their own word and deed, if word and deed are against the Constitution, rule of law and abiding by the outcome of free elections. The trumpers could not sell the Hunter Biden story before the election. They could not sell the china Joe story. People went to the polls and voted and when trump lost, the trumpers could not sell the stolen election story in election commissions, court houses, legislative houses in all states, the supreme court, because they had no proof and presented none in court, even refusing to make the accusation in court, while screaming it from the rooftops when not in court and the American people did not buy it. Americans will sure as hell not put up with morons voiding the elections, just to keep their orange totalitarian anti law and order figurehead in power and they will and have denounced all that did, including trump himself for egging these conspiracy theorists on. Insurrection by mob action after being sent to the capital by trump is the last straw. All perpetrators should be rounded up, charged and convicted of their crimes and people that promoted it or support it should be investigated for sedition.

In your dreams maybe. As for the protesters they did not burn the DC like the left wing storm troopers did in the cities last summer also while attacking police and civilians alike. You and rest of the looney left wing crowd are nothing cowardly two faced people who can't do anything straight up. And if it makes any difference to you I throw in the RINO establishment jerks as well.
Hey, for all I care you can take out full page ad in your local paper, supporting violent take over of government facilities, physical attacks on officials and individuals that support our country, with you name proudly signed to the bottom of it. But you can expect to be publicly denounced, probably investigated arrested and possibly charge and if your boss suddenly decides he can pay you unemployment cheaper then the possible loss of business due to your un-American loose mouth, so be it. In person or signed isn't the same as anonymous on the internet.
And that "unarmed citizen" was breaching a barricade and leading a Mob to attack Congress. That MOB was her weapon
Not Corporate America, not anyone.

I'd imagine even those w/their own businesses might end up having to close-up shop due to their treachery.

Anyone who engaged in the insurrection on the 6th deserved whatever they get.
I thought even you would be smart enough to elect seditionists.
Your mistake was thinking you are capable of thought.
Not Corporate America, not anyone.

I'd imagine even those w/their own businesses might end up having to close-up shop due to their treachery.

People have said that Social Security is the third rail you cannot touch without risking everything. The reaction to insurrection against the United States by people that posed as loyal citizens is indeed the third rail. Real loyal Americans are quit willing to see traitors destroyed by their own word and deed, if word and deed are against the Constitution, rule of law and abiding by the outcome of free elections. The trumpers could not sell the Hunter Biden story before the election. They could not sell the china Joe story. People went to the polls and voted and when trump lost, the trumpers could not sell the stolen election story in election commissions, court houses, legislative houses in all states, the supreme court, because they had no proof and presented none in court, even refusing to make the accusation in court, while screaming it from the rooftops when not in court and the American people did not buy it. Americans will sure as hell not put up with morons voiding the elections, just to keep their orange totalitarian anti law and order figurehead in power and they will and have denounced all that did, including trump himself for egging these conspiracy theorists on. Insurrection by mob action after being sent to the capital by trump is the last straw. All perpetrators should be rounded up, charged and convicted of their crimes and people that promoted it or support it should be investigated for sedition.
Seems to me that it is the Bidenites who are having trouble selling a bogus election to the American People. You know-those people who are supposed to be served by the government.
Looks like there were 7 or 8 million voters that voted for Biden that voted for trump. You lost. Suck it up.
Not Corporate America, not anyone.

I'd imagine even those w/their own businesses might end up having to close-up shop due to their treachery.

Anyone who engaged in the insurrection on the 6th deserved whatever they get.
I thought even you would be smart enough to elect seditionists.
Your mistake was thinking you are capable of thought.
No, that's not it.
I'm all for any insurrectionist, or insurrectionism

In fact, maybe it;s high time

None of them represent you/me/us

You either are a domestic terrorist...or support domestic terrorism
As far as this thread goes...take heed. You do what those MAGArats did to our Capitol...if you DON'T go to WILL lose your jobs.
More accurately, they will lose their livelihood, unless they are independently wealthy. Then they'll simply loose their freedom.
As far as this thread goes...take heed. You do what those MAGArats did to our Capitol...if you DON'T go to WILL lose your jobs.
More accurately, they will lose their livelihood, unless they are independently wealthy. Then they'll simply loose their freedom.
Then they'll simply loose their freedom.

As opposed to tightening it?
Hate speech, is simply speech that incites hate, for the mentally deficient on the board.

  • "Hate Speech," by the legal definition is something said out of malice, prejudice or bigotry. That is entirely sujective, like stupidly calling some crimes "hate crimes." There is no way of knowing the intent or motives of a person based solely on their words or actions much less the criminalization of them. If a person robs a store or murders an individual, it is still robbery or murder regardless of motivation. Calling it a "hate crime" or "hate speech" is merely a leftwing attempt at social engineering and cannot be shown to have had ONE IOTA of change in eliminating bad behavior.
  • It is pure liberal folly to presuppose that you, I or anyone can know what "incited" the feelings, emotions or actions of another purely from observing the OUTCOME. If I have a fight with my wife then go out and wreck my car, you have no way of knowing it was over the argument and not over my failure to maintain the car or my distraction at looking at a pretty girl or fiddling with the radio knob. All you know is that a car was wrecked.
  • It is the pinnacle of arrogance to suggest you have any gauge on the mental acuity or the mental deficiency of another person purely from what you read on the internet. The best psychiatrists and human behavior specialists cannot predict who will go out and commit a crime or serial murder, etc., EVEN WITH CLOSE OBSERVATION and personal interview.
Your failure to recognize these simple truths makes YOU, if anything, the more likely dangerous person you seek to find in others, by your mere ignorance of your own bad actions springing out of the best intentions.

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