Nolte: We’re All Safer When the Constitution Protects a Bill Cosby

we all are safer because the PA Supreme Court upheld the Constitutional safe guards in this case.

This case, and there have been many others, is an example of what happens when someone is targeted and mob rule as opposed to the rule of law is followed.
Cosby got off on a technicality, hell he even admitted he was drugging women.
The US Constitution isn't a "technicality" - with that said, yeah he did....I in no way said what he did was right, or supported him personally....but I do support the US Constitution, and the rule of law.

Which just upsets leftist lynch mobs, and always has
we all are safer because the PA Supreme Court upheld the Constitutional safe guards in this case.

This case, and there have been many others, is an example of what happens when someone is targeted and mob rule as opposed to the rule of law is followed.

It wasn’t mob rule. It was the normal prosecutorial misconduct. Prosecutors for years have lied and manipulated events to erode civil rights.

In Louisiana a man being questioned by police said. “I think I want a Lawyer Dog.” Now for anyone who uses slang we would recognize he was calling the cop a dog. The Prosecutor argued that there are no dogs admitted to the BAR to practice law. So his request could not be granted.

The State Supreme Court upheld this argument and allowed the later confession to stand as admissible.

Your right to remain silent or stop answering questions has been redefined. A Prosecutor argued that the suspects refusal to answer questions could only mean he was guilty. The Supreme Court agreed. So now you have to say you are refusing to answer questions.

This has nothing to do with Cosby’s political beliefs and everything to do with our Justice System.

The only difference is the things you all cheered to get Criminals off our streets before are being applied to you all. Curiously enough you are echoing the arguments of Liberals in decrying the Unconstitutional. Finally.

Except in one area. They don’t scream that it is because the victim of the misconduct is Liberal.
we all are safer because the PA Supreme Court upheld the Constitutional safe guards in this case.

This case, and there have been many others, is an example of what happens when someone is targeted and mob rule as opposed to the rule of law is followed.
Cosby got off on a technicality, hell he even admitted he was drugging women.
The US Constitution isn't a "technicality" - with that said, yeah he did....I in no way said what he did was right, or supported him personally....but I do support the US Constitution, and the rule of law.

Which just upsets leftist lynch mobs, and always has
Explain what part of the Constitution was violated that got Bill Cosby released. Give me the Articles.
View attachment 507861

Now some of course will take this as proof that cosby was innocent.....far from it.

Here is the gist of the case.

Another oddity about this case is that it was liberal pressure that brought about the trial and conviction of in the liberal narrative of abused women over-ruled the liberal narrative of black victim-hood.

Cosby was taken down primarily because he dared to talk about what blacks needed to do to improve their lot....white liberals simply could not stand the fact that a black man dared to reveal the truth about his fellow blacks
Cosby was taken down primarily because he drugged over 60 women in order to have sex with them

All of that though known was ignored until Cosby started telling the truth about response to that a liberal comic brought up the fact that Cosby was a rapist and as such was in no position to criticize others....that got the ball rolling...the liberals saw a chance to bring cosby down and so they did it.

If only Cosby had not drugged those women this would have went no where.

He had to drug them to get the pussy.
we all are safer because the PA Supreme Court upheld the Constitutional safe guards in this case.

This case, and there have been many others, is an example of what happens when someone is targeted and mob rule as opposed to the rule of law is followed.
Cosby got off on a technicality, hell he even admitted he was drugging women.
The US Constitution isn't a "technicality" - with that said, yeah he did....I in no way said what he did was right, or supported him personally....but I do support the US Constitution, and the rule of law.

Which just upsets leftist lynch mobs, and always has

When was the last time there was a lynching in the U.S. ?
The US Constitution isn't a "technicality" - with that said, yeah he did....I in no way said what he did was right, or supported him personally....but I do support the US Constitution, and the rule of law.

Which just upsets leftist lynch mobs, and always has
I love the constitution and the rule of law.
Which upsets conservatives because under the statute of limitations, Obama, Clinton, Comey, Brennan etc. will be forever innocent.
we all are safer because the PA Supreme Court upheld the Constitutional safe guards in this case.

This case, and there have been many others, is an example of what happens when someone is targeted and mob rule as opposed to the rule of law is followed.
Cosby got off on a technicality, hell he even admitted he was drugging women.
The US Constitution isn't a "technicality" - with that said, yeah he did....I in no way said what he did was right, or supported him personally....but I do support the US Constitution, and the rule of law.

Which just upsets leftist lynch mobs, and always has

When was the last time there was a lynching in the U.S. ?
don’t know off hand
The US Constitution isn't a "technicality" - with that said, yeah he did....I in no way said what he did was right, or supported him personally....but I do support the US Constitution, and the rule of law.

Which just upsets leftist lynch mobs, and always has
I love the constitution and the rule of law.
Which upsets conservatives because under the statute of limitations, Obama, Clinton, Comey, Brennan etc. will be forever innocent.
the Constitution doesn’t have SOL
I love the constitution and the rule of law.
Which upsets conservatives because under the statute of limitations, Obama, Clinton, Comey, Brennan etc. will be forever innocent.
the Constitution doesn’t have SOL
The constitution requires nobody can be charged except upon indictment. And indictments have statues of limitation.
some do, sure but the Constitution doesn’t have them.

With that said, i certainly agree they shouldn’t be charged with something that’s behind any SOL. That doesn’t bother me at all.

Bill Cosby admitted to drugging women to have sex, rape accusers say they are vindicated​

Several women who accused Bill Cosby of drugging and raping them are saying newly unsealed testimony by the comedian in a 2005 case corroborates their claims.

Cosby admitted to acquiring quaaludes with the intent of giving them to women he wanted to have sex with, and giving the drug to several women, in testimony for a sexual-abuse case filed by former Temple University employee Andrea Constand.

In documents obtained by The Associated Press, Cosby said he obtained seven quaalude prescriptions in the 1970s. Constand's lawyer asked if he had kept the sedatives through the 1990s, after they were banned, but was frustrated by objections from Cosby's attorney.

"When you got the quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?" Troiani asked.

"Yes," Cosby answered.

Wow. This is the guy your trumptards are supporting? What next? You think Epstein was a good guy too but targeted by the media because he associated with Trump?

And what is with this claptrap about the media/Dems going after Cosby? Cosby enjoyed wide support for his comedy. He was a highly paid promoter for various products. He earned millions. Did some in the Black community dislike him for his political views? Sure. But, show me one media personality today who is liked by everyone? I'll bet, I can find at least one derogatory article about them.

Seven women came forward against Cosby. The courts had to act and even he confessed. And yet? He is the darling of the right? You guys really are sickos.
Seven women came forward against Cosby. The courts had to act and even he confessed. And yet? He is the darling of the right? You guys really are sickos.
Conservatives will defend even the worst of behavior of people on their side.
Trump grabbed women by the pussy.
Cosby drugged and raped them.
Roy Moore molested underage girls.
Rush Limbaugh illegally took drugs.

But if they're conservatives, their behavior is excused.
we all are safer because the PA Supreme Court upheld the Constitutional safe guards in this case.

This case, and there have been many others, is an example of what happens when someone is targeted and mob rule as opposed to the rule of law is followed.
Cosby got off on a technicality, hell he even admitted he was drugging women.
That coerced admission is the very reason why he walked out of prison.
I love the constitution and the rule of law.
Which upsets conservatives because under the statute of limitations, Obama, Clinton, Comey, Brennan etc. will be forever innocent.
the Constitution doesn’t have SOL
The constitution requires nobody can be charged except upon indictment. And indictments have statues of limitation.
the 6th amendment says nothing about a SOL.

the feds don’t have them on every crime as do many states
the 6th amendment says nothing about a SOL.

the feds don’t have them on every crime as do many states
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

The constitution guarantees a process to produce such witnesses. It's obvious that as memories fade, or witnesses die, that that process can no longer be provided. And as such imposes an effective statute of limitations on all but notorious crimes.
Cosby got off on a technicality, hell he even admitted he was drugging women.
That coerced admission is the very reason why he walked out of prison.
Which means you can't say Cosby is "innocent", you can only say he's guilty as charged, but overturned on a technicality.

There was no technicality. A coerced confession is not a technicality. The prosecutor should get the Mark Nifong treatment,
Which means you can't say Cosby is "innocent", you can only say he's guilty as charged, but overturned on a technicality.
There was no technicality. A coerced confession is not a technicality. The prosecutor should get the Mark Nifong treatment,
There was no coercion. There was a DA who may have extralegally granted Cosby protection from prosecution. I don't have all the details, because I read the agreement wasn't written. That the normal "use immunity" was "full" immunity instead.
the 6th amendment says nothing about a SOL.

the feds don’t have them on every crime as do many states
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

The constitution guarantees a process to produce such witnesses. It's obvious that as memories fade, or witnesses die, that that process can no longer be provided. And as such imposes an effective statute of limitations on all but notorious crimes.
sure snd we have one, the court can order witnesses to appear on the defense behalf

that has nothing to do with SOL. Nor does it guarantee witnesses...just the process to bring them in

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