Non-Christian President


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
Would it ever be possible for a non-Christian to become the president of the United States. The role of Christianity is not protected by the Constitution, yet a lot of people - willingly or unwillingly - list sympathy for Christianity as one of prerequisites to occupy Oval Office. I am not saying it is discriminatory or unfair, still and all more than 70% of Americans associate themselves with one Christian church or another. However, is it even possible for anybody to become the POTUS without openly advocating Christian way of living?

Not for a few decades at least, the US electorate is too brainwashed and will remain so for a while.
I don't think there would be very much problem for a Jewish candidate.
Would it ever be possible for a non-Christian to become the president of the United States. The role of Christianity is not protected by the Constitution, yet a lot of people - willingly or unwillingly - list sympathy for Christianity as one of prerequisites to occupy Oval Office. I am not saying it is discriminatory or unfair, still and all more than 70% of Americans associate themselves with one Christian church or another. However, is it even possible for anybody to become the POTUS without openly advocating Christian way of living?

On a recent poll Athiests did worse than pot smokers and phylanderers. Seems dumb americans trust a cheater more than they would smart enough not to believe in invisible sky fairies.
No serious Christian considers Barry to be one of their community. The Highly Reverend Jeremiah Wright's version of "Christianity" bears the same relationship with Christianity as the Nation of Islam bears with Islam. Not even in the same ballpark.
Would it ever be possible for a non-Christian to become the president of the United States. The role of Christianity is not protected by the Constitution, yet a lot of people - willingly or unwillingly - list sympathy for Christianity as one of prerequisites to occupy Oval Office. I am not saying it is discriminatory or unfair, still and all more than 70% of Americans associate themselves with one Christian church or another. However, is it even possible for anybody to become the POTUS without openly advocating Christian way of living?


Not likely. Who knows what might happen in the future?
Would it ever be possible for a non-Christian to become the president of the United States. The role of Christianity is not protected by the Constitution, yet a lot of people - willingly or unwillingly - list sympathy for Christianity as one of prerequisites to occupy Oval Office. I am not saying it is discriminatory or unfair, still and all more than 70% of Americans associate themselves with one Christian church or another. However, is it even possible for anybody to become the POTUS without openly advocating Christian way of living?

I'm betting there already have been plenty of presidents that were non-christian. Of course they had to claim to be christian, otherwise they didn't stand a chance of winning. But like a large majority of christians, they didn't really believe that bullshit. As a matter of fact, I am betting quite a few of our presidents were actually atheist.
Would it ever be possible for a non-Christian to become the president of the United States. The role of Christianity is not protected by the Constitution, yet a lot of people - willingly or unwillingly - list sympathy for Christianity as one of prerequisites to occupy Oval Office. I am not saying it is discriminatory or unfair, still and all more than 70% of Americans associate themselves with one Christian church or another. However, is it even possible for anybody to become the POTUS without openly advocating Christian way of living?

I'm betting there already have been plenty of presidents that were non-christian. Of course they had to claim to be christian, otherwise they didn't stand a chance of winning. But like a large majority of christians, they didn't really believe that bullshit. As a matter of fact, I am betting quite a few of our presidents were actually atheist.

For an atheist president it is not a problem - with some degree of moral fiber - to pose oneself as a Christian. But what about Hebrews, Muslims, Buddhists etc.? The problem is not Christian candidates who become the president of the United States. The problem is non-Christian candidates who are left without a chance for presidency thanks to their religious affiliation.
Would it ever be possible for a non-Christian to become the president of the United States. The role of Christianity is not protected by the Constitution, yet a lot of people - willingly or unwillingly - list sympathy for Christianity as one of prerequisites to occupy Oval Office. I am not saying it is discriminatory or unfair, still and all more than 70% of Americans associate themselves with one Christian church or another. However, is it even possible for anybody to become the POTUS without openly advocating Christian way of living?

On a recent poll Athiests did worse than pot smokers and phylanderers. Seems dumb americans trust a cheater more than they would smart enough not to believe in invisible sky fairies.

I was referring to this exact problem. At times American society demonstrates its Medieval mentality (yet some people blame Muslims for doing so), sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. I always believed religion is something intimate and personal and that it has nothing to do with social and political aspects of our lives. If only more people thought this way.
Acts not words, when it comes to obeying the word of God and the teachings in the bible Obama doesn't score very high and Bill
Meanwhile your versio
No serious Christian considers Barry to be one of their community. The Highly Reverend Jeremiah Wright's version of "Christianity" bears the same relationship with Christianity as the Nation of Islam bears with Islam. Not even in the same ballpark.
Meanwhile your version of christianity ensleved rev wrights ancestors.
Meanwhile your versio
No serious Christian considers Barry to be one of their community. The Highly Reverend Jeremiah Wright's version of "Christianity" bears the same relationship with Christianity as the Nation of Islam bears with Islam. Not even in the same ballpark.
Meanwhile your version of christianity ensleved rev wrights ancestors.

How far do you want to go back, should I be outraged my ancestors were enslaved by the Romans?
Acts not words, when it comes to obeying the word of God and the teachings in the bible Obama doesn't score very high and Bill
I'm white and even I see you are an ignorant white devil. Little Eichmann for sure
Meanwhile your versio
No serious Christian considers Barry to be one of their community. The Highly Reverend Jeremiah Wright's version of "Christianity" bears the same relationship with Christianity as the Nation of Islam bears with Islam. Not even in the same ballpark.
Meanwhile your version of christianity ensleved rev wrights ancestors.

How far do you want to go back, should I be outraged my ancestors were enslaved by the Romans?
Your white racist churches and members exist today and will exist tomorrow. That current enough for you?

If you bash wright and dont get why 2008 was the first time michelle was proud to be american, youre racist.
Would it ever be possible for a non-Christian to become the president of the United States.
Where have you been the last 6 1/2 years? We have a non Christian now...

obama admits he is muslim - YouTube
Oh, God. The fact that you don't like Obama and his attitude toward Christianity doesn't mean he is a Muslim. What if he is just a liberal politician with no interest in religion? Could it be possible?
You're right. The fact that I hate his guts has nothing to do with him being a muslim.

However, him admitting he is with his own mouth does.

Don't be so fucking stupid.
I'm pretty sure the following people (on religious identity) could become President:

Christian-Protestant (most US presidents)
Catholic (proven by Kennedy)
Muslim (proven by Obama)

Based on the strong pro-baby murder support in America, an admitted Satanist could probably win by a narrow margain.


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