Non-Citizens Caught Voting in a Swing State in 2012??

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Hey owlsie. How come your rethugs heroes didn't put all these good ideas into a piece of legislation that they could have passed when they had enough control to pass them?

Or why if these ideas are so good, why didn't the Rethugs SELL the ideas like the Dems sold Obamacare?

You know what dude. The only thing you Rethugs offer is bull shit and excuses. If only your party had some sort or SUCCESS to point to and say; this is how something is done successfully.

But no, it's just more excuses and bullshit.

It is a waste of time and effort for the Republicans to pass a bill with their ideas. Harry Reid merely ignores and it goes nowhere in the Senate.
Papers! Papers, please!

You see, boys and girls, when you go far right enough, the inner Nazi begins to shine through.

Voter ID does not stop voter fraud, dipshit. It has an entirely different purpose, which you seem to be happily going along with.

National identity papers, eh, citizen? Sieg Heil!

By saying Voter ID doesn't stop voter fraud, you are thereby acknowledging that voter fraud exists. A Freudian slip I'm sure.

We have another idiot!

I have never said voter fraud does not exist, dipshit. That is what the voices in your head manufacture.

Go ahead. Look. Try to find someone here who has ever said voter fraud does not exist.

You see, when you were told we needed Voter ID, you were told it was to stop fraud. From then on, whenever you encountered someone opposed to Voter ID, you ASSUMED they either wanted fraud or did not believe fraud exists.

This is what's known as a Fallacy of the Excluded Middle that people like you commit in your small minds on an ongoing basis.

This is why you continue to support Voter ID even when overwhelming evidence is presented that it does not stop fraud and therefore has another purpose. You just keep cycling through that manufactured fallacy you have continuously running in your head. Over and over and over and over.

Maybe now you understand why many of us were against illegal aliens being given drivers licenses
Hey owlsie. How come your rethugs heroes didn't put all these good ideas into a piece of legislation that they could have passed when they had enough control to pass them?

Or why if these ideas are so good, why didn't the Rethugs SELL the ideas like the Dems sold Obamacare?

You know what dude. The only thing you Rethugs offer is bull shit and excuses. If only your party had some sort or SUCCESS to point to and say; this is how something is done successfully.

But no, it's just more excuses and bullshit.

It is a waste of time and effort for the Republicans to pass a bill with their ideas. Harry Reid merely ignores and it goes nowhere in the Senate.

By god I love a convenient excuse. Don't you? You missed the part where I said "when they had enough control to pass". You know, when there was a Rethug in the WH and Rethugs in both Houses. YOU remember. Don't cha? Nah probably not.

Ever since Obama got elected, rethugs got amnesia. Amazing.
Minorities are not legitimate voters?

You got some splain'n to do

If by minorities you mean "illegal immigrants," I believe you're the one in need of an explanation, sir.

No, minorities who are American citizens, who are legally registered to vote, in many cases for decades. American citizens who, through no fault of their own, lack the documentation needed to secure a state-issued photo ID, often as a consequence of racism, segregation, or discrimination in general where birth records are no longer available, were never provided, or where existing documentation was not properly promulgated and cannot be used.

The burden of proof concerning voter fraud lies with the state, not the voter; and if the state has no specific evidence regarding a particular voter’s attempt to commit fraud, then that voter should be allowed to vote if he’s properly registered absent a burdensome ID requirement.

Do you agree that driving without a drivers license should be allowed for American citizens that do not have a birth certificate?

How about the banks letting anyone who walks in the door cash a check without ID.

And, if a young person tells the liquor store clerk they don't have a state-issued photo ID because of racism, segregation, or discrimination, but sell me that whiskey because I am 21, should it be a law that he sells the booze?

After all, these things are important and apparently voting is not.

And, apparently you have never heard of a provisional ballot.
Hey owlsie. How come your rethugs heroes didn't put all these good ideas into a piece of legislation that they could have passed when they had enough control to pass them?

Or why if these ideas are so good, why didn't the Rethugs SELL the ideas like the Dems sold Obamacare?

You know what dude. The only thing you Rethugs offer is bull shit and excuses. If only your party had some sort or SUCCESS to point to and say; this is how something is done successfully.

But no, it's just more excuses and bullshit.

It is a waste of time and effort for the Republicans to pass a bill with their ideas. Harry Reid merely ignores and it goes nowhere in the Senate.

Why should Harry Reid put Republican bills up for a vote in the Senate if Republicans filibuster all his bills?
Hey owlsie. How come your rethugs heroes didn't put all these good ideas into a piece of legislation that they could have passed when they had enough control to pass them?

Or why if these ideas are so good, why didn't the Rethugs SELL the ideas like the Dems sold Obamacare?

You know what dude. The only thing you Rethugs offer is bull shit and excuses. If only your party had some sort or SUCCESS to point to and say; this is how something is done successfully.

But no, it's just more excuses and bullshit.

It is a waste of time and effort for the Republicans to pass a bill with their ideas. Harry Reid merely ignores and it goes nowhere in the Senate.

By god I love a convenient excuse. Don't you? You missed the part where I said "when they had enough control to pass". You know, when there was a Rethug in the WH and Rethugs in both Houses. YOU remember. Don't cha? Nah probably not.

Ever since Obama got elected, rethugs got amnesia. Amazing.

The Republicans have not had control of both houses since 2006. The Democrats had control of both houses and the Presidency from 2008 until 2010 and still have the Senate and the Presidency.

During those two years they spent their time working on the clusterfuck called Obamacare instead of doing the nations business. There is nothing stopping the Senate from passing an immigration bill except the lack of leadership coming from the White House.
Hey owlsie. How come your rethugs heroes didn't put all these good ideas into a piece of legislation that they could have passed when they had enough control to pass them?

Or why if these ideas are so good, why didn't the Rethugs SELL the ideas like the Dems sold Obamacare?

You know what dude. The only thing you Rethugs offer is bull shit and excuses. If only your party had some sort or SUCCESS to point to and say; this is how something is done successfully.

But no, it's just more excuses and bullshit.

It is a waste of time and effort for the Republicans to pass a bill with their ideas. Harry Reid merely ignores and it goes nowhere in the Senate.

Why should Harry Reid put Republican bills up for a vote in the Senate if Republicans filibuster all his bills?

Because they don't filibuster ALL of his bills.
The people for whom acquiring a Voter ID is difficult tend to be the poor and the elderly.

The poor mostly vote Democratic. So if you were an asshole Republican, you would do everything you can to prevent them from being able to vote. Thus, Voter ID.

It also happens that large voter turnouts favor the Democrats.

The end result of all this is that the GOP has become as un-American as it gets in its pursuit of suppressing the voting process which a lot of our ancestors shed a lot of blood for.

The GOP stopped earning MY vote years ago. The Democrats never earned my vote except one time, and that was only because William F. Buckley asked me to vote for Joe Lieberman so we could get rid of Lowell Weicker, which I happily did.

Now, I am a non-voter on the national level. The GOP has allowed itself to be overrun by bigots, idiots, liars, psychopaths, and hypocrites.

Voter ID starts out as a simple concept. Then the parameters of what constitutes a valid ID begins to be played with. People in cities don't drive cars and don't have drivers licenses. Obtaining a non-driver ID still requires you to go to the nearest DMV which is convenient to drivers not non-drivers.

Issue every citizen an ID and then you can require one to vote

Why can a citizen get a ride to the polling place to vote but can't get a ride to the DMV to get a free State ID?

Do you mail every citizen an ID? Don't they need to go somewhere and have a picture taken? And, what happens to the citizen that you require to vote when they don't show up to vote?
If by minorities you mean "illegal immigrants," I believe you're the one in need of an explanation, sir.

No, minorities who are American citizens, who are legally registered to vote, in many cases for decades. American citizens who, through no fault of their own, lack the documentation needed to secure a state-issued photo ID, often as a consequence of racism, segregation, or discrimination in general where birth records are no longer available, were never provided, or where existing documentation was not properly promulgated and cannot be used.

The burden of proof concerning voter fraud lies with the state, not the voter; and if the state has no specific evidence regarding a particular voter’s attempt to commit fraud, then that voter should be allowed to vote if he’s properly registered absent a burdensome ID requirement.

Do you agree that driving without a drivers license should be allowed for American citizens that do not have a birth certificate?

How about the banks letting anyone who walks in the door cash a check without ID.

And, if a young person tells the liquor store clerk they don't have a state-issued photo ID because of racism, segregation, or discrimination, but sell me that whiskey because I am 21, should it be a law that he sells the booze?

After all, these things are important and apparently voting is not.

And, apparently you have never heard of a provisional ballot.

The dems are joining foreign countries in law suits against American States, why should we be surprised then that they would be against defending the right to have our vote count in this country. Hell look at all the democrat votes that would be disenfranchised if we forced people to show ID. Illegal immigrants, radical islamic terrorists here on vacation (aka political refugees), hell even the zombies back from the dead deserve to vote right? I mean look at the President, where would he be if we required valid IDs? Shit's creek with his brother that's where.
The people for whom acquiring a Voter ID is difficult tend to be the poor and the elderly.

The poor mostly vote Democratic. So if you were an asshole Republican, you would do everything you can to prevent them from being able to vote. Thus, Voter ID.

It also happens that large voter turnouts favor the Democrats.

The end result of all this is that the GOP has become as un-American as it gets in its pursuit of suppressing the voting process which a lot of our ancestors shed a lot of blood for.

The GOP stopped earning MY vote years ago. The Democrats never earned my vote except one time, and that was only because William F. Buckley asked me to vote for Joe Lieberman so we could get rid of Lowell Weicker, which I happily did.

Now, I am a non-voter on the national level. The GOP has allowed itself to be overrun by bigots, idiots, liars, psychopaths, and hypocrites.

Voter ID starts out as a simple concept. Then the parameters of what constitutes a valid ID begins to be played with. People in cities don't drive cars and don't have drivers licenses. Obtaining a non-driver ID still requires you to go to the nearest DMV which is convenient to drivers not non-drivers.

Issue every citizen an ID and then you can require one to vote

Why can a citizen get a ride to the polling place to vote but can't get a ride to the DMV to get a free State ID?

Do you mail every citizen an ID? Don't they need to go somewhere and have a picture taken? And, what happens to the citizen that you require to vote when they don't show up to vote?

I call BS, all dems are on welfare, and they all have medicaid cards, EBT cards, school IDs from high school,... etc.. Democrats can't function without our help, can't even get a photo ID, what a joke.
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The people for whom acquiring a Voter ID is difficult tend to be the poor and the elderly.

The poor mostly vote Democratic. So if you were an asshole Republican, you would do everything you can to prevent them from being able to vote. Thus, Voter ID.

It also happens that large voter turnouts favor the Democrats.

The end result of all this is that the GOP has become as un-American as it gets in its pursuit of suppressing the voting process which a lot of our ancestors shed a lot of blood for.

The GOP stopped earning MY vote years ago. The Democrats never earned my vote except one time, and that was only because William F. Buckley asked me to vote for Joe Lieberman so we could get rid of Lowell Weicker, which I happily did.

Now, I am a non-voter on the national level. The GOP has allowed itself to be overrun by bigots, idiots, liars, psychopaths, and hypocrites.

Voter ID starts out as a simple concept. Then the parameters of what constitutes a valid ID begins to be played with. People in cities don't drive cars and don't have drivers licenses. Obtaining a non-driver ID still requires you to go to the nearest DMV which is convenient to drivers not non-drivers.

Issue every citizen an ID and then you can require one to vote

Why can a citizen get a ride to the polling place to vote but can't get a ride to the DMV to get a free State ID?

Do you mail every citizen an ID? Don't they need to go somewhere and have a picture taken? And, what happens to the citizen that you require to vote when they don't show up to vote?

I'm cool with that

Make sure every citizen has an ID. If they don't, provide them with one

Then you can require IDs to vote
"Non citizens caught voting..?" Oh yeah.....

"When Democrats vote as often as they want to, Democrats win!" Debbie Wasserman Schulz (D-FL) DNC Head

You saw the evidence of that in St Lucy County, FL, last time out. 250,000 votes cast by 175,00 registered voters. Debbie really didn't want Col Allen West representing Florida along with her.
The Rat Party has a 52 year history of voter fraud, beginning with Sam Giancana throwing 100K Nixon votes in the Chicago River to give JFK Illinois and the election. Didn't work out too well for Kennedy. Clinturd took PRC money to swindle us out of a fair election in 1996....remember Gore being his bag man to collect funds from a chinese monastary? Those monks all had taken a vow of poverty yet Willy got a hundred grand out of them. heh heh. Then Gore tried to steal Florida after he couldn't carry his own state of Tennessee. The shenanigans continued in Ohio in 2008 and New Mexico too. Bill Richardson (the wonderboy who was in charge of Los Alamos when the slants stole our nuclear secrets) stacked ballots so blatantly he had to drop out of the presidential race. Anybody believe Al Franken really won in Minnesota? Or Harry Reid last time in Nevada?
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"Non citizens caught voting..?" Oh yeah.....

"When Democrats vote as often as they want to, Democrats win!" Debbie Wasserman Schulz (D-FL) DNC Head

You saw the evidence of that in St Lucy County, FL, last time out. 250,000 votes cast by 175,00 registered voters. Debbie really didn't want Col Allen West representing Florida along with her. guys still posting that after it has been thoroughly debunked in a hundred threads?

And don't insult our Army by trying to pass Allen West off as a Colonel
"Non citizens caught voting..?" Oh yeah.....

"When Democrats vote as often as they want to, Democrats win!" Debbie Wasserman Schulz (D-FL) DNC Head

You saw the evidence of that in St Lucy County, FL, last time out. 250,000 votes cast by 175,00 registered voters. Debbie really didn't want Col Allen West representing Florida along with her. guys still posting that after it has been thoroughly debunked in a hundred threads?

And don't insult our Army by trying to pass Allen West off as a Colonel

He's a highly decorated LTC. You regularly insult the US Armed Forces by being a dirtbag apologist for our enemies foreign and domestic.
"Non citizens caught voting..?" Oh yeah.....

"When Democrats vote as often as they want to, Democrats win!" Debbie Wasserman Schulz (D-FL) DNC Head

You saw the evidence of that in St Lucy County, FL, last time out. 250,000 votes cast by 175,00 registered voters. Debbie really didn't want Col Allen West representing Florida along with her.

Why are you perpetuating that bullshit St Lucy County story?
Especially 65000, who still proudly brags that he voted for this incompetent commie in chief. He....still.....brags about it.

If you mean G5000, I challenge you right now to prove your claim. Provide just one post where I said I voted for Obama.

Good luck with that, idiot.

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