Non-Citizens Caught Voting in a Swing State in 2012??

Voter ID starts out as a simple concept. Then the parameters of what constitutes a valid ID begins to be played with. People in cities don't drive cars and don't have drivers licenses. Obtaining a non-driver ID still requires you to go to the nearest DMV which is convenient to drivers not non-drivers.

Issue every citizen an ID and then you can require one to vote

This topic is about voter fraud which took place in Ohio.

Ohio has Voter ID.

Just as I predicted so many times, Voter ID did not stop the type of voter fraud which actually occurs.

And yet the bozos here continue to push for it.

What special kind of retard continues to push for more government intervention which is so clearly ineffective?

Oh, yeah. We call those kind of people "liberals".
"Non citizens caught voting..?" Oh yeah.....

"When Democrats vote as often as they want to, Democrats win!" Debbie Wasserman Schulz (D-FL) DNC Head

You saw the evidence of that in St Lucy County, FL, last time out. 250,000 votes cast by 175,00 registered voters. Debbie really didn't want Col Allen West representing Florida along with her.

Ohio has Voter ID.
I call BS, all dems are on welfare, and they all have medicaid cards, EBT cards, school IDs from high school,... etc.. Democrats can't function without our help, can't even get a photo ID, what a joke.

Ohio has Voter ID.
Remember when I posted this right after the 2012 election?

Ohio a leader in uncounted votes

A voter’s rights group is claiming that poorly trained poll workers are to partly to blame for the large number of provisional ballots cast in Ohio in Tuesday’s election.

The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law runs a national Election Protection hotline. Many of the complaints they received resulted from confusion over Ohio’s voter ID law.

According to the group, voters in at least three predominantly urban counties in Ohio, Cuyahoga, Franklin, and Hamilton were required to use provisional ballots because they could not produce a photo ID.
You want to stop voter fraud? Make it an automatic death penalty crime. Regardless of which side does it, or which side benefits or which party is in power, anyone caught engaging in vote fraud, whether it is a voter or Secretary of State or County Clerk or all points in between, gets taken out on the next election day and burnt at the stake.
You want to stop voter fraud? Make it an automatic death penalty crime. Regardless of which side does it, or which side benefits or which party is in power, anyone caught engaging in vote fraud, whether it is a voter or Secretary of State or County Clerk or all points in between, gets taken out on the next election day and burnt at the stake.

:lol: I don't think it merits an execution but I'd be up for a public flogging or a nice caning like they do in Singapore. Hell, I'd like to bring back stocks for men and witch-dunking baskets for female traitors. Imagine repeatedly dunking Nancy Pelosi in an ice cold river.... :2up:
You want to stop voter fraud? Make it an automatic death penalty crime. Regardless of which side does it, or which side benefits or which party is in power, anyone caught engaging in vote fraud, whether it is a voter or Secretary of State or County Clerk or all points in between, gets taken out on the next election day and burnt at the stake.

There's an easier way. Fix the things that are broken.

Voter ID won't fix it. That has been a gigantic Chinese fire drill.
A crook submits a fraudulent absentee ballot.

A numbnut says, "See? We need Voter ID!"

Voter ID gets enacted.

A crook submits a fraudulent absentee ballot.

A numbnut says, "See? We need Voter ID!"

Chinese fire drill.
And if you factor in the percentage of those that never did it purposely. The number would drop substantially.

17.....Looks like widespread voter fraud

How can you register and vote multiple times without doing it on purpose? :lol:

One of the common tricks is to vote absentee, and then show up at a polling place and vote again. Without a sharp secretary of state or one in on the grift, these fuckers never get caught.
A crook submits a fraudulent absentee ballot.

A numbnut says, "See? We need Voter ID!"

Voter ID gets enacted.

A crook submits a fraudulent absentee ballot.

A numbnut says, "See? We need Voter ID!"

Chinese fire drill.

How did they submit a fraudulent absentee ballot without providing a voter ID as proof?
You want to stop voter fraud? Make it an automatic death penalty crime. Regardless of which side does it, or which side benefits or which party is in power, anyone caught engaging in vote fraud, whether it is a voter or Secretary of State or County Clerk or all points in between, gets taken out on the next election day and burnt at the stake.

Its a start.

We could connect it to voter ID. Put your ID in the voting machine slot, if it is fake you get hit with 20,000 volts
And if you factor in the percentage of those that never did it purposely. The number would drop substantially.

17.....Looks like widespread voter fraud

How can you register and vote multiple times without doing it on purpose? :lol:

One of the common tricks is to vote absentee, and then show up at a polling place and vote again. Without a sharp secretary of state or one in on the grift, these fuckers never get caught.

Why risk arrest and prosecution for one stinking vote?
A crook submits a fraudulent absentee ballot.

A numbnut says, "See? We need Voter ID!"

Voter ID gets enacted.

A crook submits a fraudulent absentee ballot.

A numbnut says, "See? We need Voter ID!"

Chinese fire drill.

Where did the crook get the absentee ballot? Do you even know what an absentee ballot is?

Absentee ballots are mailed to a specific registered voter at a specific address. If it is forged, and they got two from the same place and person or with a different name or address than is on the registration the registrar would check it out.
Never ceases to amaze the amount of stupid asses on this board. A whole 17, and spread across the state and parties.

Look asshole, your side lost because it went out of it's way to alienate minorities and women. Go ahead and double down on that strategy.

The Republican party should take political advice from the same left wing gurus who were dead sure that the Republican party was history after the last election?

Mitt Romney lost for several reasons, but the main reason was that far too many conservative Republicans and Independents did not bother to vote. They considered Romney to be just another Democrat light, and were tired of the same dumbass game by the Republicans at the top.

The Republican party cannot win without the conservative base, and therefore, all the silly talk about minorities, and catering to the Hispanic vote, is nothing more than a distraction.

To ensure winning, the Republicans need to start with real conservative candidates, and work out from there.
Why should Harry Reid put Republican bills up for a vote in the Senate if Republicans filibuster all his bills?

Because they don't filibuster ALL of his bills.

And Reid did not block ALL their bills

True, but he also allowed very few amendments to be made by Republicans in the Senate.

Example: The Republicans offered an amendment to stop the reduction in COL and/or retirement to the military in the recent budget bill.

Not allowed by Harry Reid.
You want to stop voter fraud? Make it an automatic death penalty crime. Regardless of which side does it, or which side benefits or which party is in power, anyone caught engaging in vote fraud, whether it is a voter or Secretary of State or County Clerk or all points in between, gets taken out on the next election day and burnt at the stake.

Its a start.

We could connect it to voter ID. Put your ID in the voting machine slot, if it is fake you get hit with 20,000 volts

Volts burn ya, it's the amps that kill ya. :cool:
Liberals don't think it is a big deal when dead people vote and their guy/gal wins. But, when their guy loses, it's time to cry about hanging chads, claim voter machines were manipulated, and make sure that the military vote is disqualified.

Illegal votes are just fine with Liberals when it's their side winning.

You truly are a clueless partisan hack.

The issue is not the integrity of the voting process, something the left is as concerned about as the right.

The issue is the fact that these minuscule, isolated, non-representative irregularities are not justification for enacting unwarranted, burdensome elections laws such as ‘voter ID’ in an effort to ‘fix’ a ‘problem’ that doesn’t exist, at the expense of the voting rights of American citizens.

It is absurd to actually believe that a picture ID to vote is asking too much of any American citizen. If you really believe that, try getting on an airplane without one.
I'd settle for no absentee or early voting for anyone that isn't outside of the country on government business (e.g. military and diplomats), but everyone else gets the purple indelible ink on a finger on election day.

Anyone caught trying to vote a second time loses the finger right then and there.

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