None dare call it murder.

Brian should have known that homeowners are shot dead more often when they don't surrender to bad guys, and especially when they don't surrender to 'good' guys with guns.
Did you get through school by downloading videos? Explain it if you can. What shocking video?
I didn't say the video is shocking, but I believe the actions taken by the ATF are shocking. The man was breaking no laws, he was involved in some kind of investigation that no one was allowed to be aware of, at least 10 cars full of fully armed men arrived under the cover of darkness, taped over his porch camera to conceal their presence, kicked in his door and in less than a minute he was dead on the floor. Does that sound like due process to you? Is that what you ended up from school with? What exactly would it take to get your attention? The head of ATF was repeatedly asked last week by Jim Jordan what exactly was the law on purchasing firearms, and the head man couldn't or wouldn't define it, only that they follow whatever that law is.

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