None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

No! Not higher taxes or what you consider to be a "decent tax rate"...Government must learn to spend within it's means. It must learn to get out of the entitlement business for the purpose of buying votes from the entitled.

End the earned programs you call entitlements? So you advocate stealing from the American people who payed into those programs every week?

You folks on the right have moves SO FAR to the right that you have no connection with reality.
HA! There is no such thing as "earned programs" or "paid" ( not "payed") into".
If your theory regarding entitlements is that ALL money TAXED yes, TAXED would be returned to the payor..Not so. In each of the entitlement programs. workers are TAXED then only a small portion of that money is returned to the taxpayer
There are no "accounts". There are no "trust funds".
Learn this and learn well. Medicare/ SS and FICA are TAXES. Period.
The only difference between these taxes and other taxes is that regular taxes go to pay for government services. The above taxes are used for other purposes and a small portion of the money is returned to the taxpayer.
You people think social entitlements are not large enough. You'd like to see tax rates skyrocket to fund your pet programs.
Look, this is going to piss you off. Those in DC who want to expand entitlements and transfer payments don't give a rat's ass about the people who these things are directed to. All they want are the votes. The more dependence on government they can create, the more likely the elected people who provided the goodies would keep their seats.
That's all and that's it.

If they are taxes, that means that YOU paid into it, you blithering buffoon....or is your head so far up Limbaugh's fat ass that you don't understand how taxes work and why you pay them?

It's not an "entitlement" if you pay into it. So get your neocon/teabagger propaganda straight, because you can't have it both ways, genius.

Not only is there no spoon, but obviously no brain either.
Umm I have a SS account and my payout is based on how much I paid into the system.

Is every liberal as big of a sucker as you?

Bernie Madoff's clients all thought they had "accounts" with huge amounts of money in them as well.
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Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Sheeze, rdean, not many people can spin a round marble as well as you. :D

But bless his sweet bippy, yo boss Obambam got 'zactly what he wanted with BP:

From the campaign trail, then Senator Obama spoke of increased electricityy prices as a means for advancing his agenda, noting that costs would "necessarily skyrocket" and that America must be the nation that leads the "clean energy economy."

And speaking of billionaires, how's all that trillion stimulus going to clean energy stuff working out for ya, starting with over half a billion dollars going down in less than 3 years to Solyndra?


source with credits

Did anyone notice under what administration did the investment into Solyndra start?
If they are taxes, that means that YOU paid into it, you blithering buffoon....or is your head so far up Limbaugh's fat ass that you don't understand how taxes work and why you pay them?

It's not an "entitlement" if you pay into it. So get your neocon/teabagger propaganda straight, because you can't have it both ways, genius.

Not only is there no spoon, but obviously no brain either.

There's no "it" to pay into. The government gives your money to useless tics the minute it takes it from you. What do you imagine the government is supposed to "pay back?"
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

Um, guy, Bill Clinton was the guy who thought opening the door to trade with the Chi-Coms was a great idea, and he took bags of money from them washed through Bhuddist monks.

And frankly, Obama's new hate for "billionaires" have not stopped him from palling about with Soros and Buffett

"Only Nixon could go to China"
Umm I have a SS account and my payout is based on how much I paid into the system.

Is every liberal as big of a sucker as you?

Bernie Madoff's clients all thought the "accounts" with huge amounts of money in them as well.

You know I have read lotas of your posts on here but found very little intelligence behind most of them.
Just fear and rage for the most part.

You have a very appropriate avitar, a small angry child.
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Sheeze, rdean, not many people can spin a round marble as well as you. :D

But bless his sweet bippy, yo boss Obambam got 'zactly what he wanted with BP:

From the campaign trail, then Senator Obama spoke of increased electricityy prices as a means for advancing his agenda, noting that costs would "necessarily skyrocket" and that America must be the nation that leads the "clean energy economy."

And speaking of billionaires, how's all that trillion stimulus going to clean energy stuff working out for ya, starting with over half a billion dollars going down in less than 3 years to Solyndra?

You'll never convince the Lefty Obama followers that Obama made a mistake. They are every bit as arrogant and elitist as Obama.
A mistake? If only... :rolleyes: more loan defaults.
This thread is correct. I am not rich. But Obama and the Democrats think I am. I keep saying that I'm not, but that doesn't matter to him and them.

Reality check:

Fact Check: Obama’s tax plan and small businesses – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
That does nothing to address what I said.

I believe that you think it does.

As I said in another thread, I cannot associate with a political party that consistently proves that it is filled with morons.

Translation: the link I provide PROVES that the ballyhoo by neocon/teabagger toadies about taxes on those making $250,000 is very misleading. So unless SiModo is making over 200,000 as an individual or $250,000 with his wife, he's just talking sheer BS, as Obama's tax increase is NOT aimed at him. So Si Modo's last sentence was obviously a projection of his own self.
That does nothing to address what I said.

I believe that you think it does.

As I said in another thread, I cannot associate with a political party that consistently proves that it is filled with morons.

Translation: the link I provide PROVES that the ballyhoo by neocon/teabagger toadies about taxes on those making $250,000 is very misleading. So unless SiModo is making over 200,000 as an individual or $250,000 with his wife, he's just talking sheer BS, as Obama's tax increase is NOT aimed at him. So Si Modo's last sentence was obviously a projection of his own self.
Yet again, you demonstrate that your party is full of morons - you being one of them. You state the obvious assuming I have no idea what the limits are.


A household income of $250K does not make me rich.

If they are taxes, that means that YOU paid into it, you blithering buffoon....or is your head so far up Limbaugh's fat ass that you don't understand how taxes work and why you pay them?

It's not an "entitlement" if you pay into it. So get your neocon/teabagger propaganda straight, because you can't have it both ways, genius.

Not only is there no spoon, but obviously no brain either.

There's no "it" to pay into. The government gives your money to useless tics the minute it takes it from you. What do you imagine the government is supposed to "pay back?"

Once more for the cheapseats and mentally impaired: A tax is something YOU pay...and if a system is creating based on taxes diverted from your paycheck, YOU PAY INTO IT. Then when you reach retirement age, you collect your social security check.

A matter of fact, a matter of history ... unless our resident neocon/teabagger imbeciles can show how the Soc. Sec. fund magically has money alloted to it outside the taxing of American citizens.

Now will somebody please explain it to Bripat again, as I'm tired of dealing with insipidly stubborn neocon/teabagger's willful ignorance and lame ass Limbaugh mantras.
That does nothing to address what I said.

I believe that you think it does.

As I said in another thread, I cannot associate with a political party that consistently proves that it is filled with morons.

Translation: the link I provide PROVES that the ballyhoo by neocon/teabagger toadies about taxes on those making $250,000 is very misleading. So unless SiModo is making over 200,000 as an individual or $250,000 with his wife, he's just talking sheer BS, as Obama's tax increase is NOT aimed at him. So Si Modo's last sentence was obviously a projection of his own self.
Yet again, you demonstrate that your party is full of morons - you being one of them. You state the obvious assuming I have no idea what the limits are.

Moron. Don't be hard on yourself, your just another neocon/teabagger toadie talking BS on a thread...because the current proposals regarding Buffet are NOT about YOUR particular income bracket. You'd know that if you ever got your head out of Limbaugh's ass.

A household income of $250K does not make me rich. Well, YOU don't make over $250K, bunky. And again, the tax increase for that range wouldn't make you poor either, as my link aptly explained. But you obviously didn't read it carefully and comprehensively.

Again, don't be so hard on yourself...just because the Limbaugh shuffle you parrot doesn't cut it in an real discussion is no reason to belittle yourself so. Buck up.
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

Since when is someone who makes $250k a year a "billionaire"?
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

Most of us who vehemently disagree with Obama's agenda of "taxing the rich" i.e., taxing achievement, are not against an economically sound taxation of the billionaires, and I mean billionaires. There is no doubt that beyond a certain point of taxation the billionaires will pick up their investments and play their games in other countries, with tremendous benefits to those other countries.

The overwhelming number of us, if not all, are against Obama's agenda of taxing those with single incomes ~ $200,000 and Married incomes ~250,000 which is the income of successful people who earned the money not to be doled out to the undeserving lazies because of Obama's clearly Socialistic or Communistic agenda.

The main reason the overwhelming number of us are against Obama's agenda is that people with incomes ~$200,000 - $500,000 are usually the small business owners who are responsible for ~75% of our Nation's employment. And, in spite of the Obama rhetoric of being a "warrior" for the middle class, it is the very class that the mendacious Obama is destroying.

And, even taxing the corporations is non-productive because clearly the corporations pass on their taxes to the consumers. Even a retarded nincompoop knows that.

In view of the above, it is monumentally obvious that Obama is ideologically committed to Socialism even though his European model is clearly a disaster or near disaster. Also, even though some Socialistic Scandinavian countries with a homogenous population and a semi-equal level of achievement can get away with a Socialistic structure, it is clearly an impossibility to foist the Socialistic structure on our 300 million population which is comprised of tens of millions of ignorant inhabitants, tens of millions of permanent welfare parasites, drug addicts, and incorrigible lazies.

Nevertheless Obama is committed to Socialism (or interim Communism) and is disguising it as a "class warfare" issue for the 2012 election purposes.

Really? So - they don't benefit us, but if they receive a reasonable tax rate, they'll go bless someone else beyond their wildest dreams? I gotta doubt that.

I am simply amazed how you can distort what I stated to the point where your interpretation of what I stated hasn't any resemblance to my actual statements.

First, billionaires benefit us because their investments provide us with jobs. You got that ass-backwards. Second, I stated that if billionaires are taxed beyond a reasonable amount they will leave our country and other countries will benefit from their investments thus causing a shortfall here, and a benefit to the other countries. You also got that ass-backwards.

BDPoop, you seem to have a penchant for getting quite a few things ass-backwards. You need serious help in this area.
I didn't know being successful was wrong.

Especially if you masterminded a successful business from the bottom up..
End the earned programs you call entitlements? So you advocate stealing from the American people who payed into those programs every week?

You folks on the right have moves SO FAR to the right that you have no connection with reality.
HA! There is no such thing as "earned programs" or "paid" ( not "payed") into".
If your theory regarding entitlements is that ALL money TAXED yes, TAXED would be returned to the payor..Not so. In each of the entitlement programs. workers are TAXED then only a small portion of that money is returned to the taxpayer
There are no "accounts". There are no "trust funds".
Learn this and learn well. Medicare/ SS and FICA are TAXES. Period.
The only difference between these taxes and other taxes is that regular taxes go to pay for government services. The above taxes are used for other purposes and a small portion of the money is returned to the taxpayer.
You people think social entitlements are not large enough. You'd like to see tax rates skyrocket to fund your pet programs.
Look, this is going to piss you off. Those in DC who want to expand entitlements and transfer payments don't give a rat's ass about the people who these things are directed to. All they want are the votes. The more dependence on government they can create, the more likely the elected people who provided the goodies would keep their seats.
That's all and that's it.

Thank you for proving you have no connection with reality.

Social Security is a social insurance program that is primarily funded through dedicated payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA). Tax deposits are formally entrusted to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, or the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund.

Medicare alone has lifted millions of elderly Americans from poverty. Before Medicare, 56% of retired Americans had NO medical insurance. Elderly Americans were among the most likely to end up in poverty. NOW, they are among the least likely to end up in poverty. Medicare gave senior citizens the dignity to sustain the end of their lives independent of their children and family.

It is the VERY BEST of what government can do for WE, THE PEOPLE.
Yes, that it the definition of these programs. However, they are in no way administered in that manner. The bottom lien is while the so called trust funds exist in theory, they are NOT funded with cash. They are funded with IOU's.
Both systems are broken. They are underfunded and mismanaged. The money taken in the form of taxes is used for other than the intended purpose.
THAT is reality.
There the ones that open up the businesses and hire people to work at those businesses.
Jobs=people with money=people that spend money and the business make a profit=more jobs on and on!

You really think that some poor guy on the street corner is going to open up a business and hire people? That is what the left is suggesting our economy be built on.
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HA! There is no such thing as "earned programs" or "paid" ( not "payed") into".
If your theory regarding entitlements is that ALL money TAXED yes, TAXED would be returned to the payor..Not so. In each of the entitlement programs. workers are TAXED then only a small portion of that money is returned to the taxpayer
There are no "accounts". There are no "trust funds".
Learn this and learn well. Medicare/ SS and FICA are TAXES. Period.
The only difference between these taxes and other taxes is that regular taxes go to pay for government services. The above taxes are used for other purposes and a small portion of the money is returned to the taxpayer.
You people think social entitlements are not large enough. You'd like to see tax rates skyrocket to fund your pet programs.
Look, this is going to piss you off. Those in DC who want to expand entitlements and transfer payments don't give a rat's ass about the people who these things are directed to. All they want are the votes. The more dependence on government they can create, the more likely the elected people who provided the goodies would keep their seats.
That's all and that's it.

Thank you for proving you have no connection with reality.

Social Security is a social insurance program that is primarily funded through dedicated payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA). Tax deposits are formally entrusted to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, or the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund.

Medicare alone has lifted millions of elderly Americans from poverty. Before Medicare, 56% of retired Americans had NO medical insurance. Elderly Americans were among the most likely to end up in poverty. NOW, they are among the least likely to end up in poverty. Medicare gave senior citizens the dignity to sustain the end of their lives independent of their children and family.

It is the VERY BEST of what government can do for WE, THE PEOPLE.
Yes, that it the definition of these programs. However, they are in no way administered in that manner. The bottom lien is while the so called trust funds exist in theory, they are NOT funded with cash. They are funded with IOU's.
Both systems are broken. They are underfunded and mismanaged. The money taken in the form of taxes is used for other than the intended purpose.
THAT is reality.

How our federal government and even many state governments manage our tax dollars would be considered fraud by the rules outlined for private sector businesses and industries.
Class warfare becomes an issue on the right only when the under class starts fighting back?
but not when trickle down and bush tax cuts were making the rich richer and the poor poorer?

You mean the leaches only whine as they are being preyed away from their host?
You know I have read lotas of your posts on here but found very little intelligence behind most of them.
Just fear and rage for the most part.

You have a very appropriate avitar, a small angry child.

The guy who thinks he has an actually Social Security "account" with real money it is calling me stupid?

That's what I love about this forum: It's the best entertainment I've found anywhere.
That does nothing to address what I said.

I believe that you think it does.

As I said in another thread, I cannot associate with a political party that consistently proves that it is filled with morons.

Translation: the link I provide PROVES that the ballyhoo by neocon/teabagger toadies about taxes on those making $250,000 is very misleading. So unless SiModo is making over 200,000 as an individual or $250,000 with his wife, he's just talking sheer BS, as Obama's tax increase is NOT aimed at him. So Si Modo's last sentence was obviously a projection of his own self.
Yet again, you demonstrate that your party is full of morons - you being one of them. You state the obvious assuming I have no idea what the limits are.


A household income of $250K does not make me rich.


it sure as hell does not make you the working poor either.

You got problems if you cannot live well on 1/4 mill per year.

The national average wage index for 2009 is 40,711.61

250k is over 6 times the average national wage.
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