None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

Because we're not petty, hand-wringing, covetous little looters.
.....Nor THINKERS, to any great degree.....

[ame=]9.12 DC TEA PARTY - INTERVIEW B-ROLL - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally - Interviews With Participants - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally - Interview B-Roll - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Can't Fix Stupid - YouTube[/ame]​

[ame=]OBAMA'S GONNA PAY FOR MY GAS... - YouTube[/ame]
"It was the most memorable time of my life. It was a touching moment because I never thought this day would ever happen. I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know, if I help him, he's gonna help me."

Listen to this women the constitution is propaganda:lol:
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The self sustainable family unit has grown smaller, however the non-sustainable family has grown larger (welfare fucks) and they depend on government to fund every part of their lives.
Supposing for the purpose of discussion what you've said there is true, specifically who are you referring to as "welfare fucks" and what do you think should be done about them?
The self sustainable family unit has grown smaller, however the non-sustainable family has grown larger (welfare fucks) and they depend on government to fund every part of their lives.
Supposing for the purpose of discussion what you've said there is true, specifically who are you referring to as "welfare fucks" and what do you think should be done about them?

Teach them how to turn and say "thank you" to the working taxpayer standing near them everytime they plunder.
Find them a job to pay for their plunder.
Do not accept "my back hurts" when they open their mouths.
When I see someone attempt to break into my neighbor's home and steal their belongings I make every effort to stop them.
Same with the government trying to steal cash from billionaires.

Who do you want to pay off our 14 trillion dollar debt?
The self sustainable family unit has grown smaller, however the non-sustainable family has grown larger (welfare fucks) and they depend on government to fund every part of their lives.
Supposing for the purpose of discussion what you've said there is true, specifically who are you referring to as "welfare fucks" and what do you think should be done about them?
Teach them how to turn and say "thank you" to the working taxpayer standing near them everytime they plunder.
That is an inane sentence.
Find them a job to pay for their plunder.
That might be possible during normal economic times for a very small number of long-term welfare recipients, but you know as well as I do the majority of these people are social misfits for one or more reasons (illiteracy, psychological defect, criminal record, etc). What do we do with that category? And it's important to note here our insane drug laws have contributed vastly to the number of otherwise employable, non-violent, non-larcenous individuals who now are unemployable because of their criminal records.
Do not accept "my back hurts" when they open their mouths.
Presuming medical science was capable of positive detection of every example of medical malingering (which it isn't), there is a job crisis now. Even highly qualified and readily employable individuals are out of work. So, again; what do we do with these chronic welfare dependents -- even if we know for sure they are malingering?
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

I think the dummies that buy into this latest neocon/teabagger talking point and defend it on these boards are actually the stiffs who are paid by various GOP think tanks and Pacs to comb the internet and post the preposterous and convoluted BS we see now....either that or they are truly willfully ignornat fools who are smug that they haven't lost their job yet.

Didn't obama bailout Goldman Sachs with our money? It was a repayment for their support and you fucking bought it.

Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor
Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor - CNN

Who said I "bought it" you blithering idiot? I didn't, and a hell of a lot of people who voted for Obama didn't either.....hence the low voter turnout of Progressives, Independents and some Dems in 2010, which was in protest (I voted, and thank God I did in my state).

Rdean was spot on, and only jokers like YOU would try and dodge that reality with the "oh yeah, well your guy did it too". Only problem with that excuse is, you don't have Obama or the Dem doing what Rdean has pointed out with the GOP. Deal with it.
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

I think the better question would be, why is obama getting millions in campaign donations from billionaires while you "and obama alike" claim that billionaires are evil? Your messiah is playing you for a fool, and you buy it hook,line and sinker. Like the perfect little lib that you are. Did you notice at his state dinner the other night when it was a $38,000 a plate dinner for his campaign donation pot that he never once mentioned taxing the rich? A $38,000 a plate dinner, at the same time he is planning to tax the rich, and he never mentions it once. Of course you didn't notice, because those that are rich that attended will not be taxed or will not have to pay the $38,000 a plate fee, and that $38,000 a plate was paid for with stimulus money from 2 years ago "ever wonder where the other $300,000,000,000 went to?" , it's all about lining his re-election campaign, so those rich little fucks that attended "Who I have to reaffirm never paid the $38,000 from their own pocket because the tax payer stimulus took care of it" will cheer the messiah on for another 4 years of class warfare and misery. Will you re-elect him? If so, it's because you hate america, it's the only way anyone could re-elect him at this point.

And to pull the rug out from this willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger parrots, on God's green earth does one equate raising a tax rate 3% on rich folk with calling them "evil"? Until this imbecile answers that question, the rest of his supposition/conjecture laden rant isn't even worth considering.
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

I think the dummies that buy into this latest neocon/teabagger talking point and defend it on these boards are actually the stiffs who are paid by various GOP think tanks and Pacs to comb the internet and post the preposterous and convoluted BS we see now....either that or they are truly willfully ignornat fools who are smug that they haven't lost their job yet.

The constitution guaranteed an equal " opportunity" it did not guarantee an equal " outcome." Outcomes are determined by the individual, the individual's drive and ambition constitute failure or success, success is not determined by some government hand out with other people's money.

" The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher.

" Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the gospel of envy, the creed of ignorance, it's only virtue is the shared equality of misery." Winston Churchill.

BTW there are plenty of conservatives who have lost their jobs, they just don't sit in front of the TV and whine about it and look for handout's everywhere, they are out looking for another job. They also take anything they can get to get through this debaucle of a socialist agenda with a socialist for President.

Your opening paragraph immediately displays your erroneous and/or dishonest take on the the NO ONE is talking about "equal outcome".....we are talking about a decent tax rate that can contribute to the nations coffers that is not unbalanced to the point where you have the working/lower/middle class paying heavily into a system while their upper middle and rich counter parts have access to numerous loop holes and write offs along with comparatively a lower tax rate. The upper middle and rich will STILL have their status and wealth, as a 3% increase won't kill them. for the working/lower/middle class, however, a 3% increase could drastically change their lives. Also, given that Obama is offering tax incentives for businesses that CREATE jobs, all the ballyhoo about class warfare is just nonsense!

Your last paragraph reeks of the pure willfully ignorant and stereotype clap trap spewed out by the likes of Levin, Savage, Limbaugh, Maulkin and company. You keep saying "socialist" when obviously you haven't a clue as to the definitions of capitalism and socialism. However, I do agree that the bank and Wall St. bailouts started by the Shrub was indeed socialist in nature. But hey, if Obama's managing of TARP (another Shrub creation) that saved GM isn't to your liking, what would you have suggested?
Class Warfare!!!!!

Class Warfare started before Republicans apologized to BP.

It started before the Bush Tax cuts for billionaires.

It started before business and the Chamber of Commerce began giving to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

It began before Republicans created subsidies for oil companies.

Class Warfare began before medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

It was before corporations, with Republican help, moved millions of jobs to China.

It was before Republicans practiced voter suppression in Midwestern state.

I think it's been around for awhile.

I think the dummies that buy into this latest neocon/teabagger talking point and defend it on these boards are actually the stiffs who are paid by various GOP think tanks and Pacs to comb the internet and post the preposterous and convoluted BS we see now....either that or they are truly willfully ignornat fools who are smug that they haven't lost their job yet.
You mean you aren't getting paid for your posts? *Gasp* I'm shocked I tell ya, shocked!

Since I'm not parroting neocon/teabagger mantras or toadying for the current GOP agenda, it would seem your "shock" is misplaced.
. . . [why do average people support policies that harm their economic interests, while at the same time supporting policies which contribute to the concentration of financial and political power of a small group of wealthy elites?]

The answer actually leads to one of the most spectacular political stories in American history. It has to do with a shift in populism which started with Nixon and was solidified under Reagan.

Here is a very brief history of the shift.

In the 60s, business started to worry about the power of Labor. This was prompted perhaps because their staggering postwar profits started to wane.

So they began investing in a political party. They used financial pressure to replace the Liberal Rockefeller wing with candidates who would help them lower labor costs, regulations, and taxes. In short, they wanted to end New Deal Capitalism (which taxed their profits in order to build a strong middle class).

They had a very serious hurdle. America was very prosperous during the postwar period, which lead to a broad consensus for the New Deal. In order to over turn the New Deal, the Right had to win the hearts and minds of the country. They had to break the New Deal coalition and sever the relationship the Democrats had with the middle class - especially in the South and Heartland.

It all started with LBJ and the Civil Rights Movement. Nixon and Goldwater used the Southern Strategy to weaken the hold the democrats had on the South, and they used 60s backlash to weaken the Democratic hold on the heartland. They basically told the south that they didn't think the Federal Government should tell them how to run their lives. Then, Nixon told his Silent White Majority that he would take the country back from the bra burning atheist antiwar free loving hippies. (notice how they shifted from postwar anti-business populism to values or "culture war" populism. This was a strategic way of getting poor people and workers into the tent)

By the time Reagan arrived on the scene the Dixiecrats had completely converted to the Republican party.

How would the GOP keep them in the tent? Remember: the Democrats offered them economic salvation. So what did Ronnie do? Sine he was put in office to help the rich, what kind of salvation would he offer to the poor, whose programs he was cutting. Enter Pat Robertson and the Moral Majority. Like Nixon, Reagan - a divorced man who never set foot in a church and was estranged from his children - shifted the populism from economic to family values.

In the back of the house, he helped big money take over Washington, while in the front of the house he would win elections by protecting middle America from drugs & sin.

The Republican Party won loyalty not by talking about tax cuts to offshore millionaires or how they were going to help business ship manufacturing jobs to Asian sweatshops, but by focusing on social issues, communists, and terrorists. In short, they would fight evil demons at home and abroad. This is how they got poor people to vote against their economic interests - by shifting the discussion from disappearing jobs to Islamo-fascist mexican socialists who are going to confiscate your guns and make your child gay.

(in other words. the GOP has cultivated useful idiots in order to win elections so that they can help their backers continue to get subsidies, bailouts, and tax breaks for sending jobs overseas)

It's funny. The left makes us poor so we'll vote for Democrats and their entitlement programs. So they spend all of their time trying to make the Middle-class unemployed and we're supposed to thank them for it.

How's that $16 muffin taste????

And since the New Deal saved this country's ass, and with the GI bill helped build a strong, industry and a middle class, WTF are YOU babbling about? Because it sure as hell wasn't the Dems spearheading "trickle down" economics.
. . . [why do average people support policies that harm their economic interests, while at the same time supporting policies which contribute to the concentration of financial and political power of a small group of wealthy elites?]

The answer actually leads to one of the most spectacular political stories in American history. It has to do with a shift in populism which started with Nixon and was solidified under Reagan.

Here is a very brief history of the shift.

In the 60s, business started to worry about the power of Labor. This was prompted perhaps because their staggering postwar profits started to wane.

So they began investing in a political party. They used financial pressure to replace the Liberal Rockefeller wing with candidates who would help them lower labor costs, regulations, and taxes. In short, they wanted to end New Deal Capitalism (which taxed their profits in order to build a strong middle class).

They had a very serious hurdle. America was very prosperous during the postwar period, which lead to a broad consensus for the New Deal. In order to over turn the New Deal, the Right had to win the hearts and minds of the country. They had to break the New Deal coalition and sever the relationship the Democrats had with the middle class - especially in the South and Heartland.

It all started with LBJ and the Civil Rights Movement. Nixon and Goldwater used the Southern Strategy to weaken the hold the democrats had on the South, and they used 60s backlash to weaken the Democratic hold on the heartland. They basically told the south that they didn't think the Federal Government should tell them how to run their lives. Then, Nixon told his Silent White Majority that he would take the country back from the bra burning atheist antiwar free loving hippies. (notice how they shifted from postwar anti-business populism to values or "culture war" populism. This was a strategic way of getting poor people and workers into the tent)

By the time Reagan arrived on the scene the Dixiecrats had completely converted to the Republican party.

How would the GOP keep them in the tent? Remember: the Democrats offered them economic salvation. So what did Ronnie do? Sine he was put in office to help the rich, what kind of salvation would he offer to the poor, whose programs he was cutting. Enter Pat Robertson and the Moral Majority. Like Nixon, Reagan - a divorced man who never set foot in a church and was estranged from his children - shifted the populism from economic to family values.

In the back of the house, he helped big money take over Washington, while in the front of the house he would win elections by protecting middle America from drugs & sin.

The Republican Party won loyalty not by talking about tax cuts to offshore millionaires or how they were going to help business ship manufacturing jobs to Asian sweatshops, but by focusing on social issues, communists, and terrorists. In short, they would fight evil demons at home and abroad. This is how they got poor people to vote against their economic interests - by shifting the discussion from disappearing jobs to Islamo-fascist mexican socialists who are going to confiscate your guns and make your child gay.

(in other words. the GOP has cultivated useful idiots in order to win elections so that they can help their backers continue to get subsidies, bailouts, and tax breaks for sending jobs overseas)

Useful idiots? Reagan got the middle class to vote for him because the policies of Jimmy Carter had left the country in such bad shape they were looking for change, not because he "tricked" them. He wasn't elected because he ran on protecting people from drugs and sin. He was elected because he ran on protecting people from economic "malaise" brought about by big government controls.

Actually, you can thank the "October Surprise" and tales of welfare queens along with letting the fringe evangelicals out of the tent to Reagan's success. Of course, if you deny these facts, there's a bridge in Brooklyn you can have cheap.
I think the dummies that buy into this latest neocon/teabagger talking point and defend it on these boards are actually the stiffs who are paid by various GOP think tanks and Pacs to comb the internet and post the preposterous and convoluted BS we see now....either that or they are truly willfully ignornat fools who are smug that they haven't lost their job yet.

Didn't obama bailout Goldman Sachs with our money? It was a repayment for their support and you fucking bought it.

Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor
Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor - CNN

Who said I "bought it" you blithering idiot? I didn't, and a hell of a lot of people who voted for Obama didn't either.....hence the low voter turnout of Progressives, Independents and some Dems in 2010, which was in protest (I voted, and thank God I did in my state).

Rdean was spot on, and only jokers like YOU would try and dodge that reality with the "oh yeah, well your guy did it too". Only problem with that excuse is, you don't have Obama or the Dem doing what Rdean has pointed out with the GOP. Deal with it.

Obama had a full house for two years and could have easily passed higher tax regulations on the wealthy. Why didn't he?

Oh I forgot--he was worried that it may hurt the recovery. Unemployment has gone up since he stated this in the below video. August showed ZERO job growth in this country and the market collapsed over 700 points last week.

Obama: "The LAST THING We Want to Do Is Raise Taxes During a Recession" - YouTube

Now you have to ask yourself--after Obama just BLEW 535 MILLION taxpayer STIMULUS dollars into Solyndra--his investment into green energy--at a cost of 5.6 MILLION dollars per job that just claimed bankruptcy.

After Solyndra--do you really trust Obama with more of someone else's money--or do you trust these millionaires to keep up their spending in this country that actually does create private sector jobs--and NOT at taxpayer risk or expense. Because the wealthy in this country account for 37% of the spending in it.

U.S. Economy Is Increasingly Tied to the Rich - The Wealth Report - WSJ

$food stamp President.jpg
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The answer actually leads to one of the most spectacular political stories in American history. It has to do with a shift in populism which started with Nixon and was solidified under Reagan.

Here is a very brief history of the shift.

In the 60s, business started to worry about the power of Labor. This was prompted perhaps because their staggering postwar profits started to wane.

So they began investing in a political party. They used financial pressure to replace the Liberal Rockefeller wing with candidates who would help them lower labor costs, regulations, and taxes. In short, they wanted to end New Deal Capitalism (which taxed their profits in order to build a strong middle class).

They had a very serious hurdle. America was very prosperous during the postwar period, which lead to a broad consensus for the New Deal. In order to over turn the New Deal, the Right had to win the hearts and minds of the country. They had to break the New Deal coalition and sever the relationship the Democrats had with the middle class - especially in the South and Heartland.

It all started with LBJ and the Civil Rights Movement. Nixon and Goldwater used the Southern Strategy to weaken the hold the democrats had on the South, and they used 60s backlash to weaken the Democratic hold on the heartland. They basically told the south that they didn't think the Federal Government should tell them how to run their lives. Then, Nixon told his Silent White Majority that he would take the country back from the bra burning atheist antiwar free loving hippies. (notice how they shifted from postwar anti-business populism to values or "culture war" populism. This was a strategic way of getting poor people and workers into the tent)

By the time Reagan arrived on the scene the Dixiecrats had completely converted to the Republican party.

How would the GOP keep them in the tent? Remember: the Democrats offered them economic salvation. So what did Ronnie do? Sine he was put in office to help the rich, what kind of salvation would he offer to the poor, whose programs he was cutting. Enter Pat Robertson and the Moral Majority. Like Nixon, Reagan - a divorced man who never set foot in a church and was estranged from his children - shifted the populism from economic to family values.

In the back of the house, he helped big money take over Washington, while in the front of the house he would win elections by protecting middle America from drugs & sin.

The Republican Party won loyalty not by talking about tax cuts to offshore millionaires or how they were going to help business ship manufacturing jobs to Asian sweatshops, but by focusing on social issues, communists, and terrorists. In short, they would fight evil demons at home and abroad. This is how they got poor people to vote against their economic interests - by shifting the discussion from disappearing jobs to Islamo-fascist mexican socialists who are going to confiscate your guns and make your child gay.

(in other words. the GOP has cultivated useful idiots in order to win elections so that they can help their backers continue to get subsidies, bailouts, and tax breaks for sending jobs overseas)

It's funny. The left makes us poor so we'll vote for Democrats and their entitlement programs. So they spend all of their time trying to make the Middle-class unemployed and we're supposed to thank them for it.

How's that $16 muffin taste????

And since the New Deal saved this country's ass, and with the GI bill helped build a strong, industry and a middle class, WTF are YOU babbling about? Because it sure as hell wasn't the Dems spearheading "trickle down" economics.

the new deal didn't save anyones ass it conficated private ownership of wealth.
It is self protection. If it acceptable to steal by vote from one set of people, it is acceptable to steal by vote from any group of people.

If we once go along with the concept that there are acceptable targets that can be robbed with impunity, then the rights of all of us to safe enjoyment of what is ours are annihilated. Lets steal from the Kulaks, from the asians, from the Jews, from the target de jour. And sooner or later it becomes our turn.

No one's stealing anything from Kulaks, you're just a whiny whore bitch.
It is stealing when people who don't contribute to society band together to vote more benefits for themselves from the people who do contribute to society.

I agree 100% - you're right - when big business bands together and votes more benefits to themselves at the expense of the working man - its fucking stealing. You're spot on!

You're taking something that someone else earned. What's "fair" about that?
OMG! I never thought of it that way! You're right, the government has no business levying taxes!

1700's Tea Party - "No taxation without representation!!!!"
2000's Tea Party - "No taxation!" (but taxation w/o representation is A-Ok in DC)
Deciding that America must make sacrifices to get its fiscal house in order, but then deciding that the Rich will be exempt from those sacrifices,

that, by the logic the Right has been throwing around lately,

is Class Warfare.

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