Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion

When he said that there wouldn't be a Nordstream 2 pipeline, he was talking about blocking it with sanctions, and getting other countries to block it as well. Not blow it up.

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — U.S. President Joe Biden has threatened to block the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine.

The undersea pipeline directly links Russian gas to Europe via Germany and is complete but not yet operating. It has become a major target as Western governments try to deter a Russian attack on its neighbor.

In the past, it has been a source of tension between the U.S., which opposed the project, and Germany. Chancellor Olaf Scholz said all options were on the table but avoided mentioning Nord Stream 2 specifically at a news conference with Biden in Washington.

If Russian tanks roll into Ukraine, “there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2,” Biden said Monday. Scholz stressed the need to keep some ambiguity about sanctions to press Russia to deescalate.

And, here's the reason he's against it, as well as why he wants to block it...................


The U.S., European NATO allies such as Poland, and Ukraine have opposed the project going back before the Biden administration. They said it gives Russia the possibility of using gas as a geopolitical weapon.

He already had sanctions against the pipeline, but lifted them if Germany would help against Russia......................

Biden waived sanctions against the pipeline’s operator when it was almost complete in return for an agreement from Germany to take action against Russia if it used gas as a weapon or attacks Ukraine. But the U.S. still thinks Nord Stream 2 is a bad idea.

No..............Biden doesn't want to blow it up. However, based on what Russia has done, he wants to reimpose the sanctions on it, which is a lot different than blowing it up.

It helps to find out the whole story, rather than just cherry pick crap in the hopes of supporting a conspiracy theory. Cherry picking stuff is how the 9/11 conspiracy theorists or "truthers" as they liked to be called were able to convince a few people that 9/11 was an inside job orchestrated by the U.S. government.
You left this part off

The U.S. could impose heavy financial sanctions — penalizing anyone or any company that does business involving the pipeline, effectively scaring away banks and businesses and making it impossible for the pipeline to operate.

Biden hasn’t said if that’s the route he might pursue. Asked Monday how the U.S. would stop something that’s under German control, Biden only said, “I promise you, we’ll be able to do it.” Scholz added, “You can be sure that there won’t be any measures in which we have a differing approach. We will act together jointly .”

So, wanna keep that answer when Biden didn't say sanctions IN YOUR OWN ARTICLE?
It just doesn't make much sense that Putin would sabotage his own pipeline, depriving himself of revenue to continue the war.
Absolutely, on the other hand I’m not a fan of Putin the blood thirsty far from there and we are paying more and more for the energy bill here in France because Macaroni prepare us all for the cold and the dark this winter.
From candlelight parties to blankets, we are all ruled by Macaroni the Looter.

If the version about the deliberate nature of the damage to the "Northern Streams" is proved, then it should not be called "sabotage", as is now being done in Europe and the Middle East. This should be called an act of international terrorism.
Statement by the MEP, former Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski thanking the United States for the accident on Russian gas pipelines.
"Hyena of Europe" (c) (Winston Churchill on Poland) in its usual repertoire.


Nordstream 1 AND nordstream 2 have been blown up.

This is an act of war. If biden did this he just started WW3.

Europe is gonna freeze!
There is little serious question that the US is responsible for this. The only real questions are when, and how will Russia respond?
Except Putin could simply turn them off. Why would he destroy a revenue stream when he needs it for his war efforts?
Given the explosion of the Northern Streams with the already clearly indicated transfer of the blame arrows to Russia, it is likely that the United States will use nuclear weapons in Ukraine with shifting responsibility to Russia.
Now international law has completely stopped working. And all the imbeciles were brought to power to do what they were told.
A hard and dangerous time...
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There is little serious question that the US is responsible for this. The only real questions are when, and how will Russia respond?
Putin will do nothing to the USA , he won’t threaten your country, he barks loudly but he attacks the weakest.
Given the explosion of the Northern Streams with the already clearly indicated transfer of the blame arrows to Russia, it is likely that the United States will use nuclear weapons in Ukraine with shifting responsibility to Russia.
Now international law has completely stopped working. And all the imbeciles were brought to power to do what they were told.
A hard and dangerous time...
About to get a whole lot uglier.
Here in France in the media the culprit is Putin but a general while being uneasy and more uneasy said that he was thinking of the Americans who would have done the hit.
Everybody shut him up right away.
Was it this guy again shutting it down?

I often think that about the people on the right, especially the far-right, they're so simple-minded it's beyond belief. Not just that, their thinking is twisted and convoluted, they can't even see the obvious. They see what they want to see so it matches there beliefs.
This from someone who blamed Putin. You have 0 room to talk. Still waiting for you to answer me on why you think it makes sense for Putin to destroy his own pipelines when be could just close the valve
No, it was on BFMtv and i am nicely surprise to know that a lot of you American people seem to know about French TV, i said this because it is not the first time that a member bring a video from a French medias :lol:
Some of us try to keep up with world events 👍
Yes, a lot of sad world events but for me it is pretty sad that the only way to find out what going on in your country i have to watch CNN :lol:
have you seen their ratings?

no one really watches that shit except people who need emotional validation.

This is why I don't watch Fox News. The interviewer injected non-facts into the " news ". And this " news " was all about One woman's opinion of the war in Ukraine. It's not news, it's sensationalism and I guess, entertainment appearing to people who are against the war but it's not news.
I believe this is board is about opinions. Putin is devious and ruthless. Putin has the most to gain by this by adversely affecting the West. You have to think about the end game here. There's no way the United States did this, there's no way any European country did this. In my opinion Putin is the only one who could have done this, he has all the motives. He's desperate too.

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