Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion

Who benefits from cutting off gas flow to Western Europe, especially Sweden? The answer is RUSSIA. It puts more pressure on countries supporting Ukraine AND punishes Sweden for joining NATO. Russia also has the means. It has long had submarines and mini-subs designed for underwater sabotage.
That was my first conclusion. I agree Russia benefits from this in the long term. And it causes chaos and confusion for the west.
That was my first conclusion. I agree Russia benefits from this in the long term. And it causes chaos and confusion for the west.
Biden cut fossil fuel to Europe from the U.S. with his slashing of our fossil fuel industry which was booming because Trump rescinded stupid enviornmental policies and red tape. Europe is now totally dependent on Russia. Putin could have blown up his own pipeline so he can charge more to Europe for a limited commodity. Biden said he would stop the pipeline so it's not inconceivable his administration did it. It really doesn't matter either way as long as Biden continues to persecute our fossil fuel industry while throwing money away on 'climate change.' For Putin it's a win/win.
Who benefits from cutting off gas flow to Western Europe, especially Sweden? The answer is RUSSIA. It puts more pressure on countries supporting Ukraine AND punishes Sweden for joining NATO. Russia also has the means. It has long had submarines and mini-subs designed for underwater sabotage.
If it was Russia they would fabricate a land based problem, not one that would require costly and long term repairs at sea. Only the US benefits from this as it happened.
In this situation, Occam's Razor applies. The pipeline likely just sprung a leak!
Well its obvious critical thinking is still in short supply on the left
I often think that about the people on the right, especially the far-right, they're so simple-minded it's beyond belief. Not just that, their thinking is twisted and convoluted, they can't even see the obvious. They see what they want to see so it matches there beliefs.
I often think that about the people on the right, especially the far-right, they're so simple-minded it's beyond belief. Not just that, their thinking is twisted and convoluted, they can't even see the obvious. They see what they want to see so it matches there beliefs.
Leftists still believe communism can work. So, that tells you all you need to know about their critique of anyone else's intelligence.
So..............since you can't find anything about Biden wanting to blow it up, you deflect to Obama saying something about Biden. Nice non sequitur.
Find a link to where he said he was referring to sanctions when he said he'd end nord 2.

Do what you ask of others.
Here in France in the media the culprit is Putin but a general while being uneasy and more uneasy said that he was thinking of the Americans who would have done the hit.
Everybody shut him up right away.
Here in France in the media the culprit is Putin but a general while being uneasy and more uneasy said that he was thinking of the Americans who would have done the hit.
Everybody shut him up right away.
Except Putin could simply turn them off. Why would he destroy a revenue stream when he needs it for his war efforts?
Except Putin could simply turn them off. Why would he destroy a revenue stream when he needs it for his war efforts?
Yeah, it doesn’t make a lot sense and I don’t think we’re gonna know in the future who really did it.
Here in France in the media the culprit is Putin but a general while being uneasy and more uneasy said that he was thinking of the Americans who would have done the hit.
Everybody shut him up right away.

It just doesn't make much sense that Putin would sabotage his own pipeline, depriving himself of revenue to continue the war.

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