North Africa Is the New Afghanistan


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
North Africa Is the New Afghanistan

January 23, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

When Obama took office four years ago, North Africa wasn’t keeping CIA analysts up at night. There were known trouble spots in the region, but no one thought that it was likely to turn into the next Afghanistan. Then along came the Arab Spring.

Egypt, the great regional power, has since fallen into the hands of the Islamists and has become part of the pipeline for Islamist fighters moving weapons from Libya into Gaza and Syria. Islamists have won elections in Tunisia and Morocco. With the Muslim Brotherhood in ascendance in Libya, Algeria is the only large North African country to have beaten back the Islamists. Now it’s also under attack.


North Africa’s close connections to Europe make it the ideal stepping stone for the conquest of Europe that the Islamists look forward to. With the carnage growing in North Africa, it remains to be seen whether Obama, Cameron and Hollande will be able to succeed in North Africa where they failed in Afghanistan.

North Africa Is the New Afghanistan
Western governments claim, that they are uncomfortable with Islamic extremism and consider it a threat, and yet the West overthrew the secular Gaddafi? Now the Islamists appear dominant in Libyan politics?
And currently the West is trying to overthrow the secular Assad, which could lead to Islamists gaining power?
Western governments claim, that they are uncomfortable with Islamic extremism and consider it a threat, and yet the West overthrew the secular Gaddafi? Now the Islamists appear dominant in Libyan politics?
And currently the West is trying to overthrow the secular Assad, which could lead to Islamists gaining power?
Well, you know how politicians lie. :eusa_whistle:
Ah, the stepping stone for the re-conquest of Europe.


Clinton lays out daunting security challenges in North Africa

By Tim Lister
January 23rd, 2013

Much of the focus of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s appearance on Capitol Hill Wednesday was on whether her department failed to appreciate and respond to the risks that led to the Benghazi attack - and whether it had the resources to confront such risks.

And, of course, on whether in the immediate aftermath, the administration characterized the attack candidly and accurately.

But the hearings also illustrated how the United States is scrambling to catch up with new realities in North Africa – and how it faces a long struggle in a new arena of instability.


Clinton lays out daunting security challenges in North Africa ? CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

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