North Face Follows Bud and Target

They are a dying hold out from the "debt as income" GenXers.
They were huge in the 90s as GenXers were still laying down the plastic to buy overpriced clothing to be seen wearing overpriced clothing.
That kind of spending is dead.
I hope it is.

I actually liked Patagonia products and the original owner's philosophy. He always donated a portion of profits and used to tell people the repair their old stuff instead of buying new or even to refuse to buy his stuff at all.
I hope it is.

I actually liked Patagonia products and the original owner's philosophy. He always donated a portion of profits and used to tell people the repair their old stuff instead of buying new or even to refuse to buy his stuff at all.
Ironically the top brand by faar with both GenZ and Millennials is NIKE.
You wouldn't think that with their loooooong history of using slave labor.
But, again, it shows Americas resolve is only skin deep. Scream about racism and slavery, wear clothing from a brand with the greatest history of using slave labor than anyone.
But then there is Bud Light....
ALL work is Nobel. But the Democrat preferred voting base is the able-bodied person who prefers to live off the Government. These people are the classless
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And once again you people prove your hate.

In your tiny little world if one does not hate trans people, they must be one.

You are not capable of grasping the concept that one does not need to be part of a group to not hate said group.
Dipshit. I do not hate trans people. I actually follow a few on social media to keep up to date on these types of issues. There is a big difference between a trans gender with actual gender dysphoria and a wokester pretending to be a trannie for social credit and to push an agenda. Maybe you should learn the difference.
How about neither? Why does it have to be one or the other?

When my favorite BBQ spot added vegan dishes and made a big deal about it, were they trying to convert me to being a vegan?

Of course not, they were just trying to expand their customer base. And as such I did not quit going there
Because their marketing campaigns are specifically designed to target kids and antagonize customers.
Dipshit. I do not hate trans people. I actually follow a few on social media to keep up to date on these types of issues. There is a big difference between a trans gender with actual gender dysphoria and a wokester pretending to be a trannie for social credit and to push an agenda. Maybe you should learn the difference.
Dipshit. I do not hate trans people. I actually follow a few on social media to keep up to date on these types of issues. There is a big difference between a trans gender with actual gender dysphoria and a wokester pretending to be a trannie for social credit and to push an agenda. Maybe you should learn the difference.

Yet one mere ad on the internet that you would have never seen had someone not pointed out to you is enough to trigger you.

Seems an awful lot like hate to me
uh.... they had "tuck friendly" bathing suits in children's sizes.
That is what this is all about.

Can you link to NorthFace having "tuck friendly" bathing suits in children's sizes.

I will be happy to wait while you do.
How about neither? Why does it have to be one or the other?

When my favorite BBQ spot added vegan dishes and made a big deal about it, were they trying to convert me to being a vegan?

Of course not, they were just trying to expand their customer base. And as such I did not quit going there
Because their marketing campaigns are specifically designed to target kids and antagonize customers.
Yet one mere ad on the internet that you would have never seen had someone not pointed out to you is enough to trigger you.

Seems an awful lot like hate to me
Not triggered. I’ve never heard of this company. The ad campaign is part of a woke marketing trend that started several years ago and has apparently finally pissed off consumers to the point were they are boycotting the products. If you don’t want backlash don’t piss off the people that support your products. Simple.
Because their marketing campaigns are specifically designed to target kids and antagonize customers.

Not triggered. I’ve never heard of this company. The ad campaign is part of a woke marketing trend that started several years ago and has apparently finally pissed off consumers to the point were they are boycotting the products. If you don’t want backlash don’t piss off the people that support your products. Simple.

It's blowing up in their faces and they're incapable of understanding why

People are tired of it
These companies are committing financial suicide.
Disney has been doing this in their movies for awhile:

1. Make woke, political content
2. The movie’s underperform at the box office
3. Disney/directors blame the populace for being bigots

They never even ask the question of if the movie was actually any good. In their minds the only way it could fail is if there are too many evil hateful bigots in society


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