North Korea and the USA are on the brink of war?


Dec 5, 2017

After the two-month lull, North Korea again exploded the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Just another ICBM test caused extreme concern to the world community. South Korea reacted immediately: three missiles were launched in response to the North Korea's tests. Moreover, the country's president expressed concern that in the face of the growing threat the USA can take preventive actions, inviting aggression of inadequate Kim Jong Un's regime against the neighboring countries.

Seoul's concerns are certainly understandable. After all, Winter Olympic Games will soon take place in South Korea, which constitutes an important element of the host country's international image. And the Olympics' security is certainly of the utmost importance. But what kind of security is that when at any moment military actions may start in the neighboring country? Obviously, the White House understands full well that overt intervention in North Korea is fraught with heavy casualties, including, first of all, civilian population. However, according to numerous indications, received from officials, as well as, media leaks, a secret operation against North Korea's regime and its nuclear ambitions is still being prepared.

It is too early to judge when and where North Korean dictator will be attacked. But judging by concerns expressed by Seoul, just during the Olympic Games it is likely there will be further escalation of the situation. Many analysts have repeatedly indicated that this sporting event will be derailed. And the latest developments in the region only confirmed the validity of their warnings.

It is to be hoped that North Korean problem will be solved not at the cost of many thousands of the Olympics visitors' lives because Kim Jong Un, who claims to be almost the Supreme God and is crazy with his absolute power, can use the entire arsenal at his disposal against innocent people.

After the two-month lull, North Korea again exploded the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Just another ICBM test caused extreme concern to the world community. South Korea reacted immediately: three missiles were launched in response to the North Korea's tests. Moreover, the country's president expressed concern that in the face of the growing threat the USA can take preventive actions, inviting aggression of inadequate Kim Jong Un's regime against the neighboring countries.

Seoul's concerns are certainly understandable. After all, Winter Olympic Games will soon take place in South Korea, which constitutes an important element of the host country's international image. And the Olympics' security is certainly of the utmost importance. But what kind of security is that when at any moment military actions may start in the neighboring country? Obviously, the White House understands full well that overt intervention in North Korea is fraught with heavy casualties, including, first of all, civilian population. However, according to numerous indications, received from officials, as well as, media leaks, a secret operation against North Korea's regime and its nuclear ambitions is still being prepared.

It is too early to judge when and where North Korean dictator will be attacked. But judging by concerns expressed by Seoul, just during the Olympic Games it is likely there will be further escalation of the situation. Many analysts have repeatedly indicated that this sporting event will be derailed. And the latest developments in the region only confirmed the validity of their warnings.

It is to be hoped that North Korean problem will be solved not at the cost of many thousands of the Olympics visitors' lives because Kim Jong Un, who claims to be almost the Supreme God and is crazy with his absolute power, can use the entire arsenal at his disposal against innocent people.

More reporting to help the US get it's threatening message across.
Do we even belong to the UN anymore. If we are on the brink of war, its due to Trump and his tweets.

After the two-month lull, North Korea again exploded the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Just another ICBM test caused extreme concern to the world community. South Korea reacted immediately: three missiles were launched in response to the North Korea's tests. Moreover, the country's president expressed concern that in the face of the growing threat the USA can take preventive actions, inviting aggression of inadequate Kim Jong Un's regime against the neighboring countries.

Seoul's concerns are certainly understandable. After all, Winter Olympic Games will soon take place in South Korea, which constitutes an important element of the host country's international image. And the Olympics' security is certainly of the utmost importance. But what kind of security is that when at any moment military actions may start in the neighboring country? Obviously, the White House understands full well that overt intervention in North Korea is fraught with heavy casualties, including, first of all, civilian population. However, according to numerous indications, received from officials, as well as, media leaks, a secret operation against North Korea's regime and its nuclear ambitions is still being prepared.

It is too early to judge when and where North Korean dictator will be attacked. But judging by concerns expressed by Seoul, just during the Olympic Games it is likely there will be further escalation of the situation. Many analysts have repeatedly indicated that this sporting event will be derailed. And the latest developments in the region only confirmed the validity of their warnings.

It is to be hoped that North Korean problem will be solved not at the cost of many thousands of the Olympics visitors' lives because Kim Jong Un, who claims to be almost the Supreme God and is crazy with his absolute power, can use the entire arsenal at his disposal against innocent people.
Trump's hands are tied.

Rocket-boy just proved he can reach Wash D.C.
Do we even belong to the UN anymore. If we are on the brink of war, its due to Trump and his tweets.
We are on the brink of resuming the Korean War, yes.

However it is due to TWO madmen not just one -- Rocket-boy AND Trump.
No doubt the American Military Industrial Complex is doing all it can to start another big war, with help from their banker friends on Wall Street.

If our digusting warmongering Deep State and government would leave NK alone, this would not be happening. I fear it is much worse than most of us know, since our media is controlled by the CIA.

Read this an weep....
Heaven Forbid Peace Should Break Out Between the US and North Korea!
The most recent example of the world’s biggest bully escalating matters is its on-again, off-again badgering of North Korea. In contrast to Western/CIA media reports, the November 28 launch of what appears to be an intercontinental ballistic missile, the Hwasong-15, was not unprovoked. Instead, the North Korean test firing was in response to the unexpected announcement of further US/South Korean military drills to take place starting on December 4. The exercises are, in part, to show off the latest mass murdering “product” of America’s military industrial complex, the USF-22 Raptor stealth fighter jet.

Before the latest launch, the Kim Jong Un regime had not fired a missile for two months and was in discussions with other intermediaries about how tensions could be lessened on the Korean peninsula. For the bellicose US, however, not even an uneasy “truce” can be tolerated. The next American scheduled drill was not to take place until the spring of 2018, yet, while negotiations were taking place, the US abruptly, and to the outrage of everyone involved, renewed exercises. Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, explains:

We have been working with Pyongyang. Then,
all of a sudden two weeks after the United States
had sent us the signal [about readiness to dialogue],
they announced unscheduled drills in December.
there is an impression that they were deliberately
provoking [North Korean leader] Kim Jong Un to
make him break the pause and gave in to their

This, of course, is not the first time that the US has acted with duplicity in foreign matters. Its barbaric dealing with two Middle Eastern strongmen (Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi) are grisly examples of what happens to those who run afoul of the US Empire, especially those who do not possesses a nuclear deterrent.

Antonius Aquinas

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