North Korea Calls President Obama a Monkey

Just a coincidence then that you weren't offended until the word "gook" entered into the discussion.

Fuck off, asshole. I have made it very clear that I have no patience for any kind of racist. I also have no patience for fucking idiots like you, douchebag. :fu:
The KKK was a Democrat organization there rye bread.

The KKK was and is a terrorist organization, yes it included Democrats at a different time and of a different iteration (mostly those in the South), and where it exists today it supports the Republikan Party.

In 1948, the Platform for the Democratic Party included this:

The Democratic Party is responsible for the great civil rights gains made in recent years in eliminating unfair and illegal discrimination based on race, creed or color,

The Democratic Party commits itself to continuing its efforts to eradicate all racial, religious and economic discrimination.

We again state our belief that racial and religious minorities must have the right to live, the right to work, the right to vote, the full and equal protection of the laws, on a basis of equality with all citizens as guaranteed by the Constitution.

We highly commend President Harry S. Truman for his courageous stand on the issue of civil rights.

We call upon the Congress to support our President in guaranteeing these basic and fundamental American Principles: (1) the right of full and equal political participation; (2) the right to equal opportunity of employment; (3) the right of security of person; (4) and the right of equal treatment in the service and defense of our nation.[1]

We pledge ourselves to legislation to admit a minimum of 400,000 displaced persons found eligible for United States citizenship without discrimination as to race or religion. We condemn the undemocratic action of the Republican 80th Congress in passing an inadequate and bigoted bill for this purpose, which law imposes no-American restrictions based on race and religion upon such admissions.

Democratic Party Platforms Democratic Party Platform of 1948

And this is what the GOP Platform Pledged in terms of health care and civil rights:\

Consistent with the vigorous existence of our competitive economy, we urge: extension of the Federal Old Age and Survivors' Insurance program and increase of the benefits to a more realistic level; strengthening of Federal-State programs designed to provide more adequate hospital facilities, too improve methods of treatment for the mentally ill, to advance maternal and child health and generally to foster a healthy America.

Lynching or any other form of mob violence anywhere is a disgrace to any civilized state, and we favor the prompt enactment of legislation to end this infamy.

One of the basic principles of this Republic is the equality of all individuals in their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This principle is enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and embodied in the Constitution of the United States; it was vindicated on the field of battle and became the cornerstone of this Republic. This right of equal opportunity to work and to advance in life should never be limited in any individual because of race, religion, color, or country of origin. We favor the enactment and just enforcement of such Federal legislation as may be necessary to maintain this right at all times in every part of this Republic.

We favor the abolition of the poll tax as a requisite to voting.

We are opposed to the idea of racial segregation in the armed services of the United States.

Republican Party Platforms Republican Party Platform of 1948

FDR's Tuskegee Experiments influenced Josef Mengele and the Nazis

Different times my ignorant and lying Crusader. The wonderful Christian GOP really went out on a limb to call Lynching a disgrace and uncivilized, and want the poll tax repealed.

I suppose an Islamic Fascist, since morons on this board consider Fascism to be a liberal ideology (LOL), consider beheading a disgrace too, since all fascists are liberals in the new talking point all the Crazy New Right (CNR) echo.

Of course they no longer us the term Islamic Fascist since it would water down the New History of the 20th Century promulgated by the Crusder, PoliticalChic and other members of the CNW; they must now consider AQ & ISIS liberal.

Republicans: Freed the slaves, gave women the right to vote, passed Civil Rights

Democrats: Tuskegee, KKK, Jim Crow, segregration, Tammany Hall, held up Ike's Civil Right Bill for 7 years

Crusader is a very dishonest person, at least when he is practicing his avocation as a partisan hack and his acting within his position at the Ministry of Truth as subaltern to politicalchic. His real occupation remains unknown, though we can infer he is not paid by any conservative, ultra conservative or fringe conservative entity, sense Idiot-Grams have no value.

We all know that President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation and freed the slaves, and the President Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne, and Federalized the Arkansas National Guard, to protect and allow the Little Rock Nine to enter Central High School in 1957.

We also know that in 1948 the Democratic Party was deserted over the issue of civil rights, and below is the Platform for those who deserted the Democratic Party, The States' Right's Democratic Party:

Minor Third Party Platforms Platform of the States Rights Democratic Party

Now Crusader is smart enough to post half-truths and perfidious sentences, though his true avocation is to post idiot-grams and falderal which even he must know most of us consider silly and childish. Sadly he will continue to appeal to the ruck, many of whom will applaud him, though a few of them will find him to be ridiculous.

Democrat Party was deserted in 1948 over civil rights? Who the fuck do you think it was that held up Ike's Civil Rights Bill from 1957 until 1964?

The GOP is dominated by the far right, the H. of Rep. for sure, as well as whoever has hacked me as I typed the thread which so upset you. It has taken me over 2-minutes to type this final paragraph.
I'm not upset, my friend. I do have two questions:

Are you saying that some GOP member hacked you?

Do you promise this is your final paragraph?

Try clearing your cache and cookies.
Sure, keep in mind lies come in many forms, half-truths are lies, lies by omission; opinions offered as facts are lies of commission, and of course, misquoting the posts of others, or posting their words out of context, is another form of misrepresentation and deceit, common to the folks who use pejoratives like "commie" for anyone who disagrees with their tightly held dogma,

Of course not all conservatives are liars, it's mostly the biddable ones, usually the single issue folks who continue to believe the GOP will outlaw abortion, prevent all forms of gun control, cut taxes and yet provide services, silence the gay agenda, convince teenagers to just say no to sex, drugs and be scared, very scared of new ideas.

Many of today's self defined conservative do so because it's a fad which attracts non thinkers, the poorly educated and the easily led who want to be one of the in crowd.
...and your post is replete with half-truths, lies, lies by omission; opinions offered as facts (lies of commission), and of course, misquoting others. You presume to know the platform of the GOP. There's a bell-shaped curve amongst the liars in the GOP...likely matches the bell-shaped curve of liars within the Democrat Party. You get your impressions of "the GOP" from the far right, Evangelicals and TeaParty, then paint all Republican voters the same color.

I vote for my perceived notion of who will best serve THIS COUNTRY, MY STATE, MY COUNTY AND MY CITY in a manner prescribed by the Constitution (which almost all elected officials must take an oath to PROTECT and DEFEND) while maintaining a military second to none, providing trained, local LEO and the judges (and jails) necessary to protect the gentile from the ruffians, abiding by the laws they pass (excluding NONE), providing the needs of those unable to work for living wages (including but not limited to: veterans, elderly, impaired, homeless, disabled, orphans...), maintaining, with reasonable regulations; the transportation infrastructure, privatized industrial and human waste management and disposal, public lands and buildings, consumer protection and miscellaneous things to be discussed elsewhere.

Not being officially tied to either party, I have still voted Republican for the last few decades. Both parties suck these days, voting along party lines for whatever the most powerful among them demands. Unfortunately, that means that the far left and the far right control everybody in the middle.

Regarding your presumptions, my vote would be:

outlaw abortion NO

prevent all forms of gun control NO

cut taxes NO

provide services YES

silence the gay agenda NO

convince teenagers to just say no to sex NO (just be careful)

convince teenagers to just say no to drugs YES

I am far from scared of new ideas and changes. I'd vote to increase taxes by TAXING EVERYONE on consumption. You buy, you pay tax. Either the Fair Tax or a flat tax will work for me. I want an efficient government that operates on a merit system and fires deadwood employees (about half of what we have in the federal bracket).

The GOP is dominated by the far right, the H. of Rep. for sure, as well as whoever has hacked me as I typed the thread which so upset you. It has taken me over 2-minutes to type this final paragraph.

Another lie, no one has hacked you.

The board is being wonky today

Are you sure and do you have evidence? Your opinion isn't sufficient, now however, I'm able to type my usual high speed. I hope you're correct, but I've experienced this slowdown only on this MB and only when I've posted items which likely oppended some of the least open minded persons.

The GOP is dominated by the far right, the H. of Rep. for sure, as well as whoever has hacked me as I typed the thread which so upset you. It has taken me over 2-minutes to type this final paragraph.
I'm not upset, my friend. I do have two questions:

Are you saying that some GOP member hacked you?

Do you promise this is your final paragraph?

Try clearing your cache and cookies.

I left to pick oranges, lemons and grapefruit from our yard and took a couple of boxes of fruit to a friend, accompanied by our dog. Then we went to two dog parks, the first to play Frisbee and the Second to play with dogs, but, no dogs were there so Roxy had to be content in chasing squirrels. I tried Frisbee once again but she was interested in the rodents and I ended up chasing the Frisbee, so we went home; I then made Chicken Adobe for dinner while my wife played the computer (actually she was booking excursions for our next cruise, out of New Orleans next February),

When all of that was done, I turned on my computer and all was well. But thanks for the advice, in the past I have used crap cleaner, sometimes it works, sometimes it don't.

The GOP is dominated by the far right, the H. of Rep. for sure, as well as whoever has hacked me as I typed the thread which so upset you. It has taken me over 2-minutes to type this final paragraph.
I'm not upset, my friend. I do have two questions:

Are you saying that some GOP member hacked you?

Do you promise this is your final paragraph?

Try clearing your cache and cookies.

I left to pick oranges, lemons and grapefruit from our yard and took a couple of boxes of fruit to a friend, accompanied by our dog. Then we went to two dog parks, the first to play Frisbee and the Second to play with dogs, but, no dogs were there so Roxy had to be content in chasing squirrels. I tried Frisbee once again but she was interested in the rodents and I ended up chasing the Frisbee, so we went home; I then made Chicken Adobe for dinner while my wife played the computer (actually she was booking excursions for our next cruise, out of New Orleans next February),

When all of that was done, I turned on my computer and all was well. But thanks for the advice, in the past I have used crap cleaner, sometimes it works, sometimes it don't.
There's no need to play make believe with me. I know trailer life can be tough.
I rarely heard anyone call Gomer a chimp. War criminal for sure, but rarely a chimp.

Oh rly?

You got pictures but that doesn`t mean shit. The internet`s a pretty cool thing eh?

I wonder if it was Republicans or Democrats that posted all of those pictures. Do you know?
Sure, keep in mind lies come in many forms, half-truths are lies, lies by omission; opinions offered as facts are lies of commission, and of course, misquoting the posts of others, or posting their words out of context, is another form of misrepresentation and deceit, common to the folks who use pejoratives like "commie" for anyone who disagrees with their tightly held dogma,

Of course not all conservatives are liars, it's mostly the biddable ones, usually the single issue folks who continue to believe the GOP will outlaw abortion, prevent all forms of gun control, cut taxes and yet provide services, silence the gay agenda, convince teenagers to just say no to sex, drugs and be scared, very scared of new ideas.

Many of today's self defined conservative do so because it's a fad which attracts non thinkers, the poorly educated and the easily led who want to be one of the in crowd.
...and your post is replete with half-truths, lies, lies by omission; opinions offered as facts (lies of commission), and of course, misquoting others. You presume to know the platform of the GOP. There's a bell-shaped curve amongst the liars in the GOP...likely matches the bell-shaped curve of liars within the Democrat Party. You get your impressions of "the GOP" from the far right, Evangelicals and TeaParty, then paint all Republican voters the same color.

I vote for my perceived notion of who will best serve THIS COUNTRY, MY STATE, MY COUNTY AND MY CITY in a manner prescribed by the Constitution (which almost all elected officials must take an oath to PROTECT and DEFEND) while maintaining a military second to none, providing trained, local LEO and the judges (and jails) necessary to protect the gentile from the ruffians, abiding by the laws they pass (excluding NONE), providing the needs of those unable to work for living wages (including but not limited to: veterans, elderly, impaired, homeless, disabled, orphans...), maintaining, with reasonable regulations; the transportation infrastructure, privatized industrial and human waste management and disposal, public lands and buildings, consumer protection and miscellaneous things to be discussed elsewhere.

Not being officially tied to either party, I have still voted Republican for the last few decades. Both parties suck these days, voting along party lines for whatever the most powerful among them demands. Unfortunately, that means that the far left and the far right control everybody in the middle.

Regarding your presumptions, my vote would be:

outlaw abortion NO

prevent all forms of gun control NO

cut taxes NO

provide services YES

silence the gay agenda NO

convince teenagers to just say no to sex NO (just be careful)

convince teenagers to just say no to drugs YES

I am far from scared of new ideas and changes. I'd vote to increase taxes by TAXING EVERYONE on consumption. You buy, you pay tax. Either the Fair Tax or a flat tax will work for me. I want an efficient government that operates on a merit system and fires deadwood employees (about half of what we have in the federal bracket).

The GOP is dominated by the far right, the H. of Rep. for sure, as well as whoever has hacked me as I typed the thread which so upset you. It has taken me over 2-minutes to type this final paragraph.

Another lie, no one has hacked you.

The board is being wonky today

Are you sure and do you have evidence? Your opinion isn't sufficient, now however, I'm able to type my usual high speed. I hope you're correct, but I've experienced this slowdown only on this MB and only when I've posted items which likely oppended some of the least open minded persons.

Yes, I had the same thing happen to me earlier, thought I had donesomething to get on a slow down was told the board just slowed down some.
This isn't the first time they've called Obama a monkey by the way.
So my question is, is this common for a racist in the North Korean culture to call someone who is black a "monkey" ? Is this their "n word" ?

It a word they learned from white people. When I was in S. Korea I was asked by a young lady to show her my tail. She wasnt being racist and she was dead serious. She told me her parents told her and they learned this from white GI's

maybe you just look like a monkey?
Sure, keep in mind lies come in many forms, half-truths are lies, lies by omission; opinions offered as facts are lies of commission, and of course, misquoting the posts of others, or posting their words out of context, is another form of misrepresentation and deceit, common to the folks who use pejoratives like "commie" for anyone who disagrees with their tightly held dogma,

Of course not all conservatives are liars, it's mostly the biddable ones, usually the single issue folks who continue to believe the GOP will outlaw abortion, prevent all forms of gun control, cut taxes and yet provide services, silence the gay agenda, convince teenagers to just say no to sex, drugs and be scared, very scared of new ideas.

Many of today's self defined conservative do so because it's a fad which attracts non thinkers, the poorly educated and the easily led who want to be one of the in crowd.
...and your post is replete with half-truths, lies, lies by omission; opinions offered as facts (lies of commission), and of course, misquoting others. You presume to know the platform of the GOP. There's a bell-shaped curve amongst the liars in the GOP...likely matches the bell-shaped curve of liars within the Democrat Party. You get your impressions of "the GOP" from the far right, Evangelicals and TeaParty, then paint all Republican voters the same color.

I vote for my perceived notion of who will best serve THIS COUNTRY, MY STATE, MY COUNTY AND MY CITY in a manner prescribed by the Constitution (which almost all elected officials must take an oath to PROTECT and DEFEND) while maintaining a military second to none, providing trained, local LEO and the judges (and jails) necessary to protect the gentile from the ruffians, abiding by the laws they pass (excluding NONE), providing the needs of those unable to work for living wages (including but not limited to: veterans, elderly, impaired, homeless, disabled, orphans...), maintaining, with reasonable regulations; the transportation infrastructure, privatized industrial and human waste management and disposal, public lands and buildings, consumer protection and miscellaneous things to be discussed elsewhere.

Not being officially tied to either party, I have still voted Republican for the last few decades. Both parties suck these days, voting along party lines for whatever the most powerful among them demands. Unfortunately, that means that the far left and the far right control everybody in the middle.

Regarding your presumptions, my vote would be:

outlaw abortion NO

prevent all forms of gun control NO

cut taxes NO

provide services YES

silence the gay agenda NO

convince teenagers to just say no to sex NO (just be careful)

convince teenagers to just say no to drugs YES

I am far from scared of new ideas and changes. I'd vote to increase taxes by TAXING EVERYONE on consumption. You buy, you pay tax. Either the Fair Tax or a flat tax will work for me. I want an efficient government that operates on a merit system and fires deadwood employees (about half of what we have in the federal bracket).

The GOP is dominated by the far right, the H. of Rep. for sure, as well as whoever has hacked me as I typed the thread which so upset you. It has taken me over 2-minutes to type this final paragraph.

Another lie, no one has hacked you.

The board is being wonky today

Are you sure and do you have evidence? Your opinion isn't sufficient, now however, I'm able to type my usual high speed. I hope you're correct, but I've experienced this slowdown only on this MB and only when I've posted items which likely oppended some of the least open minded persons.

Yes, I had the same thing happen to me earlier, thought I had donesomething to get on a slow down was told the board just slowed down some.

Good to know.

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