North Korea state TV airs footage of Trump saluting North Korean military officer

So thanks guys for proving my point. Trump supporters don't care.

Another pass for Don the con.
You still haven't explained why anyone would be bothered by this.

Because he's a saluting a military that represents everything America is against. A military that shoots people trying to leave the country.
Because he's a saluting a military that represents everything America is against. A military that shoots people trying to leave the country
He returned a salute just like he is suppose to do...

stop while you are behind...lmao
So thanks guys for proving my point. Trump supporters don't care.

Another pass for Don the con.
You still haven't explained why anyone would be bothered by this.

Because he's a saluting a military that represents everything America is against. A military that shoots people trying to leave the country.

As opposed to bowing before a King who funds terrorist that bombs people for not believing in their religion?
You do understand that a bow is overwhelmingly more submissive and subordinate than a salute - right?
You do understand that a salute is often exchanged between military adversaries? You do know this right?

You also do understand how absurd it is to get your panties in a wad over this and not care about the President of the United States BOWING to a foreign leader ????
Obviously you have never served in the military....if you had you would be aware of protocol....

Neither has Trump served in he military. He dodged the draft 5 times.

Oh boy... another one who can’t stay on topic, in your own thread no less! Trump did nothing illegal in “dodging” the draft. Bernie Sanders was a draft-dodger too. Hopefully you weren’t a supporter of his, else that’d make you a hypocrite.
So thanks guys for proving my point. Trump supporters don't care.

Another pass for Don the con.

We don’t care bc there’s nothing to care about. Ya’ll complain about how Trump is Satan, yet at the same time pick out the dumbest things to get your panties in a bunch over. If he’s truly as bad as you say, surely you can do better than this.
So thanks guys for proving my point. Trump supporters don't care.

Another pass for Don the con.
You still haven't explained why anyone would be bothered by this.

Because he's a saluting a military that represents everything America is against. A military that shoots people trying to leave the country.

As opposed to bowing before a King who funds terrorist that bombs people for not believing in their religion?
You do understand that a bow is overwhelmingly more submissive and subordinate than a salute - right?
You do understand that a salute is often exchanged between military adversaries? You do know this right?

You also do understand how absurd it is to get your panties in a wad over this and not care about the President of the United States BOWING to a foreign leader ????
What aboutism never ends. Always the fallback excuse.

By the way, W bowed also. Kissed him and held his hand too.
So thanks guys for proving my point. Trump supporters don't care.

Another pass for Don the con.

We don’t care bc there’s nothing to care about. Ya’ll complain about how Trump is Satan, yet at the same time pick out the dumbest things to get your panties in a bunch over. If he’s truly as bad as you say, surely you can do better than this.
It's not about the minor mistake made by trump of saluting and giving respect to what is still and adversary, it's about his supporters willing to defend him, even to the point of making things up or lying rather than admitting the leader made a mistake and perhaps minimizing it. It's the Emperor can do no wrong stance and attitude that gets attacked.
Apparently Trump haters don’t believe it’s possible to display respectful behavior in appropriate situations even to those you may personally believe don’t deserve your respect. All of you pointing out how the right would be freaking out if Obama did this, you’re right... and if you’re disgusted by that then you should also be disgusted with yourselves for giving a shit that Trump did it, bc it’s insignificant. But that’s what you’re best at—making the insignificant significant.
Thank God he didn't bow!! Didn't another asshole President actually bow to an Asian leader?!!:ack-1:
Showing respect to hostile governments is far from unheard of in political diplomacy, and I believe this is a matter of opinion. Some think he shouldn’t have saluted the officer, I say it’s no big deal bc it’s not and if Obama had done it instead of Trump I’d still think any backlash was ridiculous. It’s unreasonable to bash a president for showing respect. If he’d snubbed him, ya’ll would be pissed about that.

So thanks guys for proving my point. Trump supporters don't care.

Another pass for Don the con.

We don’t care bc there’s nothing to care about. Ya’ll complain about how Trump is Satan, yet at the same time pick out the dumbest things to get your panties in a bunch over. If he’s truly as bad as you say, surely you can do better than this.
It's not about the minor mistake made by trump of saluting and giving respect to what is still and adversary, it's about his supporters willing to defend him, even to the point of making things up or lying rather than admitting the leader made a mistake and perhaps minimizing it. It's the Emperor can do no wrong stance and attitude that gets attacked.
Showing respect to hostile governments is far from unheard of in political diplomacy, and I believe this is a matter of opinion. Some think he shouldn’t have saluted the officer, I say it’s no big deal bc it’s not and if Obama had done it instead of Trump I’d still think any backlash was ridiculous. It’s unreasonable to bash a president for showing respect. If he’d snubbed him, ya’ll would be pissed about that.

So thanks guys for proving my point. Trump supporters don't care.

Another pass for Don the con.

We don’t care bc there’s nothing to care about. Ya’ll complain about how Trump is Satan, yet at the same time pick out the dumbest things to get your panties in a bunch over. If he’s truly as bad as you say, surely you can do better than this.
It's not about the minor mistake made by trump of saluting and giving respect to what is still and adversary, it's about his supporters willing to defend him, even to the point of making things up or lying rather than admitting the leader made a mistake and perhaps minimizing it. It's the Emperor can do no wrong stance and attitude that gets attacked.
It is a President's decision on how and who he shows his respect.

Soooooooo you’d rather he’d spat on him?

BookShaka.....where does that come from?

It was supposed to be BoomShaka but I typed it in wrong and now I can’t change it.
You should not have told us that.
I am not a Trump fan but this partisan politics has to stop. Any body remember mannors? Here we are at a meeting that is trying to strike a peace accord and the stupid american public thinks they can go into such a thing with out showing some mutual respect. On what fucking planet did you grow up on. Are you going to start a peace accord by telling the other party they are worthless peices of shit garnering no respect. Good luck with that strategy!
That's a little awkward. haha

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