North Korea state TV airs footage of Trump saluting North Korean military officer

This is what desperate looks like.
Keep it up are sewing the election up for Trump, adding a stitch everyday.

You Dip Shit liberals are pissing in the wind….

There is piss all over your faces…

You are all sooooo Stupid..

A salute from Trump seems like a small

price to pay to avoid a Nuclear War.

To the Sane that is………………..

Lol....hey man, you'd be pissing in the wind too of you were taking the bumpy cucumber every day!:113::113:
Has the level of anger and misery from the progressives ever been more pronounced than the past week or two? Since Rodman came on CNN, the heads have just exploded.... so apparent in the posts :2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
North Korea state TV airs footage of Trump saluting North Korean military officer


it is common for commies to have fake news

why is that so surprising
North Korea state TV airs footage of Trump saluting North Korean military officer


it is common for commies to have fake news

why is that so surprising
Hey, uncle jonny, I'm not surprised! I have long known America has a State TV. It's been elevated from a Party TV to the National Mouthpiece, and it takes fake/misleading to new heights. And faithfully watched by people who emulate communism by complaining about journalism that doesn't comply with whatever the "State" decrees, while calling their opponents 'commies'. Go figure!
Obama doesn't have the balls or the respect for the military to ever salute a North Korean general -- Trump does respect our military so he was honored to salute.

You libs are so against our country its ridiculous -- you would respect a president bowing to our enemies but not respect a president saluting soldiers?
That's a little awkward. haha
That guys only murdered a few thousand of his own people, so it’s not so bad.

And that salute may have saved a few thousand more.
Unlikely. Trump has been open about his disdain for human rights.

The whole fuckin world is laughing at this old orange bitch and that soldier, just got a promotion. Kim knows Trump is a idiot
As I understand it the military officer saluted Trump and he returned the salute if that is the case that would seem to be the proper response.
Sure pal. Whatever you say...

If this was fukin Obama, all of conservative world would have this shit run 2000000000 hours a day!!

True. The anti-Trumpers and Obama haters have MUCH in common.
Not really, those that hate Trump, love this country and hates the corruption Trump embraces....those that hated Obama yet benefited from his presidency, were just ignorant mf's that didn't know any better and a few were slightly racist.
Fact check articles are nothing more than twisted op-eds designed to support a certain narrative, and that includes those written by right-wing sites or journalists. Once you read one with a critical eye you’ll never look at any of them the same. They’re deceitful trash.

Oh boy... another one who can’t stay on topic, in your own thread no less! Trump did nothing illegal in “dodging” the draft. Bernie Sanders was a draft-dodger too. Hopefully you weren’t a supporter of his, else that’d make you a hypocrite.

Yea, that's not true.
The whole fuckin world is laughing at this old orange bitch and that soldier, just got a promotion. Kim knows Trump is a idiot

No, the whole world is NOT laughing, but I’m laughing at you.
Listen, lice ball, there's not one world leader on this planet, including some hole in the wall country with no cable or phone service who don't find this old white bitch called Trump a laughing joke.
Merkel, Macron, and Modi are not fans of the “America First” outlook.

Jonathan Ernst | Reuters
U.S. President Donald Trump poses with fellow world leaders during a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium, May 25, 2017.
America is the most powerful nation on earth. It possesses the strongest military, largest economy, and dominant culture. Nevertheless, such factors do not necessarily translate into either international respect or popularity.

Indeed, the willingness of other nations to trust the U.S. with its extraordinary power is on the wane. That, in turn undermines American influence. The better this nation's image, the more foreign governments are likely to cooperate with Washington in advancing shared goals

Of 17 nations for which Pew Research Center has numbers for both 2016 and 2017, only three—Greece, Hungary, and Nigeria—saw a popular uptick for America. All the others were down, some dramatically: Australia (60 to 48), Canada (65 to 43), France (63 to 46), Germany (57 to 35), India (56 to 49), Italy (72 to 61), Japan (72 to 57), Kenya (63 to 54), Netherlands (65 to 37), Poland (74 to 73), South Africa (60 to 53), Spain (59 to 31), Sweden (69 to 45), and United Kingdom (61 to 50).
Keep that dust mop, you call a head, you stupid white b...up your ass and believe what the fuck you want, but in the real world, that white bitch Trump is a fuckin joke and you trash heeps know it!!
Obama doesn't have the balls or the respect for the military to ever salute a North Korean general -- Trump does respect our military so he was honored to salute.

You libs are so against our country its ridiculous -- you would respect a president bowing to our enemies but not respect a president saluting soldiers?
If he truly respected our military and our country, the bitch would have served when called upon instead of punking out for bone spurs.....Next dumb ass defense!!
Fact check articles are nothing more than twisted op-eds designed to support a certain narrative, and that includes those written by right-wing sites or journalists. Once you read one with a critical eye you’ll never look at any of them the same. They’re deceitful trash.

So you provide absolutely no evidence to support your claim but you want us to take it at face value -- however I provide evidence to refute your claim and you don't accept it because you don't like the source?

Well how about if I tell you that there are other ways you can verify that you know, but something tells me if I cite you those links you will be mad that the source isn't Brietbart or Stormfront.

So you post your evidence that proves Sanders dodged the draft.

In the meantime I will continue to make a fool out of you with this excerpt from the Army Times: On paper, Sanders doesn’t have a lot in common with veterans.

He never served in the military because he was too old to be drafted when his draft number came up. He protested the Vietnam War as a University of Chicago student in the 1960s and stressed his opposition to the war during his failed Senate bid in 1971.

Keep deflecting tho.
So thanks guys for proving my point. Trump supporters don't care.

Another pass for Don the con.

We don’t care bc there’s nothing to care about. Ya’ll complain about how Trump is Satan, yet at the same time pick out the dumbest things to get your panties in a bunch over. If he’s truly as bad as you say, surely you can do better than this.

LMAO I agree and if Trump were a Dem and POTUS they would be praising everything he did or said.

Talk about a bunch of sore losers.
North Korea state TV airs footage of Trump saluting North Korean military officer


it is common for commies to have fake news

why is that so surprising
Hey, uncle jonny, I'm not surprised! I have long known America has a State TV. It's been elevated from a Party TV to the National Mouthpiece, and it takes fake/misleading to new heights. And faithfully watched by people who emulate communism by complaining about journalism that doesn't comply with whatever the "State" decrees, while calling their opponents 'commies'. Go figure!

say what you want everyone knows you are a leftist mouth piece

but the fact remains that the media faked the story by omitting facts

so really it is your problem not mine that you are "good with" being lied too
  • Thanks
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This thread is a joke, by someone who swallows BS from the democrat propaganda wing as if it were all gospel.

It's PROTOCOL, the NOKO officer saluted FIRST, so it's PROTOCOL to return the salute. It would have been an INSULT NOT TO.

What part about that don't you DEMTARDS FUCKING UNDERSTAND?

Good Lord, what a bunch of ASS CLOWNS.
This thread is a joke, by someone who swallows BS from the democrat propaganda wing as if it were all gospel.

It's PROTOCOL, the NOKO officer saluted FIRST, so it's PROTOCOL to return the salute. It would have been an INSULT NOT TO.

What part about that don't you DEMTARDS FUCKING UNDERSTAND?

Good Lord, what a bunch of ASS CLOWNS.
they got a red nose on their butthole...

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