North Korea threatens to launch "Christmas gift" to the U.S.

Thanks to the Bush League, we are in the present general mess we are in.
We have and alliance with them.......and S. Korea.......So you are Ok if Japan pulls the trigger......LOL

Tell me about the Black Ship Festival and Japan.......

We pretend we have alliances. We had "alliances" with Iraq and Afghanistan also. It sure didn't stop us from attacking them.
What a dumb ass statement..............Comparing the Middle East with S. Korea and Japan..........

You and the one thanking you are TDS idiots.

I'm wrong? We didn't have alliances with Iraq and Afghanistan?
My remembrance of Iraq is that Saddam never told the truth, killed his own people on a regular basis using a sarin-like toxin that sent about 30 villages to massive graves on their grounds. Saddam was a loose cannon if there ever was one.

We lied to start the war and then went in and killed the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing. Iraq is not a better place today.
Unfortunately, Saddam had enemies in his own country who'd die if they knew who the accuser was. Lies seem to abound in Saddam world because they'd get killed if found out. Our intelligence is like anybody else. It's hard to discern the lie from the truth if someone like serial murderer Saddam is in power.
We pretend we have alliances. We had "alliances" with Iraq and Afghanistan also. It sure didn't stop us from attacking them.
What a dumb ass statement..............Comparing the Middle East with S. Korea and Japan..........

You and the one thanking you are TDS idiots.

I'm wrong? We didn't have alliances with Iraq and Afghanistan?
My remembrance of Iraq is that Saddam never told the truth, killed his own people on a regular basis using a sarin-like toxin that sent about 30 villages to massive graves on their grounds. Saddam was a loose cannon if there ever was one.

We lied to start the war and then went in and killed the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing. Iraq is not a better place today.
Unfortunately, Saddam had enemies in his own country who'd die if they knew who the accuser was. Lies seem to abound in Saddam world because they'd get killed if found out. Our intelligence is like anybody else. It's hard to discern the lie from the truth if someone like serial murderer Saddam is in power.

We have murdered the same people we condemned Saddam for murdering.
Thanks to the Bush League, we are in the present general mess we are in.
What mess? Our economy is good, and most Americans are employed now.

You can't always feel good about politics. But you can in America earn a good living and have a reasonably happy life if you put your heart and mind in it. And right now, I'm going to wish you a merry Christmas and go back upstairs and pursue happiness my way, which is completing another quilt top for an orphaned small child. :11_2_1043:And God bless America! :3:
What a dumb ass statement..............Comparing the Middle East with S. Korea and Japan..........

You and the one thanking you are TDS idiots.

I'm wrong? We didn't have alliances with Iraq and Afghanistan?
My remembrance of Iraq is that Saddam never told the truth, killed his own people on a regular basis using a sarin-like toxin that sent about 30 villages to massive graves on their grounds. Saddam was a loose cannon if there ever was one.

We lied to start the war and then went in and killed the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing. Iraq is not a better place today.
Unfortunately, Saddam had enemies in his own country who'd die if they knew who the accuser was. Lies seem to abound in Saddam world because they'd get killed if found out. Our intelligence is like anybody else. It's hard to discern the lie from the truth if someone like serial murderer Saddam is in power.

We have murdered the same people we condemned Saddam for murdering.
#1 That is impossible. Saddam didn't bring the people he murdered back to life. In fact, our soldiers found mass graves in 30 villages Saddam used WOMDs known as sarin-related gases to kill those villages in which everybody died.

#2 See #1 :rolleyes:
I wonder. Have we ever expressed the position to China that, if North Korea were to use a nuclear weapon against us or our allies, that it would be considered a nuclear attack by China itself and that it would require a nuclear response against China? I'm not sure it has. We should be asking the Chinese, do you really want to tie your fate to that of Kim Jung-un?

It should frighten the Chinese that Jung-un could use a nuke against us, South Korea, Japan, etc. and that, in response, we would have to nuke the entirety of China into a radioactive wasteland of cockroaches.

What countries has NK attacked or invaded in the last 50 years?

Well if the little man from NK launches a missile in our direction. There will be no more NK. It will be blown off the map and rightfully so. Also you comparing him to President Trump just show what a liberal piece of shit you are.

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I don't exactly understand all this, but Kim Jong Uhn seems to want acknowledgment immediately or else.

Is he any different than Trump in this regard?
TDS on the brain.........He really lives there doesn't he.......LOL

The truth hurts your little feelings, but it is still the truth.

Your god whines like a 3 year old when FoxNews does not give him enough air time.
He's not a God............and you have supported having him removed since day one.......with the phoney BS charges of ignore what the FBI did with FISA.........And how the last administration used it as a weapon for politics..........all that was confirmed via Admiral Rogers and FISA court rulings.........

Ignored the DNC going to the Ukrainian Embassy for classified Ukraine information on the Trump Campaign.

Illegal FISA warrants on Carter Page labeling a Russian spy when he worked for the CIA on our side......but it didn't stop the perverted FBI from doing it 4 times including one where a FBI lawyer doctored the documents who is now under indictment.....

You just ignore all of that.

Don’t waste your time with Golfing Dickhead. He is just a pathetic libtard loser who can’t speak any facts so he just repeats the liberal media bullshit.

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Kim threatens America the orange flies there to meet and kiss his ass. His supporters: " he is diffusing the situation"
Trump supporters in the meantime cheer for him attacking a 16 years old autistic kid.

As a bonus:

Trump supporters attack the liberals and they a cuse them of ruining family values, in the mean time they voted for an adulterer who divorced many times, sleeps with hookers.
He's not a God............

Nope, he is not. But you sure treat him that way.

and you have supported having him removed since day one.......with the phoney BS charges of ignore what the FBI did with FISA.........And how the last administration used it as a weapon for politics..........all that was confirmed via Admiral Rogers and FISA court rulings.........

Ignored the DNC going to the Ukrainian Embassy for classified Ukraine information on the Trump Campaign.

Illegal FISA warrants on Carter Page labeling a Russian spy when he worked for the CIA on our side......but it didn't stop the perverted FBI from doing it 4 times including one where a FBI lawyer doctored the documents who is now under indictment.....

You just ignore all of that.

I have never supported having him removed. I said on this forum the day the Mueller thing started and 100 times since that I did not think that Trump did anything illegal. I have been against the impeachment from day one.

I have never once talked about or suggested him being removed. Quite frankly Pence scares me way too much for me to want him as the POTUS.

Well Assholes like you and the other libtards keep attacking him with zero proof. Your still upset after he wiped the floor with Killary. Why don’t you move to one of those countries. You have no shot at the 2020 election and you will definitely lose the House in 2020 as well. You can starting crying now

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Nope, he is not. But you sure treat him that way.
BS...........I support him against the TDS BS investigations against him........I support much of his policies..........and don't give a rip if his way of trolling the establishment hurts your wittle feelings,.

Even on a thread where N. Korea is causing our military to deploy for a possible missile launch.........All the hell you can say ........IS TRUMP SUCKS.......

You do understand our military is on alert in the South China Sea right now waiting to shoot down a potential weapons firing from N. Korea now don't you.

Merry xmas.......huh....and all you can say.......IS WE HATE TRUMP........

You are MENTAL.

There not mental. They’re Fucking Assholes.

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Ask Japan.............when he fired missiles in their direction they we talking about going to War with them................I was stationed there................and that is an unreal statement from Japan from when I was there.

A reasonable response from a country that was fired at. We weren't.
We have and alliance with them.......and S. Korea.......So you are Ok if Japan pulls the trigger......LOL

Tell me about the Black Ship Festival and Japan.......

We pretend we have alliances. We had "alliances" with Iraq and Afghanistan also. It sure didn't stop us from attacking them.
What a dumb ass statement..............Comparing the Middle East with S. Korea and Japan..........

You and the one thanking you are TDS idiots.

I'm wrong? We didn't have alliances with Iraq and Afghanistan?

You are always wrong you stupid fuck.

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Kim threatens America the orange flies there to meet and kiss his ass. His supporters: " he is diffusing the situation"
Trump supporters in the meantime cheer for him attacking a 16 years old autistic kid.

As a bonus:

Trump supporters attack the liberals and they a cuse them of ruining family values, in the mean time they voted for an adulterer who divorced many times, sleeps with hookers.

Another fucking retarded liberal scumbag. The liberals are the violent ones rioting in the streets and attacking people with Maga hats or American flags. Just shut up you ignorant scum.

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U.S. intelligence officials say North Korea could launch a short-range missile test or rocket engine test at any time. They are also watching for a long-range test, which they say is possible, but not expected until after the start of the New Year. Gordon Chang, author of "Nuclear Showdown: North Korea takes on the world" joins CBSN to discuss the latest escalation.

CBS fake news I don't trust.

Thank you for posting anyway beautress, but of course one will have to wait and see if this is true or not.
tRump has a bigger button

We ought to do the world and his slaves a favor and eliminate him. There are reasons for war and his existence is a good one. Time for Korea to reunite under CAPITALISM

Communism may actually be just a bit better than Capitalism.

Do you even live in America?
You are probably the most ANTI-American on this board, and that includes our vile Hillary voters
tRump has a bigger button

We ought to do the world and his slaves a favor and eliminate him. There are reasons for war and his existence is a good one. Time for Korea to reunite under CAPITALISM

Communism may actually be just a bit better than Capitalism.

Do you even live in America?
You are probably the most ANTI-American on this board, and that includes our vile Hillary voters

Under Communism Poland, Ukraine & Russia became more homogeneous due to deportations.

Stalin also outlawed Abortion.

Outsourced jobs, and Illegal Immigrants wouldn't be tolerated.

The Crapitalists are now pushing Poland to accept immigrants.
Same as here, and well everywhere else.

Poland struggles to find workers as unemployment hits 28-year low

Despite the anti-immigrant rhetoric, Poland receives more migrant workers than anywhere else in the world

Poland cracks door open for Filipino workers
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