North Korea threatens to launch "Christmas gift" to the U.S.

I wonder. Have we ever expressed the position to China that, if North Korea were to use a nuclear weapon against us or our allies, that it would be considered a nuclear attack by China itself and that it would require a nuclear response against China? I'm not sure it has. We should be asking the Chinese, do you really want to tie your fate to that of Kim Jung-un?

It should frighten the Chinese that Jung-un could use a nuke against us, South Korea, Japan, etc. and that, in response, we would have to nuke the entirety of China into a radioactive wasteland of cockroaches.

What countries has NK attacked or invaded in the last 50 years?
I wonder. Have we ever expressed the position to China that, if North Korea were to use a nuclear weapon against us or our allies, that it would be considered a nuclear attack by China itself and that it would require a nuclear response against China? I'm not sure it has. We should be asking the Chinese, do you really want to tie your fate to that of Kim Jung-un?

It should frighten the Chinese that Jung-un could use a nuke against us, South Korea, Japan, etc. and that, in response, we would have to nuke the entirety of China into a radioactive wasteland of cockroaches.

What countries has NK attacked or invaded in the last 50 years?
Well South Korea in skirmishes for basically forever........

Just ignore the massive artillery dug into the mountains aimed at Seoul........derp.

We can Sanction them because of it.......oh well......China can be their buddy. who cares.

They needed to stop firing at Japan.....and making overt threats or one day well have no choice but to smack their asses down.

Then China.......will want to jump the Globalist butt holes want them to keep growing at 15% instead of 6% before the Trade War.........whatever
The U.S. already bombed N.K. flat and killed, according to General Lemay, 20% of the population. N.K is still there, and remembers.
Reading this allows me to understand why we elect those with psychosis's to office.
The U.S. already bombed N.K. flat and killed, according to General Lemay, 20% of the population. N.K is still there, and remembers.
And it started how..........They invaded S. Korea in that War ....Not the other way around.

We made a serious mistake due to politics......we didn't cut the Chinese supply lines to Ribbons and fight to win.......and now because of politicians we are still dealing with them.
Of course, the dictator the U.S. supported in S.K., and who regularly threatened to invade the North, was in no way responsible; it was all N.K.
Just as with Iran (and other situations), certain people never want to assume the slightest responsibility for the messes we have to confront today. Simply demonizing the other side at every turn is not very effective except to exacerbate things.
Well South Korea in skirmishes for basically forever........

They do like to poke each other.

Just ignore the massive artillery dug into the mountains aimed at Seoul........derp.

How many times have they used it?

We can Sanction them because of it.......oh well......China can be their buddy. who cares.

They needed to stop firing at Japan.....and making overt threats or one day well have no choice but to smack their asses down.

We do not need to smack anyone over trash talk.
I don't exactly understand all this, but Kim Jong Uhn seems to want acknowledgment immediately or else.

Is he any different than Trump in this regard?
TDS on the brain.........He really lives there doesn't he.......LOL

The truth hurts your little feelings, but it is still the truth.

Your god whines like a 3 year old when FoxNews does not give him enough air time.
He's not a God............and you have supported having him removed since day one.......with the phoney BS charges of ignore what the FBI did with FISA.........And how the last administration used it as a weapon for politics..........all that was confirmed via Admiral Rogers and FISA court rulings.........

Ignored the DNC going to the Ukrainian Embassy for classified Ukraine information on the Trump Campaign.

Illegal FISA warrants on Carter Page labeling a Russian spy when he worked for the CIA on our side......but it didn't stop the perverted FBI from doing it 4 times including one where a FBI lawyer doctored the documents who is now under indictment.....

You just ignore all of that.
We do not need to smack anyone over trash talk.
Ask Japan.............when he fired missiles in their direction they we talking about going to War with them................I was stationed there................and that is an unreal statement from Japan from when I was there.

A reasonable response from a country that was fired at. We weren't.
We have and alliance with them.......and S. Korea.......So you are Ok if Japan pulls the trigger......LOL

Tell me about the Black Ship Festival and Japan.......
We do not need to smack anyone over trash talk.
Ask Japan.............when he fired missiles in their direction they we talking about going to War with them................I was stationed there................and that is an unreal statement from Japan from when I was there.

A reasonable response from a country that was fired at. We weren't.
We have and alliance with them.......and S. Korea.......So you are Ok if Japan pulls the trigger......LOL

Tell me about the Black Ship Festival and Japan.......

We pretend we have alliances. We had "alliances" with Iraq and Afghanistan also. It sure didn't stop us from attacking them.
We do not need to smack anyone over trash talk.
Ask Japan.............when he fired missiles in their direction they we talking about going to War with them................I was stationed there................and that is an unreal statement from Japan from when I was there.

A reasonable response from a country that was fired at. We weren't.
We have and alliance with them.......and S. Korea.......So you are Ok if Japan pulls the trigger......LOL

Tell me about the Black Ship Festival and Japan.......

We pretend we have alliances. We had "alliances" with Iraq and Afghanistan also. It sure didn't stop us from attacking them.
What a dumb ass statement..............Comparing the Middle East with S. Korea and Japan..........

You and the one thanking you are TDS idiots.
He's not a God............

Nope, he is not. But you sure treat him that way.

and you have supported having him removed since day one.......with the phoney BS charges of ignore what the FBI did with FISA.........And how the last administration used it as a weapon for politics..........all that was confirmed via Admiral Rogers and FISA court rulings.........

Ignored the DNC going to the Ukrainian Embassy for classified Ukraine information on the Trump Campaign.

Illegal FISA warrants on Carter Page labeling a Russian spy when he worked for the CIA on our side......but it didn't stop the perverted FBI from doing it 4 times including one where a FBI lawyer doctored the documents who is now under indictment.....

You just ignore all of that.

I have never supported having him removed. I said on this forum the day the Mueller thing started and 100 times since that I did not think that Trump did anything illegal. I have been against the impeachment from day one.

I have never once talked about or suggested him being removed. Quite frankly Pence scares me way too much for me to want him as the POTUS.
Nope, he is not. But you sure treat him that way.
BS...........I support him against the TDS BS investigations against him........I support much of his policies..........and don't give a rip if his way of trolling the establishment hurts your wittle feelings,.

Even on a thread where N. Korea is causing our military to deploy for a possible missile launch.........All the hell you can say ........IS TRUMP SUCKS.......

You do understand our military is on alert in the South China Sea right now waiting to shoot down a potential weapons firing from N. Korea now don't you.

Merry xmas.......huh....and all you can say.......IS WE HATE TRUMP........

You are MENTAL.
We do not need to smack anyone over trash talk.
Ask Japan.............when he fired missiles in their direction they we talking about going to War with them................I was stationed there................and that is an unreal statement from Japan from when I was there.

A reasonable response from a country that was fired at. We weren't.
We have and alliance with them.......and S. Korea.......So you are Ok if Japan pulls the trigger......LOL

Tell me about the Black Ship Festival and Japan.......

We pretend we have alliances. We had "alliances" with Iraq and Afghanistan also. It sure didn't stop us from attacking them.
What a dumb ass statement..............Comparing the Middle East with S. Korea and Japan..........

You and the one thanking you are TDS idiots.

I'm wrong? We didn't have alliances with Iraq and Afghanistan?

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