North Korea threatens to launch "Christmas gift" to the U.S.

We need a military alliance between the U.S., Japan, South Korea, India, Vietnam, Australia and the Philippines.
Not likely to happen. Donald Trump is big coalition builder. He is more of a go it alone kind of guy, although quite fond of Saudi Arabia. He approved transfer of Nuclear technology to them back around July, right after the prince had the reporter killed, but it's OK. The Republicans in the Senate looked into it and said it was fine. Surely you trust Senate Republicans oversight of President Trump.
We need a military alliance between the U.S., Japan, South Korea, India, Vietnam, Australia and the Philippines.

Vietnam is already in bed with China and the Philippines is leaning that way.

It might have been easier to convince the others had Trump not tried to shake down our two biggest allies
We need a military alliance between the U.S., Japan, South Korea, India, Vietnam, Australia and the Philippines.
Not likely to happen. Donald Trump is big coalition builder. He is more of a go it alone kind of guy, although quite fond of Saudi Arabia. He approved transfer of Nuclear technology to them back around July, right after the prince had the reporter killed, but it's OK. The Republicans in the Senate looked into it and said it was fine. Surely you trust Senate Republicans oversight of President Trump.

I see that a reasoned, objective, rationale discussion isn't in the works with you.
We need a military alliance between the U.S., Japan, South Korea, India, Vietnam, Australia and the Philippines.
Not likely to happen. Donald Trump is big coalition builder. He is more of a go it alone kind of guy, although quite fond of Saudi Arabia. He approved transfer of Nuclear technology to them back around July, right after the prince had the reporter killed, but it's OK. The Republicans in the Senate looked into it and said it was fine. Surely you trust Senate Republicans oversight of President Trump.

I see that a reasoned, objective, rationale discussion isn't in the works with you.
Oh, I'm reasonable. Sure he lies a lot, but sometimes he actually is right. There is an advantage to going it alone. Independence of operation can be a wonderful thing, as long as you are correct in you strategy and supporting tactic that is up to the task at hand. Be of good cheer. I said nothing in my previous post you disagree with, you and I may just have different opinion as to reason for believing it to be true. Merry Christmas :)
We need a military alliance between the U.S., Japan, South Korea, India, Vietnam, Australia and the Philippines.
Not likely to happen. Donald Trump is big coalition builder. He is more of a go it alone kind of guy, although quite fond of Saudi Arabia. He approved transfer of Nuclear technology to them back around July, right after the prince had the reporter killed, but it's OK. The Republicans in the Senate looked into it and said it was fine. Surely you trust Senate Republicans oversight of President Trump.

I see that a reasoned, objective, rationale discussion isn't in the works with you.
Oh, I'm reasonable. Sure he lies a lot, but sometimes he actually is right. There is an advantage to going it alone. Independence of operation can be a wonderful thing, as long as you are correct in you strategy and supporting tactic that is up to the task at hand. Be of good cheer. I said nothing in my previous post you disagree with, you and I may just have different opinion as to reason for believing it to be true. Merry Christmas :)
I'd personally like to watch the missile site areas of NK tonight just to make certain nothing bad happens. These are older photos, but show areas of interest

It would never get past our shield system anyway, be good target practice.
Perhaps however it might wake a few people up and realize that the impeachment stupidity is not the most important thing
I hope that is true, iamwhatiseem.
I thought Trump was buddies with Rocket man?
I believe the President was trying to end the Korean conflict and get Kim Jong Uhn to consider peaceful coexistence with his neighbor, South Korea. My Dad was in Korea 69 years ago, when the fighting was involving US servicemen, right after SSII was over, I think.
I wonder. Have we ever expressed the position to China that, if North Korea were to use a nuclear weapon against us or our allies, that it would be considered a nuclear attack by China itself and that it would require a nuclear response against China? I'm not sure it has. We should be asking the Chinese, do you really want to tie your fate to that of Kim Jung-un?

It should frighten the Chinese that Jung-un could use a nuke against us, South Korea, Japan, etc. and that, in response, we would have to nuke the entirety of China into a radioactive wasteland of cockroaches.

What countries has NK attacked or invaded in the last 50 years?
Think they've traded a few potshots with SK. I hope the hostilities end over there, but it's been a long time of incivility toward one another in the Koreas.
Of course, the dictator the U.S. supported in S.K., and who regularly threatened to invade the North, was in no way responsible; it was all N.K.
Just as with Iran (and other situations), certain people never want to assume the slightest responsibility for the messes we have to confront today. Simply demonizing the other side at every turn is not very effective except to exacerbate things.
Well, it does take two to tango. /stray philosophic thought :desk:
I don't exactly understand all this, but Kim Jong Uhn seems to want acknowledgment immediately or else.

Is he any different than Trump in this regard?
TDS on the brain.........He really lives there doesn't he.......LOL

The truth hurts your little feelings, but it is still the truth.

Your god whines like a 3 year old when FoxNews does not give him enough air time.
My, my we had nothin' to say, and we said it. :lmao:
Ask Japan.............when he fired missiles in their direction they we talking about going to War with them................I was stationed there................and that is an unreal statement from Japan from when I was there.

A reasonable response from a country that was fired at. We weren't.
We have and alliance with them.......and S. Korea.......So you are Ok if Japan pulls the trigger......LOL

Tell me about the Black Ship Festival and Japan.......

We pretend we have alliances. We had "alliances" with Iraq and Afghanistan also. It sure didn't stop us from attacking them.
What a dumb ass statement..............Comparing the Middle East with S. Korea and Japan..........

You and the one thanking you are TDS idiots.

I'm wrong? We didn't have alliances with Iraq and Afghanistan?
My remembrance of Iraq is that Saddam never told the truth, killed his own people on a regular basis using a sarin-like toxin that sent about 30 villages to massive graves on their grounds. Saddam was a loose cannon if there ever was one.
We do not need to smack anyone over trash talk.
Ask Japan.............when he fired missiles in their direction they we talking about going to War with them................I was stationed there................and that is an unreal statement from Japan from when I was there.

A reasonable response from a country that was fired at. We weren't.
Japan depends on us for avoiding the China's desire to take over the entire Eastern world. We have a base there to this day as I recollect. And we've been there a long time. People who had memories of their loved one interred into a Japanese POW camp had loved ones returning (if they were one of the 10% who survived) had some pretty serious cases of PTSD.
Ask Japan.............when he fired missiles in their direction they we talking about going to War with them................I was stationed there................and that is an unreal statement from Japan from when I was there.

A reasonable response from a country that was fired at. We weren't.
We have and alliance with them.......and S. Korea.......So you are Ok if Japan pulls the trigger......LOL

Tell me about the Black Ship Festival and Japan.......

We pretend we have alliances. We had "alliances" with Iraq and Afghanistan also. It sure didn't stop us from attacking them.
What a dumb ass statement..............Comparing the Middle East with S. Korea and Japan..........

You and the one thanking you are TDS idiots.

I'm wrong? We didn't have alliances with Iraq and Afghanistan?
I''m not certain, pknopp, but while Saddam was outright hateful to Americans, Afghanistan wasn't at the time, but they're still similar in religious leanings, which is against the entire world, practically speaking.
A reasonable response from a country that was fired at. We weren't.
We have and alliance with them.......and S. Korea.......So you are Ok if Japan pulls the trigger......LOL

Tell me about the Black Ship Festival and Japan.......

We pretend we have alliances. We had "alliances" with Iraq and Afghanistan also. It sure didn't stop us from attacking them.
What a dumb ass statement..............Comparing the Middle East with S. Korea and Japan..........

You and the one thanking you are TDS idiots.

I'm wrong? We didn't have alliances with Iraq and Afghanistan?
My remembrance of Iraq is that Saddam never told the truth, killed his own people on a regular basis using a sarin-like toxin that sent about 30 villages to massive graves on their grounds. Saddam was a loose cannon if there ever was one.

We lied to start the war and then went in and killed the very same people we condemned Saddam for killing. Iraq is not a better place today.
A reasonable response from a country that was fired at. We weren't.
We have and alliance with them.......and S. Korea.......So you are Ok if Japan pulls the trigger......LOL

Tell me about the Black Ship Festival and Japan.......

We pretend we have alliances. We had "alliances" with Iraq and Afghanistan also. It sure didn't stop us from attacking them.
What a dumb ass statement..............Comparing the Middle East with S. Korea and Japan..........

You and the one thanking you are TDS idiots.

I'm wrong? We didn't have alliances with Iraq and Afghanistan?
I''m not certain, pknopp, but while Saddam was outright hateful to Americans, Afghanistan wasn't at the time, but they're still similar in religious leanings, which is against the entire world, practically speaking.

Saddam loved us when we were arming him and providing him chemical weapons and we loved him. Iraq was a secular nation.

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