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North Korea to launch balistic missle as US and Japan grumble about it

China is, and long has been, NK's largest source of foreign aid. Every year they provide NK enormous amounts of food and fuel aid. The people in NK are still suffering because that aid doesn't actually go to the malnurished victims of that nightmare regime, but rather to the fattening of its evil leadership.

You should try once - just once - having the first idea what the hell you are talking about before you post. You might find it a refreshing change of pace.

I said prove it....

If that was fact North Korea wouldn't need US aid...

If rich ass China was so goddamn charitable they wouldn't be begging for food (that they can sell to China)...

Does it bother you at all that you so frequently humiliate yourself by making bold declarations about things you know nothing about?

Where were you educated? in an Amish barn??

Are you on Rumspringa?

You ever hear the term "cause and effect?"

Apparently none of that shit is doing much when the people of North Korea are still eating grass...

Quite frankly I could call your links propaganda considering the people of North Korea are starving.

If China did something for North Korea, then North Korea would be a healthier state - which its not... It's the same ol' state as it was 15 years ago when they were ripping off Bill Clintion and the US taxpayers.
Where were you educated? in an Amish barn??

Are you on Rumspringa?

Says the idiot whose education seems to end at old episodes of Las Vegas.

Says the one who is behind on the bell curve...

"wait up guys"


For a progressive you sure are pretty fucking slow...
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I don't think China views the US as any threat...

I think the only reason why China tolerates North Korea is because they're a (communist) totalitarian state and doing anything to dissolve North Korea would be a sign of weakness to the staunch communists (brainwashed patriots) in China.

If it wasn't for nukes, modern technology and a global economy China would have invaded us already because they could surely kick our asses in a war.

The truth is that a Chinese/US war would be highly illogical presently...

Once they fleece us of everything then they will attack for the resources.

Thanks for demonstrating yet again just how stupid and ignorant you are. China's entire military strategy, involving short and long term build up, is based on the 'threat' of the US in the region. H-G was right, of course. It is well known that NK serves as a buffer state for China, which is the only reason they continue to tolerate and support them. China is NK's largest aid donor, providing them with tons of food aid and fuel annually even when NK is not jerking the chain of our gullible politicians. Supposing that China could invade the US and "kick our asses in a war" is even more ignorant than most of the ignorant shit you regularly spew here.

You are like the Captain Kirk of being wrong - you find a way!

NO, you obviously don't know anything.

Why the fuck would we attack China??

China knows the US is no threat because war with China would be illogical presently..

A US/China war would be WWIII...

The US could invade North Korea and China wouldn't do a fucking thing about it because its not in their best interests because China is dependent on the US and our economy. Of course it would piss them off diplomatically...

If I was president I would manipulate China into invading North Korea - that would be the easiest solution to the problem.

Are you trying to see how fucking stupid you can be?

- China's military strategy isn't predicated on us "attacking" them, but rather utilizing our military presence in the region to deny them the expanded influence and control there that they seek. Accordingly, China is following the theories of Mahan in gradually building up its naval position in the region following a strategy of developing the means to deny the US access within the first island chain, then the second, and some have theorized a third island chain strategy but this is less certain. I'm sure you don't understand any of this. Ask an adult to help you.

"The US could invade North Korea and China wouldn't do a fucking thing about it" is too damn stupid even for you. Do you have a plastic bag tied over your head right now?

Ah, and if you were president you would "manipulate China into invading North Korea"? Really, genius? Do you really think that would work out? With the great intellect you have displayed here you personally would orchestrate that? Of course if YOU were president it would mean that reality had somehow been distorted and the end of the universe was upon us so I guess it wouldn't matter.

You ever hear the term "cause and effect?"

Apparently none of that shit is doing much when the people of North Korea are still eating grass...

Quite frankly I could call your links propaganda considering the people of North Korea are starving.

If China did something for North Korea, then North Korea would be a healthier state - which its not... It's the same ol' state as it was 15 years ago when they were ripping off Bill Clintion and the US taxpayers.

Try to pay attention, shitforbrains. I told you that the aid more often than not does not get to the suffering people of NK. Did you bother to read everything? No, I guess not. China does not monitor its aid once it gets into NK, so the corrupt leadership merely enriches itself at the expense of its people. This has been pointed out to you before, moron.

You didn't even read the links, did you?
Thanks for demonstrating yet again just how stupid and ignorant you are. China's entire military strategy, involving short and long term build up, is based on the 'threat' of the US in the region. H-G was right, of course. It is well known that NK serves as a buffer state for China, which is the only reason they continue to tolerate and support them. China is NK's largest aid donor, providing them with tons of food aid and fuel annually even when NK is not jerking the chain of our gullible politicians. Supposing that China could invade the US and "kick our asses in a war" is even more ignorant than most of the ignorant shit you regularly spew here.

You are like the Captain Kirk of being wrong - you find a way!

NO, you obviously don't know anything.

Why the fuck would we attack China??

China knows the US is no threat because war with China would be illogical presently..

A US/China war would be WWIII...

The US could invade North Korea and China wouldn't do a fucking thing about it because its not in their best interests because China is dependent on the US and our economy. Of course it would piss them off diplomatically...

If I was president I would manipulate China into invading North Korea - that would be the easiest solution to the problem.

Are you trying to see how fucking stupid you can be?

- China's military strategy isn't predicated on us "attacking" them, but rather utilizing our military presence in the region to deny them the expanded influence and control there that they seek. Accordingly, China is following the theories of Mahan in gradually building up its naval position in the region following a strategy of developing the means to deny the US access within the first island chain, then the second, and some have theorized a third island chain strategy but this is less certain. I'm sure you don't understand any of this. Ask an adult to help you.

"The US could invade North Korea and China wouldn't do a fucking thing about it" is too damn stupid even for you. Do you have a plastic bag tied over your head right now?

Ah, and if you were president you would "manipulate China into invading North Korea"? Really, genius? Do you really think that would work out? With the great intellect you have displayed here you personally would orchestrate that? Of course if YOU were president it would mean that reality had somehow been distorted and the end of the universe was upon us so I guess it wouldn't matter.

Are you a Chinese military general??

How the fuck can you offer any of China's "military strategy?"

Besides you obviously have no clue as to what China wants and what the US wants.

You're ignorant and delusional - the next thing you will be saying is that outsourcing jobs to China is fucked up...

So we do business with our enemies now?? is that why they construct KFC's and MacDonalds in China? is that why we outsource jobs to China? is that why we buy components from China??

I bet 90% of everything in your house is made in China...

Yet China is obsessed the US will attack them?

If I paid you $2,000 a week to sit in a corner and play video games, would you attack me if I bitch slapped your cocky step brother???

I don't think you would...
Are you a Chinese military general??

How the fuck can you offer any of China's "military strategy?"

Besides you obviously have no clue as to what China wants and what the US wants.

You're ignorant and delusional - the next thing you will be saying is that outsourcing jobs to China is fucked up...

So we do business with our enemies now?? is that why they construct KFC's and MacDonalds in China? is that why we outsource jobs to China? is that why we buy components from China??

I bet 90% of everything in your house is made in China...

Yet China is obsessed the US will attack them?...

How can you be so fucking stupid and still manage to turn on a computer? It's a mystery.

-You clearly haven't read the links I posted or my replies to your idiocy.

-Position papers are published by Chinese policy makers and US military experts on China policy. This is not a secret. If you had the brain power of at least a doorknob you would know that.

-I think you are actually getting worse each time you try to post.
If you have any interest in mitigating your glaring ignorance on this topic, ask an adult to put you in your car seat and take you to the public library. Once there, ask the friendly librarian to help you find a book titled: Red Star Over the Pacific. When you've got the book, go back to the 1st grade, learn how to read, and then read the book. It is abundantly referenced and a good place for a moron like you to begin. Of course, since you can't be bothered to read links posted here I don't expect you to actually try to read a book without pictures in it, but you can't say help wasn't offered.
They are prohibited from using intercontinental ballistic rockets as per the agreement they made with us.

It's intended purpose is not the problem, the use is. Make no mistake this is both a test of their rockets capability as most have failed in the past and its also a thumb in our nose.

This is always fun:

So, you're the President. Tell us what you would do.

you don't abide by your end of the agreement, we stop our end, no aid whatsoever. You send up a nuke, just one, and we nuke you to hell and gone.

Sounds great. I wish that we would discontinue our ambassadorships to several countries.
Obama gettin' involved, takin' it personal...
Obama warns North Korea on planned rocket launch
Mar 25, 2012 -- President Obama warned North Korea if it moves forward with a planned rocket launch next month the hermetic regime risks further isolating itself.
In an evening joint news conference here with South Korea's Lee Myung Bak, Obama also suggested that if the launch goes forward he will cancel the delivery of 240,000 tons of food aid that the administration agreed to send Pyongyang last month. The rocket launch is scheduled to coincide with the 100th anniversary of North Korean founder Kim Il Sung's birth next month. "North Korea will achieve nothing by threats or provocations," Obama said. "Bad behavior will not be rewarded."

Last month, the North Koreans agreed to suspend their uranium enrichment program and allow U.N. inspectors back in the country, moves that gave the U.S. and other allies a sliver of hope that six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear program could be revived. But then earlier this month, North Korea announced it would launch a satellite attached to a rocket into space, compelling condemnation from the Obama administration and international community.

The president's comments came hours after he travelled to the demilitarized zone that divides North and South Korea to visit American troops and see for himself a swath of the heavily fortified buffer zone. He became the fourth president to visit the DMZ, following Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. "It's like you're in a time warp," Obama said. "It's like you're looking across 50 years into a country that has missed 40 years or 50 years of progress."

The North Koreans are in the midst of a 100-day mourning period following the death in January of the country's supreme leader, Kim Jong Il. Kim was succeeded by his young son, Kim Jong Un. Lee said that he had expectations that the younger Kim would take a different path as leader of North Korea. Obama said the political situation there remained unsettled and that it was too early for him to assess the young Kim. "It's not clear exactly who is calling the shots and what their long-term objectives are," Obama said. Earlier in the day, Obama visited an observation post in the demilitarized zone that divides North and South Korea.

MORE]Obama warns North Korea on planned rocket launch

See also:

Obama to China: Help rein in North Korea
Sun Mar 25, 2012 - U.S. President Barack Obama urged China on Sunday to use its influence to rein in North Korea instead of "turning a blind eye" to its nuclear defiance, and warned of tighter sanctions if the reclusive state goes ahead with a rocket launch next month.
"North Korea will achieve nothing by threats or provocations," a stern-faced Obama said after a tour of the heavily fortified border between the two Koreas resonant with echoes of the Cold War. Such a launch would only lead to further isolation of the impoverished North, which much show its sincerity if on-again-off-again six-party aid-for-disarmament talks are to restart, Obama told a news conference in the South Korean capital. Seoul and Washington say the launch will be a disguised test of a ballistic missile that violates Pyongyang's latest international commitments. North Korea says it merely wants to put a satellite into orbit.

Even as Obama warned North Korea of the consequences of its actions, he spoke bluntly to China, the closest thing Pyongyang has to an ally, of its international obligations. Obama said Beijing's actions of "rewarding bad behavior (and) turning a blind eye to deliberate provocations" were obviously not working, and he promised to raise the matter at a meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao in Seoul on Monday. "I believe that China is very sincere that it does not want to see North Korea with a nuclear weapon," he told a news conference in Seoul before a global summit on nuclear security. "But it is going to have to act on that interest in a sustained way."

It was Obama's sharpest message yet to China to use its clout with North Korea in a nuclear standoff with the West, and dovetails with recent calls for Beijing to meet its responsibilities as a rising world power. In an election year when Republicans have accused Obama of not being strong enough with Beijing, talking tough on China is seen as a potential vote-winner after three years of troubled diplomacy in dealings with Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. China is host to the six-party talks, which involve Japan and Russia as well as the two Koreas and the United States.

What on earth is wrong with our nation? When did we become such weaklings?

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