North Korea: When is enough, enough?


Gold Member
Sep 24, 2013
What is necessary to say... let's carpet-bomb them?

How much of a provocation is necessary, outside of an obvious attack, to neuter this crazy government?

What is necessary to say... let's carpet-bomb them?

How much of a provocation is necessary, outside of an obvious attack, to neuter this crazy government?


Which provocation do you mean? First, show me the point of their "provocation" at google map.
They doing what they plan at their backdoor. You know about their "provocations" only because their backdoor terrytories permanently full of non-friend US and South Corea ships :)
They claim that they are making a nuclear weapon capable of travelling a very long distance. And they claim that they intend to use it.

This actually threatens countries other than the USA, more than it does the USA. But we will have to go in and fix it once they do the inevitable...

They are going to nuke somebody. Could be SK, Japan, China, or even Russia! They won't hit the US. But we will have to come in and fix it!

I say just go in and carpet bomb, and get rid of the mad king. (game of thrones reference, in case you didn't get it). Before he does something really stupid....
What is necessary to say... let's carpet-bomb them?

How much of a provocation is necessary, outside of an obvious attack, to neuter this crazy government?


So it's a provocation to test missiles in your own country and therefore you deserve to be carpet bombed?

So, the US tests missiles in its own country, does this mean the US deserves to be carpet bombed?
They are stating that they are going to strike US targets with nuclear weapons, once capable.

Do we allow them to get capable? Or just cut them off now, before they can harm anyone? Because they won't hit the US, but they can hit closer countries. And the mad king will do so, just to induce a war.
What is necessary to say... let's carpet-bomb them?

How much of a provocation is necessary, outside of an obvious attack, to neuter this crazy government?


Are you willing to sacrifice South Korea? That will be the price.

Fat Boy Kim needs to be taken out from within.
They claim that they are making a nuclear weapon capable of travelling a very long distance. And they claim that they intend to use it.

This actually threatens countries other than the USA, more than it does the USA. But we will have to go in and fix it once they do the inevitable...

They are going to nuke somebody. Could be SK, Japan, China, or even Russia! They won't hit the US. But we will have to come in and fix it!

I say just go in and carpet bomb, and get rid of the mad king. (game of thrones reference, in case you didn't get it). Before he does something really stupid....

North Corea just claiming - and really doing nothing at US territory.

Saudi Arabia did the WTC falling in New York 16 years ago - and still a best friend of US... Where's logic?
C'mon... seriously. They are outright threatening the region with a nuclear assault. They have not minced words. They have clearly stated their intent.

And no, Saudi Arabia did not commit the atrocities of 9/11. People from there did, but the government wasn't complicit. Stop being stupid. Are you actually from NK? Based on your spelling and grammar? You definitely sound like it. "Great Success" btw... :)

Your public statements sound exactly like Borat... High five!
What is necessary to say... let's carpet-bomb them?

How much of a provocation is necessary, outside of an obvious attack, to neuter this crazy government?


Are you willing to sacrifice South Korea? That will be the price.

Fat Boy Kim needs to be taken out from within.

No, not willing to sacrifice SK. That's why we can't nuke NK. We have to strike and wipe out their facilities in one fatal sweep. And then follow up with a land invasion to overcome any remaining resistance. Just wipe them out using regular non-nuke weapons. And then sweep it clean and have China control the territory. That way, nobody's pissed off afterwards.

Threat gone, peace restored. China happy. US allies happy.
What is necessary to say... let's carpet-bomb them?

How much of a provocation is necessary, outside of an obvious attack, to neuter this crazy government?

Instead of intervention, it would be better to try changing their regime. People there are suffering, like those in USSR. Without a doubt there is their own GULAG. So, in case of weakens of repressions, government could be switched onto normal one.
What is necessary to say... let's carpet-bomb them?

How much of a provocation is necessary, outside of an obvious attack, to neuter this crazy government?

Instead of intervention, it would be better to try changing their regime. People there are suffering, like those in USSR. Without a doubt there is their own GULAG. So, in case of weakens of repressions, government could be switched onto normal one.

That's what we're trying to do. We have put embargo's up the butt. Not working. Didn't work with Castro either. Just makes them make ties with other countries, and in this case, China.

So China has a vested interest in NK. Even though they publicly denounce the stuff NK is doing. I'm sure SK will be happier with China controlling the north, rather than the mad king. Because the way things are now, they are always at the brink of resuming war. China will just take its profits from the area, and leave SK alone.

Everyone is happy.... (except the mad king, but he'll be dead at that point)
C'mon... seriously. They are outright threatening the region with a nuclear assault. They have not minced words. They have clearly stated their intent.

And no, Saudi Arabia did not commit the atrocities of 9/11. People from there did, but the government wasn't complicit. Stop being stupid. Are you actually from NK? Based on your spelling and grammar? You definitely sound like it. "Great Success" btw... :)

Your public statements sound exactly like Borat... High five!

The government wasn't complicit? Brilliant reason! :)

If you'll get a nuke from North Corea - it will be only a piece of metal, wihout any people. Offcourse, government will not complicit in it too, what's the problem! :)))

I'm not from NK, I'm from Russia, you can see it in location field under my ava. I don't worry about nuke threat from NK or similar country, because Russian defence system able to reject any strike they can perform :))). I know, US system able to do it too.

Terroristic threat now is more actual. There are a lot of terroristic attack, performed all over the world, including US and Russian territories. And most of them are trained, organized and equipped by Saudi money. Or Turkey... It's not a secret, really.

P.S. I love Borat, it's a great compliment for me :) Just give me my Pamela :)
What is necessary to say... let's carpet-bomb them?

How much of a provocation is necessary, outside of an obvious attack, to neuter this crazy government?

Instead of intervention, it would be better to try changing their regime. People there are suffering, like those in USSR. Without a doubt there is their own GULAG. So, in case of weakens of repressions, government could be switched onto normal one.

That's what we're trying to do. We have put embargo's up the butt. Not working. Didn't work with Castro either. Just makes them make ties with other countries, and in this case, China.

So China has a vested interest in NK. Even though they publicly denounce the stuff NK is doing. I'm sure SK will be happier with China controlling the north, rather than the mad king. Because the way things are now, they are always at the brink of resuming war. China will just take its profits from the area, and leave SK alone.

Everyone is happy.... (except the mad king, but he'll be dead at that point)

How can you claim as "mad" the king, who able to learn politics at the mistakes of others, like Miloshevich or Gaddafy? ;)
I can see you're from Russia, but why defend North Korea, when they are saying they may nuke anyone in the area? And the subsequent fallout could land in Russia? If North Korea launches a nuclear weapon in hopes of starting a world war, then yes, the country IS complicit in the act. The leader of the country ordered an attack on another country. That is what being complicit means.

Having people from Saudi Arabia being responsible or financially backing terrorist acts in other countries, doesn't mean Saudi Arabia is at fault. There are many people from many countries that unfortunately do this. Can Saudi Arabian government crack down more on their people? Sure! But the actions of others, until directly connected to SA government, are not an act of war by Saudi Arabia.

But.... Honestly...... I recommend carpet-bombing the entire Middle East (including Israel), and dividing up the oil profits between the major countries. They can't take care of themselves, and will continuously be killing each other over stupid religious ideas that have no fact or basis. And killing innocents throughout the world because of it. And we (USA) have to always be involved, because of Israel and oil interests. Just wipe the whole thing out, and take it over, and split it with the people and governments in the world who want to do good.
Can anyone name a war that was won by 'carpet bombing'? Can anyone justify the immorality of resultant slaughter of innocent thousands?

China should take out the N.K. régime.
What is necessary to say... let's carpet-bomb them?

How much of a provocation is necessary, outside of an obvious attack, to neuter this crazy government?


Are you willing to sacrifice South Korea? That will be the price.

Fat Boy Kim needs to be taken out from within.

No, not willing to sacrifice SK. That's why we can't nuke NK. We have to strike and wipe out their facilities in one fatal sweep. And then follow up with a land invasion to overcome any remaining resistance. Just wipe them out using regular non-nuke weapons. And then sweep it clean and have China control the territory. That way, nobody's pissed off afterwards.

Threat gone, peace restored. China happy. US allies happy.

Reportedly, at the first strike, the DPRK will launch 33,000 missiles into SK, wiping out our troops behind the DMZ, and Seoul, just for starters.

It has to be done from the inside.
What is necessary to say... let's carpet-bomb them?

How much of a provocation is necessary, outside of an obvious attack, to neuter this crazy government?


So it's a provocation to test missiles in your own country and therefore you deserve to be carpet bombed?

So, the US tests missiles in its own country, does this mean the US deserves to be carpet bombed?
No stupid its the fact North Korea has threaten to use them on us.
What is necessary to say... let's carpet-bomb them?

How much of a provocation is necessary, outside of an obvious attack, to neuter this crazy government?


Are you willing to sacrifice South Korea? That will be the price.

Fat Boy Kim needs to be taken out from within.

No, not willing to sacrifice SK. That's why we can't nuke NK. We have to strike and wipe out their facilities in one fatal sweep. And then follow up with a land invasion to overcome any remaining resistance. Just wipe them out using regular non-nuke weapons. And then sweep it clean and have China control the territory. That way, nobody's pissed off afterwards.

Threat gone, peace restored. China happy. US allies happy.
If you give North Korea to China it will piss the Russians off.
Not if the first strike can take out most of the 300 missiles they have. (they do not have 33,000, that is the mad-king talking).That's why we have intelligence from satellites and spies.

Hey, I agree it would be nice if it were done from the inside. But unless Dennis Rodman is actually an assassin, it's not going to happen. We couldn't even kill Castro, 90 miles from our shore!

Ok, how's this... we need to develop an EMP weapon that can focus on an area. Then we can wipe out the circuitry for all their weapons at the speed of light, and they can't launch anything. Without affecting SK!

But my point is, do you agree that NK needs to be taken out? Do you think they pose an imminent danger to the region?

Or do you think that by ignoring them and continuing our sanctions, things will get better?

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