North Korean military parade features floats and flowers

I’m waiting for one of the Trump haters to come tell me how bad this is for the world...
I'm sure North Korean flowers must be poisonous or something ...

I’m waiting for one of the Trump haters to come tell me how bad this is for the world...

replying to ones' own thread is typically looked upon as being 'strange,' to put it mildly

I do find it rather odd that Trump would heap such praise & adulation upon Kin un, a despicable dictator, all while Trump has treated many of his own country men with such contempt & hatred. Very curious indeed.
I’m waiting for one of the Trump haters to come tell me how bad this is for the world...

replying to ones' own thread is typically looked upon as being 'strange,' to put it mildly

I do find it rather odd that Trump would heap such praise & adulation upon Kin un, a despicable dictator, all while Trump has treated many of his own country men with such contempt & hatred. Very curious indeed.

Anyone with a modicum of real-world experience and who isn't a petulant ideologue knows that you win more people to your side with flattery than with intransigent rhetoric.

He was stern with Kim when Kim tried his usual bluster, he was magnanimous with Kim when Kim capitulated.

The hyper-partisan crowd condemned The President for his tough talk and continue to condemn him for showing tact once North Korea backed down. There is truly nothing that man can do that you won't criticize.
I’m waiting for one of the Trump haters to come tell me how bad this is for the world...

replying to ones' own thread is typically looked upon as being 'strange,' to put it mildly

I do find it rather odd that Trump would heap such praise & adulation upon Kin un, a despicable dictator, all while Trump has treated many of his own country men with such contempt & hatred. Very curious indeed.
It's just a "bump" to keep it on page 1 of the Active List.

The parade, now that is AWESOME! Maybe this kid is serious about change.

I know, he and Pompeo are both saying "You first" but they always said it would take years to strike a true deal. So let's be hopeful, and patient.
I’m waiting for one of the Trump haters to come tell me how bad this is for the world...

replying to ones' own thread is typically looked upon as being 'strange,' to put it mildly

I do find it rather odd that Trump would heap such praise & adulation upon Kin un, a despicable dictator, all while Trump has treated many of his own country men with such contempt & hatred. Very curious indeed.

You are a moron....Trump is doing what he does....winning.....the establishment morons from both sides have allowed N. Korea to get nuclear weapons.....Trump might actually be able to get rid of them....and you hate are an idiot.
Kim un has played Trump like a finely tuned fiddle
How so? Sanctions are all still in place. Our military hasn't gone anywhere.

They are just instinctively attacking Trump..... his approach might actually get done what obama, bush, clinton, bush were not able to do.....and just because they hate Trump, they won't see success as being positive.....
I’m waiting for one of the Trump haters to come tell me how bad this is for the world...

replying to ones' own thread is typically looked upon as being 'strange,' to put it mildly

I do find it rather odd that Trump would heap such praise & adulation upon Kin un, a despicable dictator, all while Trump has treated many of his own country men with such contempt & hatred. Very curious indeed.

Anyone with a modicum of real-world experience and who isn't a petulant ideologue knows that you win more people to your side with flattery than with intransigent rhetoric.

He was stern with Kim when Kim tried his usual bluster, he was magnanimous with Kim when Kim capitulated.

The hyper-partisan crowd condemned The President for his tough talk and continue to condemn him for showing tact once North Korea backed down. There is truly nothing that man can do that you won't criticize.

That is nothing new; all previous POTUS were criticized for their efforts in regard to North Korea.
I'm sure you know this is true, unless you were pulling a Rip Van Winkle.
Kim un has played Trump like a finely tuned fiddle
How so? Sanctions are all still in place. Our military hasn't gone anywhere.

They are just instinctively attacking Trump..... his approach might actually get done what obama, bush, clinton, bush were not able to do.....and just because they hate Trump, they won't see success as being positive.....

The attempts those previous POTUS made in regard to North Korea were done with diplomats & that is the difference here.

Trump had to meet Kim un in person; Trump had to make a 'reality TV' appearance for those cameras that he so dearly misses.

None of those previous POTUS had that 'need' but Trump most certainly has that 'need.'

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