Northern Homs: Syrian Army Prepares to Attack With Russian Assistance


Nov 14, 2012
A new offensive with Russian support will hopefully end the terrorist´s presence in the region.


"The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) – are preparing for a large-scale ground offensive inside the Al-Houla and Al-Rastan Plains of northern Homs after a one year hiatus from this front.

On Saturday and Sunday, the Syrian Armed Forces fired a flurry of rockets and mortar shells into the imperative cities of Al-Rastan and Talbieseh in order to weaken the stiff defenses of the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and their allies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA); these aforementioned Islamist groups have been entrenched in this area of the Homs Governorate for almost four years.

Recently, the Islamist rebel groups in the Al-Rastan Plains have declared war on Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah, despite the fact they are confined to an area that is completely surrounded by the Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces.

In addition to the coming ground offensive by the Syrian Armed Forces in northern Homs, the Russian Air Force has concentrated its efforts on the large concentration of Al-Qaeda fighters entrenched inside this area near the southern border of the Hama Governorate.

If the Syrian Armed Force can seize full control of the Al-Houla and Al-Rastan Plains; this will leave the Al-Qaeda militants entrenched inside the Al-Wa’er District of Homs City trapped without any outlet to retreat."

Battle Map of Northern Homs: Syrian Army Prepares to Attack With Russian Assistance
Russian Air Force Strikes Al-Nusra in Northern Homs; SAA Moves in Attacking Position

"On Sunday morning, the Russian Air Force continued its massive aerial campaign over the Al-Rastan Plains in the Homs Governorate’s northern countryside, targeting both the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and their allies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) inside the cities of Talbiseh, Al-Rastan, and ‘Umm Sharshouh.

According to a military source inside the provincial capital of Homs, the Russian Air Force carried out a dozen airstrikes on Saturday and another five airstrikes on Sunday morning, as the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) continue to concentrate their soldiers along the western axis of the Al-Rastan Plains.

The source added that the Syrian Arab Army and National Defense Forces have begun firing a barrage of mortar shells and rockets into the cities of Talbiseh and Al-Rastan in order to weaken the defenses of Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army inside these rebel strongholds.

Whenever the National Defense Forces and the Syrian Arab Army decide to begin their full-scale assault on the Al-Rastan Plains, the Russian Air Force will play an integral role in this battle due to the rugged terrain surrounding the Islamist rebel defenses and the anti-tank TOW missiles in the possession of the Free Syrian Army.

If the Syrian Armed Forces do capture the Al-Rastan Plains; this will leave the Al-Wa’er District of Homs City completely isolated from any rebel supply line in the province."

Russian Air Force Strikes Al-Nusra in Northern Homs; SAA Moves in Attacking Position
Syrian Army Captures Al-Khalidiyah in Northern Homs With the Help of Russian Air Support

"The Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored and 11th Tank Divisions – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) – have made their first gains inside the Homs Governorate’s northern countryside, capturing the small village of Al-Khalidiyah Al-Dar after a short battle with the Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra.”

Leading the operation in northern Homs, the Russian Air Force’s SU-25 fighter jets and MI-24 Hind Helicopter Gunships paved the way for the Syrian Armed Forces to be successful by striking a number of locations this morning, killing scores of enemy combatants and forcing the Islamist rebels to take cover from their powerful bombardments.

According to a military source in the Homs Governorate’s provincial capital, the village of Al-Khalidiyah Al-Dar is located just north of the Al-Maflaq Road and directly east of Dar Al-Kabeera – the source added that village itself is very small and currently uninhabited.

Following the capture of Al-Khalidiyah, the Syrian Armed Forces set their sights on the imperative city of Al-Ghantu, where they were confronted by a large contingent from the Free Syrian Army and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham; if the Syrian Armed Forces are successful in capturing Al-Ghantu, they will have a clear path to Talbiseh’s western flank."

Syrian Army Captures Al-Khalidiyah in Northern Homs With the Help of Russian Air Support
First Pictures from the Syrian Army’s Advance in Northern Homs

A tank from the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored Division carrying out the first assault on the Islamist rebel fighters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra:

Soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored Division approach another building under the control of the Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army.

Soldiers from the 3rd Armored Division cross an open field after the Islamist rebels fled building ahead.

Soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Division overlook Al-Khalidiyah after taking full control of a weapons depot that belonged to the Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army.

Soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored Division advancing inside of Al-Khalidiyah, while they came under fire from the Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra.

Soldiers from the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored circling a building that was control by the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in Al-Khalidiyah

A tank from the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored Division traveling down the road leading to Al-Khalidiyah in the Al-Rastan Plains of northern Homs.

The Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored Division charging the Free Syrian Army’s main base inside of Al-Khalidiyah

First Pictures from the Syrian Army's Advance in Northern Homs
Day One of the Syrian Army Offensive in Northern Homs Concludes: Advances Made Near Al-Ghantu

"The first day of the Syrian Arab Army’s wide-scale offensive in the Homs Governorate’s northern countryside has concluded and the frontlines have changed in favor of the pro-government forces attacking the Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra.”

On Thursday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored and 11th Tanks Divisions – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah – captured the small village of Al-Khalidiyah Al-Dar after intense firefights with the Islamist militants near the imperative town of Dar Al-Kabeera to the west of Al-Ghantu.

Following their capture of Al-Khalidiyah Al-Dar, the Syrian Armed Forces and the Lebanese Resistance advanced to two other sites in the Al-Houla Plains’s eastern countryside; this time, the aforementioned pro-government forces attacked the Islamist rebels at Jawalek and Sinaysil, where they positioned themselves inside these villages.

In addition to their advance inside the Al-Houla Plains, the Syrian Armed Forces and Lebanese Resistance towards the Electrical Plant located directly east of Al-Khalidiyah Al-Dar in the Al-Rastan Plains, where they were engaged by another large contingent from Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army.

The primary objective for the Syrian Armed Forces and Lebanese Resistance is to reopen the Homs-Hama Highway that is currently obstructed by the Islamist militants at the strategic cities of Talbiseh and Al-Rastan; these aforementioned rebel strongholds are also being targeted by the pro-government forces."
Syrian Army Intensifies Their Offensive in Northern Homs With the Russian Air Force

"The Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored and 11th Tank Divisions – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) – have intensified their assault on the Al-Rastan and Al-Houla Plains of the Homs Governorate’s northern countryside this morning, striking the Islamist rebels of the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra”, the Free Syrian Army (FSA), and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham at cities of Talbiseh, Dar Al-Kabeera, Maskar Al-Hasaan, Sinaysil, Jawalek, and Al-Ghantu.

The Syrian Armed Forces began their assault at the city of Sinaysil located inside the Al-Houla Plains, where they attacked the frontline positions of Jabhat Al-Nusra and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham; this assault was intensified by the Russian Air Force’s MI-24 Hind Helicopter Gunships that rained hell over the Islamist rebels.

While the Russian choppers were bombarding the Islamist rebels in Sinaysil, their Air Force’s SU-25 fighter jets helped fracture Jabhat Al-Nusra’s defenses at Jawalek, propelling the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored Division and the National Defense Forces to advance inside this town neighboring Sinaysil to the west and Hashemeh to the east.

With the Syrian Armed Forces intensifying their ground assault to reopen the strategic Homs-Hama Highway inside the rebel strongholds of Talbiseh and Al-Rastan, the Russian Air Force seeks to eliminate the Al-Qaeda linked factions operating along this rugged area."

Syrian Army Intensifies Their Offensive in Northern Homs With the Russian Air Force
Steady Advances Made in Northern Homs as the Syrian Army Eyes the Hama-Homs Highway

"On Tuesday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored and 11th Tank Division – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) – carried out a powerful assault on the defensive positions of Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) at Tayr Ma’lat, advancing across the southern countryside of this rugged town in northern Homs.

According to a military source inside the provincial capital of the Homs Governorate, the Syrian Armed Forces entered Tayr Ma’lat after a series of intense firefights with Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) that stretched for almost four days before the aforementioned Islamist groups finally withdrew from this town’s southern gates on Tuesday morning.

Despite claims of its capture, the Syrian Armed Forces have not taken full control of Tayr Ma’lat – the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army are still in control of most of the town; this battle will likely intensify in the coming days, as the Syrian Armed Forces push further north towards the integral city of Al-Ghantu in the Al-Rastan Plains.

Earlier this morning, the Syrian and Russian Air Forces struck Tayr Ma’lat several times in order to destroying the Islamist rebels’ main weapons and ammunition depot that is reportedly located in the northern part of the town.

In addition to their airstrikes over Tayr Ma’lat, the Syrian and Russian Air Forces also struck the cities of Talbiseh, Al-Rastan, Umm Sharshouh, and Al-Ghantu on Wednesday morning."

Steady Advances Made in Northern Homs as the Syrian Army Eyes the Hama-Homs Highway
Syrian Army Resumes Offensive in Northern Homs After Failed Ceasefire Talks

"Last week, the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored and 11th Tank Divisions pulled out of the imperative towns of Sinaysil and Jawalek after orders were passed down from the Syrian Armed Forces’ Central Command regarding a potential reconciliation agreement with Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham.

Unfortunately, this potential ceasefire agreement went sour over the weekend, as the Islamist rebels refused the terms provided by the Syrian Arab Army’s Central Command; thus, leading to the renewed clashes outside of Jawalek and Sinaysil on Monday afternoon.

On Wednesday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd and 11th Divisions – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Homs City and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSN) fighters from Wadi Al-Nasara (“Valley of the Christians”) – broke-through the Islamist rebel defenses at both Jawalek and Sinaysil, securing the eastern sectors of these towns in the Homs Governorate’s northern countryside.

In addition to their reentrance into Jawalek and Sinaysil, the Syrian Armed Forces also resumed their assault on the integral town of Tayr Ma’lat, where they were able to push further north towards the central district; this ground assault was followed by a number of airstrikes from the Russian Air Force.

The Syrian Armed Forces did not stop there, however; instead, they advanced their positions along the road leading from Al-Halmouz to Al-Jasmiyyi after intense clashes with the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra.”

Currently, the Syrian Armed Forces have engaged the Islamist rebels at several sites in northern Homs; despite this, they still have a long way to go before they can achieve their objective, which includes the reopening of the Hama-Homs Highway."

Syrian Army Resumes Offensive in Northern Homs After Failed Ceasefire Talks
Syria: Hundreds of Militants Flee As Massive Operations Start in Homs

"The Syrian army, backed by the country’s fighter jets and Russian warplanes, launched large-scale offensive on the Takfiri militants’ positions in Homs province, forcing hundreds of terrorists to flee.
Hundreds of Takfiri terrorists fled their positions in Homs province as the Syrian army, backed by airstrikes, staged a large-scale offensive on the positions of the militants, sources said Thursday.

Syrian army troops liberated the Eastern part of the towns of Jawalek and Sinaysil in Homs province from the control of the Takfiri militants, and inflicted heavy losses on the terrorists, reports said Thursday.

The Syrian army, backed by the National Defense Forces, retook full control over the Eastern part of the towns of Jawalek and Sinaysil in Homs, killing scores of terrorists and destroying their weapons and vehicles.

Earlier reports said the Syrian army killed tens of the ISIL terrorists in Homs province.

The Syrian forces killed scores of ISIL terrorists in the vicinity of the city of Palmyra in Homs.

The Syrian army killed tens of ISIL terrorists in fresh battles in Homs before launching ots massive operations to capture the ancient city of Palmyra (also known as Tadmur) in the province, reports said Thursday.

An intelligence source disclosed on Wednesday that the Syrian Army, popular force and the Russian Air Force are coordinating to launch a joint massive operation to win back militant-held Palmyra city in Homs province.

The commander of the Syrian ground force, National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Russian air force are reviewing the last steps of their joint operation to recapture the ancient city of Palmyra from the ISIL terrorists."

Syria: Hundreds of Militants Flee As Massive Operations Start in Homs
Over 160 (260) Terrorists Give up Fight as Syrian-Russian Forces Storm Militant Positions

"Some 166 wanted Takfiri militants surrendered to the Syrian authorities across the country as the Syrian army and Russian air force raided terrorists’ positions and continued advances on Wednesday.
Over 150 wanted militants have surrendered to the Syrian authorities as the army troops, backed by Russian air support, gained a faster momentum in their march on terrorist-held regions.

According to military sources, 49 militants from Damascus, Quneitra and Hama turned themselves in to the Syrian authorities.

Meanwhile, 117 gunmen gave up fight and turning themselves in to authorities of Homs province to be pardoned.

Also on Monday, 118 wanted Takfiri terrorists surrendered to the Syrian authorities in Aleppo as the army troop and Russian fighter jets continue to advance against the militants and a major battle is in the offing in the region.

The Syrian army troops, backed by Hezbollah forces and Russian warplanes, have made major advances in their fight against the Takfiri terrorists across the Arab country in recent weeks.

Following the Syrian-Russian joint operations, thousands of militants have also fled Syria to Jordan, Turkey and Europe."
Syrian Army Captures Al-Duwayr in Northern Homs

"On Friday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 3rd Armored and 11th Tank Divisions – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Homs City – launched an assault on the town of Al-Duwayr in the Homs Governorate’s northern countryside, striking the Islamist rebels of the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) from their positions at the Homs Industrial District.

Following a morning of intense firefights with the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army, the Syrian Armed Forces were able to impose full-control over Al-Duwayr after killing 13 enemy combatants and destroying their primary hideout inside this town.

The Syrian Armed Forces did not stop at Al-Duwayr: not long after taking control of the aforementioned town, the SAA’s 3rd Armored Division pushed into the strategic village of Dar Al-Kabeera, where they were confronted by a large force from Jabhat Al-Nusra and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham.

In addition to their assault on Dar Al-Kabeera, the Syrian Armed Forces continued their advance inside the integral town of Tayr Ma’lat, capturing 4 building blocks from the Islamist rebels of Jabhat Al-Nusra and the Free Syrian Army, while also seizing their weapons and ammunition supply depot.

Despite the daunting task ahead, the Syrian Armed Forces have made considerable progress in northern Homs, as they continue their large-scale offensive to reopen the imperative Hama-Homs Highway."

Syrian Army Captures Al-Duwayr in Northern Homs

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