Norwegian Shooting Suspect's 'Manifesto' Inspired By American Right-Wing Thinkers

It really shows how liberalism can push an individual to the breaking point eh???

He attacked kids tho and thats just wrong...... You don't attack children.

The guy is insane because he was shooting kids.

He's no better than the Muslim extremists he claims to hate.

I understand him tho - all he wanted was his liberty and individual identity - the labor party stole that from him and ordered him to be just another face in a crowed.

Individuals will snap when they have their liberty taken from them. Because real liberalism is based on liberty - people want freedom and they're not sheep, and progressives treat people like sheep.

This guy went crazy and killed kids tho - a real classical liberal would never do that.

An excellent example of "blame the victim".

And are you really saying it's only bad because it was children? How about it was bad because it was innocent people he killed because of his extreme religious and ideological views?
"WillowTree has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her."

Willow, I tried to thank you for you intelligent input but you have responses blocked, if you send private messages wouldn't it be fair to receive them too? Anyway I thought I'd do it in public. Thanks for your input and rep, it is always appreciated. Allow me to share link again for those interested in topic. mc5

"Having mistakenly assumed that the story of terror in Oslo belonged to the narrative of the war on terrorism, we are now placing it firmly within the equally familiar narrative of white racism and anti-Islamic fanaticism.


"There is also a right-wing version of this argument, one that has been honed to perfection by novelist Charles McCarry (in Lucky Bastard, he imagines that the Bill Clinton-like American president is a Communist agent and his Hillary-like wife is his controller). More recently, right-wing illegitimism has taken the form of birtherism." What Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik and American "birthers" have in common. - By Anne Applebaum - Slate Magazine

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It is strange how the two murderous radical groups in the world sound the same. Those on the lunatic right sound just the same as the Jihadists. Just transpose a few words, and the messages are indistinguishable.


You are a bigot. You are so wrapped up in your hatred and contempt of religion, Christianity in particular, that you are blind to obvious facts. Show me the Christian equivalent of the organized and systematic genocide and terrorism committed in the name of Islam.

Where are the Christians calling for the execution of the South Park creators?

Where are the Christians beheading people?

Where are the Christians enslaving and committing genocide (Sudan)?

You are so mindlessly obsessed with hatred. It is a sign of just how ignorant you are that you will sit there and say that 80% of Americans are the same as Jihadists.
I couldn't find it on Fox News... Why don't you read the Manifesto and draw your own conclusions. I'm sure you're familiar with "right-wing thinkers"...

Find a neutral source and we'll debate.

You mean somewhere between TRUTH and FICTION...?

Politicizing the actions of a mass murderer to prove a point?
Everything has political-implications!!!

Until you political-neophytes (Teabaggers, Birthers, Deathers, etc.....who'd just discovered Politics.....around the same time we elected the first BLACK-President) "get" THAT, you're ill-prepared to instruct ANYONE-else on Politics!!!
Shut the fuck up

Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......I don't wanna.

You Nationalists are tooooooooooooooo obvious.​

Yeah, I know - you spend more time posting than you do learning something.

Open a book bitch...

Only then will you realize just how wrong you are and how facts matter instead of your dumb fucking opinions or rationalizations on the issues.
wow......such a convincing argument.

You must open books.

I feel so inadequate.

I couldn't find it on Fox News... Why don't you read the Manifesto and draw your own conclusions. I'm sure you're familiar with "right-wing thinkers"...

You mean somewhere between TRUTH and FICTION...?

Politicizing the actions of a mass murderer to prove a point?
Everything has political-implications!!!

Until you political-neophytes (Teabaggers, Birthers, Deathers, etc.....who'd just discovered Politics.....around the same time we elected the first BLACK-President) "get" THAT, you're ill-prepared to instruct ANYONE-else on Politics!!!

No, not everything is politics. Only to someone like you, sitting in your underwear watching CSPAN, is mass murder acceptable to use as political fodder.

I'm sure you are an intellectual giant, but I'm not instructing you on politics, I'm making a statement of morality. Obviously you are ill-prepared to instruct anyone on morality.

You lack class, and not even MSNBC is attempting to politicize the this mass murder. Continue showing everyone your character.
Funny, when we pointed out that Jared Loughner was a left-wing loon you damn near shit youself.
I guess we are going to have to blame Plato for this whole mess, since we are tracing political thought writers through history.
Doesn't the fact that they guy has a well used inflatable Sarah Palin love doll figure in somehow?
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It really shows how liberalism can push an individual to the breaking point eh???

He attacked kids tho and thats just wrong...... You don't attack children.

The guy is insane because he was shooting kids.

He's no better than the Muslim extremists he claims to hate.

I understand him tho - all he wanted was his liberty and individual identity - the labor party stole that from him and ordered him to be just another face in a crowed.

Individuals will snap when they have their liberty taken from them. Because real liberalism is based on liberty - people want freedom and they're not sheep, and progressives treat people like sheep.

This guy went crazy and killed kids tho - a real classical liberal would never do that.

An excellent example of "blame the victim".

And are you really saying it's only bad because it was children? How about it was bad because it was innocent people he killed because of his extreme religious and ideological views?

No, the kids are the victim - their parents are asshats.

The real victims here are the children dummy.. They did nothing wrong - they just happened to be kids of authoritarian tyrants.

But in a way, yes - their parents are responsible the the death of their kids.

If this guy was not pushed over the edge this would have never happened.

All the guy wanted was liberty - is that too much to ask for? to let an individual be free??

Apparently it is...
It really shows how liberalism can push an individual to the breaking point eh???

He attacked kids tho and thats just wrong...... You don't attack children.

The guy is insane because he was shooting kids.

He's no better than the Muslim extremists he claims to hate.

I understand him tho - all he wanted was his liberty and individual identity - the labor party stole that from him and ordered him to be just another face in a crowed.

Individuals will snap when they have their liberty taken from them. Because real liberalism is based on liberty - people want freedom and they're not sheep, and progressives treat people like sheep.

This guy went crazy and killed kids tho - a real classical liberal would never do that.

An excellent example of "blame the victim".

And are you really saying it's only bad because it was children? How about it was bad because it was innocent people he killed because of his extreme religious and ideological views?

No, the kids are the victim - their parents are asshats.

The real victims here are the children dummy.. They did nothing wrong - they just happened to be kids of authoritarian tyrants.

But in a way, yes - their parents are responsible the the death of their kids.

If this guy was not pushed over the edge this would have never happened.

All the guy wanted was liberty - is that too much to ask for? to let an individual be free??

Apparently it is...


You can't possibly be serious. You sympathize with an absolute insane person.

How was shooting and killing children fighting for liberty? The only person responsible for their deaths was the man that pulled the trigger.
Also in which ways is the individualism message wrong?

What, do you want to be sheep?

You may as well be asking for just that by saying the individualism message is wrong.
An excellent example of "blame the victim".

And are you really saying it's only bad because it was children? How about it was bad because it was innocent people he killed because of his extreme religious and ideological views?

No, the kids are the victim - their parents are asshats.

The real victims here are the children dummy.. They did nothing wrong - they just happened to be kids of authoritarian tyrants.

But in a way, yes - their parents are responsible the the death of their kids.

If this guy was not pushed over the edge this would have never happened.

All the guy wanted was liberty - is that too much to ask for? to let an individual be free??

Apparently it is...


You can't possibly be serious. You sympathize with an absolute insane person.

How was shooting and killing children fighting for liberty? The only person responsible for their deaths was the man that pulled the trigger.

No I don't "sympathize" with him - what he did was wrong.

I understand him tho - not his actions, but his boggle with the authoritarian tyrants.
It really shows how liberalism can push an individual to the breaking point eh???

He attacked kids tho and thats just wrong...... You don't attack children.

The guy is insane because he was shooting kids.

He's no better than the Muslim extremists he claims to hate.

I understand him tho - all he wanted was his liberty and individual identity - the labor party stole that from him and ordered him to be just another face in a crowed.

Individuals will snap when they have their liberty taken from them. Because real liberalism is based on liberty - people want freedom and they're not sheep, and progressives treat people like sheep.

This guy went crazy and killed kids tho - a real classical liberal would never do that.

An excellent example of "blame the victim".

And are you really saying it's only bad because it was children? How about it was bad because it was innocent people he killed because of his extreme religious and ideological views?

No, the kids are the victim - their parents are asshats.

The real victims here are the children dummy.. They did nothing wrong - they just happened to be kids of authoritarian tyrants.

But in a way, yes - their parents are responsible the the death of their kids.

If this guy was not pushed over the edge this would have never happened.

All the guy wanted was liberty - is that too much to ask for? to let an individual be free??

Apparently it is...

How are the parents of the victims ass hats?

I just am not following that logic.
It really shows how liberalism can push an individual to the breaking point eh???

He attacked kids tho and thats just wrong...... You don't attack children.

The guy is insane because he was shooting kids.

He's no better than the Muslim extremists he claims to hate.

I understand him tho - all he wanted was his liberty and individual identity - the labor party stole that from him and ordered him to be just another face in a crowed.

Individuals will snap when they have their liberty taken from them. Because real liberalism is based on liberty - people want freedom and they're not sheep, and progressives treat people like sheep.

This guy went crazy and killed kids tho - a real classical liberal would never do that.

An excellent example of "blame the victim".

And are you really saying it's only bad because it was children? How about it was bad because it was innocent people he killed because of his extreme religious and ideological views?

No, the kids are the victim - their parents are asshats.

The real victims here are the children dummy.. They did nothing wrong - they just happened to be kids of authoritarian tyrants.

But in a way, yes - their parents are responsible the the death of their kids.

If this guy was not pushed over the edge this would have never happened.

All the guy wanted was liberty - is that too much to ask for? to let an individual be free??

Apparently it is...

You're disgusting...and I say that with all due disgust.
An excellent example of "blame the victim".

And are you really saying it's only bad because it was children? How about it was bad because it was innocent people he killed because of his extreme religious and ideological views?

No, the kids are the victim - their parents are asshats.

The real victims here are the children dummy.. They did nothing wrong - they just happened to be kids of authoritarian tyrants.

But in a way, yes - their parents are responsible the the death of their kids.

If this guy was not pushed over the edge this would have never happened.

All the guy wanted was liberty - is that too much to ask for? to let an individual be free??

Apparently it is...

How are the parents of the victims ass hats?

I just am not following that logic.

The parents aren't the victims - they're the aggressors, the agitators.
Norwegian shooter/bomber Anders Behring Breivik left behind a 1,500-page "manifesto," and its ideas bear an eerie similarity to American right-wing thought

You've been jerking off all morning over this haven't you? You did yet once again show who the American party of hate is. Look for the nearest mirror and you'll see it too.
No, the kids are the victim - their parents are asshats.

The real victims here are the children dummy.. They did nothing wrong - they just happened to be kids of authoritarian tyrants.

But in a way, yes - their parents are responsible the the death of their kids.

If this guy was not pushed over the edge this would have never happened.

All the guy wanted was liberty - is that too much to ask for? to let an individual be free??

Apparently it is...


You can't possibly be serious. You sympathize with an absolute insane person.

How was shooting and killing children fighting for liberty? The only person responsible for their deaths was the man that pulled the trigger.

No I don't "sympathize" with him - what he did was wrong.

I understand him tho - not his actions, but his boggle with the authoritarian tyrants.

to be in agreement of feeling; share in a feeling

You understand him? You are delusional, and quite frankly scary.
  • Thanks
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An excellent example of "blame the victim".

And are you really saying it's only bad because it was children? How about it was bad because it was innocent people he killed because of his extreme religious and ideological views?

No, the kids are the victim - their parents are asshats.

The real victims here are the children dummy.. They did nothing wrong - they just happened to be kids of authoritarian tyrants.

But in a way, yes - their parents are responsible the the death of their kids.

If this guy was not pushed over the edge this would have never happened.

All the guy wanted was liberty - is that too much to ask for? to let an individual be free??

Apparently it is...

You're disgusting...and I say that with all due disgust.


Yet you will put on a Che Guevara t-shirt?

Che's face is a staple of college idioits, yet he was a prolific mass murderer and terrorist.

I suppose it has nothing to do with killing tho with you and everything to do with the cause...

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