Not A Clue How Government Works

Good luck to Cuomo with that. He's as big an idiot as trump. That trump is an idiotic, ignorant jerk is undeniable, but you didn't see Donnie ordering recovering Coronavirus patients to nursing homes along with body bags. If Coumo wants to do something positive within his sphere of influence, I still haven't seen state tax relief to all the out of state medical support that came to fetch his state's fat out of the fire, when Cuomo cooked their goose. What a dip$hit!

Cuomo is doing something! He made this paper-mache blob.

Maybe next he'll have lapel pins made in the image of the green blob and all the progressives can wear them.
View attachment 356852

Cuomo is doing something! He made this paper-mache blob.

Maybe next he'll have lapel pins made in the image of the green blob and all the progressives can wear them.
so if people don't want to follow your rules, you must punish them. it's very simple in a demofk world. they hate freedom.

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