Not a good night for the Repubs

You liked inflation?

I do not like inflation and Biden made it worse than it needed to be.

You liked the isolationist perils we had been placed in?

yes, we should quit being the world's police force. It is driving us bankrupt.

You liked paying the China tariffs and the farmers for markets that vanished as a result of the ignorant tariffs.

Nope, I am against tariffs

You liked Trump licking Putin's ass on the world stage? You like how Trump had empowered China by with drawing from TPP?

I do not like Trump any more or less than I do Biden. It is boring that you are just one more partisan that thinks everyone that does not support your guy is automatically on the other side.

How Good Ole Joe has made big strides in fixing these things? The mess Trump made in Iran?

Joe has not fixed anything. What did Trump do to Iran?

Clearly you have little clue if any as to what you are speaking about.

But of course, you are just one more mindless partisan that views everyone that does not think just like them as cluless.

How very boring
I do not like inflation and Biden made it worse than it needed to be.

yes, we should quit being the world's police force. It is driving us bankrupt.

Nope, I am against tariffs

I do not like Trump any more or less than I do Biden. It is boring that you are just one more partisan that thinks everyone that does not support your guy is automatically on the other side.

Joe has not fixed anything. What did Trump do to Iran?

But of course, you are just one more mindless partisan that views everyone that does not think just like them as cluless.

How very boring

I started to answer this post and I realized your ignorance was overwhelming. It could not be corrected. You are not educable.
I started to answer this post and I realized your ignorance was overwhelming. It could not be corrected. You are not educable.

How boring, just one more mindless partisan drone.

Respecting personal reproductive rights, rather than allowing the State to dictate abortion or proscribe it, has nothing to do with your racism, your desire to have the GOP's old, white geezers dictate to women.

I'm actually in agreement with you on that. If you bother to look at my prior posts from several years ago that was the argument I made in favor of abortion availability. The government that says you may not have an abortion, is also the government that says you MUST have one.

I was merely pointing out that rampant racism within the demokkkrat party.
Instead of laughing try coming up with a link that isn't 9 years old.
That's some funny shit
See what I posted therefore I'm not a democrat.
That shit is less than 1% of you pro defensive post for the democrats

IOW, you do not care what I post, your mind is made up and no facts will change it
Are you drunk? Leftists don't respect anyone's will but their own anti America driven agenda
If you are upset by democratic self-governance, that is unfortunate.

The rise of authoritarianism is not a viable option.
If you are upset by democratic self-governance, that is unfortunate.

The rise of authoritarianism is not a viable option.
Then stop pushing it.

Vax mandates. YOU

Censorship. YOU

Gun control. YOU

All fascist in nature, and all pushed by YOU
I'm actually in agreement with you on that. If you bother to look at my prior posts from several years ago that was the argument I made in favor of abortion availability. The government that says you may not have an abortion, is also the government that says you MUST have one.

I was merely pointing out that rampant racism within the demokkkrat party.
Your pretense is contradicted by the racial diversity of the Democratic Party.

Americans align with the political party that best represents them.
Your pretense is contradicted by the racial diversity of the Democratic Party.

Americans align with the political party that best represents them.

Yeah, sure thing. Mexicans are abandoning you in droves. Same with the black population.


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