Not A POW, Not A Deserter, Not AWOL, He Was


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
a Defector.

Think about it. He was unhappy with the Army. He was unhappy with the War. He was unhappy with his tour in Asscrackistan, he was ashamed to be an American, he said something about the Military and fools, he mailed his personal belongings home, he left a note saying he was leaving.....

He was a defector.

Not a POW, or a deserter or gone AWOL -- A defector.

Know what we do with Military defectors?

We execute them. On the spot.

Well, unless you're obama. Then you give them a medal.

And the thread I started about the Private Intelligence people telling us that Bergdahl was happy as a clam in the loving arms of the Taliban.... The one that got moved to Current Events?

It's big news. REALLY big news.

Whether the report is true or not remains to be seen. The report also talks about him trying to escape and being thrown into a cage.

Funny how the libturds in here act EXACTLY like the libturds in the dimocrap cult outside.... Ignore, Ignore, Attack, Attack, Smear, Smear, Deny, Attack, Smear...

SSDD, same shit different day
This is part of the word games dimocrap scum play all the time. ALL the time.

Undocumented Immigrants, a Woman's Right To Choose, Social Justice...

And now, the scum of the earth keeps referring to Bergdahl as a captive or a POW or a Hostage.

He was NONE of these. He defected to the Taliban.

He was a defector.

Think about it. A defector. Add it all up, the piece of shit was a defector.

Use that word, the accurate description of Bergdahl, from now on and see how it changes the conversation.

dimocraps play word games. And you can't let them get away with it
Maybe so but he defected from a nation founded on white privileged racist, homophobic, genocidal, Christian, sexist, capitalist pig one percenters.

The new poster boy for progressive love and tolerance.

in the dimwads eyes, that make him a hero, they have said it many times. :up:

The definition in the OP would describe Obama. He, too, is a defector. He hates America and he sleeps with the enemy. His goal is to change the foundation upon which America stands. Why? Because he's ashamed of America as it is. He's aided the enemy by release their top generals and slapped Americans in the face by welcoming a defector onto America's shores.

Obama is, without a doubt, the very worst President in the history of America. I'm ashamed of him and I'm ashamed for him (because he doesn't have the conscience to feel shame on his own).
This is part of the word games dimocrap scum play all the time. ALL the time.

Undocumented Immigrants, a Woman's Right To Choose, Social Justice...

And now, the scum of the earth keeps referring to Bergdahl as a captive or a POW or a Hostage.

He was NONE of these. He defected to the Taliban.

He was a defector.

Think about it. A defector. Add it all up, the piece of shit was a defector.

Use that word, the accurate description of Bergdahl, from now on and see how it changes the conversation.

dimocraps play word games. And you can't let them get away with it

He wasnt really a defector. He was really just fed up with the psychot soldiers in his unit, the same ones who are saying he abandoned his post. It's the soldiers' fault, not Bergdahl's.
Yes, they are really saying this, trashing our soldiers to make Obama look good. We see who supports the military here. And we see there are no lengths they will not go to in order to protect Obama. But even the press is tired of the lies.
My, my, so the buzz is hate this soldier now. And you assholes are ready to hang him without so much as even a hearing. Why?

Because getting one of our boys back, no matter how feckless of an individual he is and was, resonates with the rest of America that does not share your insanity. Because most of America thinks that the GOP Congress are a bunch of idiotic assholes in any case. Their approval ratings are right up their with cockroaches. And winding down the so called war on terror by letting the Gitmo prisoners go needs to be done.

Froth at the mouth and spasm all you want, wingnuts, the President is going to come out of this controversy looking better and stronger for what he has done. And you are going to look to be the typical hateful fools you are.
My, my, so the buzz is hate this soldier now. And you assholes are ready to hang him without so much as even a hearing. Why?

Because getting one of our boys back, no matter how feckless of an individual he is and was, resonates with the rest of America that does not share your insanity. Because most of America thinks that the GOP Congress are a bunch of idiotic assholes in any case. Their approval ratings are right up their with cockroaches. And winding down the so called war on terror by letting the Gitmo prisoners go needs to be done.

Froth at the mouth and spasm all you want, wingnuts, the President is going to come out of this controversy looking better and stronger for what he has done. And you are going to look to be the typical hateful fools you are.

He was a traitor and a defector.

There is undeniable proof of that from first hand witnesses and accounts.

Only people like you are too stupid to see it.

Because your cult leader has blinded you.

But then, you weren't too bright t start with :dunno:
This is part of the word games dimocrap scum play all the time. ALL the time.

Undocumented Immigrants, a Woman's Right To Choose, Social Justice...

And now, the scum of the earth keeps referring to Bergdahl as a captive or a POW or a Hostage.

He was NONE of these. He defected to the Taliban.

He was a defector.

Think about it. A defector. Add it all up, the piece of shit was a defector.

Use that word, the accurate description of Bergdahl, from now on and see how it changes the conversation.

dimocraps play word games. And you can't let them get away with it

He wasnt really a defector. He was really just fed up with the psychot soldiers in his unit, the same ones who are saying he abandoned his post. It's the soldiers' fault, not Bergdahl's.
Yes, they are really saying this, trashing our soldiers to make Obama look good. We see who supports the military here. And we see there are no lengths they will not go to in order to protect Obama. But even the press is tired of the lies.

Remember Obama doesn't like the military !
As a Senator he put on record for the enemy to take out of context this statement "OUR military air-raiding villages, KILLING CIVILIANS"!

No matter if it was taken out of context YOU don't say words to encourage the enemy.
Harvard study showed words like these prolonged Iraq and "emboldened" the enemy!

asked: "Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?
THIS is what POWs look like....


American POWs in Hanoi

Not this...


Or this...


dimocraps are knob slurping scum for defending this traitor, this defector.

And the only reason they're doing it is because their cult leader is telling them to.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth
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[ame=]Sgt Bowe Bergdahl's platoon members speak out - YouTube[/ame]

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