Not earmarking....lettermarking. Got it!


Gold Member
Aug 3, 2009
“Senator-elect Kirk became the first member of the Appropriations Committee to stop requesting earmarks and voted against the stimulus bill,” the spokeswoman, Susan Kuczka, said in a prepared statement. “He has and will continue to be an advocate for his Illinois constituents before administration agencies but will not request Congressional earmarks to be included in House or Senate legislation.” .Lettermarking, which takes place outside the Congressional appropriations process, is one of the many ways that legislators who support a ban on earmarks try to direct money back home.

NYT: Lawmakers find ways to fund pet projects - Politics - The New York Times -

You just gotta love those earmark bans. Does the Tea Party approve of this?
Lettermarking, which takes place outside the Congressional appropriations process, is one of the many ways that legislators who support a ban on earmarks try to direct money back home.

What say you, Tea Partiers? Is this what you voted for?
Lettermarking, which takes place outside the Congressional appropriations process, is one of the many ways that legislators who support a ban on earmarks try to direct money back home.

What say you, Tea Partiers? Is this what you voted for?

The Tea Party will not be concerned unless Fox News tells them to be so
Shifting money around from those who produce to those who vote is a vital survival mechanism for these folks.

It is imperative that the heat be kept on that this is unacceptable in any form. This is not a republican-tea party vs Dem issue, it is the nation vs the aristocracy issue.

Doesn't matter what his party affiliation is. He needs to hear that we don't like it, and we will continue to keep the heat on, and he better not just talk the talk, but walk the walk, he will be walking to the unemployment line.

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