Not everyone wants all electric automobiles

By destroying fossil fuels, the Global Elite are going to make having a private automobile so expensive that it will once again become a status symbol that only the Very Very Rich can afford. And another piece of the agenda is to herd all of the serfs into high density tenement slums where they are much easier to control.
All ready there electric vehicles in the 30 k range. So there goes that argument.

When you make $15 per hour (the soon to be Federal minimum and maximum after-tax wage because EQUITY!), a $30K car is unafforable. You also didn't factor in the cost of electricity. Without fossil fuels, electricity prices are going to skyrocket and we will see brown and black outs due to the instability of "renewable" and the poor quality of the grid. A car you can't recharge doesn't go anywhere, bub.
Ya and what is the average cost of a new gas powered car today? Lol. Next brown outs? Lol Just pulling that one from air. Show me some science on that there buddy. By the way that battery in the electric car is a great storage place for solar panel energy can even be tapped back into house if needed.

You're not too bright, are you champ?

Learn something about Economics, Supply and Demand, and Physics (SCIENCE!) and get back to us.
Bla,bla,bla thats all ya got hillarious. Get fucking bent ,trash.

You're a sad little person, and thankfully, easily put on ignore. Adios, swampy.
Good I could care less what you have to say. Nothing but insults no actual info or argument. Just bull shit. What a peice of trash.

Then why don't you do that, care less, and shut the hell up about it nit-wit ... :yapyapyapf:

Bite me bitch!

You said it best ... "Nothing but insults, no actual info or argument. Just bullshit. What a piece [sp] of trash." ... :yapyapyapf:

Lol ! I made my argument earlier. Again what is average cost of a new car today? Tesla gas electric cars in the 30 k range when average cost of gas powered new car today is in the 40 k . So affordability argument is horse shit. Argue against it it bitch. I can give links that support my argument you can not. Get bent leice of trash
How Much Does a Tesla Cost? All Tesla Models & Prices in 2021 (

Gee right from
One base model.......dumbass
Aw ain't that special. Proved wrong and all ya got is that. Mean while Tesla is just getting started and will become less expensive and more available.
Says the guy who posts out of date info.....gee ya sound like a real expert....
Still in the 30's and will do 140 mph.
High thirties for base model with less range.........38 can buy multiple high mileage SUVs with much greater range for less
Your still wrong. Lol does 140 mph show me a gas guzzler that does the same for that price. Your hilarious 260 mile range. Then show me a gas guzzler with that 0 to 60 in that price range.
you aint gettin no 260 miles doing 140....... you keep boxing yourself in with fantasy and ignorance
Well no shit Sherlock. Range at max speed is lower in gas car. Your a dumb fuck Range is based on typical driving not max speed your a fucking idiot. I getting tired of your dumb ass . Show me a gas guzzler that will do 140 mph or the 0 to sixty that the cheap Tesla does on that price range or shut the fuck up.
I've had old cop cars that would run you down no prob...... 25 of the Cheapest Cars That Can Hit 150 MPH ( dumbass says what
Those are used dumb fuck
yeah so..........if ya want to go fast you dont need to shell out huge bucks and ya wont be d=saddled with diminishing range as the battery dies.......
By destroying fossil fuels, the Global Elite are going to make having a private automobile so expensive that it will once again become a status symbol that only the Very Very Rich can afford. And another piece of the agenda is to herd all of the serfs into high density tenement slums where they are much easier to control.
All ready there electric vehicles in the 30 k range. So there goes that argument.

When you make $15 per hour (the soon to be Federal minimum and maximum after-tax wage because EQUITY!), a $30K car is unafforable. You also didn't factor in the cost of electricity. Without fossil fuels, electricity prices are going to skyrocket and we will see brown and black outs due to the instability of "renewable" and the poor quality of the grid. A car you can't recharge doesn't go anywhere, bub.
Ya and what is the average cost of a new gas powered car today? Lol. Next brown outs? Lol Just pulling that one from air. Show me some science on that there buddy. By the way that battery in the electric car is a great storage place for solar panel energy can even be tapped back into house if needed.

You're not too bright, are you champ?

Learn something about Economics, Supply and Demand, and Physics (SCIENCE!) and get back to us.
Bla,bla,bla thats all ya got hillarious. Get fucking bent ,trash.

You're a sad little person, and thankfully, easily put on ignore. Adios, swampy.
Good I could care less what you have to say. Nothing but insults no actual info or argument. Just bull shit. What a peice of trash.

Then why don't you do that, care less, and shut the hell up about it nit-wit ... :yapyapyapf:

Bite me bitch!

You said it best ... "Nothing but insults, no actual info or argument. Just bullshit. What a piece [sp] of trash." ... :yapyapyapf:

Lol ! I made my argument earlier. Again what is average cost of a new car today? Tesla gas electric cars in the 30 k range when average cost of gas powered new car today is in the 40 k . So affordability argument is horse shit. Argue against it it bitch. I can give links that support my argument you can not. Get bent leice of trash
How Much Does a Tesla Cost? All Tesla Models & Prices in 2021 (

Gee right from
One base model.......dumbass
Aw ain't that special. Proved wrong and all ya got is that. Mean while Tesla is just getting started and will become less expensive and more available.
Says the guy who posts out of date info.....gee ya sound like a real expert....
Still in the 30's and will do 140 mph.
High thirties for base model with less range.........38 can buy multiple high mileage SUVs with much greater range for less
Your still wrong. Lol does 140 mph show me a gas guzzler that does the same for that price. Your hilarious 260 mile range. Then show me a gas guzzler with that 0 to 60 in that price range.
you aint gettin no 260 miles doing 140....... you keep boxing yourself in with fantasy and ignorance
Well no shit Sherlock. Range at max speed is lower in gas car. Your a dumb fuck Range is based on typical driving not max speed your a fucking idiot. I getting tired of your dumb ass . Show me a gas guzzler that will do 140 mph or the 0 to sixty that the cheap Tesla does on that price range or shut the fuck up.
I've had old cop cars that would run you down no prob...... 25 of the Cheapest Cars That Can Hit 150 MPH ( dumbass says what
Those are used dumb fuck
yeah so..........if ya want to go fast you dont need to shell out huge bucks and ya wont be d=saddled with diminishing range as the battery dies.......
I'm going to bed you dumb fuck. Your a waist of time. Hillarious
So more horse shit with no links to prove a fucking thing just your fucking mouth. Your hilarious what fucking clearance you need to haul an rv on the road or to your camp spot any way. Then what your 17 ft trailer for your boat? What the fuck is it a John boat. That's the length of my John boat. Your fucking hillarious. Keep telling me how I don't know physics mean while I know the specs and your dumb fucking ass knows nothing and proves nothing. I got better shit to do tha talk to your idiot ass.

See, now you are just talking out of your ass.
You don't pay attention to what is posted and try to turn it into something that fits your delusional idiocy.

If you have better shit to do than talk to me ... Then shut up nit-wit ... :thup:

By destroying fossil fuels, the Global Elite are going to make having a private automobile so expensive that it will once again become a status symbol that only the Very Very Rich can afford. And another piece of the agenda is to herd all of the serfs into high density tenement slums where they are much easier to control.
All ready there electric vehicles in the 30 k range. So there goes that argument.

When you make $15 per hour (the soon to be Federal minimum and maximum after-tax wage because EQUITY!), a $30K car is unafforable. You also didn't factor in the cost of electricity. Without fossil fuels, electricity prices are going to skyrocket and we will see brown and black outs due to the instability of "renewable" and the poor quality of the grid. A car you can't recharge doesn't go anywhere, bub.
Ya and what is the average cost of a new gas powered car today? Lol. Next brown outs? Lol Just pulling that one from air. Show me some science on that there buddy. By the way that battery in the electric car is a great storage place for solar panel energy can even be tapped back into house if needed.

You're not too bright, are you champ?

Learn something about Economics, Supply and Demand, and Physics (SCIENCE!) and get back to us.
Bla,bla,bla thats all ya got hillarious. Get fucking bent ,trash.

You're a sad little person, and thankfully, easily put on ignore. Adios, swampy.
Good I could care less what you have to say. Nothing but insults no actual info or argument. Just bull shit. What a peice of trash.

Then why don't you do that, care less, and shut the hell up about it nit-wit ... :yapyapyapf:

Bite me bitch!

You said it best ... "Nothing but insults, no actual info or argument. Just bullshit. What a piece [sp] of trash." ... :yapyapyapf:

Lol ! I made my argument earlier. Again what is average cost of a new car today? Tesla gas electric cars in the 30 k range when average cost of gas powered new car today is in the 40 k . So affordability argument is horse shit. Argue against it it bitch. I can give links that support my argument you can not. Get bent leice of trash
How Much Does a Tesla Cost? All Tesla Models & Prices in 2021 (

Gee right from
One base model.......dumbass
Aw ain't that special. Proved wrong and all ya got is that. Mean while Tesla is just getting started and will become less expensive and more available.
Says the guy who posts out of date info.....gee ya sound like a real expert....
Still in the 30's and will do 140 mph.
High thirties for base model with less range.........38 can buy multiple high mileage SUVs with much greater range for less
Your still wrong. Lol does 140 mph show me a gas guzzler that does the same for that price. Your hilarious 260 mile range. Then show me a gas guzzler with that 0 to 60 in that price range.
you aint gettin no 260 miles doing 140....... you keep boxing yourself in with fantasy and ignorance
Well no shit Sherlock. Range at max speed is lower in gas car. Your a dumb fuck Range is based on typical driving not max speed your a fucking idiot. I getting tired of your dumb ass . Show me a gas guzzler that will do 140 mph or the 0 to sixty that the cheap Tesla does on that price range or shut the fuck up.
I've had old cop cars that would run you down no prob...... 25 of the Cheapest Cars That Can Hit 150 MPH ( dumbass says what
Those are used dumb fuck
yeah so..........if ya want to go fast you dont need to shell out huge bucks and ya wont be d=saddled with diminishing range as the battery dies.......
I'm going to bed you dumb fuck. Your a waist of time. Hillarious
Punked ya again ........ I assume you are going to rush right out and get a Tesla rriighhhtttt......yeah prolly way out of your budget but keep dreamin
Part of our problem is no one
Its a cleaner energy for starters.
that has yet to be proven,,
Maybe in Qannon circles but the rest of the world already knows this.
how can you know the long term effects on something that hasnt ever existed before??
Electricity has been around a long time.
you cant be that stupid can you???
Youre the one claiming electric powered devices have not existed before. Are you stupid or just being paid to pretend you are?
where did I say that???
Post #6 you idiot.

you should go back and read it,, cause thats not what I said,,
What were you saying hasnt existed before? We were talking about electric powered cars.
correct,, and then you started talking about electricity and other devices,,,
You do realize an electric car is a electric powered device right?

You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right? And the mining needed to make those batteries is as dirty or dirtier than using coal, oil and natural gas....and the batteries are environmental disasters when they are old and no longer working.......

You guys are so don't think anything through...
"You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right?"

that has yet to be proven,,
Only if youre a Qannon believer. Other people already know the facts about solar powered cars.

not really inspiring there bub..yeah they are working on it but arent close
Its hard to inspire conservatives. They have trouble visualizing anything past the next day.
USual BS...difference between inspire and force. Have posted on this site an EV i might buy if it lives up to its claims. Early Leaf buyers had nothing but regrets,
No one is forcing you. You can keep your fossil fuel burner long after electric cars become the norm. I said inspire. Early adopters of most technology have regrets. However, those with vision can use that to change the world and make it a less poisonous place to live.
Like I’m sorry I bought a beeper. Or 8 track. Or mp3.

You wanna buy my Betamax?
Probably is worth some money like old radios...I'd hang on to it if I were you. Non sequitor. Are you aware that US emissions per capita are at 1950 levels? Now think what life was like then compared to now and marvel at that accomplishment.

I don't have to look anything up. I can go by my own life. BlackSnow, Dirty Air, polluted water and more. The Industrial Revolution of 1895 for the US had gotten completely out of control. Oh, lt's add mud slides where there once were forests. And let's not forget the dead fish and the gunk in the rivers. Corporate America gone crazy. Capitalists destroy everything if allowed all for a short term profit. Capitalism without the desired amount of Socialism (regulations) is a disaster.

We've come a very long way and we have not corrected it all yet. We owe it to Mother Earth to do better. I am High Country. While most of our beliefs coincide with Conservatives, one thing that is the MOST conservative of all is that we don't own the land. We are stewards put in place by God.
EV's are just getting better and better, eventually they will supplant ICE vehicles; it doesn't have anything to do with what people want. This is how technology has always worked, and there are always people who have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the new best things. And there are always people who simply get left behind.

As for power generation, that's another place we need work. I think we need more Nuclear power out here.
By destroying fossil fuels, the Global Elite are going to make having a private automobile so expensive that it will once again become a status symbol that only the Very Very Rich can afford. And another piece of the agenda is to herd all of the serfs into high density tenement slums where they are much easier to control.
All ready there electric vehicles in the 30 k range. So there goes that argument.

When you make $15 per hour (the soon to be Federal minimum and maximum after-tax wage because EQUITY!), a $30K car is unafforable. You also didn't factor in the cost of electricity. Without fossil fuels, electricity prices are going to skyrocket and we will see brown and black outs due to the instability of "renewable" and the poor quality of the grid. A car you can't recharge doesn't go anywhere, bub.
Ya and what is the average cost of a new gas powered car today? Lol. Next brown outs? Lol Just pulling that one from air. Show me some science on that there buddy. By the way that battery in the electric car is a great storage place for solar panel energy can even be tapped back into house if needed.

You're not too bright, are you champ?

Learn something about Economics, Supply and Demand, and Physics (SCIENCE!) and get back to us.
Bla,bla,bla thats all ya got hillarious. Get fucking bent ,trash.

You're a sad little person, and thankfully, easily put on ignore. Adios, swampy.
Good I could care less what you have to say. Nothing but insults no actual info or argument. Just bull shit. What a peice of trash.

Then why don't you do that, care less, and shut the hell up about it nit-wit ... :yapyapyapf:

Bite me bitch!

You said it best ... "Nothing but insults, no actual info or argument. Just bullshit. What a piece [sp] of trash." ... :yapyapyapf:

Lol ! I made my argument earlier. Again what is average cost of a new car today? Tesla gas electric cars in the 30 k range when average cost of gas powered new car today is in the 40 k . So affordability argument is horse shit. Argue against it it bitch. I can give links that support my argument you can not. Get bent leice of trash
How Much Does a Tesla Cost? All Tesla Models & Prices in 2021 (

Gee right from
One base model.......dumbass
Aw ain't that special. Proved wrong and all ya got is that. Mean while Tesla is just getting started and will become less expensive and more available.
Says the guy who posts out of date info.....gee ya sound like a real expert....
Still in the 30's and will do 140 mph.
High thirties for base model with less range.........38 can buy multiple high mileage SUVs with much greater range for less
Your still wrong. Lol does 140 mph show me a gas guzzler that does the same for that price. Your hilarious 260 mile range. Then show me a gas guzzler with that 0 to 60 in that price range.
you aint gettin no 260 miles doing 140....... you keep boxing yourself in with fantasy and ignorance
Well no shit Sherlock. Range at max speed is lower in gas car. Your a dumb fuck Range is based on typical driving not max speed your a fucking idiot. I getting tired of your dumb ass . Show me a gas guzzler that will do 140 mph or the 0 to sixty that the cheap Tesla does on that price range or shut the fuck up.
Hey dumb fuck, I drove 1100 miles in one day (15 hours) in my diesel pickup. Why don't you try to do that in your overpriced little fucking toy.
By destroying fossil fuels, the Global Elite are going to make having a private automobile so expensive that it will once again become a status symbol that only the Very Very Rich can afford. And another piece of the agenda is to herd all of the serfs into high density tenement slums where they are much easier to control.
All ready there electric vehicles in the 30 k range. So there goes that argument.

When you make $15 per hour (the soon to be Federal minimum and maximum after-tax wage because EQUITY!), a $30K car is unafforable. You also didn't factor in the cost of electricity. Without fossil fuels, electricity prices are going to skyrocket and we will see brown and black outs due to the instability of "renewable" and the poor quality of the grid. A car you can't recharge doesn't go anywhere, bub.
Ya and what is the average cost of a new gas powered car today? Lol. Next brown outs? Lol Just pulling that one from air. Show me some science on that there buddy. By the way that battery in the electric car is a great storage place for solar panel energy can even be tapped back into house if needed.

You're not too bright, are you champ?

Learn something about Economics, Supply and Demand, and Physics (SCIENCE!) and get back to us.
Bla,bla,bla thats all ya got hillarious. Get fucking bent ,trash.

You're a sad little person, and thankfully, easily put on ignore. Adios, swampy.
Good I could care less what you have to say. Nothing but insults no actual info or argument. Just bull shit. What a peice of trash.

Then why don't you do that, care less, and shut the hell up about it nit-wit ... :yapyapyapf:

Bite me bitch!

You said it best ... "Nothing but insults, no actual info or argument. Just bullshit. What a piece [sp] of trash." ... :yapyapyapf:

Lol ! I made my argument earlier. Again what is average cost of a new car today? Tesla gas electric cars in the 30 k range when average cost of gas powered new car today is in the 40 k . So affordability argument is horse shit. Argue against it it bitch. I can give links that support my argument you can not. Get bent leice of trash
How Much Does a Tesla Cost? All Tesla Models & Prices in 2021 (

Gee right from
Gee, you could commute from SF to Sacto and back in one day. Such range.
Part of our problem is no one
Its a cleaner energy for starters.
that has yet to be proven,,
Maybe in Qannon circles but the rest of the world already knows this.
how can you know the long term effects on something that hasnt ever existed before??
Electricity has been around a long time.
you cant be that stupid can you???
Youre the one claiming electric powered devices have not existed before. Are you stupid or just being paid to pretend you are?
where did I say that???
Post #6 you idiot.

you should go back and read it,, cause thats not what I said,,
What were you saying hasnt existed before? We were talking about electric powered cars.
correct,, and then you started talking about electricity and other devices,,,
You do realize an electric car is a electric powered device right?

You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right? And the mining needed to make those batteries is as dirty or dirtier than using coal, oil and natural gas....and the batteries are environmental disasters when they are old and no longer working.......

You guys are so don't think anything through...
"You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right?"

that has yet to be proven,,
Only if youre a Qannon believer. Other people already know the facts about solar powered cars.

not really inspiring there bub..yeah they are working on it but arent close
Its hard to inspire conservatives. They have trouble visualizing anything past the next day.
USual BS...difference between inspire and force. Have posted on this site an EV i might buy if it lives up to its claims. Early Leaf buyers had nothing but regrets,
No one is forcing you. You can keep your fossil fuel burner long after electric cars become the norm. I said inspire. Early adopters of most technology have regrets. However, those with vision can use that to change the world and make it a less poisonous place to live.
Like I’m sorry I bought a beeper. Or 8 track. Or mp3.

You wanna buy my Betamax?
Probably is worth some money like old radios...I'd hang on to it if I were you. Non sequitor. Are you aware that US emissions per capita are at 1950 levels? Now think what life was like then compared to now and marvel at that accomplishment.

I don't have to look anything up. I can go by my own life. BlackSnow, Dirty Air, polluted water and more. The Industrial Revolution of 1895 for the US had gotten completely out of control. Oh, lt's add mud slides where there once were forests. And let's not forget the dead fish and the gunk in the rivers. Corporate America gone crazy. Capitalists destroy everything if allowed all for a short term profit. Capitalism without the desired amount of Socialism (regulations) is a disaster.

We've come a very long way and we have not corrected it all yet. We owe it to Mother Earth to do better. I am High Country. While most of our beliefs coincide with Conservatives, one thing that is the MOST conservative of all is that we don't own the land. We are stewards put in place by God.
There is no mother earth. Quit the psycho green babble and celebrate whats been done. No need for more onerous regulations with things heading quickly in the right direction.
The Tesla truck still doesn't have the clearance I require.
The torque may help if I attached a blade to the front of it and used it to cut a new road ... Or it would be just like the car sitting high center and spinning wheels.
There is also a difference in getting something moving, and stopping it once it is moving (especially without tearing it up in the process).

But ... It is safe to say you haven't hauled shit ... And have no idea what you are talking about in regards to what I haul.
There are electric vehicles that will haul a huge passenger jet from the gate to the runway if necessary.
They still wouldn't make it half the places I go, hauling what I haul ... No matter how much torque they have.

Then again ... I am not asking them to build me an electric vehicle that can do what the gas or diesel powered ones I already have can do.
I don't need you to agree with me ... I already have what I want and what does the job I need done ... :thup:

Proof that "Not everyone wants all electric automobiles".. yet. Which "everyone" already knew. :blowpop:
Last edited:
EV's are just getting better and better, eventually they will supplant ICE vehicles; it doesn't have anything to do with what people want. This is how technology has always worked, and there are always people who have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the new best things. And there are always people who simply get left behind.

As for power generation, that's another place we need work. I think we need more Nuclear power out here.

You had me until you brought up nuclear power. Nuclear Power just kicks an eco disaster down the road. At some point, the fuel has to be dealt with. And that is very messy. If we can find an alternate then we are better off.

We have yet to tap into tidal generation power. We have barely tapped into Solar. LEt's face it, we are3 20 to 25 years behind the EU.
Part of our problem is no one
Its a cleaner energy for starters.
that has yet to be proven,,
Maybe in Qannon circles but the rest of the world already knows this.
how can you know the long term effects on something that hasnt ever existed before??
Electricity has been around a long time.
you cant be that stupid can you???
Youre the one claiming electric powered devices have not existed before. Are you stupid or just being paid to pretend you are?
where did I say that???
Post #6 you idiot.

you should go back and read it,, cause thats not what I said,,
What were you saying hasnt existed before? We were talking about electric powered cars.
correct,, and then you started talking about electricity and other devices,,,
You do realize an electric car is a electric powered device right?

You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right? And the mining needed to make those batteries is as dirty or dirtier than using coal, oil and natural gas....and the batteries are environmental disasters when they are old and no longer working.......

You guys are so don't think anything through...
"You do realize that the only way to generate enough electric power is through coal and oil...right?"

that has yet to be proven,,
Only if youre a Qannon believer. Other people already know the facts about solar powered cars.

not really inspiring there bub..yeah they are working on it but arent close
Its hard to inspire conservatives. They have trouble visualizing anything past the next day.
USual BS...difference between inspire and force. Have posted on this site an EV i might buy if it lives up to its claims. Early Leaf buyers had nothing but regrets,
No one is forcing you. You can keep your fossil fuel burner long after electric cars become the norm. I said inspire. Early adopters of most technology have regrets. However, those with vision can use that to change the world and make it a less poisonous place to live.
Like I’m sorry I bought a beeper. Or 8 track. Or mp3.

You wanna buy my Betamax?
Probably is worth some money like old radios...I'd hang on to it if I were you. Non sequitor. Are you aware that US emissions per capita are at 1950 levels? Now think what life was like then compared to now and marvel at that accomplishment.

I don't have to look anything up. I can go by my own life. BlackSnow, Dirty Air, polluted water and more. The Industrial Revolution of 1895 for the US had gotten completely out of control. Oh, lt's add mud slides where there once were forests. And let's not forget the dead fish and the gunk in the rivers. Corporate America gone crazy. Capitalists destroy everything if allowed all for a short term profit. Capitalism without the desired amount of Socialism (regulations) is a disaster.

We've come a very long way and we have not corrected it all yet. We owe it to Mother Earth to do better. I am High Country. While most of our beliefs coincide with Conservatives, one thing that is the MOST conservative of all is that we don't own the land. We are stewards put in place by God.
There is no mother earth. Quit the psycho green babble and celebrate whats been done. No need for more onerous regulations with things heading quickly in the right direction.

I come from a time long before the New Green Deal when we were caretakers. We took what we needed and protected everything else. In my younger days, I put out more feed than the cattle could eat just to help feed the Deer and the Elk during hard winters. I took a tree, I planted a tree. I cleared a wooded area only to help another wooded area. When forest fires started, WE were the first ones there long before the BLM or the Forest Service and many times, would contain the fire before it got out of hand.

We don't live up there anymore but we still have to make sure that we continue to be the stewards. It has nothing to do with politics.
When electric vehicles are superior to gas burners in every way I don't see where there will be a problem. That point is coming quickly.

I think there is a place for them in the market but I doubt we'll see a 100% change over for a long long time
EV's are just getting better and better, eventually they will supplant ICE vehicles; it doesn't have anything to do with what people want. This is how technology has always worked, and there are always people who have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the new best things. And there are always people who simply get left behind.

As for power generation, that's another place we need work. I think we need more Nuclear power out here.

You had me until you brought up nuclear power. Nuclear Power just kicks an eco disaster down the road. At some point, the fuel has to be dealt with. And that is very messy. If we can find an alternate then we are better off.

We have yet to tap into tidal generation power. We have barely tapped into Solar. LEt's face it, we are3 20 to 25 years behind the EU.

We aren't even close to supplying our current power needs with so called renewables and if we ever want to transition to a 100% electric mode of power then we will have to have nuclear power in the mix.

We don't need to rely on the old outdated uranium reactors and the waste we already have in storage could power new reactors for a century or more
I think tidal power will always be rough to sustain especially with increased climate change. But we could do a lot more with geothermal if the govt really got behind it instead subsidizing oil, gas, and coal exploration. Iceland runs on it.
I think tidal power will always be rough to sustain especially with increased climate change. But we could do a lot more with geothermal if the govt really got behind it instead subsidizing oil, gas, and coal. Iceland runs on it.
it works when there are places where there is easy access to the earth's heat sources so it will always be a regional power source and not really a national source
When electric vehicles are superior to gas burners in every way I don't see where there will be a problem. That point is coming quickly.
How much 'fossil fuel' is required to build an electric car?
The power grid will have to be completely replaced of course. The existing power lines lose 90% of the electricity put into them due to 'leakage' Put 1000 amps into an existing power line and what comes out at the other end 300 miles away is about 25%.
How much 'fossil fuel' will be required to manufacture and install millions of miles of copper hydro lines?
Hydro trucks don't run on solar panels!
Michael Moore made an excellent documentary about how the entire 'green energy' farce.
Everyone should watch it. It's on Youtube.
I think tidal power will always be rough to sustain especially with increased climate change. But we could do a lot more with geothermal if the govt really got behind it instead subsidizing oil, gas, and coal exploration. Iceland runs on it.
What kind of equipment is needed to drill geothermal holes???????? You know. The equipment is impossible to manufacture without using fossil fuels! The steel casings aren't made from bamboo!
Fucking wise up!

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