Not just 4 more years - "4 more years of war & political betrayal"


Apr 9, 2009

What some are saying:

More Indefinite Detention (NDAA), Torture, Bank Bailouts, Drone Strikes, More Wars, GMO Foods, False Flag Terrorism, Warrentless Spying on Citizens, More $ for Goldman Sachs, Further Erosion of Civil Liberties, Drug War, on and on.. Killing kids, bombing weddings and supporting Al Qaida overseas provides good paying jobs here at home, so it must be ok!"
(copied from the US Message Board)

Not just "four more years-"--

We are now facing "four more years of war."

Four more years of usury, bankruptcy, legalized murder by presidential signature, waterboarding, the bombing of weddings and funerals, and the murdering of babies and children and old men and women.

Four more years of reform stultified by the three Jews and six Catholics of the United States Supreme Court.

Four more years of the senseless, useless, heartless, destruction of thousands of forms of earthlife

Four more years of pledges to go to war for Israel whatever the cause.

Four more years of seeking to covertly overthrow and then overtly rape small nations.

Four more years of a drug war that enriches criminals and imprisons those the criminals have addicted.

Four more years of trading American jobs for freedom of trade.

Four more years of open borders enabling trash, along with those who should be permitted to legally enter, to migrate to or be exported to America.

"More Indefinite Detention (NDAA), Torture, Bank Bailouts, Drone Strikes, More Wars, GMO Foods, False Flag Terrorism, Warrentless Spying on Citizens, More $ for Goldman Sachs, Further Erosion of Civil Liberties, Drug War, on and on.. Killing kids, bombing weddings and supporting Al Qaida overseas provides good paying jobs here at home, so it must be ok!" (copied from Liberty's posting)


Victory for Israel was foreordained by the news media and the "American" political system,
and so America will continue to be controlled by Jewry's AIPAC and by J Street, two parties that disagree as to our internal and foreign affairs only in respect to the degree of their interference.

Now we know that the middle class and their savings will continue to be drained by inflation brought about by waste, give aways and political corruption

And that America will remain open to near open emigration of Israelis of all classes.

Once again we will be made to suffer an enlargement of an already obese military.

Once again we will protect old and new pipelines pouring tax money into the coffers of elite controlling groups such as the Carlyle group.

We will permit Canada to build a tar-sand pipeline across America and force American to suffer the acccompanying degredation and poisoning of our land and environment and destruction of our wildlife and loss of resources that Canada will not permit happen to Canada.

And we will be forced to suffer the health consequences of the refining in America of the tar carried by the pipeline ---tar that Canada would not let be refined in Canada and that Canada will now send completely across the United States to be refined on our coast rather than within Canada. And, ironically, the products of the refinery of the tarsand pipeline that will be produced on our coast will be shipped overseas. Thus, we, the people, will suffer the detriment that results from the production of further wealth for corporations that have no purpose other than to produce energy for other countries and additional untold wealth for their controllers and owners.

And lacking constitutional amendment, four more years followed by four more years, followed by four more years etc., of the same old samee-samee.

And sadly
it would have been the same
had AIPAC's Romney been elected
rather than J Street's Obama.

Speak up!

Sound off!

Let's get it "off our chests" before we are so "hard-pressed" that like someone waterboarded once too often, we too will pass from the scene.

10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory

"November 07, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) What does an Obama re-election mean for the next four years in America? Now that he's in his second and last term, of course, Obama no longer needs to restrain his actions according to popularity. ***


Given Obama's atrocious track record on freedom during his first four years in the White House, here are my top 10 predictions for the next four (if America even lasts that long before ripping itself apart):

#1) Huge expansion of TSA and the surveillance state
#2) Expansion of secret arrests of American citizens
#3) Acceleration of national debt blowout and endless fiat currency creation
#4) Rapid expansion of GMOs and USDA collusion
#5) Increasingly dictatorial government health care
#6) Immediate surge in sales of guns and ammo
#7) Accelerated erosion of the Bill of Rights and civil liberties
#8) Continued destruction and looting of the U.S. economy
#9) A "giant sucking sound" of employers leaving America
#10) Stepped-up attacks on veterans and preppers"

(copied from the US Message Board - Political Discussion)


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