Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

Welfare Ray, always a source of amusement.

That's what I'm saying. Blue and RED states are on the decline regardless of how they decided to handle it.

Well, except you'd be wrong. IL didn't have a spike at all, compared to Florida. Our 7 Day average has been 7 deaths. Florida's 7 Day average has been 128. It's like you are all willing to die because you don't want to admit Trump fucked this up.

Bullshit. For the entire world, the inflation rate is 3.5%. We are nearly at 6% Canada 1.69%. Switzerland .07%. Japan .14% France 1.08%. Italy. Italy .76 and so on and so on.

I'd ask you for a link, but I won't bother to read it.

I guess if you cherry pick countries with greater government control over their economies, you can get a good number.

Yes, 2015 is when fracking took off and put us in the drivers seat. Trump opened up exploration and drilling rights on most all public lands. Dementia brought that to a halt.

So fracking happened before Trump got there. Nothing to do with him.

Trump (the best President since Regan) didn't fuck anything up. It was the China flu that did to us and nearly every country around the world.

Every other country around the world didn't have the resulting high death rates, high unemployment or riots we had as a result of Trump's mismanagement.

There was nothing stupid about trying to get the Afghan people to take care of themselves and defend the good people from the terrorists. Unfortunately with all the dope they grow there that became almost an impossibility. You looked at the picture? No wonder you're so informed. Why not try reading the list of shit the old fool gave to the Taliban.
Because Bush gave them all that equipment on the idea that if we throw enough money at them, they'll suddenly love them some democracy. Heck, you can go back to Reagan giving them weapons and then wondering why 9/11 happened.

This is what happens when you outsource a war. Unreliable subcontractors.

Biden created the most well armed terrorist fundamentalist group in the world. Not Trump, not Bush, not Hussein. One person responsible for this disaster, and that is Democrat Joe Biden.

Um, no. Trump was the one who signed the Doha accords, handing the country back to the Taliban. What did you think was going to happen when we pulled out?

Now, admittably, we haven't been paying much attention to Afghanistan given the Hellscape Trump turned this country into. Kind of hard to worry about people murdering each other on the other side of the planet when you have people shooting each other in this country over the last roll of toilet paper.
Like all things Covid the mandates are fake. No function of legality to authorize nor support them and entirely dependent on cooperation and when that doesn’t work then dire threats of intimidation and repercussion. Gradually more and more diverse entities are joining us to end this farce.


I know. I know. Fake News.... Liberal polls, we get it.
You know, Gumby, when you are posting a chart to refute a point, you probably shouldn't use one that makes my point.

Of the top seven states in deaths, 6 of them are Red States. California, with nearly twice as many people as Florida, has only 40% of the deaths Florida has.
You: The ONLY place people are dying is in Red states.

Next time trying a post where you don't blatantly lie and I won't humiliate you on your blatant lie, Dumbass. JoeB131

Somehow I think I will be humiliating you again in the near future. :banana: :banana: :banana:
You: The ONLY place people are dying is in Red states.

Next time trying a post where you don't blatantly lie and I won't humiliate you on your blatant lie, Dumbass. @JoeB131

Somehow I think I will be humiliating you again in the near future.

The sad thing is, you post a list that proves my point that most people ARE dying in the Red States... and you think finding that IL has a death rate of 7 compared to 128 in Florida... and you think you are making a point.

IL did it right... that's why we have few people dying. Florida and DeathSantis have a Death Rate so bad that if Florida was a foreign country, we'd slap a travel ban on it.
The sad thing is, you post a list that proves my point that most people ARE dying in the Red States... and you think finding that IL has a death rate of 7 compared to 128 in Florida... and you think you are making a point.

IL did it right... that's why we have few people dying. Florida and DeathSantis have a Death Rate so bad that if Florida was a foreign country, we'd slap a travel ban on it.
More lies by you.

You didn't say more people are dying in red states. You said no people are dying in blue states when you claimed the only place people are dying is in red states.

Your humiliation continues. :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Any other blatant lies you want to post for the board to laugh at?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::itsok::itsok::itsok:
You didn't say more people are dying in red states. You said no people are dying in blue states when you claimed the only place people are dying is in red states.

Well, no, I didn't, but simple English and semantics escape you.

But thanks for posting a chart that proved my point. Saved me the trouble of looking it up.
Conservatives are not incapable of learning.

A nation that can mandate vaccinations can mandate forced abortion of liberal conceptions.

Remember, infanticide is not a crime under liberalism. In fact, "infant" is legally the status of anyone up to the age where they are weaned off their parents Obamacare.

2024 is coming! And with it? The Great American Scalpel Shortage!
Well, no, I didn't, but simple English and semantics escape you.

But thanks for posting a chart that proved my point. Saved me the trouble of looking it up.

Really? You do know what you post can be quoted, right?

Once again I get to expose your lies and humiliate you. :banana: :auiqs.jpg: :banana: :auiqs.jpg: :banana: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:

The only place people are dying is in the Red States where you all are taking Horse Dewormer rather than the vaccine.
Well, except you'd be wrong. IL didn't have a spike at all, compared to Florida. Our 7 Day average has been 7 deaths. Florida's 7 Day average has been 128. It's like you are all willing to die because you don't want to admit Trump fucked this up.

Didn't say anything about spikes. What I said is that the cases are coming down in red and blue states regardless what their way of handling it was. It's not like the cases are only coming down in Communist states.

I'd ask you for a link, but I won't bother to read it.

I know that. It's why I don't post them anymore. You mire in ignorance.
I guess if you cherry pick countries with greater government control over their economies, you can get a good number.

Worldwide inflation means that all countries are experiencing it. They're not. Some are, but that doesn't make it worldwide. Our inflation is domestic caused by paying people to stay home instead of work, printing money we don't have for Democrat pork, increasing the cost of fuel, and forcing employers to overpay workers which prices get transferred to the customers. The world didn't do that to us--Dementia and the Communist party did that to us.

So fracking happened before Trump got there. Nothing to do with him.

Correct, but Trump opened up public lands to exploration and drilling which helped maintain the price. Commodities traders knew we had a pro-energy President in charge of the country, so they didn't buy long contracts.

Every other country around the world didn't have the resulting high death rates, high unemployment or riots we had as a result of Trump's mismanagement.

High unemployment was caused by Joe's buddies in China--not Trump.
We did not have the most deaths of any other country. I posted a link when you came up with that lie the last time.
The riots took place because a commie lowlife in a commie city died at the hands of a police officer--not Trump. In spite of him being immediately arrested and charged, the other lowlifes found that as an opportunity to steal, destroy public and private property, and attack our police officers.

Trump told any commie city he would stop their riots immediately if they accepted their help. They refused. Trump didn't promote a Go Fund Me account to get the rioters out of jail to do more damage, your current VP did.

Now, do you see how stupid you look trying to debate using lies. Your lies are way too easy to prove.

Because Bush gave them all that equipment on the idea that if we throw enough money at them, they'll suddenly love them some democracy. Heck, you can go back to Reagan giving them weapons and then wondering why 9/11 happened.

This is what happens when you outsource a war. Unreliable subcontractors.

It doesn't matter what Bush did. It doesn't matter what Trump did. It doesn't matter what Ears did. This is all on Dementia. You know, like you said so many times during the Trump administration: The buck stops at the President. Everything that takes place under him is his responsibility. Well liar and hypocrite, does it or not?

Um, no. Trump was the one who signed the Doha accords, handing the country back to the Taliban. What did you think was going to happen when we pulled out?

No President is under any obligation to abide by any plans of a previous President. Dementia reversed all of Trump's successful border policies, now we have a crisis. He reversed his energy strategy, now we are going to pay over 50% more for natural gas this winter. Dementia is the worst President, so bad that even his own voters are turning against him, and the Independents want nothing to do with him. Will you learn? No, you don't have the fucken brains for it. Instead you try to defend him by blame shifting.

Now, admittably, we haven't been paying much attention to Afghanistan given the Hellscape Trump turned this country into. Kind of hard to worry about people murdering each other on the other side of the planet when you have people shooting each other in this country over the last roll of toilet paper.

The toilet paper shortage was well over a year ago. Correct, Trump had Afghanistan so under control nobody did pay attention because nothing was going on there. No American deaths by the Taliban his last 18 months. No news.

Dementia changed all that. From no news to the worst news since we went into the country.
Didn't say anything about spikes. What I said is that the cases are coming down in red and blue states regardless what their way of handling it was. It's not like the cases are only coming down in Communist states.

Florida, the 7 day average is 128 deaths a day, and Illinois it's 7.

I think we can tell who is fucking this up.

Worldwide inflation means that all countries are experiencing it. They're not. Some are, but that doesn't make it worldwide. Our inflation is domestic caused by paying people to stay home instead of work, printing money we don't have for Democrat pork, increasing the cost of fuel, and forcing employers to overpay workers which prices get transferred to the customers. The world didn't do that to us--Dementia and the Communist party did that to us.

No, worldwide means across the world, not just one country.

Although I think it's hilarious that you are upset workign people are getting more than you are collecting welfare.

Correct, but Trump opened up public lands to exploration and drilling which helped maintain the price. Commodities traders knew we had a pro-energy President in charge of the country, so they didn't buy long contracts.
Well, that was dumb of them.

High unemployment was caused by Joe's buddies in China--not Trump.
Naw, it was caused by Trump's unncessary trade war and his mismanagement of Covid.

We did not have the most deaths of any other country. I posted a link when you came up with that lie the last time.

We have 744K Deaths. Next closest country is Brazil, with 603K. We are doing worse than third world countries.

The riots took place because a commie lowlife in a commie city died at the hands of a police officer--not Trump. In spite of him being immediately arrested and charged, the other lowlifes found that as an opportunity to steal, destroy public and private property, and attack our police officers.

No, man, the riots took place because shit like this still goes on.

Trump told any commie city he would stop their riots immediately if they accepted their help. They refused. Trump didn't promote a Go Fund Me account to get the rioters out of jail to do more damage, your current VP did.

No, Trump just brought back the racism that pissed everyone off.

It doesn't matter what Bush did. It doesn't matter what Trump did. It doesn't matter what Ears did. This is all on Dementia. You know, like you said so many times during the Trump administration: The buck stops at the President. Everything that takes place under him is his responsibility. Well liar and hypocrite, does it or not?

Actually, no. It matters on policies. Biden did what those guys SHOULD have done years ago. Got us out. Period. Full stop. "Oh noes, now they have some Humvees" that won't be running in a year because they can't get parts to maintain them isn't a crisis.

No President is under any obligation to abide by any plans of a previous President. Dementia reversed all of Trump's successful border policies, now we have a crisis. He reversed his energy strategy, now we are going to pay over 50% more for natural gas this winter. Dementia is the worst President, so bad that even his own voters are turning against him, and the Independents want nothing to do with him. Will you learn? No, you don't have the fucken brains for it. Instead you try to defend him by blame shifting.

Uh, guy, get real. Every president has these first year issues... But when it comes down to it, the GOP will lose again, like they always do. You guys can't win elections without stealing them.

The toilet paper shortage was well over a year ago. Correct, Trump had Afghanistan so under control nobody did pay attention because nothing was going on there. No American deaths by the Taliban his last 18 months. No news.

By under control, you mean, "We agreed to sell out the Afghans to the Taliban while Trump drew down troops and retreated", um, yeah, I guess that was some kind of control.

Trump drew troops down from 13,500 to 2500 and released 5000 hard core Taliban fighters we had in custody. What did you think was going to happen?
No, worldwide means across the world, not just one country.

Although I think it's hilarious that you are upset workign people are getting more than you are collecting welfare.

And it's not across the world. You leftists are just born liars and can't help yourself. When you get the education to understand what welfare is, then bring it up. Until then, don't use big words you don't understand unless you can find an adult to explain it to you.

Well, that was dumb of them.

We had the best economy in 50 years, and gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon nationally. That's an amazing feat.

Naw, it was caused by Trump's unncessary trade war and his mismanagement of Covid.

During his trade wars we had over a million jobs than people who could do them. See how completely stupid it is to use lies in a debate?

We have 744K Deaths. Next closest country is Brazil, with 603K. We are doing worse than third world countries.

Try a real honest metric like per 100,000 people.

No, man, the riots took place because shit like this still goes on.

Yes it does, in commie cities:

Hussein riot 1: commie city.
Hussein riot 2: commie city.
Trump riot: commie city.

No, Trump just brought back the racism that pissed everyone off.

Nobody cares about racism. If they did, they would have never elected the candidate that said the most racist things against blacks than any other candidate running.

Actually, no. It matters on policies. Biden did what those guys SHOULD have done years ago. Got us out. Period. Full stop. "Oh noes, now they have some Humvees" that won't be running in a year because they can't get parts to maintain them isn't a crisis.

Again with moving the goalposts. It's not about leaving, it's about the total incompetency of how we left under this dementia patient.

By under control, you mean, "We agreed to sell out the Afghans to the Taliban while Trump drew down troops and retreated", um, yeah, I guess that was some kind of control.

Trump drew troops down from 13,500 to 2500 and released 5000 hard core Taliban fighters we had in custody. What did you think was going to happen?

Even when Trump drew down troops the Taliban behaved itself. Trump told them if they walk outside of the line even for a second, we are going to rip them a new asshole. I know you're a born liar, but you can't lie your way out of this one. It's all Dementia's fault and nobody else.
And it's not across the world. You leftists are just born liars and can't help yourself. When you get the education to understand what welfare is, then bring it up. Until then, don't use big words you don't understand unless you can find an adult to explain it to you.

You are being paid by the government to not work.
That's welfare.
Full stop.

We had the best economy in 50 years, and gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon nationally. That's an amazing feat.
Not really.

Frankly, the economy of the 80's and 90's were much better for me personally. And Trump's economy was no better than Obama's until it became a lot worse...

During his trade wars we had over a million jobs than people who could do them. See how completely stupid it is to use lies in a debate?
And the Trade deficit with China increased.
The government had to subsidize farmers who couldn't sell their pork and soy products because China was buying from other sources.
Supply chains were seriously screwed up before Covid Hit.

Yeah, all Covid did was kick in a rotten door.

We have a labor shortage because the Baby Boomers are retiring faster than millenials can replace them. This has been the case since 2011 when the first boomers started retiring.

Try a real honest metric like per 100,000 people.

744K dead isn't an honest metric?

Nobody cares about racism. If they did, they would have never elected the candidate that said the most racist things against blacks than any other candidate running.
Racism is the only thing that keeps the GOP afloat. The fact you nominated Trump when the only difference between him and Bush or Rubio or Cruz is that he openly said the racist shit.

Yes, most Americans are anti-racist, which is why Trump never won the popular vote. But it got him close enough to steal.

Again with moving the goalposts. It's not about leaving, it's about the total incompetency of how we left under this dementia patient.
Uh, no, guy. Leaving was always going to have this result. We knew the minute we pulled out, all the tribal thugs we outsourced the war to were going to switch sides. We knew it, the Taliban knew it, the Afghan Government knew it.

Even when Trump drew down troops the Taliban behaved itself. Trump told them if they walk outside of the line even for a second, we are going to rip them a new asshole. I know you're a born liar, but you can't lie your way out of this one. It's all Dementia's fault and nobody else.

This alternate reality you built is hilarious, but we've seen it before. All the revisionism after Nixon sold out Vietnam, or the "Stabbed in the Back" myth after Germany surrendered in World War I.

The Taliban waited patiently to the appointed time Trump agreed to, and then toppled the government, knowing they would face no consequences. The Taliban violated the Doha Accords when Trump was still there.. and Trump did nothing.
You are being paid by the government to not work.
That's welfare.
Full stop.

Again, see if you can get an adult to explain it to you. You're obviously too immature to understand.

And the Trade deficit with China increased.
The government had to subsidize farmers who couldn't sell their pork and soy products because China was buying from other sources.
Supply chains were seriously screwed up before Covid Hit.

Yeah, all Covid did was kick in a rotten door.

We have a labor shortage because the Baby Boomers are retiring faster than millenials can replace them. This has been the case since 2011 when the first boomers started retiring.

Trade deficit has nothing to do with the economy. Yes, Trump increased funds to the farmers while we fought out this trade war, but the economy was still booming. Don't give me that baby boomers shit. You tried that during the Hussein days and failed back then. Is the only thing you communists can do is create excuses for all your failures? It certainly seems that way.

Racism is the only thing that keeps the GOP afloat. The fact you nominated Trump when the only difference between him and Bush or Rubio or Cruz is that he openly said the racist shit.

Yes, most Americans are anti-racist, which is why Trump never won the popular vote. But it got him close enough to steal.

So name one racist thing Trump ever said, especially about blacks. You can't find one, at least not a real one. Would you like me to quote all the racist shit Dementia said throughout the years? Not a problem listing them, and with links if you'd like.

Uh, no, guy. Leaving was always going to have this result.

Only if you have an incompetent mentally deficient moron that you elected. Trump would have had our citizens out, our Afghan aids out, all our military equipment out or destroyed, and 13 Americans would be alive today.

The Taliban waited patiently to the appointed time Trump agreed to, and then toppled the government, knowing they would face no consequences. The Taliban violated the Doha Accords when Trump was still there.. and Trump did nothing.

Trump never agreed to an appointed time. He said repeatedly all moves will be based on what's going on on the ground at the time. If there were problems we weren't going anywhere. If things were falling the way he wanted we would have proceeded to withdraw only the right way.

Most of America knows Dementia fucked up.
Most of our allies have stated Dementia fucked up.
All of Biden's generals have said Dementia fucked up.

The only person that refuses to look at the truth is you, because everybody else can't be wrong except you.
Florida, the 7 day average is 128 deaths a day,

We have 744K Deaths.

If you adjust these numbers to only count as deaths from Covid, those who actually died from Ciovid, rather than counting deaths from all causes in any case where any tenuous connection can be claimed for the decedent having ever been exposed to Covid, then these numbers are reduced to a tiny fraction of the claimed values.

But then doing that, honestly reporting the actual causes of death and long-term harm from this disease, would totally destroy all the fearmongering and abuse of power taking place on the basis of it.
Read this whole thread, and 1 thing is obvious.............the Leftists are not only losing their rearends, but they can not use lies any longer to bolster their debate points. To many people have caught on, including some Leftists who may have not totally changed sides, but are now questioning the Lefts methods.

I watch as some try to make this about DJT, when in reality, it is about everyday Americans and their freedoms. It is readily apparent the Left is going to lose this one; hands down. And, they just bolstered support to the side of the party who refuses to tread on their freedoms, massively!

While it is not over, until it is over, if Vegas was betting the odds, you Leftists are very long odds to win anything but an unemployment check which has tremendously been shortened come 2022!
Read this whole thread, and 1 thing is obvious.............the Leftists are not only losing their rearends, but they can not use lies any longer to bolster their debate points. To many people have caught on, including some Leftists who may have not totally changed sides, but are now questioning the Lefts methods.

I watch as some try to make this about DJT, when in reality, it is about everyday Americans and their freedoms. It is readily apparent the Left is going to lose this one; hands down. And, they just bolstered support to the side of the party who refuses to tread on their freedoms, massively!

While it is not over, until it is over, if Vegas was betting the odds, you Leftists are very long odds to win anything but an unemployment check which has tremendously been shortened come 2022!

What's interesting about leftists is when they lie, they know they are lying. You can post sites, graphs, videos, and they'll continue to use the same lies. They do it so much it doesn't even bother them anymore.

When the subjects come up, they talk about Russian collusion, how Trump threatened Zelenski in spite of there being a transcript showing he never did. Bush stole two elections in spite of even FactCheck reporting that was a lie. How many keep making the claim Bill Clinton was impeached over a blow job? Bush used SS money to fund Iraq. Like I said, it just doesn't bother them.
Again, see if you can get an adult to explain it to you. You're obviously too immature to understand.

I understand it just fine.

You, on the other hand, exemplify Upton Sinclair's observation that it's hard to get a man to understand a problem if his livelihood depends on him not understanding it.

You are collecting money from the government to not work, because any job you do now won't pay you as much as disability. Yet you get on here and complain about people who won't go back and risk getting Covid (TRUMP PLAGUE) when they can collect unemployment.

Trade deficit has nothing to do with the economy. Yes, Trump increased funds to the farmers while we fought out this trade war, but the economy was still booming. Don't give me that baby boomers shit. You tried that during the Hussein days and failed back then. Is the only thing you communists can do is create excuses for all your failures? It certainly seems that way.

Trade Deficit has nothing to do with the economy? YOu are really going to claim that the economy bleeding out half a trillion every year to other countries isn't a problem? Whatever, dude. Remember, the whole fucking point of Trump's trade war with China was China was taking too much of our money, but by the end of it, they were taking more of it.

A strong economy wouldn't have been crippled by a three week shutdown in part of the country. Covid just kicked in a rotten edifice.

So name one racist thing Trump ever said, especially about blacks. You can't find one, at least not a real one. Would you like me to quote all the racist shit Dementia said throughout the years? Not a problem listing them, and with links if you'd like.
Shithole countries.
Mexicans are rapists
Execute the Central Park Five (even after they were found innocent)

Trump is a racist. You are a racist. You think his behavior is okay.

Only if you have an incompetent mentally deficient moron that you elected. Trump would have had our citizens out, our Afghan aids out, all our military equipment out or destroyed, and 13 Americans would be alive today.

Based on what? If he managed Afghanistan like he managed Covid, the Taliban would have been lining Americans up against the wall and Trump would be screaming mean tweets about how they were making him look bad.

Trump never agreed to an appointed time. He said repeatedly all moves will be based on what's going on on the ground at the time. If there were problems we weren't going anywhere. If things were falling the way he wanted we would have proceeded to withdraw only the right way.

Except the Taliban were violating Doha before Trump left, and he did nothing.

Our ability to do anything ws already limited by the fact Trump had drawn down the troops to 2500.

You see, I really don't have a big problem with the Doha accords. They faced the reality that left to their own devices, Afghanistan was going to be ruled by the Taliban because most Afghans agree with the Taliban.

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