Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

If that's true (and I know you're just making it up) it shows the ignorance of our people. If you are vaxed then it doesn't matter who you are around.
But not everyone can get vaxxed.

Concern for others. It's a thing.

Also, we don't think being stupid, brainwashed and herd-following, like most antivaxxers, should be a death sentence. We're trying to save antivaxxer lives, even if they are wanting to kill us in return. We're brave and generous that way.
But not everyone can get vaxxed.

Concern for others. It's a thing.

Also, we don't think being stupid, brainwashed and herd-following, like most antivaxxers, should be a death sentence. We're trying to save antivaxxer lives, even if they are wanting to kill us in return. We're brave and generous that way.
Explain how someone who has had Covid, and has natural immunity, is trying to kill anyone by not getting vaccinated.
But not everyone can get vaxxed.

Concern for others. It's a thing.

Also, we don't think being stupid, brainwashed and herd-following, like most antivaxxers, should be a death sentence. We're trying to save antivaxxer lives, even if they are wanting to kill us in return. We're brave and generous that way.

If people choose to take the risk of getting covid then that's on them--not you and not government. If you're vaxed, then don't worry about them. You are protected.

If you want to take a stance and protest anything, write to your confused leader and ask him to stop the flow of infected migrants into our country. The BP says by the end of the year, we will have two million or more of them, and Dementia is flying or busing them to cities across the US from coast to coast, and yes, no vaccine mandate for them because they are not Americans and foreigners come first in the priority of Democrats.
Explain how someone who has had Covid, and has natural immunity, is trying to kill anyone by not getting vaccinated.
prove you had covid, nostril. Actually, one could have a covid antibody test instead of a vaccination record.
prove you had covid, nostril. Actually, one could have a covid antibody test instead of a vaccination record.

The problem is there are no accurate antibody tests. Before I got the shot at the Cleveland Clinic, I called to ask if I could get an antibody test first (I had some lung issues at the beginning of all this) and they told me the Clinic refuses to use those due to their failure rate.

In any case, according to the NYT, over 44 million Americans have had covid since the start of this thing. That's 44 million that really don't need any vaccine.
The problem is there are no accurate antibody tests. Before I got the shot at the Cleveland Clinic, I called to ask if I could get an antibody test first (I had some lung issues at the beginning of all this) and they told me the Clinic refuses to use those due to their failure rate.

In any case, according to the NYT, over 44 million Americans have had covid since the start of this thing. That's 44 million that really don't need any vaccine.
Joe "The Science Guy" says they do need the vaccine.
It had nothing to do with any stupid police reform. How police conduct themselves is not a federal government issue, it's a local issue controlled by the communists in their cities. The problem is they didn't go in there and bust heads, arrest people and give them high bails, put them in prison for the maximum term. You had Whorris out there broadcasting the Go Fund Me account for lowlifes to donate money in which to bail them out. That was the problem, pandering to them like DumBama did during his two riots. Now they feel they can riot anytime they need to steal more shit.

Actually, Obama working for reform kept those riots from being a lot worse. They only lasted a day or two because the Federal government launched investigations, entered consent decrees with troubled police departments, and so on.

Trump, on the other hand, cheered the racist cops on for four years, and get exactly the result he should have gotten.

It's amazing you have no idea how stupid you sound. The US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries except China if you can believe their reporting. If not for the commie cities and states closing down, we would have beat them as well. Since you are that retarded to think a President can stop a highly contagious man made virus, what's Dementia's excuse? More people have died from Covid under him than the great President Trump, and he has three vaccines on his side. So what should Trump have done that was in the presidential authority? Biden will be fighting court cases for what he's doing the rest of his final term.

The only place people are dying is in the Red States where you all are taking Horse Dewormer rather than the vaccine. We led the world in Covid Deaths under Trump. 65 million jobs lost, 700,000 dead, riots in the streets... and you think he did a good job?

Yes there was a right way to pull out and Trump had those plans. The only thing Trump agreed to is that we will pull out based on what's happening on the ground. Dementia went against every generals advice in his administration, and they testified to that at the congressional hearing. Every thing he did, Trump would have done the opposite, and the Taliban would not be the most well armed fundamentalist group in the world right now.

Yeah, um... okay. I guess those dangerous Humvees are a problem.

Actually, I've driven a Humvee, those things are a hazard.

The Generals had 20 years to win in Afghanistan and didn't. I don't think we can really take their advice on much of anything.
Bullshit. New cases and deaths going down at the end of Trump's term. The vaccine getting to more people. Now we are in worse shape under Dementia than we ever were under Trump. Under Dementia, our hospitals are at their breaking point. Now that he's pressuring medical facilities to have vaccine mandates, those healthcare workers are walking off the job just like our mass transportation workers.

The only place we are in worse shape is in the Jesusland States where they are taking the Horse Dip.

Up here in the blue states where we got our shots and are enforcing social distancing, we are having minimal deaths.

Yeah, he's fixing things alright. More residual income spent on gasoline, inflation like we haven't seen in over 20 years, our border a complete mess, Trump had all those things under control, so don't try to bullshit anybody with this lie that he handed Dementia a mess. All the mess today was under control when we had a real President, and all the mess today was created by Dementia and the Communist party.

Guy,I realize you live in complete terror some Mexicans might move in next door, but no, things were pretty fucked up last year.

Inflation is a world wide problem. One of my very dear friends who works as a buyer at a company that buys nuts and bolts from Asia has told me that the international price of steel has increased 185%. This has everything to do with Covid and nothing to do with Biden.

This is the game.

Republicans fuck things up and get voted out.
Republicans whine Democrats aren't fixing the mess fast enough.
Democrats fix the mess, so Republicans move on to fake social issues to scare stupid white people.
If all else fails, steal the election.
Explain how someone who has had Covid, and has natural immunity, is trying to kill anyone by not getting vaccinated.

Here you go. Let us know if you need help with the big words.

Getting COVID-19 offers some natural protection or immunity from reinfection with the COVID-19 virus. But it’s not clear how long this protection lasts.

Because it’s possible to get reinfected and COVID-19 can cause severe medical complications, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people who have already had COVID-19 get a COVID-19 vaccine.

In addition, COVID-19 vaccination might offer better protection than getting sick with COVID-19. A recent study showed that unvaccinated people who already had COVID-19 are more than twice as likely as fully vaccinated people to get reinfected with COVID-19.
The only place we are in worse shape is in the Jesusland States where they are taking the Horse Dip.

Up here in the blue states where we got our shots and are enforcing social distancing, we are having minimal deaths.

Guy,I realize you live in complete terror some Mexicans might move in next door, but no, things were pretty fucked up last year.

Inflation is a world wide problem. One of my very dear friends who works as a buyer at a company that buys nuts and bolts from Asia has told me that the international price of steel has increased 185%. This has everything to do with Covid and nothing to do with Biden.

This is the game.

Republicans fuck things up and get voted out.
Republicans whine Democrats aren't fixing the mess fast enough.
Democrats fix the mess, so Republicans move on to fake social issues to scare stupid white people.
If all else fails, steal the election.
You bled your state and local economies to the bare minimum. We are a social welfare nation now and people live off of that cushion. Other nations around the world are not so fortunate and of course we get little about them as they may be suffering much worse. About the price increases, Progs shut down the economy and shut down a lot of the world. Repubs are part of that also. That fix the Repub mess is bullshit. knew better. To me, when you go to war, the leader must go with you. Biden and Harris are total frauds. The Progs at Capitol Hill are frauds and those Progs elected/unelected in positions who were in the military were frauds or ph uk ups.
The only place we are in worse shape is in the Jesusland States where they are taking the Horse Dip.

Up here in the blue states where we got our shots and are enforcing social distancing, we are having minimal deaths.

Bullsthit. Those cases in Jesusland are on the decline and have been for several weeks. Statistically blacks are the largest group recorded to be vaccine resistant,and they vote 95% Democrat.

If you don't like how Jesusland states operate, stay the fuck out of them. But you don't. You elect leaders that fuck up your state and then pack your bags or business and head to those Jesusland states.

Guy,I realize you live in complete terror some Mexicans might move in next door, but no, things were pretty fucked up last year.

Inflation is a world wide problem. One of my very dear friends who works as a buyer at a company that buys nuts and bolts from Asia has told me that the international price of steel has increased 185%. This has everything to do with Covid and nothing to do with Biden.

The only way inflation is a worldwide problem is because it started here under Dementia and spread. Other industrialized countries did not pay their people not to work, only the US did. And under Trump, the US was the leading exporter in fuel which the Democrats made sure to put that to a stop. Fuel is a worldwide commodity so thanks to that moron, everybody is paying more for fuel, not just the US. In fact the experts are saying an over 50% hike in winter heating bills. God I wish the commies didn't rig the election. What a mess our country is in today.
Actually, Obama working for reform kept those riots from being a lot worse. They only lasted a day or two because the Federal government launched investigations, entered consent decrees with troubled police departments, and so on.

Trump, on the other hand, cheered the racist cops on for four years, and get exactly the result he should have gotten.

The only place people are dying is in the Red States where you all are taking Horse Dewormer rather than the vaccine. We led the world in Covid Deaths under Trump. 65 million jobs lost, 700,000 dead, riots in the streets... and you think he did a good job?

Yeah, um... okay. I guess those dangerous Humvees are a problem.

Actually, I've driven a Humvee, those things are a hazard.

The Generals had 20 years to win in Afghanistan and didn't. I don't think we can really take their advice on much of anything.
The only place people are dying is in the Red States where you all are taking Horse Dewormer rather than the vaccine.

You are a lying sack of shit.


State7-day average cases7-day average deathsCasesDeaths
North Carolina3,249551,439,94917,330
South Carolina1,59244880,98413,093
New York5,331352,465,56555,581
West Virginia1,13923255,7783,998
New Mexico7338262,0784,899
North Dakota5694138,9021,652
New Hampshire5503126,8901,514
South Dakota3351149,3372,177
District of Columbia103062,7021,182
New Jersey1,64801,175,91526,606
Rhode Island880174,5702,854
Actually, Obama working for reform kept those riots from being a lot worse. They only lasted a day or two because the Federal government launched investigations, entered consent decrees with troubled police departments, and so on.

Trump, on the other hand, cheered the racist cops on for four years, and get exactly the result he should have gotten.

What did I tell you about trying to debate using lies? You never learn anything, do you?

The only place people are dying is in the Red States where you all are taking Horse Dewormer rather than the vaccine. We led the world in Covid Deaths under Trump. 65 million jobs lost, 700,000 dead, riots in the streets... and you think he did a good job?

According to John Hopkins, yes he did. More deaths under Dementia than Trump and we have a few more months until the end of the year. Lord help us if one of those millions of invaders Dementia is letting in brings us a new covid strain.

Yeah, um... okay. I guess those dangerous Humvees are a problem.

Actually, I've driven a Humvee, those things are a hazard.

The Generals had 20 years to win in Afghanistan and didn't. I don't think we can really take their advice on much of anything.

Right, humvees

Bullsthit. Those cases in Jesusland are on the decline and have been for several weeks. Statistically blacks are the largest group recorded to be vaccine resistant,and they vote 95% Democrat.

If you don't like how Jesusland states operate, stay the fuck out of them. But you don't. You elect leaders that fuck up your state and then pack your bags or business and head to those Jesusland states.

Cases around the country have been on the decline for several weeks... that gets you nothing.

Of course, Jesusland has to be subsidized by the blue states to make them more attractive, that's the thing.


The only way inflation is a worldwide problem is because it started here under Dementia and spread. Other industrialized countries did not pay their people not to work, only the US did.

Uh, no. Clearly you have the kind of insights on inflation one can expect from someone who was barely proficient in driving in a straight line. The main driver of international inflation is that manufacturing ratcheted down during Covid or that priorities were shifted. As a result, it now has to catch up to meet demand.

And under Trump, the US was the leading exporter in fuel which the Democrats made sure to put that to a stop. Fuel is a worldwide commodity so thanks to that moron, everybody is paying more for fuel, not just the US.

Another lie... Here's what Commie Forbes had to say about it.

To support this claim, someone linked me this article from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). That article contains a graphic that seems to show that the U.S. was approaching the top spot for petroleum in the 2013-2015 time frame (before the oil price crash), but not actually achieving that distinction until 2018.

That would seem to support the claim, but there are two things to note here about that graphic. First, the graphic isn’t reporting barrels of petroleum. It is reporting energy content. When we talk about how much oil Saudi Arabia produces, we talk about barrels. Nobody says that Saudi Arabia produces 25 quadrillion British thermal units of petroleum.

If you look at U.S. production in terms of barrels, in 2015 the U.S. produced 9.4 million barrels per day (BPD) of crude oil, versus Russia’s 10.8 million barrels and Saudi Arabia’s 10.4 million barrels. But the U.S. also produced 3.3 million BPD of NGLs in 2015, versus 249,000 BPD for Russia and 1.6 million BPD for Saudi Arabia. Thus, in terms of barrels of what the EIA defines as petroleum above, the U.S. was already in first place in 2015. In fact, we had achieved that distinction some time in 2013 as the Daily Mail article suggested.

In fact the experts are saying an over 50% hike in winter heating bills. God I wish the commies didn't rig the election. What a mess our country is in today.

Sorry, man. I looked outside. No riots. No stripped shelves. No hospitals strained to the breaking point, no businesses closed, no long unemployment lines. . You know, the shit we had under Trump.

Again, I get it, you are one "Biden isn't fixing the shit Trump fucked up fast enough" stage of the cycle.. because it's kind of all you got right now.

Right, humvees

And he posts an article with a picture of a Humvee...

Yes, it was pretty stupid to pump tons of military equipment into Afghanistan, but that was the fault of Bush, Obama and Trump, not so much Biden, who just got the bill.

According to John Hopkins, yes he did. More deaths under Dementia than Trump and we have a few more months until the end of the year. Lord help us if one of those millions of invaders Dementia is letting in brings us a new covid strain.

Again, it's the Jesusland states that are the problem, because you all think Sheep Dip is going to save you.
The only place people are dying is in the Red States where you all are taking Horse Dewormer rather than the vaccine.

You are a lying sack of shit.


You know, Gumby, when you are posting a chart to refute a point, you probably shouldn't use one that makes my point.

Of the top seven states in deaths, 6 of them are Red States. California, with nearly twice as many people as Florida, has only 40% of the deaths Florida has.
Cases around the country have been on the decline for several weeks... that gets you nothing.

Of course, Jesusland has to be subsidized by the blue states to make them more attractive, that's the thing.

That's what I'm saying. Blue and RED states are on the decline regardless of how they decided to handle it.

Uh, no. Clearly you have the kind of insights on inflation one can expect from someone who was barely proficient in driving in a straight line. The main driver of international inflation is that manufacturing ratcheted down during Covid or that priorities were shifted. As a result, it now has to catch up to meet demand.

Bullshit. For the entire world, the inflation rate is 3.5%. We are nearly at 6% Canada 1.69%. Switzerland .07%. Japan .14% France 1.08%. Italy. Italy .76 and so on and so on.

You commies are doing everything possible to take the blame from where the blame belongs, and that are the idiots that voted this clown in.

Another lie... Here's what Commie Forbes had to say about it.

To support this claim, someone linked me this article from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). That article contains a graphic that seems to show that the U.S. was approaching the top spot for petroleum in the 2013-2015 time frame (before the oil price crash), but not actually achieving that distinction until 2018.

That would seem to support the claim, but there are two things to note here about that graphic. First, the graphic isn’t reporting barrels of petroleum. It is reporting energy content. When we talk about how much oil Saudi Arabia produces, we talk about barrels. Nobody says that Saudi Arabia produces 25 quadrillion British thermal units of petroleum.

If you look at U.S. production in terms of barrels, in 2015 the U.S. produced 9.4 million barrels per day (BPD) of crude oil, versus Russia’s 10.8 million barrels and Saudi Arabia’s 10.4 million barrels. But the U.S. also produced 3.3 million BPD of NGLs in 2015, versus 249,000 BPD for Russia and 1.6 million BPD for Saudi Arabia. Thus, in terms of barrels of what the EIA defines as petroleum above, the U.S. was already in first place in 2015. In fact, we had achieved that distinction some time in 2013 as the Daily Mail article suggested.

Yes, 2015 is when fracking took off and put us in the drivers seat. Trump opened up exploration and drilling rights on most all public lands. Dementia brought that to a halt.

Sorry, man. I looked outside. No riots. No stripped shelves. No hospitals strained to the breaking point, no businesses closed, no long unemployment lines. . You know, the shit we had under Trump.

Again, I get it, you are one "Biden isn't fixing the shit Trump fucked up fast enough" stage of the cycle.. because it's kind of all you got right now.

Trump (the best President since Regan) didn't fuck anything up. It was the China flu that did to us and nearly every country around the world. You refuse to take my advice about using lies in a debate which is why you look like such a stupid fuck every time you post. I tried to help ya, but I guess some people you just can't help. Keep making a fool of yourself to all the other posters.

And he posts an article with a picture of a Humvee...

Yes, it was pretty stupid to pump tons of military equipment into Afghanistan, but that was the fault of Bush, Obama and Trump, not so much Biden, who just got the bill.

There was nothing stupid about trying to get the Afghan people to take care of themselves and defend the good people from the terrorists. Unfortunately with all the dope they grow there that became almost an impossibility. You looked at the picture? No wonder you're so informed. :laughing0301: Why not try reading the list of shit the old fool gave to the Taliban.

Biden created the most well armed terrorist fundamentalist group in the world. Not Trump, not Bush, not Hussein. One person responsible for this disaster, and that is Democrat Joe Biden.
Like all things Covid the mandates are fake. No function of legality to authorize nor support them and entirely dependent on cooperation and when that doesn’t work then dire threats of intimidation and repercussion. Gradually more and more diverse entities are joining us to end this farce.

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