Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

We have three vaccines, right now, that work just fine.

The brainwashing is the intersection of the Trump Cult with the Libertarian Children resisting what actually needs to happen.

but the reality- your party is run by big corporations, and big corporations know they can't function if Covid is allowed to continue, so watch them get behind vaccine Mandates.
You are a walking, talking, libtard talking point spewing moron.
Right... because he handled Covid, the Recession, the riots so well that he clearly would have been able to manage the collapse of the Afghan Government he engineered.

He couldn't do anything about the riots because a US President cannot go into a communist city and takeover. If he could have, the riots would have lasted less than three days. It was the communist Mayors that forbade him from getting involved, remember?

It was Trump in July of 2020 that signed contracts with 8 potential vaccine makers that stipulated upon FDA approval, Americans will come first in their vaccine distribution. Also it was Trump who put a lot of pressure on the FDA to approve the vaccines. The recession was caused by Joe's buddies in China, but I know you can't have an honest debate which is why you use lies. It's all you leftists have.

We didn't lose anyone because the Taliban had gotten everything they wanted.

I doubt everything but Trump kept them at bay and would have continued to do so until we did pull out which would have been the right way. No Americans left behind, no US military equipment left behind, no Afghan translators and helpers to the US military left behind, no takeover of the Kabul airport, and of course no dead American solders.
and surely, since you blame Trump for 2020 (covid at the end of his term) you give him FULL CREDIT for the prior 3 years right?

of course not. because you're a clown.
The years before the China Flu are credited to Obama.
700,000 dead from Covid.
65 million jobs lost.
Riots in the streets.
Racist mob storming the capitol because he instigated them.

Biden inherited Trump and Bush's mess in Afghanistan. Thankfully, he didn't throw good money and lives after bad.
Trump and Bush's mess in Afghanistan? Wasn't there someone else in office for 8 years that did nothing?

There were no American deaths in Afghanistan for 18 months prior to Clusterfuck Joe calling the shots.
Other than the handfuls of those with either a legitimate medical basis or (much rarer) a legitimate religious exemption against the vax...

For the most part, we're dealing with self-centered unthinking vax-pu$$ie$ and paranoids and rednecks and bumper-sticker-slogan echo-chambers...

Most of 'em ignorant snaggle-toothed Orange Kool-Aid Drinkers wearing Make America White Great Again red hats...

You know... the kind that squeal like little bitches and beg for the vaccine 30 minutes before they're put on a ventilator because of their stupidity...


Grow up... grow a pair... start thinking about somebody besides yourselves... shut-the-phukk-up and get the goddamned shot... dumb a$$e$...
You call others stupid, but ignore the fact hundreds of thousands have a natural immunity that is better than the vaccine gives......and still try to shame them into getting the vaccine.

What a moron.
Naw, man, I make fun of you Wingnuts for free.

Admitably, it takes a special kind of stupid to refuse a life-saving vaccine because you don't want to admit your Orange God failed.
The sad thing about you, is that No one is paying you to be this stupid. You earned stupid all on your own.

Your god is Satan, and he loses in the end, so that makes you a loser too. Hope you enjoy your stay at Hotel Hell when your run is over.

I have no God, but Jesus Christ.
Did you miss the whole Recession of 2020. Corporations weren't running fine, and they aren't running fine now.

Company I consult for is still running staggered shifts for office people (Half work from home, half come into the office).

Company I worked with last year had to shut down six times because one employee came in with Covid and they had to bring in disinfecting crews.

Supply chains are screwed up ten ways to Sunday for lack of workers.
Those sound like Biden induced problems. Companies survived and thrived in worse conditions. The ones who suffered were small businesses, Democrats have a lot to answer for.
It's a beautiful thing to see. How does it feel to no longer be in control lefties? Cruise ships next.

Have fun driving your own children to the indoctrination centers......... um....... I mean school..............because the bus drivers, already in very short supply, are going to walk too. That'll be fun to watch!

The people who actually have to deal with the litany of flues, sniffles and other things that kids bring to school with them are very grateful the little petri dishes are masked. I wouldn't go near my grandkids without being vaxxed once they were back in school. I've been getting flues and colds from them since they were babies.
Those sound like Biden induced problems. Companies survived and thrived in worse conditions. The ones who suffered were small businesses, Democrats have a lot to answer for.

I guess you've forgotten that Trump was President in 2020 and he caused the problems Biden is now dealing with. How many times can Republicans destroy the US economy before you fools smarten up and stop voting for them>?
The people who actually have to deal with the litany of flues, sniffles and other things that kids bring to school with them are very grateful the little petri dishes are masked. I wouldn't go near my grandkids without being vaxxed once they were back in school. I've been getting flues and colds from them since they were babies.
Police too.

This could be a good thing for me. I imagine that the public are starting to feel a bit edgy about losing more SPD officers and starting to think about moving out of the city. I have a nice house for sale in a small Western Washington town that at least has a semblance of some actual law enforcement. Of course, I guess just as many of them could be preparing to walk, but the town at least looks more peaceful and safe on the surface.
I guess you've forgotten that Trump was President in 2020 and he caused the problems Biden is now dealing with. How many times can Republicans destroy the US economy before you fools smarten up and stop voting for them>?
You fucking moron. How many times are you going to lie about what tanked the economy. Everyone knows it was the China Flu.

Not a single Trump economic policy had anything to do with it. And before you blame Trump for doing nothing about the China Flu, tell us what you would have done differently. Then tell us why the China Flu wreaked havoc around the globe and how Trump is responsible for all that.

Why don't you just worry about your shithole country? You know nothing about anything to do with the US, and you prove it here daily.
This could be a good thing for me. I imagine that the public are starting to feel a bit edgy about losing more SPD officers and starting to think about moving out of the city. I have a nice house for sale in a small Western Washington town that at least has a semblance of some actual law enforcement. Of course, I guess just as many of them could be preparing to walk, but the town at least looks more peaceful and safe on the surface.

People may not know it but there is also a police shortage in this country from coast to coast thanks to the Democrats and BLM. Our city is looking to hire five more additional officers but very few applications.

The Republican solution to this is show our police more support. The Democrat solution is force them out of work with a vaccine mandate. And this is why communists should never be in charge of anything in this country. They have zero common sense.
I guess you've forgotten that Trump was President in 2020 and he caused the problems Biden is now dealing with. How many times can Republicans destroy the US economy before you fools smarten up and stop voting for them>?

You people look completely stupid trying to win a debate with lies. It's like a dozen or so people are debating in a room that has purple carpeting, and one fool is standing there insisting the color of the carpet is gray. Everybody in the room knows the carpet is purple but only the fool insists that lying about it will win them the debate somehow.

Donald Trump not only handed Dementia two new vaccines, but a declining unemployment rate as well. Dementia and the Democrats decided to retard that progress by paying people more to stay home than work. Thanks to those decisions, we now have a labor shortage and out of control inflation. So try to blame that on Trump too liar.

As for the economy under Trump during the height of the problems, the US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries except China, and that's only if you can trust their reporting. Without the commie cities and states closing down, we would have beat China as well.

All the problems Dementia has today are problems he alone created.
You people look completely stupid trying to win a debate with lies. It's like a dozen or so people are debating in a room that has purple carpeting, and one fool is standing there insisting the color of the carpet is gray. Everybody in the room knows the carpet is purple but only the fool insists that lying about it will win them the debate somehow.

Donald Trump not only handed Dementia two new vaccines, but a declining unemployment rate as well. Dementia and the Democrats decided to retard that progress by paying people more to stay home than work. Thanks to those decisions, we now have a labor shortage and out of control inflation. So try to blame that on Trump too liar.

As for the economy under Trump during the height of the problems, the US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries except China, and that's only if you can trust their reporting. Without the commie cities and states closing down, we would have beat China as well.

All the problems Dementia has today are problems he alone created.

Trump had NOTHING to do with the vaccines outside of writing a cheque. Pfizer was developed in Germany. Astra Zenica in England. Only Moderna was created in the USA, and that was funded by Dolly Parton. The J&J vaccine as been a dud and no one wants it. Even 3rd world countries didn't want it.

It's telling that you completely omitted the costs of testing, and treating the 44 million people who got sick, and you didn't even mention the 700,000 people who died. Not to mention the millions left with "pre-existing" conditions from "long-haul" covid. Not a mention of those costs. Like they don't even factor into your thinking. Why is that Ray?

Your economy has had the worst hit in the free world because of the costs of of testing and treating 44 million people with covid, and dealing with 700,000 deaths. Your GDP didn't take a hit because you never shut down properly, re-opened too soon. Other countries took a bigger hit to their GDP because we SHUT DOWN completely and re-opened slowly.

Our economies are now roaring back now that people are mostly vaccinated. And we had 1/3 of the sickness and death that you people dealt with. This is our mid-September Jobs Report:

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Trump had NOTHING to do with the vaccines outside of writing a cheque. Pfizer was developed in Germany. Astra Zenica in England. Only Moderna was created in the USA, and that was funded by Dolly Parton. The J&J vaccine as been a dud and no one wants it. Even 3rd world countries didn't want it.

Trump was instrumental in getting those vaccines to Americans first. Dolly Parton? :laughing0301: Trump spent 13 billion dollars on those vaccines. She may be rich but she doesn't have that kind of scratch.
Trump had NOTHING to do with the vaccines outside of writing a cheque. Pfizer was developed in Germany. Astra Zenica in England. Only Moderna was created in the USA, and that was funded by Dolly Parton. The J&J vaccine as been a dud and no one wants it. Even 3rd world countries didn't want it.
No one wants you but we keep you around to poke fun of and laugh at.
Trump had NOTHING to do with the vaccines outside of writing a cheque. Pfizer was developed in Germany. Astra Zenica in England. Only Moderna was created in the USA, and that was funded by Dolly Parton. The J&J vaccine as been a dud and no one wants it. Even 3rd world countries didn't want it.

It's telling that you completely omitted the costs of testing, and treating the 44 million people who got sick, and you didn't even mention the 700,000 people who died. Not to mention the millions left with "pre-existing" conditions from "long-haul" covid. Not a mention of those costs. Like they don't even factor into your thinking. Why is that Ray?

Your economy has had the worst hit in the free world because of the costs of of testing and treating 44 million people with covid, and dealing with 700,000 deaths. Your GDP didn't take a hit because you never shut down properly, re-opened too soon. Other countries took a bigger hit to their GDP because we SHUT DOWN completely and re-opened slowly.

Our economies are now roaring back now that people are mostly vaccinated. And we had 1/3 of the sickness and death that you people dealt with. This is our mid-September Jobs Report:

Dolly Parton cured Covid! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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