Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!

Other than the handfuls of those with either a legitimate medical basis or (much rarer) a legitimate religious exemption against the vax...

For the most part, we're dealing with self-centered unthinking vax-pu$$ie$ and paranoids and rednecks and bumper-sticker-slogan echo-chambers...

Most of 'em ignorant snaggle-toothed Orange Kool-Aid Drinkers wearing Make America White Great Again red hats...

You know... the kind that squeal like little bitches and beg for the vaccine 30 minutes before they're put on a ventilator because of their stupidity...


Grow up... grow a pair... start thinking about somebody besides yourselves... shut-the-phukk-up and get the goddamned shot... dumb a$$e$...
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If it was a political hoax, they'd have ended it back in March and declared Biden a victor.

They're not going to end it as long as they continue to be allowed to exploit it in order to exercise unrighteous dominion over the people that they were elected to serve.

When has a corrupt criminal politician ever been known to willingly give up power that he has wrongfully seized?
700,000 dead from Covid.
65 million jobs lost.
Riots in the streets.
Racist mob storming the capitol because he instigated them.

Biden inherited Trump and Bush's mess in Afghanistan. Thankfully, he didn't throw good money and lives after bad.

Your side owns that, all of it.

Yours is the side that created the #CoronaHoax2020 in the first place, maliciously and fraudulently manipulated those numbers in order to claim more than an order of magnitude of deaths and other harm attributed to what, in hard reality, is nothing more than a routine flu outbreak.

Yours is the side that used this hoax as an excuse to deliberately and maliciously sabotage the economy, and to seize and abuse all manner of other powers to which it has no legitimate claim.

And yours is the side that encouraged and supported the destructive mobs of subhuman criminal filth who have been rioting and looting and otherwise behaving the way that only subhuman criminal filth behave.

You own all of this.
A little slowdown in the economy and everyone goes crazy. Good places to work are giving sign on bonuses and extra paid vacation time. Bad ones are not. So those jobs don't get filled. It's a win win win situation.
Other than the handfuls of those with either a legitimate medical basis or (much rarer) a legitimate religious exemption against the vax...

For the most part, we're dealing with self-centered unthinking vax-pu$$ie$ and paranoids and rednecks and bumper-sticker-slogan echo-chambers...

Most of 'em ignorant snaggle-toothed Orange Kool-Aid Drinkers wearing Make America White Great Again red hats...

You know... the kind that squeal like little bitches and beg for the vaccine 30 minutes before they're put on a ventilator because of their stupidity...


Grow up... grow a pair... start thinking about somebody besides yourselves... shut-the-phukk-up and get the goddamned shot... dumb a$$e$...
You shut the fuck up and get YOUR shots. That's where your authority ENDS until you are willing to stand in front of me and accept what happens.
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A little slowdown in the economy and everyone goes crazy. Good places to work are giving sign on bonuses and extra paid vacation time. Bad ones are not. So those jobs don't get filled. It's a win win win situation.
A little slowdown in the economy and scores of children who have ended their lives because of the trauma of isolation. But what's a few dead kids, right?

And who cares about the people who have lost their properties because they have had no choice but to let millions live in them, rent free?

And what about those who died in care facilities without even the touch of a loved one, including my husband? No big deal, right?

I got it. And I don't give a shit who else does or does NOT get it. Its called minding your own fucking business and getting on with your life.

The left should try it.
That's what America used to be, before the Collectivists tried to take over and remove everyone's physical autonomy, except for women who want to kill their unborn children.
you have to be a paid shill. Its the only explanation.

A paid shill would have to do a better job than that, to earn his pay.

If I were going to try to attribute some purpose to Incel Joe other than to express what he actually believes, I'd have to think it more likely that his intent is to depict LIbEralism in such an extreme and batshit-crazy way as to mock it and discredit it.
Again, the people who are most fanatic about refusing to take the shot because they'd rather take horse dewormer weren't going to vote for Biden to start with.

Vaccinations never should have become a political issue... but they are.

But don't listen to doctors when some Reality TV guy tells you to take Horse Dewormer instead.

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Getting your talking points from the DNC communist party again? Trump never said take IVERMECTIN instead of vaccines....Trump actually pushed through getting the vaccines approved for usage and supports using them. Trump may have said that Ivermectin has been working at fighting the covid---and OH MY GAWD---medical studies are supporting this--Trump was again right (about the Ivermectin---I am not so sure about the vaccines.)
Your side owns that, all of it.

Yours is the side that created the #CoronaHoax2020 in the first place, maliciously and fraudulently manipulated those numbers in order to claim more than an order of magnitude of deaths and other harm attributed to what, in hard reality, is nothing more than a routine flu outbreak.

Yours is the side that used this hoax as an excuse to deliberately and maliciously sabotage the economy, and to seize and abuse all manner of other powers to which it has no legitimate claim.

And yours is the side that encouraged and supported the destructive mobs of subhuman criminal filth who have been rioting and looting and otherwise behaving the way that only subhuman criminal filth behave.

You own all of this.

He knows that. No matter how many times I tell him he immediately loses a debate when using lies, he continues to use lies which is why he continues to lose debates.
He had a chance to do this when he took our troop level from 14,000 to 2,500.
The Doha Agreement was a reduction to 8600. A few days after his loss was announced by the Networks, Trump ordered all troops out by Jan. 15 (not just Afghanistan either). The generals convinced him to leave the minimum number of 2500 two days later.

Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!Fuck Joe biDen; FUCK JOE!!!


Nice. The Neo-GOP simpleton mantra and their best intellectual talking point rolled into one. Fascist chants are the best. Keep up the good work.
The Doha Agreement was a reduction to 8600. A few days after his loss was announced by the Networks, Trump ordered all troops out by Jan. 15 (not just Afghanistan either). The generals convinced him to leave the minimum number of 2500 two days later.

Nice. The Neo-GOP simpleton mantra and their best intellectual talking point rolled into one. Fascist chants are the best. Keep up the good work.
Shut up and get your shot.
I really cannot understand why biDen has politicised this? The heavy hand is not the one that repairs the watch!!!

Let's go Brandon!!!


It's not just Biden but the entire Democrat party. They are going to downplay and ridicule any other treatment but the shots. A survey found that most of Congress has investments in Moderna and Pfizer as their sixth and seventh largest investment, but people on the left still can't figure out why they are pushing for shots,booster shots, booster-booster shots and so on.

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