Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

And there are valid reasons to not want the vaccine, from concerns about its long term side effects to having natural immunity due to contracting and surviving the disease. The left, however, has made this into a "we're gonna force you to do this" and seem to get off on the idea.
I can't wait until they actually decide to try. It's gonna be fun.
damn the schools in Missouri really do suck...I just fucking said I do not agree with the mandates and then you reply with this? Really? Reading is fundamental and you fucking suck at it. Perhaps you should go back and at least try to finish middle school, just a thought.
Didn’t go to school here. If you’re so against mandates why are you surprised that people are pushing back. You should be supporting them. Unless of course you’re not so much against the mandate but the blowback it’s causing.
What are you fighting for, the right to not take a life-saving vaccine and potentially spread diseases to other people?

The reality is, businesses will start mandating vaccinations because the cost of not vaccinating is too high.

Nope, it isn't going to happen.
Trump wudda stayed.

Trump said repeatedly he would make decisions based on what's happening on the ground. If you watch Fox shows they have an animated map of how the Taliban quickly took over more and more territory since Biden got in and did nothing about it. Of course Trump would have never left under those conditions.
If you watch Fox shows they have an animated map of how the Taliban quickly took over more and more territory since Biden got in and did nothing about it. Of course Trump would have never left under those conditions.

Then I would say that Biden did the right thing by still leaving. If we had stayed until 2030, the exact same thing would have taken place with the Taliban. It was inevitable, staying longer because it happened would have been foolish
Then I would say that Biden did the right thing by still leaving. If we had stayed until 2030, the exact same thing would have taken place with the Taliban. It was inevitable, staying longer because it happened would have been foolish

The first thing Trump would have done is told them all deals are off unless they get out of those territories and not try to dominate any more. The next thing he would have done is remove all American citizens and Afghanistan people who helped our troops. The third thing he would have done is remove our equipment or at the very least, destroyed it. The last thing he would have done is remove our troops. And no, he would have never allowed them to take over the kabul airport either.
The first thing Trump would have done is told them all deals are off unless they get out of those territories and not try to dominate any more.

why? There was nothing in the deal he signed with them saying they could not do what they did.

The next thing he would have done is remove all American citizens and Afghanistan people who helped our troops.

The former yes, the latter I doubt.

The third thing he would have done is remove our equipment or at the very least, destroyed it.

He had a chance to do this when he took our troop level from 14,000 to 2,500. He did not do it then, no reason to think he would have done it with 2500 troops.
why? There was nothing in the deal he signed with them saying they could not do what they did.

His deal was that he will base his moves to what's taking place on the ground, and the Taliban knew it. That's why we didn't lose one service person in the last 18 months of his presidency.

The former yes, the latter I doubt.

He may have not brought most to our country like Dementia did, even though most if not any of them helped us. It was his excuse to get more foreigners in our country. What Trump would have done is give them safe transportation to another middle-east country of their choice. For those that didn't want to stay in the middle-east, he would have given them access to our country and come here legally. Why would he not do that?

He had a chance to do this when he took our troop level from 14,000 to 2,500. He did not do it then, no reason to think he would have done it with 2500 troops.

The Afghan military didn't disperse and run until they knew we were definitely leaving. They were using the equipment we gave them. Once gone, Trump would have been able to confiscate the equipment and bring it home. So he did not have the chance to bring it back because it was still in use.
His deal was that he will base his moves to what's taking place on the ground, and the Taliban knew it. That's why we didn't lose one service person in the last 18 months of his presidency.

Yes, the deal was they would quit attacking us and we would leave. Nothing in the deal said they could not do what they did.

Edit...let me ask you this....if Trump did not except them to take over the country, why was part of the deal that we would help them to gain international recognition as a legit government?
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You're an idiot, research is coming out that the vaccinated are going to be the super spreaders. The vaccine messes with your immune system. The lovely thing is, you cannot sue. So now you will be stuck with your bad decision.

Post 77, I made a mention back in July, and I think even before that it wouldn't surprise me if in 6 months they came out and said that having the vaccine will damage your immune system.

I'm not going to go fully in on that just yet, I want to see what news comes out about it, but you saying it, and some news stories are starting to surface that seem to indicate that that may be the case...
So given all that...why are Trumpers so anti-vax??
Most of them are not "anti-vax". That's just a convenient label you like to slap on people so you don't have to think of them as individuals. Most of the people not thrilled about getting a Covid vaccine have already been vaccinated many times, and get flu shots. They may not be in a hurry to get a COVID vaccine because they want the vaccine to get out there for a while so we can get a better idea of the potential side effects, or they may have already had the disease and have natural immunity. There are many reasons far beyond the shallow, simplistic and ultimately meaningless "anti-vax" label.
Yes, the deal was they would quit attacking us and we would leave. Nothing in the deal said they could not do what they did.

Edit...let me ask you this....if Trump did not except them to take over the country, why was part of the deal that we would help them to gain international recognition as a legit government?

I never heard anything about them being accepted as a legitimate government, only that the Taliban listened to Trump if they were to get what they wanted, and that was control over the country. Biden did that not only with no strings attached, but also making them the most well armed fundamentalist group in the world.
that part did not surprise me.

The glee at the damage being done is what surprised me
How else are the people supposed to stand up for themselves? The damage is what causes them to back off. Repercussions must be felt. Otherwise why would they care. Bidumb created a mandate and without consequences he would claim victory and mandate something else.

The glee isn’t for the damage over all. I’d like people to get where they want to fly. The glee is we can have that when enough people step up and cause enough problems for the government they have no choice but to back down. The government of the people needs slapped down, hard.
You're an idiot, research is coming out that the vaccinated are going to be the super spreaders. The vaccine messes with your immune system. The lovely thing is, you cannot sue. So now you will be stuck with your bad decision.

And where did you get your degree in virology?

100MM American have had the Fauxi Gain of Function Flu and lived to tell the tale +200MM are vaccinated = End of Pandemic

Sorry, guy, doesn't work like that.
The #CoronaHoax2020 is entirely a political creation. It was created for political purposes, exploited for political purposes, and only continues to exist for political purposes.

If the criminals responsible for creating, exploiting, and promoting it were all removed from power, and a sample of them strung up by their necks as an example and a warning t any others who might try to pull this sort of bullshit, the “pandemic” would instantly be over.

The guy who believes in Magic Underwear doesn't believe in viruses...

If it was a political hoax, they'd have ended it back in March and declared Biden a victor. Sadly, a lot of you morons would rather die than admit you made a mistake... which is kind of sad.
Ivermectin has saved millions of lives in India, Moron. It's proven effective and is now offered free of charge to Indian citizens. HCQ also works.

Since when did you decide to fellate Big Pharma and For Profit Healthcare. Do they pay you to be a douchebag on here?

Naw, man, I make fun of you Wingnuts for free.

Admitably, it takes a special kind of stupid to refuse a life-saving vaccine because you don't want to admit your Orange God failed.
This is irony at it's greatest point ever. Conservatives speaking on behalf of workers. Usually conservatives hate workers. They complain when a group goes on strike and calls for them to be fired. It's hard to believe this.

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