Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

Not Just Southwest:

A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

11 Oct 2021 ~~ By Paul Goldberg
The media has largely ignored the pushback Joe Biden is receiving or his vaccine/testing mandate.
Just one call out over a weekend brought Southwest airlines to its knees however, it’s not just Southwest Airlines.
Amtrak had to cancel trains because of a “staffing issue,” shipbuilding employees in Newport News are promising to to crush production over the mandate.

Workers for the ship building company Huntington Ingalls are furious over the mandate that they must be vaccinated by December 8th. A letter from COOO Chris Kastner informed employees that if they don’t get vaccinated they could lose their jobs which incited protests.
A group gathered last Friday protesting the mandate and only 59% of shipbuilders are vaccinated. Should Huntington Ingalls follow through with Joe Biden’s mandate it would cripple the shipbuilding industry.
In Washington State there has been “unprecedented” disruptions because of “staffing shortages.”
The Samish, which is one of three vessels serving the Anacortes- San Juan Islands was taken out of service after 28 workers called out.
State Ferries spokesperson Ian Sterling reported that 230 employees have not complied with the State’s vaccination mandate which has crippled the ferry system.
“We still have time before the 18th. We don’t know what the full impact will be and how many people will choose to leave state employment,” Sterling said.
The ferry system is the only “viable way off the islands for most people” and the staffing shortage is going to cause a crisis in the area.
The union representing pilots for American Airlines has warned the company they may end up in the same boat as Southwest Airlines during the holiday seasons if they don’t start accepting exemptions.
“Some of APA’s members are unable to undergo vaccination for documented medical reasons, while others are reluctant to get vaccinated based upon concerns about the potential for career-ending side effects,” read the Sept. 24 letter.
Staff must prove they have been vaccinated by November 24 – the day before Thanksgiving – or they can be fired.
OAN reporter Jack Posobiec has learned that the White House is feeling the heat and Secretary Pete’s phone has been ringing off the hook.

There is a massive wave of pushback that is being ignored by the media below are posts from government employees and an airline pilot pushing back.

Let’s go Brandon!
They set a vax deadline to the day before Thanksgiving? Busiest travel day of the year?
WE THE PEOPLE must assert our constitutional rights!!!!!-
If the majority of America refuses Joey Xi's edicts on vaccinations, what will he do? Send us all to re-education camps to be taught CRT?
Meanwhile this is all the fault of the Secretary of Transportation Pete Butt-jig....
It's obvious that the Bai Dung administration is fully staffed by Keystone Kops....
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies and Joey Xi Bai Dung are thrilled. The more America, hurts the better for them. So they think. They want us to suffer to show they are in charge and only they can help us. They want us on our knees. Will it work? Well, look at who is drooling on the Resolute Desk. He is there and the world suffers. And the idiot democrats vote for it. I am optimistic.
The People Will Not Let This Stand and Revolting. We must all stand together.....

These Tyrants who have taken Unconstitutional Power upon themselves all think that no one has any principles when it comes to a paycheck.

And they will have to pay Billions in Wrongful Dismissal lawsuits, because you cannot fire someone over refusing a medical procedure mandated by their employer. HIPPA Laws guarantee that employers cannot abuse employees like that, and neither does your employer have a right to know if or if you are not injected with the experimental gene therapy.
Again, the people who are most fanatic about refusing to take the shot because they'd rather take horse dewormer weren't going to vote for Biden to start with.

Vaccinations never should have become a political issue... but they are.

But don't listen to doctors when some Reality TV guy tells you to take Horse Dewormer instead.

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Ivermectin has saved millions of lives in India, Moron. It's proven effective and is now offered free of charge to Indian citizens. HCQ also works.

Since when did you decide to fellate Big Pharma and For Profit Healthcare. Do they pay you to be a douchebag on here?
Ivermectin has saved millions of lives in India, Moron. It's proven effective and is now offered free of charge to Indian citizens. HCQ also works.

Since when did you decide to fellate Big Pharma and For Profit Healthcare. Do they pay you to be a douchebag on here?
And I know of a company in India that was recommended by an ICU nurse of my acquaintance that will ship Ivermectin and HCQ for very reasonable prices. It doesn't matter how hard the assholes try to keep it from happening -- we will overcome the corruption and do what we determine best for our health and well being. Period.
And I know of a company in India that was recommended by an ICU nurse of my acquaintance that will ship Ivermectin and HCQ for very reasonable prices. It doesn't matter how hard the assholes try to keep it from happening -- we will overcome the corruption and do what we determine best for our health and well being. Period.
I have friends who have stocked up on both HCQ and Ivermectin in case they modify this thing again and re-release a deadlier version, so I am good.
We are NOT Aussies. WE are NOT SHEEP.

No one is stabbing me with an experimental gene therapy shot without my consent.
AMEN! Actually, I'm surprised that they have kind of backed down, expect for the lunatic genocide juice nazis in this board. I was kind of looking forward to the fight!
It is just astoundingly lame of you to think that this has anything to do with Trump. Do you really believe this? I mean, REALLY? If so, you have not been paying attention.
In all seriousness, they don't apply much critical thinking. TRUMP! not only promoted the vaccines, he pushed the companies to get them out as quickly and safely as possible. I'd like to see where he told anyone not to get vaccinated. Naturally, it's a matter of faith for the usual suspects because Orange Man Bad means anything and everything must be blamed on him.
In all seriousness, they don't apply much critical thinking. TRUMP! not only promoted the vaccines, he pushed the companies to get them out as quickly and safely as possible. I'd like to see where he told anyone not to get vaccinated. Naturally, it's a matter of faith for the usual suspects because Orange Man Bad means anything and everything must be blamed on him.
Actually his refusal to "push" the vaccines was even noticed by gopers.

But his central problem is always he massive fragile ego. And of course, the dems gave him no credit for really pushing for the vaccines to be developed.
Another self-inflicted wound.

Biden walked right into this punch with the mandates. He completely mis-read the room.

What he did was not pay attention to the results of his polices.

If employees needed employers just as much as empoloyers need them, then he would have had some people over the barrel. However his policy of paying people more to stay home gave the employee the advantage over the employers. Vaccine mandate? Go F yourself. I'll work somewhere else because everybody wants me to work for them. Either that or I'll keep collecting these two generous unemployment checks every week.
Actually his refusal to "push" the vaccines was even noticed by gopers.

But his central problem is always he massive fragile ego. And of course, the dems gave him no credit for really pushing for the vaccines to be developed.
And to now be blaming him for the refusal of some to be vaccinated is the height of Orange Man Bad syndrome.
It is so much fun watching all those people in the airports seeing their flights cancelled while watching CNN...lololololol
I hope they wreck the airports...lolol
When are Trump's goons on Fox like Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham & the rest going to rebel against Murdoch's vaccine mandates that all employees are subjected to? It's so unfair! Fox employees have to get the "Fauci Ouchie" or be tested every single day for COVID. One would think that Tucker, Sean & the rest would in no uncertain terms inform ole Rupert that there not going to stand for his "unconstitutional" requirement that employees get "the jab".

Are they hypocrits who are willing to sacrifice the courage of their own convictions for the millions of bucks they're making?

How bout it, Ace?
And to now be blaming him for the refusal of some to be vaccinated is the height of Orange Man Bad syndrome.
God, what narrow little lanes their minds must travel down. It doesn't matter how many different ways we try to say that we are not going to take an unwanted medical procedure because we value our health, all they see is TRUMP! TRUMP! DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...... TRUMP!!!!

Sick, pathetic and sad.
When are Trump's goons on Fox like Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham & the rest going to rebel against Murdoch's vaccine mandates that all employees are subjected to? It's so unfair! Fox employees have to get the "Fauci Ouchie" or be tested every single day for COVID. One would think that Tucker, Sean & the rest would in no uncertain terms inform ole Rupert that there not going to stand for his "unconstitutional" requirement that employees get "the jab".

Are they hypocrits who are willing to sacrifice the courage of their own convictions for the millions of bucks they're making?

How bout it, Ace?

Tucker (yes vaccinated early on) said on his show last night that the vaccine mandates at Fox were total bullshit. Maybe you need better sources for your info.
Good to know. Me too.
I honestly believe these people hoped that their bioengineered virus would kill more. That is why they released it 9 months before the election. It is why Big Pharma went after HCQ and tried to get it banned and stop it from being prescribed by Drs. It is why Kamala Harris and Pelosi said that Corona was a gift from 'god', their 'god' Satan.

They also knew from day 1 where Russian Collusion came from and how it was paid for, by themselves. Same as they knew all along where Corona came from. It is why Nancy Pelosi against all common sense tried to stop President Trump from shutting down the borders, and stopping flights from entering the US from China.

I believe China, and the Democrat Party like they helped spread and propagated the Lie of Russian Collusion had active agents trying to spread Corona. The White House was targeted several times, with one notable occasion so obvious, an attack on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who btw, were taking all precautions, wearing masks and washing their hands. I think someone released it via an aerosol.

I see this as no different than The FBI using the DNC Bought Fake Russian Collusion Dirty Dossier to abuse FISA, to tie the Administration up, to attack it daily, to attack members of The Administration, to tie up Trump Family members and associates in hearings, to go after every person they could associated with The Trump Campaign. They put the dirtiest cop in history, Robert Mueller and his goons in charge of The Witch Hunt, but it's hard to frame an innocent man, like he framed people at Enron, and with The Anthrax attack. And let's not forget, Robert Mueller is a murderer. He knew Whitey Bulger was whacking people left and right and protected him.

BTW did you know Seth Rich practically died on Mueller's door step?

When you have people like Obama, Clinton and John Kerry who will arm, and finance terrorists, and try to give Iran Nukes, they are capable of all sorts of Evil Treachery and Subversive Treason.
In all seriousness, they don't apply much critical thinking. TRUMP! not only promoted the vaccines, he pushed the companies to get them out as quickly and safely as possible. I'd like to see where he told anyone not to get vaccinated. Naturally, it's a matter of faith for the usual suspects because Orange Man Bad means anything and everything must be blamed on him.

He was actually BOOED at one of HIS rallies over the summer when he said to GET VAXXED.

it did not get alot of play because it does not help the media and their lies about Trump....and it doesn't help the lie that all Conservatives are sheep.

We love Trump....HOWEVER, we are individuals and many of us DO NOT WANT THE VAX.

It is called individualism....for those commies who have no idea what that is.

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