Not Just Southwest: A Tsunami Of Pushback Over Mandates Is Coming For Joe Biden

He was actually BOOED at one of HIS rallies over the summer when he said to GET VAXXED.

it did not get alot of play because it does not help the media and their lies about Trump....and it doesn't help the lie that all Conservatives are sheep.

We love Trump....HOWEVER, we are individuals and many of us DO NOT WANT THE VAX.

It is called individualism....for those commies who have no idea what that is.
And there are valid reasons to not want the vaccine, from concerns about its long term side effects to having natural immunity due to contracting and surviving the disease. The left, however, has made this into a "we're gonna force you to do this" and seem to get off on the idea.
And to now be blaming him for the refusal of some to be vaccinated is the height of Orange Man Bad syndrome.
Well it's his base saying "it's just a cold, and the vaccines are no good." And Trump's still not telling them that's a hoax and to get vaccinated.

But while most of us think those folks are IDIOTS, Biden's attempts to force private employers to obey federal vaccine mandates is offensive to some of us, as well.
And there are valid reasons to not want the vaccine, from concerns about its long term side effects to having natural immunity due to contracting and surviving the disease. The left, however, has made this into a "we're gonna force you to do this" and seem to get off on the idea.

How funny would it be if all their cocks fall off in 2 years?

Experimental gene therapy for a flu with a survival rate of nearly 100% for healthy people?

How funny would it be if all their cocks fall off in 2 years?

Experimental gene therapy for a flu with a survival rate of nearly 100% for healthy people?

Well, it's sounding like ED is a real possibility as a so-called "side effect". Think of all those problems they've been having with capillary thrombi! That get-up-and-go effect has a ton to do with how blood moves through those teeny-tiny little blood vessels! Heh-heh-heh.
In all seriousness, they don't apply much critical thinking. TRUMP! not only promoted the vaccines, he pushed the companies to get them out as quickly and safely as possible. I'd like to see where he told anyone not to get vaccinated. Naturally, it's a matter of faith for the usual suspects because Orange Man Bad means anything and everything must be blamed on him.
So given all that...why are Trumpers so anti-vax??
I agree Biden fucked this one up, tried to do too much.

I do not agree with the mandates from the Govt.

But I will not lie, I am even a bit surprised at the glee by the right wingers at the damage being done to the country. As always, party before country with the wingers on either side
Telling people like you to shove your mandates up your ass is 100% country first. In case you forgot where you live.
When are Trump's goons on Fox like Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham & the rest going to rebel against Murdoch's vaccine mandates that all employees are subjected to? It's so unfair! Fox employees have to get the "Fauci Ouchie" or be tested every single day for COVID. One would think that Tucker, Sean & the rest would in no uncertain terms inform ole Rupert that there not going to stand for his "unconstitutional" requirement that employees get "the jab".

Are they hypocrits who are willing to sacrifice the courage of their own convictions for the millions of bucks they're making?

How bout it, Ace?
I believe their all vaxed. Don't worry, this Covid thing is rounding 3rd and your power over people finished

All you have is Jan 6 left

How about it Ace. You caused 13 dead marines with your vote. I would be so ashamed and embarrassed for myself
Dr Lesh. Have you conferred with Dr Fauci today on why black and brown people are the main unvaxed

Does Dr Crepitus and all you other Goggle Medical College trained peers at USMB Old Aged Home know this?
ohhh, it's Chuck Gruden time.

ohhh, it's Chuck Gruden time.

LOLOL................JC almighty. As a proportion of population Ninny. Now get the fuck away from me. We're near 80% and that is good enough. You elected a disaster and you should have your GD face slapped
Telling people like you to shove your mandates up your ass is 100% country first. In case you forgot where you live.

damn the schools in Missouri really do suck...I just fucking said I do not agree with the mandates and then you reply with this? Really? Reading is fundamental and you fucking suck at it. Perhaps you should go back and at least try to finish middle school, just a thought.
From an anonymous Southwest Airlines Pilot

I believe their all vaxed. Don't worry, this Covid thing is rounding 3rd and your power over people finished

All you have is Jan 6 left

How about it Ace. You caused 13 dead marines with your vote. I would be so ashamed and embarrassed for myself
Oh, & here I thought it was the fault of terrorists that 13 people were killed.

Thanks for setting me straight on your stance that as long as you can "own the libs" it's ok to gaslight what terrorist killers do.

Now we know who's side YOU'RE on, fucktwit.
He was actually BOOED at one of HIS rallies over the summer when he said to GET VAXXED.

it did not get alot of play because it does not help the media and their lies about Trump....and it doesn't help the lie that all Conservatives are sheep.

We love Trump....HOWEVER, we are individuals and many of us DO NOT WANT THE VAX.

It is called individualism....for those commies who have no idea what that is.
Isn't that the truth? OMG they are all just cookie cutter versions of each other, trying to out-weird each other but wearing the same bizarre skins and screaming about what unique individuals they are!

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