Not Looking Good for Senile Joe

If you aren’t aware of the fact that cops often brutalize citizens of all races, you’re delusional. It’s a systemic problem that has existed for a long time.

We are living in a soft police state, but your kind are totally unaware.

Often brutalize citizens? :laughing0301:

So what do you consider brutalizing them, asking them for their drivers license; asking them to put their hands behind their back?

I'm 60 years old and have never been brutalized by a police officer. Nor has any of my family or friends. Of course when me, my family or friends interact with police, we don't fight them. We just do everything they say. I was a truck driver, and we often get pulled over by the troopers for safety checks. We interact with them just about more than anybody, and no problems.
Well that does it. You and yours haven't been brutalized, so it must not happen.

Do you live in a cave?

Where did I say it never happens? I said it doesn't happen "often" as you put it. Because if it happened often, it's likely it would have happened to me or somebody I'm associated with.

It's like my former coworker who is a retired Cleveland police officer told me: What do they want us to do? If somebody is fighting us, we tell them okay, you can go, we will just arrest you at a more convenient time for you?

It's pure stupidity already, because there is a solution to this problem. All these Hollywood big mouths who live with armed security, all these jocks shooting off their mouth against the police could actually donate their time to something that will help solve the problem. And that is attend these black high schools, and promote the message to just obey all orders by the police no matter what. Because every death at the hands of a police officer has one thing in common: the suspect refused to obey police commands. And every one of them would be alive today had they just done that.

Of course we will never see that, because the liberal solution to this is to keep burning down towns and not accomplish a thing.
Silly. You are blinded by partisanship.

Your claim that it hasn’t happened to you or yours, was a stupid effort at deflection. Do better next time.

What’s often to me clearly isn’t often to you. Millions of Americans like me, want change. Are we all dumb liberals?

I keep asking, what exact change are you looking for? When a cop is being shot at, he can't shoot back? If a suspect is fighting with the officer, they just let the suspect go? Disarm all police officers and don't allow them to use tasers either? What????

I'm not blinded by partisanship, I'm blinded by common sense, a quality very low or void in liberals. There is no deflection on my part. If you say cops give out traffic tickets all the time, I would agree with you because I've had traffic tickets before, and so have many people I know. But when you say that cops "brutalize" people all the time, and it's never happened to me or anybody I'm associated with, then I'm calling you a liar. Police officers do not brutalize people all time.
It’s been published. Why haven’t you kept up? When you get all your news from a Fox News, you aren’t informed.

from Justin Amash and some Ds are proposing something similar.

End qualified immunity.
End civil asset forfeiture.
End the drug war.
End overcriminalization.
End no-knock warrants.
End militarization of police.
End mandatory minimums.
If you aren’t aware of the fact that cops often brutalize citizens of all races, you’re delusional. It’s a systemic problem that has existed for a long time.

We are living in a soft police state, but your kind are totally unaware.

Often brutalize citizens? :laughing0301:

So what do you consider brutalizing them, asking them for their drivers license; asking them to put their hands behind their back?

I'm 60 years old and have never been brutalized by a police officer. Nor has any of my family or friends. Of course when me, my family or friends interact with police, we don't fight them. We just do everything they say. I was a truck driver, and we often get pulled over by the troopers for safety checks. We interact with them just about more than anybody, and no problems.
Well that does it. You and yours haven't been brutalized, so it must not happen.

Do you live in a cave?

Where did I say it never happens? I said it doesn't happen "often" as you put it. Because if it happened often, it's likely it would have happened to me or somebody I'm associated with.

It's like my former coworker who is a retired Cleveland police officer told me: What do they want us to do? If somebody is fighting us, we tell them okay, you can go, we will just arrest you at a more convenient time for you?

It's pure stupidity already, because there is a solution to this problem. All these Hollywood big mouths who live with armed security, all these jocks shooting off their mouth against the police could actually donate their time to something that will help solve the problem. And that is attend these black high schools, and promote the message to just obey all orders by the police no matter what. Because every death at the hands of a police officer has one thing in common: the suspect refused to obey police commands. And every one of them would be alive today had they just done that.

Of course we will never see that, because the liberal solution to this is to keep burning down towns and not accomplish a thing.
Silly. You are blinded by partisanship.

Your claim that it hasn’t happened to you or yours, was a stupid effort at deflection. Do better next time.

What’s often to me clearly isn’t often to you. Millions of Americans like me, want change. Are we all dumb liberals?

I keep asking, what exact change are you looking for? When a cop is being shot at, he can't shoot back? If a suspect is fighting with the officer, they just let the suspect go? Disarm all police officers and don't allow them to use tasers either? What????

I'm not blinded by partisanship, I'm blinded by common sense, a quality very low or void in liberals. There is no deflection on my part. If you say cops give out traffic tickets all the time, I would agree with you because I've had traffic tickets before, and so have many people I know. But when you say that cops "brutalize" people all the time, and it's never happened to me or anybody I'm associated with, then I'm calling you a liar. Police officers do not brutalize people all time.
It’s been published. Why haven’t you kept up? When you get all your news from a Fox News, you aren’t informed.

from Justin Amash and some Ds are proposing something similar.

End qualified immunity.
End civil asset forfeiture.
End the drug war.
End overcriminalization.
End no-knock warrants.
End militarization of police.
End mandatory minimums.

No, I don't keep up with liberal demands because they are meaningless to me. I believe our police don't have enough power yet alone giving them less. Now let's take your list here:

If you end qualified immunity, very few people will get involved in police work. Who would take a job that pays 50K a year if you can get sued 300K or more for one incident be it justified or unjustified? Are you familiar with the Ferguson Effect? This would result would be over twice as bad because all officers would be afraid to do their jobs.

Civil asset forfeiture should only apply to people who are guilty of a crime. But I don't see how that would stop a riot like the last three we had.

We range from 60K to 75K overdose deaths a year. End the drug war, that figure could reach ten times that amount, mostly affecting lower income people. Unfortunately I've had my share of interactions with dope heads. If you look at states that have legalized pot, it did not end the black market pot market. They simply sell for a lower price than the state sponsored outlets.

Many years ago when we were considering lotteries, the proponents of the lottery stated that by having a legal lottery, it would greatly reduce illegal gambling typically operated by the mob. Guess what? It didn't stop illegal gambling. What the bookies did was use the state lottery numbers for their games, and it pays about 20% more if you win--no taxes taken out of course.

Over criminalization is like the living wage. It's subjective.

No knock warrants are needed to obtain evidence, particularly in drug raids.

Militarization of police is necessary and only used on rare occasions. Unless you are a criminal, it has no affect on you.

Mandatory minimums are necessary to provide a deterrent to crime. In fact it's my idea that being here illegally should be an automatic 5 years in prison. Most of our illegals would self-deport, and a wall wouldn't be necessary to keep them from coming back in. They wouldn't want to come here in the first place--at least not illegally. It would also drastically reduce Visa overstays.

A proper deterrent to crime works every time it's tried.
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If you aren’t aware of the fact that cops often brutalize citizens of all races, you’re delusional. It’s a systemic problem that has existed for a long time.

We are living in a soft police state, but your kind are totally unaware.

Often brutalize citizens? :laughing0301:

So what do you consider brutalizing them, asking them for their drivers license; asking them to put their hands behind their back?

I'm 60 years old and have never been brutalized by a police officer. Nor has any of my family or friends. Of course when me, my family or friends interact with police, we don't fight them. We just do everything they say. I was a truck driver, and we often get pulled over by the troopers for safety checks. We interact with them just about more than anybody, and no problems.
Well that does it. You and yours haven't been brutalized, so it must not happen.

Do you live in a cave?

Where did I say it never happens? I said it doesn't happen "often" as you put it. Because if it happened often, it's likely it would have happened to me or somebody I'm associated with.

It's like my former coworker who is a retired Cleveland police officer told me: What do they want us to do? If somebody is fighting us, we tell them okay, you can go, we will just arrest you at a more convenient time for you?

It's pure stupidity already, because there is a solution to this problem. All these Hollywood big mouths who live with armed security, all these jocks shooting off their mouth against the police could actually donate their time to something that will help solve the problem. And that is attend these black high schools, and promote the message to just obey all orders by the police no matter what. Because every death at the hands of a police officer has one thing in common: the suspect refused to obey police commands. And every one of them would be alive today had they just done that.

Of course we will never see that, because the liberal solution to this is to keep burning down towns and not accomplish a thing.
Silly. You are blinded by partisanship.

Your claim that it hasn’t happened to you or yours, was a stupid effort at deflection. Do better next time.

What’s often to me clearly isn’t often to you. Millions of Americans like me, want change. Are we all dumb liberals?

I keep asking, what exact change are you looking for? When a cop is being shot at, he can't shoot back? If a suspect is fighting with the officer, they just let the suspect go? Disarm all police officers and don't allow them to use tasers either? What????

I'm not blinded by partisanship, I'm blinded by common sense, a quality very low or void in liberals. There is no deflection on my part. If you say cops give out traffic tickets all the time, I would agree with you because I've had traffic tickets before, and so have many people I know. But when you say that cops "brutalize" people all the time, and it's never happened to me or anybody I'm associated with, then I'm calling you a liar. Police officers do not brutalize people all time.
It’s been published. Why haven’t you kept up? When you get all your news from a Fox News, you aren’t informed.

from Justin Amash and some Ds are proposing something similar.

End qualified immunity.
End civil asset forfeiture.
End the drug war.
End overcriminalization.
End no-knock warrants.
End militarization of police.
End mandatory minimums.

No, I don't keep up with liberal demands because they are meaningless to me. I believe our police don't have enough power yet alone giving them less. Now let's take your list here:

If you end qualified immunity, very few people will get involved in police work. Who would take a job that pays 50K a year if you can get sued 300K or more for one incident be it justified or unjustified? Are you familiar with the Ferguson Effect? This would result would be over twice as bad because all officers would be afraid to do their jobs.

Civil asset forfeiture should only apply to people who are guilty of a crime. But I don't see how that would stop a riot like the last three we had.

We range from 60K to 75K overdose deaths a year. End the drug war, that figure could reach ten times that amount, mostly affecting lower income people. Unfortunately I've had my share of interactions with dope heads. If you look at states that have legalized pot, it did not end the black market pot market. They simply sell for a lower price than the state sponsored outlets.

Many years ago when we were considering lotteries, the proponents of the lottery stated that by having a legal lottery, it would greatly reduce illegal gambling typically operated by the mob. Guess what? It didn't stop illegal gambling. What the bookies did was use the state lottery numbers for their games, and it pays about 20% more if you win--no taxes taken out of course.

Over criminalization is like the living wage. It's subjective.

No knock warrants are needed to obtain evidence, particularly in drug raids.

Militarization of police is necessary and only used on rare occasions. Unless you are a criminal, it has no affect on you.

Mandatory minimums are necessary to provide a deterrent to crime. In fact it's my idea that being here illegally should be an automatic 5 years in prison. Most of our illegals would self-deport, and a wall wouldn't be necessary to keep them from coming back in. They wouldn't want to come here in the first place--at least not illegally. It would also drastically reduce Visa overstays.

A proper deterrent to crime works every time it's tried.
You’re a fascist. So naturally you would believe those things.
That's a stupid ass comment. The debates are very telling. Biden isn't a plausible alternative. He is to hard core democrats, but it's the swing voters that determine Presidential elections.

Today, your Gallup Poll showed a 10 point drop, he's now polling at 39% approval. That's pretty much where Bush-41 and Carter were.

Correct, if it's more profitable to invest in automation, that's what they'll do. This is something we've been trying to explain to you jokers every time you cry about making drastic increases in the minimum wage. However for those jobs that can't be automated, illegals take those jobs while at the same time, bringing the pay scale down for American workers.

Guy, you can't have it both ways. Either you can force them to raise wages or you can't.

We don't live in an autocracy. Trump is not the king. Nor is President Trump a medical or disease specialist. He acted on advice from the NIH, Dr. Fauci, and the CDC. This has been proven to you repeatedly, but as always, you choose to remain ignorant.

Actually, Trump ignored the NIH, CDC and NIAID, that was the problem. While other countries were taking serious measures, Trump was downplaying it and delaying.

It's why we have 4% of the worlds population and 28% of the Covid DEATHS.
If you end qualified immunity, very few people will get involved in police work. Who would take a job that pays 50K a year if you can get sued 300K or more for one incident be it justified or unjustified? Are you familiar with the Ferguson Effect? This would result would be over twice as bad because all officers would be afraid to do their jobs.

There was no Furgeson effect. There was an effect where people of color stopped cooperating with police altogether, though, but that was the Furgeson/Baltimore/Chicago/etc./etc./etc. effect.
Even UNIONS are waking up. If a Democrat loses unions, what else does he have?

Donald Trump is the white man's president, our nations law officers are the white man's guardians....I don't see that as a landslide of another 4 years of Trump. And the fact Fox Fake Fucked up News is the barrier of this information?????? Pa leeeezzzzzzzz....fake news, next?

Sounding really worried to me. o_O
There was no Furgeson effect. There was an effect where people of color stopped cooperating with police altogether, though, but that was the Furgeson/Baltimore/Chicago/etc./etc./etc. effect.

Correct, it was all over the country, just like this last riot under Trump. Doesn't say much for DumBama now does it?

Im sorry, but there was a Ferguson Effect. In the past I even provided an interview of your chief of police confirming it. All across the country, especially in bigger cities, arrests were way down, drug sales and violence up, police even admitting they no longer responded to criminal activity unless it came from dispatch.

And oh, I can't wait for the Democrats to defund their police departments. Criminals will be offing those Democrat voters like ducks in a pond. I simply can't wait. Maybe I'll have an extra beer tonight to help me get past the excitement enough to sleep. :bigbed:
Guy, you can't have it both ways. Either you can force them to raise wages or you can't.

Wages go up (or should go up) naturally. It's called Supply & Demand. When an employer can't find anybody to work for offered wage, he or she has no choice but to increase the offer. That means pay goes up for workers.

On the other hand, if they can cheat the system by finding foreigners to do the job for pennies on the dollar, it throws a monkey wrench in the entire supply and demand system. In other words, it no longer works.

It matters not if they are legal or illegal, it produces the same results.

Actually, Trump ignored the NIH, CDC and NIAID, that was the problem. While other countries were taking serious measures, Trump was downplaying it and delaying.

It's why we have 4% of the worlds population and 28% of the Covid DEATHS.

So why don't you post a link to Trump ignoring any of their recommendations that would have made a difference? With all of our bureaucracies, agencies, courts, our government structure is the most complicated (and slowest) compared to other of the industrialized countries. Then we have a Constitution that prohibits government from taking any action they deem necessary be it a bureaucracy, Congress or the President.

Trying to pin this on one man in the county isn't going to pass the smell test with most people; with liberals, of course they buy into it, just as you do.
Correct, it was all over the country, just like this last riot under Trump. Doesn't say much for DumBama now does it?

Naw, it doesn't say much for the police. It really isnt' Obama's job to restore the public's trust of cops when they are caught red handed on tape abusing people's human rights.

Im sorry, but there was a Ferguson Effect. In the past I even provided an interview of your chief of police confirming it. All across the country, especially in bigger cities, arrests were way down, drug sales and violence up, police even admitting they no longer responded to criminal activity unless it came from dispatch.

Which "cheif of police" was that? We fired the last one for a DUI, and he was kind of incompetent. We fired the one before him because he covered up the McDonald Shooting.

And oh, I can't wait for the Democrats to defund their police departments. Criminals will be offing those Democrat voters like ducks in a pond. I simply can't wait. Maybe I'll have an extra beer tonight to help me get past the excitement enough to sleep.

I'm sure you think that, but not really. Cops don't prevent murders. Heck, getting them to put down the fucking donuts to investigate them is a stretch. "Defund" is the wrong term. Reform and Demilitarizing them is a better term.

Wages go up (or should go up) naturally. It's called Supply & Demand. When an employer can't find anybody to work for offered wage, he or she has no choice but to increase the offer. That means pay goes up for workers.

Here's the problem with that. By your logic, we should have seen real wage growth since the Recession. We haven't.


On the other hand, if they can cheat the system by finding foreigners to do the job for pennies on the dollar, it throws a monkey wrench in the entire supply and demand system. In other words, it no longer works.

Again, no one wants to do the job that illegals are doing.

So why don't you post a link to Trump ignoring any of their recommendations that would have made a difference? With all of our bureaucracies, agencies, courts, our government structure is the most complicated (and slowest) compared to other of the industrialized countries. Then we have a Constitution that prohibits government from taking any action they deem necessary be it a bureaucracy, Congress or the President.

Trying to pin this on one man in the county isn't going to pass the smell test with most people; with liberals, of course they buy into it, just as you do.

Most people look at the chaos around them and realize how badly Trump fucked this all up.
Naw, it doesn't say much for the police. It really isnt' Obama's job to restore the public's trust of cops when they are caught red handed on tape abusing people's human rights.

So let's see here, according to Dr.Joe, when things happen around the country with Republicans, it's the Republican Presidents fault. When things happen around the country under Democrats, it's not the Presidents fault, it's the fault of police. Gotcha.

Which "cheif of police" was that? We fired the last one for a DUI, and he was kind of incompetent. We fired the one before him because he covered up the McDonald Shooting.

Maybe if you'd go to the links once in a while, you'd know who it was.

I'm sure you think that, but not really. Cops don't prevent murders. Heck, getting them to put down the fucking donuts to investigate them is a stretch. "Defund" is the wrong term. Reform and Demilitarizing them is a better term.

The commies are talking about defunding. But we all know how FOS Democrats are. Even they are not stupid enough to actually do it. But I hope they do. Yes, crime increases with less police activity and we have proof of that.

Here's the problem with that. By your logic, we should have seen real wage growth since the Recession. We haven't.

Again, no one wants to do the job that illegals are doing.

And I've proven you wrong on that whenever you bring it up. Need me to post those jobs illegals do again? Glad to do it.

Most people look at the chaos around them and realize how badly Trump fucked this all up.

Nope, only the commies do.

You posting commie news outlets like that is like me posting Briebart or Red State. Try posting something credible.
If you aren’t aware of the fact that cops often brutalize citizens of all races, you’re delusional. It’s a systemic problem that has existed for a long time.

We are living in a soft police state, but your kind are totally unaware.

Often brutalize citizens? :laughing0301:

So what do you consider brutalizing them, asking them for their drivers license; asking them to put their hands behind their back?

I'm 60 years old and have never been brutalized by a police officer. Nor has any of my family or friends. Of course when me, my family or friends interact with police, we don't fight them. We just do everything they say. I was a truck driver, and we often get pulled over by the troopers for safety checks. We interact with them just about more than anybody, and no problems.
Well that does it. You and yours haven't been brutalized, so it must not happen.

Do you live in a cave?

Where did I say it never happens? I said it doesn't happen "often" as you put it. Because if it happened often, it's likely it would have happened to me or somebody I'm associated with.

It's like my former coworker who is a retired Cleveland police officer told me: What do they want us to do? If somebody is fighting us, we tell them okay, you can go, we will just arrest you at a more convenient time for you?

It's pure stupidity already, because there is a solution to this problem. All these Hollywood big mouths who live with armed security, all these jocks shooting off their mouth against the police could actually donate their time to something that will help solve the problem. And that is attend these black high schools, and promote the message to just obey all orders by the police no matter what. Because every death at the hands of a police officer has one thing in common: the suspect refused to obey police commands. And every one of them would be alive today had they just done that.

Of course we will never see that, because the liberal solution to this is to keep burning down towns and not accomplish a thing.
Silly. You are blinded by partisanship.

Your claim that it hasn’t happened to you or yours, was a stupid effort at deflection. Do better next time.

What’s often to me clearly isn’t often to you. Millions of Americans like me, want change. Are we all dumb liberals?

I keep asking, what exact change are you looking for? When a cop is being shot at, he can't shoot back? If a suspect is fighting with the officer, they just let the suspect go? Disarm all police officers and don't allow them to use tasers either? What????

I'm not blinded by partisanship, I'm blinded by common sense, a quality very low or void in liberals. There is no deflection on my part. If you say cops give out traffic tickets all the time, I would agree with you because I've had traffic tickets before, and so have many people I know. But when you say that cops "brutalize" people all the time, and it's never happened to me or anybody I'm associated with, then I'm calling you a liar. Police officers do not brutalize people all time.
It’s been published. Why haven’t you kept up? When you get all your news from a Fox News, you aren’t informed.

from Justin Amash and some Ds are proposing something similar.

End qualified immunity.
End civil asset forfeiture.
End the drug war.
End overcriminalization.
End no-knock warrants.
End militarization of police.
End mandatory minimums.
I don’t disagree. BUT, honest people need to do it. Immunity is tricky though. Plenty of police are wrongfully accused. Can we agree that in theory, they need protections to a point?
If you aren’t aware of the fact that cops often brutalize citizens of all races, you’re delusional. It’s a systemic problem that has existed for a long time.

We are living in a soft police state, but your kind are totally unaware.

Often brutalize citizens? :laughing0301:

So what do you consider brutalizing them, asking them for their drivers license; asking them to put their hands behind their back?

I'm 60 years old and have never been brutalized by a police officer. Nor has any of my family or friends. Of course when me, my family or friends interact with police, we don't fight them. We just do everything they say. I was a truck driver, and we often get pulled over by the troopers for safety checks. We interact with them just about more than anybody, and no problems.
Well that does it. You and yours haven't been brutalized, so it must not happen.

Do you live in a cave?

Where did I say it never happens? I said it doesn't happen "often" as you put it. Because if it happened often, it's likely it would have happened to me or somebody I'm associated with.

It's like my former coworker who is a retired Cleveland police officer told me: What do they want us to do? If somebody is fighting us, we tell them okay, you can go, we will just arrest you at a more convenient time for you?

It's pure stupidity already, because there is a solution to this problem. All these Hollywood big mouths who live with armed security, all these jocks shooting off their mouth against the police could actually donate their time to something that will help solve the problem. And that is attend these black high schools, and promote the message to just obey all orders by the police no matter what. Because every death at the hands of a police officer has one thing in common: the suspect refused to obey police commands. And every one of them would be alive today had they just done that.

Of course we will never see that, because the liberal solution to this is to keep burning down towns and not accomplish a thing.
Silly. You are blinded by partisanship.

Your claim that it hasn’t happened to you or yours, was a stupid effort at deflection. Do better next time.

What’s often to me clearly isn’t often to you. Millions of Americans like me, want change. Are we all dumb liberals?

I keep asking, what exact change are you looking for? When a cop is being shot at, he can't shoot back? If a suspect is fighting with the officer, they just let the suspect go? Disarm all police officers and don't allow them to use tasers either? What????

I'm not blinded by partisanship, I'm blinded by common sense, a quality very low or void in liberals. There is no deflection on my part. If you say cops give out traffic tickets all the time, I would agree with you because I've had traffic tickets before, and so have many people I know. But when you say that cops "brutalize" people all the time, and it's never happened to me or anybody I'm associated with, then I'm calling you a liar. Police officers do not brutalize people all time.
I agree that some of it does perhaps go unnoticed or does not land at the feet of those who can stop it, to a degree.

All, All, All.....begin an opinion with that word we are.
Naw, it doesn't say much for the police. It really isnt' Obama's job to restore the public's trust of cops when they are caught red handed on tape abusing people's human rights.

So let's see here, according to Dr.Joe, when things happen around the country with Republicans, it's the Republican Presidents fault. When things happen around the country under Democrats, it's not the Presidents fault, it's the fault of police. Gotcha.

Which "cheif of police" was that? We fired the last one for a DUI, and he was kind of incompetent. We fired the one before him because he covered up the McDonald Shooting.

Maybe if you'd go to the links once in a while, you'd know who it was.

I'm sure you think that, but not really. Cops don't prevent murders. Heck, getting them to put down the fucking donuts to investigate them is a stretch. "Defund" is the wrong term. Reform and Demilitarizing them is a better term.

The commies are talking about defunding. But we all know how FOS Democrats are. Even they are not stupid enough to actually do it. But I hope they do. Yes, crime increases with less police activity and we have proof of that.

Here's the problem with that. By your logic, we should have seen real wage growth since the Recession. We haven't.

Again, no one wants to do the job that illegals are doing.

And I've proven you wrong on that whenever you bring it up. Need me to post those jobs illegals do again? Glad to do it.

Most people look at the chaos around them and realize how badly Trump fucked this all up.

Nope, only the commies do.

You posting commie news outlets like that is like me posting Briebart or Red State. Try posting something credible.
I like Redstaye more now than Breitbart.

Breitbart is kind of trashy if you ask me. They put bold red letters for headlines, and I’m thinking, is it that important that a grandmother found her teeth after searching for 20 minutes? Not a real headline, making a point.
Outside of the Lunatic Loons -

President Trump is beloved.

His disapproval rate is at 56% right now.
Bad Times Don’t Appear to Hurt Trump’s Polling
Yes despite the dire state of the economy Trump’s latest approval rating is still at a robust 49% for the period May 1 -13, according to Gallup.

At the same time in their presidencies George W Bush and Barrack Obama both had approval ratings of 47%, which is slightly lower than Trump’s. Yet both those presidents went on to win a second term in office
Gallup .... 39%

o let's see here, according to Dr.Joe, when things happen around the country with Republicans, it's the Republican Presidents fault. When things happen around the country under Democrats, it's not the Presidents fault, it's the fault of police. Gotcha.

Except things didn't happen nationwide under Obama. It happened locally and his Justice Department worked to reform the police. Trump outright encouraged the bad behavior, which is why the country exploded into nation-wide riots.

Maybe if you'd go to the links once in a while, you'd know who it was.

I don't need to. I know who the Superintedants of Police in Chicago are.
You had McCarthy, who got fired for covering up Jason Van Dyke's misdeeds
You had Eddie Johnson, who got fired for a DUI.

Not really qualified to say anything, either one of them.

And I've proven you wrong on that whenever you bring it up. Need me to post those jobs illegals do again? Glad to do it.

Please don't. You know what, I'VE never had to compete with an illegal for a job. If you are such a loser that you are, then that's your own damned fault.

You posting commie news outlets like that is like me posting Briebart or Red State. Try posting something credible.

Uh, guy, those "commie news" are established organizations that have been around for years.

The funny thing about Red State is that before 2018 or so, they were slightly honest and admitted Trump was a huge mistake. Then they fired all their columnists critical of Trump (Most of them went to the Bulwark) and fully drank of the Orange Koolaid.
Except things didn't happen nationwide under Obama. It happened locally and his Justice Department worked to reform the police. Trump outright encouraged the bad behavior, which is why the country exploded into nation-wide riots.

Nope, the Ferguson Effect took place all across the country including my very own suburb under DumBama.

I don't need to. I know who the Superintedants of Police in Chicago are.
You had McCarthy, who got fired for covering up Jason Van Dyke's misdeeds
You had Eddie Johnson, who got fired for a DUI.

Not really qualified to say anything, either one of them.

Fine, forget about your chief. How about the dozens of other police spokespeople who said the same? Are they all wrong? Statistics don't lie, and after the Ferguson riots, crime increased all across the country. In fact, until Ferguson, we were at a steady decline in violent and gun crimes for over 15 years.

Please don't. You know what, I'VE never had to compete with an illegal for a job. If you are such a loser that you are, then that's your own damned fault.

Then you must have worked for some real shit money, because that's why employers hire them. Typical hypocrite lefty you are. If you can't compete with an illegal for a shit paying job, you're a loser, but if you can't make better than minimum wage, you're not a loser, you're a victim. Government needs to force them to pay more.
Naw, it doesn't say much for the police. It really isnt' Obama's job to restore the public's trust of cops when they are caught red handed on tape abusing people's human rights.

So let's see here, according to Dr.Joe, when things happen around the country with Republicans, it's the Republican Presidents fault. When things happen around the country under Democrats, it's not the Presidents fault, it's the fault of police. Gotcha.

Which "cheif of police" was that? We fired the last one for a DUI, and he was kind of incompetent. We fired the one before him because he covered up the McDonald Shooting.

Maybe if you'd go to the links once in a while, you'd know who it was.

I'm sure you think that, but not really. Cops don't prevent murders. Heck, getting them to put down the fucking donuts to investigate them is a stretch. "Defund" is the wrong term. Reform and Demilitarizing them is a better term.

The commies are talking about defunding. But we all know how FOS Democrats are. Even they are not stupid enough to actually do it. But I hope they do. Yes, crime increases with less police activity and we have proof of that.

Here's the problem with that. By your logic, we should have seen real wage growth since the Recession. We haven't.

Again, no one wants to do the job that illegals are doing.

And I've proven you wrong on that whenever you bring it up. Need me to post those jobs illegals do again? Glad to do it.

Most people look at the chaos around them and realize how badly Trump fucked this all up.

Nope, only the commies do.

You posting commie news outlets like that is like me posting Briebart or Red State. Try posting something credible.
I like Redstaye more now than Breitbart.

Breitbart is kind of trashy if you ask me. They put bold red letters for headlines, and I’m thinking, is it that important that a grandmother found her teeth after searching for 20 minutes? Not a real headline, making a point.

I always check their sources which they usually link to in their articles. If I don't see sources and it's worth my time to investigate, then that's what I do. I don't take anything at face value.

For instance a Facebook friend posted a story on what the commies in the House are trying to pull off. A bill that has a 30% tax on all firearms, a 50% tax on ammunition, and a federal license you have to obtain to own a gun. I thought it was all BS. When I read it, there was a link to a USA Today article on the bill, and it turns out to be true.

Of course the MSM hides all Nazi activity in the Democrat party, so that's why I didn't believe it at first; because I never heard of it before. It sounded too outrageous to me, and again, the MSM is hush-hush about it.

Nope, the Ferguson Effect took place all across the country including my very own suburb under DumBama.

Nope, it's still a myth. Most good cops kept doing their jobs even when they found out that they couldn't brutalize black people anymore.

Fine, forget about your chief. How about the dozens of other police spokespeople who said the same? Are they all wrong? Statistics don't lie, and after the Ferguson riots, crime increased all across the country. In fact, until Ferguson, we were at a steady decline in violent and gun crimes for over 15 years.

You can manipulate statistics to say anything you want. As for gun crime increasing, that probably has to do with the fact that 30 million more guns found their way into private hands during that period.

Then you must have worked for some real shit money, because that's why employers hire them. Typical hypocrite lefty you are. If you can't compete with an illegal for a shit paying job, you're a loser, but if you can't make better than minimum wage, you're not a loser, you're a victim. Government needs to force them to pay more.

I think you popped a gasket there, buddy. My job required skills (not the resume writing job, but the supply chain job) that Paco who just snuck under a fence doesn't have. He's not a threat to me. If he's a threat to you, that's on you, buddy.

For instance a Facebook friend posted a story on what the commies in the House are trying to pull off. A bill that has a 30% tax on all firearms, a 50% tax on ammunition, and a federal license you have to obtain to own a gun. I thought it was all BS. When I read it, there was a link to a USA Today article on the bill, and it turns out to be true.

That's awesome. We should totally tax gun nuts to pay off the 270 BILLION in economic losses they cause every year. What a capital idea!
Nope, it's still a myth. Most good cops kept doing their jobs even when they found out that they couldn't brutalize black people anymore.

The cops kept doing their job in white areas, not black. Yes, cops went out to calls they were dispatched to. But if they seen a wanted black guy walking down the street, they'd turn their head the other way, or see a drug deal go down, forget about it unless somebody calls the station and complain.

Criminals figured out the cops won't bother them, and they took advantage of that.

You can manipulate statistics to say anything you want. As for gun crime increasing, that probably has to do with the fact that 30 million more guns found their way into private hands during that period.

You lose again, as always. The riots were in 2014. Gun ownership decreased in the following years during the Ferguson Effect according to your beloved New York Times.


I think you popped a gasket there, buddy. My job required skills (not the resume writing job, but the supply chain job) that Paco who just snuck under a fence doesn't have. He's not a threat to me. If he's a threat to you, that's on you, buddy.

You are the one who stated you had to compete against an illegal--not me.

That's awesome. We should totally tax gun nuts to pay off the 270 BILLION in economic losses they cause every year. What a capital idea!

Taxing people into submission is not a capitalist idea, it's a communist idea.

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