Not Looking Good for Senile Joe

It's different when blacks call each other that and when you do. When you white liberals say it, it's racist.

Nope, most blacks would agree with me..

I'm not much of an Owens fan. You say the house N's don't leave the plantation? Well who owns and has owned that plantation for generations?

Rich white people, whom she can't suck up to enough...that's the point.

So you use your contrived personal experience against statistics. Your arguments get weaker all the time. If a job only attracts meth heads, then the job doesn't pay enough. If it pays well enough for Americans to do the job, they will do it.

I agree. the job doesn't pay enough. They were all shitty jobs white people don't want to do.

When you understand what the word "welfare' means, then start using it. But don't use big words you don't know the definition of. It reveals your stupidity.

You are being paid for not working. You are on welfare. Glad to have cleared that up for you.

I've done plenty of shitty and exhausting jobs in my younger day. I worked with my father....

Don't care. The fact is RIGHT NOW, you refuse to do a menial job because you think it's beneath you. You'd rather collect welfare.

Trump didn't give us 14% unemployment, your comrades in China did. Furthermore DumBama didn't do anything to stir the economy, not one policy. If not for quantitive easing, we probably would have stayed in a recession, or got into a depression in his first term. In order to stir the economy, you need the private sector to create jobs. Anything that idiot did was against business, not for it. The economy didn't grow because of him, it grew in spite of him. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime.

A few things. The rest of the world didn't get hit by Covid as bad as we did. That's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the Covid DEATHS. Trump mismanaged it. The economy now sucks because of his mismanagement.

In short, he fails the "Are you better off" question. Obama didn't. Clinton didn't. Bush-41 did. Carter did.
Outside of the Lunatic Loons -

President Trump is beloved.

His disapproval rate is at 56% right now.
Bad Times Don’t Appear to Hurt Trump’s Polling
Yes despite the dire state of the economy Trump’s latest approval rating is still at a robust 49% for the period May 1 -13, according to Gallup.

At the same time in their presidencies George W Bush and Barrack Obama both had approval ratings of 47%, which is slightly lower than Trump’s. Yet both those presidents went on to win a second term in office
Even UNIONS are waking up. If a Democrat loses unions, what else does he have?

Police unions are doing one thing. Protecting bad cops. Good riddance. These are criminal organizations who fight accountability.

Auto Unions do one thing too. Protecting bad auto workers. How would you categorize the UAW after they hid War Criminal John Demjanjuk for decades?

I would question that however a auto worker cannot kill someone in supposedly doing their duty.
Even UNIONS are waking up. If a Democrat loses unions, what else does he have?

Police unions are doing one thing. Protecting bad cops. Good riddance. These are criminal organizations who fight accountability.

Keep it up, keep demonizing all cops.

The police vote is 800,000 nationwide. In 2016 the police vote put the Donald over in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

This year that’s 800k votes plus all their families voting for President Trump and local Republicans.

What put Trump over in Michigan and Pennsylvania was weak black turnout. Also suburban voters especially women are going to vote heavily for Biden. Michigan and Pennsylvania are already gone.

Bad cops are the only ones who are threatened by reform.
Even UNIONS are waking up. If a Democrat loses unions, what else does he have?

Police unions are doing one thing. Protecting bad cops. Good riddance. These are criminal organizations who fight accountability.

Keep it up, keep demonizing all cops.

The police vote is 800,000 nationwide. In 2016 the police vote put the Donald over in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

This year that’s 800k votes plus all their families voting for President Trump and local Republicans.

Any cop who would vote for a Democrat has to know they're voting for a literal ENEMY.
Even UNIONS are waking up. If a Democrat loses unions, what else does he have?

Police unions are doing one thing. Protecting bad cops. Good riddance. These are criminal organizations who fight accountability.

Police unions aren't going away. Thry are just no longer supporting democrats.

Makes you wonder if they ever had their support. Democrats are evil so they side with evil which is what the police are protecting us against. For police to support any Democrat is like a military person supporting anti-war protesters.

Trump and his supporters are the ones who are evil. Refusing to hold cops accountable. Trump made a ridiculous tweet about a 75 year old man in Buffalo who was pushed down by cops.
Even UNIONS are waking up. If a Democrat loses unions, what else does he have?

Police unions are doing one thing. Protecting bad cops. Good riddance. These are criminal organizations who fight accountability.

Police unions aren't going away. Thry are just no longer supporting democrats.

Makes you wonder if they ever had their support. Democrats are evil so they side with evil which is what the police are protecting us against. For police to support any Democrat is like a military person supporting anti-war protesters.

Trump and his supporters are the ones who are evil. Refusing to hold cops accountable. Trump made a ridiculous tweet about a 75 year old man in Buffalo who was pushed down by cops.

The idiot confronted cops doing their job. Most rational people get out of the way.
Dems are at war with the working class. They have allied with leftist traitors, illegals, and foreign countries. Follow the money those corrupt bastards in the Dem party are no friend to America.

Fascist pigs like Trump and his supporters are no friend of America.
You don't know what a fascist is.
Even UNIONS are waking up. If a Democrat loses unions, what else does he have?

Donald Trump is the white man's president, our nations law officers are the white man's guardians....I don't see that as a landslide of another 4 years of Trump. And the fact Fox Fake Fucked up News is the barrier of this information?????? Pa leeeezzzzzzzz....fake news, next?

The barrier? What?

The words "systemic racism" means capitalism to you. The enemy of your ilk is free markets. Envy is a virtue.

If you hate unions you hate workers and laborers. Anti union is truly anti american.
If you hate unions you hate workers and laborers. Anti union is truly anti american.

I don't hate unions at all, I just see them as terribly obsolete and a throwback.

Unions used to be able to go into all kinds of places to shake down the employees as well as managers. Now with extent of corporations even in "small" retail establishments like a starbucks, no one really wants to pony up for them.

If you hate unions you hate workers and laborers. Anti union is truly anti american.

Unions made people slow and lazy. If I made a pickup or delivery to a company I knew nothing about, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not, and not by asking anybody.
Even UNIONS are waking up. If a Democrat loses unions, what else does he have?

Police unions are doing one thing. Protecting bad cops. Good riddance. These are criminal organizations who fight accountability.

Police unions aren't going away. Thry are just no longer supporting democrats.

Makes you wonder if they ever had their support. Democrats are evil so they side with evil which is what the police are protecting us against. For police to support any Democrat is like a military person supporting anti-war protesters.

Trump and his supporters are the ones who are evil. Refusing to hold cops accountable. Trump made a ridiculous tweet about a 75 year old man in Buffalo who was pushed down by cops.

Every cop that killed a suspect is held accountable. The left however can't figure out that in most cases, their actions were justifiable. Police do kill people in self-defense. It's part of the job. Tweets hurt nobody.
Nope, most blacks would agree with me..

Only the blacks that are on your side. The other blacks consider you a racist for using such terms.

Rich white people, whom she can't suck up to enough...that's the point.

Nope, the plantation is and has been owned by the Democrat party. Leaving the plantation means one is leaving evil and joining the good side.

I agree. the job doesn't pay enough. They were all shitty jobs white people don't want to do.

And the job will never pay enough as long as your filthy politicians keep inviting them to be here. As long as industry can pay the least possible, they always will. If they can't do that anymore because of no immigrants, they will have no choice but to pay more.

You are being paid for not working. You are on welfare. Glad to have cleared that up for you.

Nope, I'm on disability; something your precious government put me on.

Don't care. The fact is RIGHT NOW, you refuse to do a menial job because you think it's beneath you. You'd rather collect welfare.

Nope, like most established adults, I cannot survive making minimum wage or anything close to it. The government told me I can't work, so I"m not working. It's too late in the game to start over. When we shed this Wuhan virus, then perhaps I may try to find something I can still do. Right now, the safest place for me to be is at home, and that's what I do when possible.

A few things. The rest of the world didn't get hit by Covid as bad as we did. That's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the Covid DEATHS. Trump mismanaged it. The economy now sucks because of his mismanagement.

In short, he fails the "Are you better off" question. Obama didn't. Clinton didn't. Bush-41 did. Carter did.

When are you going to quit repeating constant lies?
Even UNIONS are waking up. If a Democrat loses unions, what else does he have?

Donald Trump is the white man's president, our nations law officers are the white man's guardians....I don't see that as a landslide of another 4 years of Trump. And the fact Fox Fake Fucked up News is the barrier of this information?????? Pa leeeezzzzzzzz....fake news, next?

Is that why more Blacks have been working?
Is that why more Blacks are walking away from the democrat Plantation?

I just think black women are preferring white men, and she is pissed.

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