Not One Issue On Which The Right Has Been Wrong

Let's see....

Bill Clinton is a rapist

Obama is an empty suit

Low economic growth is the new normal

Income inequality matters

Global warming......"Turns Out To Be Hysterics

1. It is 30 years this past week that James Hansen, then well into the first of more than three decades as head of the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)-Goddard Institute for Space Studies, testified to a Senate committee that the then-current heat wave in Washington was caused by the relationship between “the greenhouse effect and observed warming.

2. Hansen was embraced by the environmental movement, from authentic scientists like David Suzuki to well-meaning faddists like the Prince of Wales, to cynical interlopers from the defeated international left grasping at anything to debunk and confound capitalism, like Naomi Klein, to complete charlatans like former vice-president Al Gore.

3. ...occurred: unchanged world temperatures since 2000, apart from 2015-2016; then the temperature rose slightly after a heavy El Nino, and then receded again although world carbon emissions have increased moderately.

4. Parallel predictions were made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which forecast temperature increases twice as great as occurred in the period up to 2000, with accelerating increases in the years since, when the temperature has been flat (with the exception of the one year mentioned).

5. Mr. Hansen also predicted exceptional warming in the Southeast and Midwest of the United States, which has not occurred either.

6. As his predictions were battered and defied by the facts, Mr. Hansen reinforced his expressions of ecological gloom and in 2007 predicted that all Greenland’s ice would melt and that ocean levels would rise by seven metres within 100 years.

7. Undaunted, Professor Hansen pressed on like the Ancient Mariner, or Captain Bligh. Hurricanes and tornadoes, at least in the United States, would become stronger, a prediction repeated by the American left’s favourite weatherman, Senator Bernie Sanders. None of it has occurred,...

8. ...Hansen’s predictions have all bombed and he has not recanted. His polyglot and multi-motivated echo chamber, including Dr. Michael Mann and his infamous “hockey stick” of sharply rising temperatures, have had their noses rubbed in the fiction of increasing world temperatures throughout this new millennium.

9. ...there is no justification whatever for the self-punitive nonsense of the Paris climate accord, where the administration of President Obama committed to garrote American industry with costs of tens of billions of dollars to reduce carbon emissions,....

10. The lessons of all this are clear, but most of our political and academic leaders are so far over-invested in defending against something that is not happening, they continue to call for the sacrifice of others,..."
Warming Air Turns Out To Be Hysterics

In short.....Leftism is the brand of the very....very.........stoooooooopid!

It is true the Left has been wrong many times, even make a decent case of it here, but...….

The Right has been wrong plenty of times over the years too.

Being highly partisan weakens your credibility.

Being unable to provide examples of your claim makes you our best source of greenhouse gases.
Let's see....

Bill Clinton is a rapist

Obama is an empty suit

Low economic growth is the new normal

Income inequality matters

Global warming......"Turns Out To Be Hysterics

1. It is 30 years this past week that James Hansen, then well into the first of more than three decades as head of the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)-Goddard Institute for Space Studies, testified to a Senate committee that the then-current heat wave in Washington was caused by the relationship between “the greenhouse effect and observed warming.

2. Hansen was embraced by the environmental movement, from authentic scientists like David Suzuki to well-meaning faddists like the Prince of Wales, to cynical interlopers from the defeated international left grasping at anything to debunk and confound capitalism, like Naomi Klein, to complete charlatans like former vice-president Al Gore.

3. ...occurred: unchanged world temperatures since 2000, apart from 2015-2016; then the temperature rose slightly after a heavy El Nino, and then receded again although world carbon emissions have increased moderately.

4. Parallel predictions were made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which forecast temperature increases twice as great as occurred in the period up to 2000, with accelerating increases in the years since, when the temperature has been flat (with the exception of the one year mentioned).

5. Mr. Hansen also predicted exceptional warming in the Southeast and Midwest of the United States, which has not occurred either.

6. As his predictions were battered and defied by the facts, Mr. Hansen reinforced his expressions of ecological gloom and in 2007 predicted that all Greenland’s ice would melt and that ocean levels would rise by seven metres within 100 years.

7. Undaunted, Professor Hansen pressed on like the Ancient Mariner, or Captain Bligh. Hurricanes and tornadoes, at least in the United States, would become stronger, a prediction repeated by the American left’s favourite weatherman, Senator Bernie Sanders. None of it has occurred,...

8. ...Hansen’s predictions have all bombed and he has not recanted. His polyglot and multi-motivated echo chamber, including Dr. Michael Mann and his infamous “hockey stick” of sharply rising temperatures, have had their noses rubbed in the fiction of increasing world temperatures throughout this new millennium.

9. ...there is no justification whatever for the self-punitive nonsense of the Paris climate accord, where the administration of President Obama committed to garrote American industry with costs of tens of billions of dollars to reduce carbon emissions,....

10. The lessons of all this are clear, but most of our political and academic leaders are so far over-invested in defending against something that is not happening, they continue to call for the sacrifice of others,..."
Warming Air Turns Out To Be Hysterics

In short.....Leftism is the brand of the very....very.........stoooooooopid!

It is true the Left has been wrong many times, even make a decent case of it here, but...….

The Right has been wrong plenty of times over the years too.

Being highly partisan weakens your credibility.

Being unable to provide examples of your claim makes you our best source of greenhouse gases.

You are going to support the idea that Republicans has NEVER been wrong since 1856?

Good luck with that delusion.
Let's see....

Bill Clinton is a rapist

Obama is an empty suit

Low economic growth is the new normal

Income inequality matters

Global warming......"Turns Out To Be Hysterics

1. It is 30 years this past week that James Hansen, then well into the first of more than three decades as head of the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)-Goddard Institute for Space Studies, testified to a Senate committee that the then-current heat wave in Washington was caused by the relationship between “the greenhouse effect and observed warming.

2. Hansen was embraced by the environmental movement, from authentic scientists like David Suzuki to well-meaning faddists like the Prince of Wales, to cynical interlopers from the defeated international left grasping at anything to debunk and confound capitalism, like Naomi Klein, to complete charlatans like former vice-president Al Gore.

3. ...occurred: unchanged world temperatures since 2000, apart from 2015-2016; then the temperature rose slightly after a heavy El Nino, and then receded again although world carbon emissions have increased moderately.

4. Parallel predictions were made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which forecast temperature increases twice as great as occurred in the period up to 2000, with accelerating increases in the years since, when the temperature has been flat (with the exception of the one year mentioned).

5. Mr. Hansen also predicted exceptional warming in the Southeast and Midwest of the United States, which has not occurred either.

6. As his predictions were battered and defied by the facts, Mr. Hansen reinforced his expressions of ecological gloom and in 2007 predicted that all Greenland’s ice would melt and that ocean levels would rise by seven metres within 100 years.

7. Undaunted, Professor Hansen pressed on like the Ancient Mariner, or Captain Bligh. Hurricanes and tornadoes, at least in the United States, would become stronger, a prediction repeated by the American left’s favourite weatherman, Senator Bernie Sanders. None of it has occurred,...

8. ...Hansen’s predictions have all bombed and he has not recanted. His polyglot and multi-motivated echo chamber, including Dr. Michael Mann and his infamous “hockey stick” of sharply rising temperatures, have had their noses rubbed in the fiction of increasing world temperatures throughout this new millennium.

9. ...there is no justification whatever for the self-punitive nonsense of the Paris climate accord, where the administration of President Obama committed to garrote American industry with costs of tens of billions of dollars to reduce carbon emissions,....

10. The lessons of all this are clear, but most of our political and academic leaders are so far over-invested in defending against something that is not happening, they continue to call for the sacrifice of others,..."
Warming Air Turns Out To Be Hysterics

In short.....Leftism is the brand of the very....very.........stoooooooopid!

It is true the Left has been wrong many times, even make a decent case of it here, but...….

The Right has been wrong plenty of times over the years too.

Being highly partisan weakens your credibility.

Being unable to provide examples of your claim makes you our best source of greenhouse gases.

You are going to support the idea that Republicans has NEVER been wrong since 1856?

Good luck with that delusion.

I'm gonna support the idea that you are nothing more than hot air, as this is the second post of yours in which you failed to do anything but mutter and mumble.

I recognize your problem immediately: you have only two brain cells. One, for breathing, and one for posting ‘is not, isssss noottttt!!’ To either analyze or dispute another’s post would require you to utilize the first brain cell, obviating the possibility of breathing. And, we know what the result of that would be.

Don't come back unless you have something to bring to the table....freeloader.
Let's see....

Bill Clinton is a rapist

Obama is an empty suit

Low economic growth is the new normal

Income inequality matters

Global warming......"Turns Out To Be Hysterics

1. It is 30 years this past week that James Hansen, then well into the first of more than three decades as head of the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)-Goddard Institute for Space Studies, testified to a Senate committee that the then-current heat wave in Washington was caused by the relationship between “the greenhouse effect and observed warming.

2. Hansen was embraced by the environmental movement, from authentic scientists like David Suzuki to well-meaning faddists like the Prince of Wales, to cynical interlopers from the defeated international left grasping at anything to debunk and confound capitalism, like Naomi Klein, to complete charlatans like former vice-president Al Gore.

3. ...occurred: unchanged world temperatures since 2000, apart from 2015-2016; then the temperature rose slightly after a heavy El Nino, and then receded again although world carbon emissions have increased moderately.

4. Parallel predictions were made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which forecast temperature increases twice as great as occurred in the period up to 2000, with accelerating increases in the years since, when the temperature has been flat (with the exception of the one year mentioned).

5. Mr. Hansen also predicted exceptional warming in the Southeast and Midwest of the United States, which has not occurred either.

6. As his predictions were battered and defied by the facts, Mr. Hansen reinforced his expressions of ecological gloom and in 2007 predicted that all Greenland’s ice would melt and that ocean levels would rise by seven metres within 100 years.

7. Undaunted, Professor Hansen pressed on like the Ancient Mariner, or Captain Bligh. Hurricanes and tornadoes, at least in the United States, would become stronger, a prediction repeated by the American left’s favourite weatherman, Senator Bernie Sanders. None of it has occurred,...

8. ...Hansen’s predictions have all bombed and he has not recanted. His polyglot and multi-motivated echo chamber, including Dr. Michael Mann and his infamous “hockey stick” of sharply rising temperatures, have had their noses rubbed in the fiction of increasing world temperatures throughout this new millennium.

9. ...there is no justification whatever for the self-punitive nonsense of the Paris climate accord, where the administration of President Obama committed to garrote American industry with costs of tens of billions of dollars to reduce carbon emissions,....

10. The lessons of all this are clear, but most of our political and academic leaders are so far over-invested in defending against something that is not happening, they continue to call for the sacrifice of others,..."
Warming Air Turns Out To Be Hysterics

In short.....Leftism is the brand of the very....very.........stoooooooopid!

It is true the Left has been wrong many times, even make a decent case of it here, but...….

The Right has been wrong plenty of times over the years too.

Being highly partisan weakens your credibility.

Being unable to provide examples of your claim makes you our best source of greenhouse gases.

You are going to support the idea that Republicans has NEVER been wrong since 1856?

Good luck with that delusion.

I'm gonna support the idea that you are nothing more than hot air, as this is the second post of yours in which you failed to do anything but mutter and mumble.

I recognize your problem immediately: you have only two brain cells. One, for breathing, and one for posting ‘is not, isssss noottttt!!’ To either analyze or dispute another’s post would require you to utilize the first brain cell, obviating the possibility of breathing. And, we know what the result of that would be.

Don't come back unless you have something to bring to the table....freeloader.

Ha ha ha, then you can't answer the obvious question:

"You are going to support the idea that Republicans has NEVER been wrong since 1856?"

Gosh does that mean Richard Nixon a Republican never broke any laws or did his best to cover up a proven crime?

You need to be told the obvious around here?

Let's see....

Bill Clinton is a rapist

Obama is an empty suit

Low economic growth is the new normal

Income inequality matters

Global warming......"Turns Out To Be Hysterics

1. It is 30 years this past week that James Hansen, then well into the first of more than three decades as head of the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)-Goddard Institute for Space Studies, testified to a Senate committee that the then-current heat wave in Washington was caused by the relationship between “the greenhouse effect and observed warming.

2. Hansen was embraced by the environmental movement, from authentic scientists like David Suzuki to well-meaning faddists like the Prince of Wales, to cynical interlopers from the defeated international left grasping at anything to debunk and confound capitalism, like Naomi Klein, to complete charlatans like former vice-president Al Gore.

3. ...occurred: unchanged world temperatures since 2000, apart from 2015-2016; then the temperature rose slightly after a heavy El Nino, and then receded again although world carbon emissions have increased moderately.

4. Parallel predictions were made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which forecast temperature increases twice as great as occurred in the period up to 2000, with accelerating increases in the years since, when the temperature has been flat (with the exception of the one year mentioned).

5. Mr. Hansen also predicted exceptional warming in the Southeast and Midwest of the United States, which has not occurred either.

6. As his predictions were battered and defied by the facts, Mr. Hansen reinforced his expressions of ecological gloom and in 2007 predicted that all Greenland’s ice would melt and that ocean levels would rise by seven metres within 100 years.

7. Undaunted, Professor Hansen pressed on like the Ancient Mariner, or Captain Bligh. Hurricanes and tornadoes, at least in the United States, would become stronger, a prediction repeated by the American left’s favourite weatherman, Senator Bernie Sanders. None of it has occurred,...

8. ...Hansen’s predictions have all bombed and he has not recanted. His polyglot and multi-motivated echo chamber, including Dr. Michael Mann and his infamous “hockey stick” of sharply rising temperatures, have had their noses rubbed in the fiction of increasing world temperatures throughout this new millennium.

9. ...there is no justification whatever for the self-punitive nonsense of the Paris climate accord, where the administration of President Obama committed to garrote American industry with costs of tens of billions of dollars to reduce carbon emissions,....

10. The lessons of all this are clear, but most of our political and academic leaders are so far over-invested in defending against something that is not happening, they continue to call for the sacrifice of others,..."
Warming Air Turns Out To Be Hysterics

In short.....Leftism is the brand of the very....very.........stoooooooopid!

It is true the Left has been wrong many times, even make a decent case of it here, but...….

The Right has been wrong plenty of times over the years too.

Being highly partisan weakens your credibility.

Being unable to provide examples of your claim makes you our best source of greenhouse gases.

You are going to support the idea that Republicans has NEVER been wrong since 1856?

Good luck with that delusion.

I'm gonna support the idea that you are nothing more than hot air, as this is the second post of yours in which you failed to do anything but mutter and mumble.

I recognize your problem immediately: you have only two brain cells. One, for breathing, and one for posting ‘is not, isssss noottttt!!’ To either analyze or dispute another’s post would require you to utilize the first brain cell, obviating the possibility of breathing. And, we know what the result of that would be.

Don't come back unless you have something to bring to the table....freeloader.

Ha ha ha, then you can't answer the obvious question:

"You are going to support the idea that Republicans has NEVER been wrong since 1856?"

Gosh does that mean Richard Nixon a Republican never broke any laws or did his best to cover up a proven crime?

You need to be told the obvious around here?


Why are you back, hot air boy????
That post was you stepping on the rake, and having it hit you in the kisser.

Jot this down:

Let's see....

Bill Clinton is a rapist

Obama is an empty suit

Low economic growth is the new normal

Income inequality matters

Global warming......"Turns Out To Be Hysterics

1. It is 30 years this past week that James Hansen, then well into the first of more than three decades as head of the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)-Goddard Institute for Space Studies, testified to a Senate committee that the then-current heat wave in Washington was caused by the relationship between “the greenhouse effect and observed warming.

2. Hansen was embraced by the environmental movement, from authentic scientists like David Suzuki to well-meaning faddists like the Prince of Wales, to cynical interlopers from the defeated international left grasping at anything to debunk and confound capitalism, like Naomi Klein, to complete charlatans like former vice-president Al Gore.

3. ...occurred: unchanged world temperatures since 2000, apart from 2015-2016; then the temperature rose slightly after a heavy El Nino, and then receded again although world carbon emissions have increased moderately.

4. Parallel predictions were made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which forecast temperature increases twice as great as occurred in the period up to 2000, with accelerating increases in the years since, when the temperature has been flat (with the exception of the one year mentioned).

5. Mr. Hansen also predicted exceptional warming in the Southeast and Midwest of the United States, which has not occurred either.

6. As his predictions were battered and defied by the facts, Mr. Hansen reinforced his expressions of ecological gloom and in 2007 predicted that all Greenland’s ice would melt and that ocean levels would rise by seven metres within 100 years.

7. Undaunted, Professor Hansen pressed on like the Ancient Mariner, or Captain Bligh. Hurricanes and tornadoes, at least in the United States, would become stronger, a prediction repeated by the American left’s favourite weatherman, Senator Bernie Sanders. None of it has occurred,...

8. ...Hansen’s predictions have all bombed and he has not recanted. His polyglot and multi-motivated echo chamber, including Dr. Michael Mann and his infamous “hockey stick” of sharply rising temperatures, have had their noses rubbed in the fiction of increasing world temperatures throughout this new millennium.

9. ...there is no justification whatever for the self-punitive nonsense of the Paris climate accord, where the administration of President Obama committed to garrote American industry with costs of tens of billions of dollars to reduce carbon emissions,....

10. The lessons of all this are clear, but most of our political and academic leaders are so far over-invested in defending against something that is not happening, they continue to call for the sacrifice of others,..."
Warming Air Turns Out To Be Hysterics

In short.....Leftism is the brand of the very....very.........stoooooooopid!

"Trump's former lawyer says 'there will be no Mueller report'

Donald Trump’s former lawyer has predicted the American public won’t see a report — or possibly anything at all — produced from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

John Dowd, who previously worked for the president’s legal team focusing on the Russia investigation before departing last year, called the probe a “terrible waste of time” in an interview with ABC News.

“I don’t think there will be a report,” the attorney said."
Trump's former lawyer says 'there will be no Mueller report'
Let's see....

Bill Clinton is a rapist

Obama is an empty suit

Low economic growth is the new normal

Income inequality matters

Global warming......"Turns Out To Be Hysterics

1. It is 30 years this past week that James Hansen, then well into the first of more than three decades as head of the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)-Goddard Institute for Space Studies, testified to a Senate committee that the then-current heat wave in Washington was caused by the relationship between “the greenhouse effect and observed warming.

2. Hansen was embraced by the environmental movement, from authentic scientists like David Suzuki to well-meaning faddists like the Prince of Wales, to cynical interlopers from the defeated international left grasping at anything to debunk and confound capitalism, like Naomi Klein, to complete charlatans like former vice-president Al Gore.

3. ...occurred: unchanged world temperatures since 2000, apart from 2015-2016; then the temperature rose slightly after a heavy El Nino, and then receded again although world carbon emissions have increased moderately.

4. Parallel predictions were made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which forecast temperature increases twice as great as occurred in the period up to 2000, with accelerating increases in the years since, when the temperature has been flat (with the exception of the one year mentioned).

5. Mr. Hansen also predicted exceptional warming in the Southeast and Midwest of the United States, which has not occurred either.

6. As his predictions were battered and defied by the facts, Mr. Hansen reinforced his expressions of ecological gloom and in 2007 predicted that all Greenland’s ice would melt and that ocean levels would rise by seven metres within 100 years.

7. Undaunted, Professor Hansen pressed on like the Ancient Mariner, or Captain Bligh. Hurricanes and tornadoes, at least in the United States, would become stronger, a prediction repeated by the American left’s favourite weatherman, Senator Bernie Sanders. None of it has occurred,...

8. ...Hansen’s predictions have all bombed and he has not recanted. His polyglot and multi-motivated echo chamber, including Dr. Michael Mann and his infamous “hockey stick” of sharply rising temperatures, have had their noses rubbed in the fiction of increasing world temperatures throughout this new millennium.

9. ...there is no justification whatever for the self-punitive nonsense of the Paris climate accord, where the administration of President Obama committed to garrote American industry with costs of tens of billions of dollars to reduce carbon emissions,....

10. The lessons of all this are clear, but most of our political and academic leaders are so far over-invested in defending against something that is not happening, they continue to call for the sacrifice of others,..."
Warming Air Turns Out To Be Hysterics

In short.....Leftism is the brand of the very....very.........stoooooooopid!

"Trump's former lawyer says 'there will be no Mueller report'

Donald Trump’s former lawyer has predicted the American public won’t see a report — or possibly anything at all — produced from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

John Dowd, who previously worked for the president’s legal team focusing on the Russia investigation before departing last year, called the probe a “terrible waste of time” in an interview with ABC News.

“I don’t think there will be a report,” the attorney said."
Trump's former lawyer says 'there will be no Mueller report'

Link doesn't work. Post doesn't either.
But say, would this be the same Rump lawyer who threatened The Onion?


Remember how the lying fools laughed when Trump said he was wire-tapped?

"Trump was right after all about the Obama administration wiretaps

Trump triggered this particular jump scare with the tweet on March 4 that he “just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” He followed with such tirades as “How low has President Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!”
Trump was right after all about the Obama administration wiretaps

"The “wiretapping” spin

In March 2017, Trump was roundly ridiculed for saying that the Obama administration “wiretapped” his campaign. This was portrayed as paranoia or diversion by the media. Obama’s director of national intelligence, James Clapper, went public to deny any such surveillance and said he would have certainly known of a "court order on something like this.” It is now confirmed that there was not a single but multiple orders to intercept communications of Carter Page and others associated with the campaign. Ultimately, no evidence of criminal conduct was presented in the form of an indictment against Page, despite the renewal of the surveillance."
FISA investigation needed to end American mistrust in government

Today, AG Barr proves, yet again.....the Right is never wrong.

"Bill Barr says spying on Trump campaign 'did occur'"
Bill Barr says spying on Trump campaign 'did occur' - CNN Video
Let's see....

Bill Clinton is a rapist

Obama is an empty suit

Low economic growth is the new normal

Income inequality matters

Global warming......"Turns Out To Be Hysterics

1. It is 30 years this past week that James Hansen, then well into the first of more than three decades as head of the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)-Goddard Institute for Space Studies, testified to a Senate committee that the then-current heat wave in Washington was caused by the relationship between “the greenhouse effect and observed warming.

2. Hansen was embraced by the environmental movement, from authentic scientists like David Suzuki to well-meaning faddists like the Prince of Wales, to cynical interlopers from the defeated international left grasping at anything to debunk and confound capitalism, like Naomi Klein, to complete charlatans like former vice-president Al Gore.

3. ...occurred: unchanged world temperatures since 2000, apart from 2015-2016; then the temperature rose slightly after a heavy El Nino, and then receded again although world carbon emissions have increased moderately.

4. Parallel predictions were made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which forecast temperature increases twice as great as occurred in the period up to 2000, with accelerating increases in the years since, when the temperature has been flat (with the exception of the one year mentioned).

5. Mr. Hansen also predicted exceptional warming in the Southeast and Midwest of the United States, which has not occurred either.

6. As his predictions were battered and defied by the facts, Mr. Hansen reinforced his expressions of ecological gloom and in 2007 predicted that all Greenland’s ice would melt and that ocean levels would rise by seven metres within 100 years.

7. Undaunted, Professor Hansen pressed on like the Ancient Mariner, or Captain Bligh. Hurricanes and tornadoes, at least in the United States, would become stronger, a prediction repeated by the American left’s favourite weatherman, Senator Bernie Sanders. None of it has occurred,...

8. ...Hansen’s predictions have all bombed and he has not recanted. His polyglot and multi-motivated echo chamber, including Dr. Michael Mann and his infamous “hockey stick” of sharply rising temperatures, have had their noses rubbed in the fiction of increasing world temperatures throughout this new millennium.

9. ...there is no justification whatever for the self-punitive nonsense of the Paris climate accord, where the administration of President Obama committed to garrote American industry with costs of tens of billions of dollars to reduce carbon emissions,....

10. The lessons of all this are clear, but most of our political and academic leaders are so far over-invested in defending against something that is not happening, they continue to call for the sacrifice of others,..."
Warming Air Turns Out To Be Hysterics

In short.....Leftism is the brand of the very....very.........stoooooooopid!

Time to reprise this thread:

And it's proven yet again! The Right is never wrong.


Trump a Russian asset?????


And one of those ironies of history.......turns out the loudest proponents of the slander are actually.....;

......wait for it.....

.........Communist (Chinese) assets!!!!!!!

1. "Details Surface About Sen. Feinstein And The Chinese Spy Who Worked For Her
SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) – New details emerged Wednesday about how a Chinese spy managed to stay by Senator Dianne Feinstein’s side for nearly 20 years. "

Details Surface About Dianne Feinstein And The Chinese Spy Who Worked For Her
New details emerged Wednesday about how a mole for the government of communist China managed to stay by Senator Dianne Feinstein's side for nearly 20 years.

2. "Swalwell refuses to explain relationship with suspected Chinese spy accused of affairs with mayors
Bombshell report linked California Democrat with suspected spy"

Swalwell refuses to explain relationship with suspected Chinese spy accused of affairs with mayors
Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., is keeping quiet about his past relationship with a woman suspected of acting as a Chinese spy.

3. Joe Biden part of $billion bribe by Communist China.


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

Three Democrat government officials, all smoothly co-opted due to stupidity, sex, and money........the classic recruitments of turn-coat traitors.

What a meaningless pretend-post.

I can provided dozens of Biden policies, and explain and destroy every one of them.

I bet you can't name a dozen Trump polices and provide an explanation of why you oppose them.

BTW.....did you notice that Trump got another Arab nation to join a peace pact with Israel?

I never thought I'd see this sort of thing in my you didn't either.

Reprise this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
supporting and following the aims of Communist China,
and anti-Semitism…

Which one is your favorite?

Which one was you reason for voting for Biden?
Not One Issue On Which The Right Has Been Wrong

Just to begin at the beginning.... Slavery?


Too late, loser......

Everyone knows you've been this whiny since the Republicans pried your slaves away from you....

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

Now get lost.

C_Chamber_Pot provided "funny" emoticon, but couldn't find a single thing to dispute in the post.

Usual for a Leftist dolt.

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