Not One Issue On Which The Right Has Been Wrong

"Everything I believe is right. Everything you believe is wrong. Everything I've ever believed has always been right. Everything you believe has always been wrong."


Sadly, that's what passes for "intellectual debate" here.

pretty cool quote. Orwellian? Or just a cheesy song lyric?
"Everything I believe is right. Everything you believe is wrong. Everything I've ever believed has always been right. Everything you believe has always been wrong."


Sadly, that's what passes for "intellectual debate" here.

If it were not true, you'd be able to 'debate' what I post.... can't.
Do you always work with negatives to deny the truth?
The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship:

. ..Democrat NY Attorney General continued.....

"Ex: [DEMOCRAT] Schneiderman called me ‘brown slave,’ slapped me until I called him ‘Master’

[Democrat] State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.

...and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said.


“He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”

Did I mention....

The Democrat Party has always ....ALWAYS.....been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Not One Issue On Which The Right Has Been Wrong

you are going to try and go there again. We all know that the parties switched and it was the southerners against the blacks and still are.

There was never any 'switch.'

That's the lie you Leftists tell yourselves, to assuage the guilt and keep voting for the slavery party.

Sure there was explain this tidbit; and who was pro Civil rights more than JFK (a democrat)

The longest spoken filibuster in American history was by Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, who went on for 24 hours and 18 minutes in filibustering the Civil Rights Act of 1957.Mar 6, 2013

Also please also explain by the Democrat congress is more diverse, not one Republican Senator at this time.

More education????

Sure thing....

"Another way Democrats could keep blacks from being elected ... antilynching laws, but Democrats successfully blocked every antilynching bill. ... a federal antilynching bill in Congress, but Democrats in the Senate killed it."
"Stealing the Minds of America: A Must for All Truth Seekers Who Vote,"
By Janice L. Ponds blocked every anti lynching law&f=false

Democrats.....the Democrat party....the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, killed every anti-lynching bill to come to the Senate.

The Democrat party is the party of all inclusive, it those Dixie Democrats that became Republicans. Learn some history as well as biology.

Actually.....the Democrat Party is the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

1. Antebellum Democrats lynched blacks....and Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill in the US Senate right up until mid-20th century.

2. And, of course, this: Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

3. Oh....and the Liberal/Democrat icon, LBJ????
He consistently voted against, and blocked Republican anti-lynching bills.
Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.”
Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.

4. Democrats stopped every anti-lynching bill in the Senate...ever!:
5. It was Republicans who overwhelmingly introduced, promoted, and passed every civil rights act from the end of the Civil War right up to and including the 1964 Civil Rights Act. President Eisenhower pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, written by Attorney General Herbert Brownell, guaranteeing black voting rights, to be enforced by the U.S. Department of Justice. you give the Liberal response: "Is not, isss"sssss noooottttttttt!!!"
Not One Issue On Which The Right Has Been Wrong

Just to begin at the beginning.... Slavery?


The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship:

. ..Democrat NY Attorney General continued.....

"Ex: [DEMOCRAT] Schneiderman called me ‘brown slave,’ slapped me until I called him ‘Master’

[Democrat] State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.

...and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said.


“He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”

Did I mention....

The Democrat Party has always ....ALWAYS.....been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Not One Issue On Which The Right Has Been Wrong

you are going to try and go there again. We all know that the parties switched and it was the southerners against the blacks and still are.

There was never any 'switch.'

That's the lie you Leftists tell yourselves, to assuage the guilt and keep voting for the slavery party.

Not a "switch" as in flipping a light on and off. More like a gradual sea change.

The RP started out as the radical Liberal party, by virtue of its stance on Abolition. It also began as the big-central-government party by virtue of its population drawn from the defunct Whigs. The Democrats at the time were largely about decentralized government and "states rights" -- at least in the South. They were dominant enough to operate as a two-headed hydra, one Southern and one everywhere else.

Half a century later, perhaps drunk on their own power the RP began taking on the interests of the wealthy -- the railroads and corporations -- while the DP after experimenting with "fusion" parties absorbed the Populist party and movement, taking on the interests of minorities, immigrants and Labor. That didn't "switch" overnight; it took a few decades. But between WJ Bryan/Bill McKinley and FDR/Hoover, that swap was done. The bipolar arrangement where Democrats comprised both hyperconservatives in the South and Liberals everywhere else, was put to rest when LBJ shook it off with the CRA, and the mutual evolution (so far) was complete. This is all recorded history.

Back to this part for a moment:

We all know that the parties switched and it was the southerners against the blacks and still are.

It isn't quite that simple. Racism, originally contrived in the 16th century to justify the transcontinental transportation of human captives, was and still is extant throughout the country and to some extent throughout the Americas. For one ready example in the 1860 Presidential election one of the states also held a referendum on the question of whether black people should be allowed to vote. The referendum came back with a resounding "No", they should not -- and the state was New York. Then of course the industrially-driven great migrations of blacks from the South to the heavily industrial North, especially in the early 20th century, shunted them into segregated housing and facilities, and perpetuated slews of race riots (most of which took place in the North and Midwest) and lynchings, all the way up to Duluth, about as far north as you can go without being in Canada.

Matter of fact that famous lynching in Duluth (1920) was witnessed by a young boy named Abraham Zimmerman, whose son years later wrote a song based on the event under his stage name, Bob Dylan. ("They're selling postcards of the hanging... the circus is in town")
You are wasting yer time.

It's all cut-and-pasted from prior threads. I recycle. :)

I just like the part where she goes "curses, foiled again" and then comes back a month later running the same bullshit expecting somehow I'll "forget" what history is.

Or perhaps she thinks I'll forget what Composition Fallacies are, just because she does.

Rotsa ruck wit dat....
Last edited:
The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship:

. ..Democrat NY Attorney General continued.....

"Ex: [DEMOCRAT] Schneiderman called me ‘brown slave,’ slapped me until I called him ‘Master’

[Democrat] State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.

...and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said.


“He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”

Did I mention....

The Democrat Party has always ....ALWAYS.....been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Not One Issue On Which The Right Has Been Wrong

you are going to try and go there again. We all know that the parties switched and it was the southerners against the blacks and still are.

There was never any 'switch.'

That's the lie you Leftists tell yourselves, to assuage the guilt and keep voting for the slavery party.

Not a "switch" as in flipping a light on and off. More like a gradual sea change.

The RP started out as the radical Liberal party, by virtue of its stance on Abolition. It also began as the big-central-government party by virtue of its population drawn from the defunct Whigs. The Democrats at the time were largely about decentralized government and "states rights" -- at least in the South. They were dominant enough to operate as a two-headed hydra, one Southern and one everywhere else.

Half a century later, perhaps drunk on their own power the RP began taking on the interests of the wealthy -- the railroads and corporations -- while the DP after experimenting with "fusion" parties absorbed the Populist party and movement, taking on the interests of minorities, immigrants and Labor. That didn't "switch" overnight; it took a few decades. But between WJ Bryan/Bill McKinley and FDR/Hoover, that swap was done. The bipolar arrangement where Democrats comprised both hyperconservatives in the South and Liberals everywhere else, was put to rest when LBJ shook it off with the CRA, and the mutual evolution (so far) was complete. This is all recorded history.

Back to this part for a moment:

We all know that the parties switched and it was the southerners against the blacks and still are.

It isn't quite that simple. Racism, originally contrived in the 16th century to justify the transcontinental transportation of human captives, was and still is extant throughout the country and to some extent throughout the Americas. For one ready example in the 1860 Presidential election one of the states also held a referendum on the question of whether black people should be allowed to vote. The referendum came back with a resounding "No", they should not -- and the state was New York. Then of course the industrially-driven great migrations of blacks from the South to the heavily industrial North, especially in the early 20th century, shunted them into segregated housing and facilities, and perpetuated slews of race riots (most of which took place in the North and Midwest) and lynchings, all the way up to Duluth, about as far north as you can go without being in Canada.

Matter of fact that famous lynching in Duluth (1920) was witnessed by a young boy named Abraham Zimmerman, whose son years later wrote a song based on the event under his stage name, Bob Dylan. ("They're selling postcards of the hanging... the circus is in town")
You are wasting yer time.

It's all cut-and-pasted. :)
Frickin' bot.
The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship:

. ..Democrat NY Attorney General continued.....

"Ex: [DEMOCRAT] Schneiderman called me ‘brown slave,’ slapped me until I called him ‘Master’

[Democrat] State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.

...and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said.


“He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”

Did I mention....

The Democrat Party has always ....ALWAYS.....been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Not One Issue On Which The Right Has Been Wrong

you are going to try and go there again. We all know that the parties switched and it was the southerners against the blacks and still are.

There was never any 'switch.'

That's the lie you Leftists tell yourselves, to assuage the guilt and keep voting for the slavery party.

Sure there was explain this tidbit; and who was pro Civil rights more than JFK (a democrat)

The longest spoken filibuster in American history was by Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, who went on for 24 hours and 18 minutes in filibustering the Civil Rights Act of 1957.Mar 6, 2013

Also please also explain by the Democrat congress is more diverse, not one Republican Senator at this time.

More education????

Sure thing....

"Another way Democrats could keep blacks from being elected ... antilynching laws, but Democrats successfully blocked every antilynching bill. ... a federal antilynching bill in Congress, but Democrats in the Senate killed it."
"Stealing the Minds of America: A Must for All Truth Seekers Who Vote,"
By Janice L. Ponds blocked every anti lynching law&f=false

Democrats.....the Democrat party....the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, killed every anti-lynching bill to come to the Senate.

The Democrat party is the party of all inclusive, it those Dixie Democrats that became Republicans. Learn some history as well as biology.

"... it those Dixie Democrats that became Republicans."

The usual lie.

They were Dixiecrats, not Dixiecans.

1. Every segregationist who ever served in the Senate was a Democrat, and remained a Democrat…except for Strom Thurmond. He remained a Democrat for eighteen years after running for President as a Dixiecrat- before he became a Republican. There’s a reason they are not called “Dixiecans.”

2. “The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms. Democrats never denied a segregationist a committee chairmanship or a leadership position because of his noxious views on race. No Democrat has ever been punished for making a racist remark….More than 80 percent of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965….[The] record on race, of Thurmond the Republican is pretty good. He was among the first of Southern senators to hire blacks for his staff. He supported blacks for judgeships. He voted for extension of the Voting Rights Act.” Jack Kelly

a. Ernest Hollings, Richard Russell, Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, J. William Fulbright, and Robert Byrd all voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act…and all remained Democrats. But, lest one think that only Southern Democrats were inclined against civil rights, the following Democrats were far from Southerners and all voted against allowing the 1957 civil rights bill on the calendar: Senators Wayne Morse of Oregon (a favorite target of Senator Joe McCarthy), Warren Magnuson of Washington, James Murray of Montana, Mike Mansfield of Montana, and Joseph O’Mahoney of Wyoming.

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down.
you are going to try and go there again. We all know that the parties switched and it was the southerners against the blacks and still are.

There was never any 'switch.'

That's the lie you Leftists tell yourselves, to assuage the guilt and keep voting for the slavery party.

Sure there was explain this tidbit; and who was pro Civil rights more than JFK (a democrat)

The longest spoken filibuster in American history was by Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, who went on for 24 hours and 18 minutes in filibustering the Civil Rights Act of 1957.Mar 6, 2013

Also please also explain by the Democrat congress is more diverse, not one Republican Senator at this time.

More education????

Sure thing....

"Another way Democrats could keep blacks from being elected ... antilynching laws, but Democrats successfully blocked every antilynching bill. ... a federal antilynching bill in Congress, but Democrats in the Senate killed it."
"Stealing the Minds of America: A Must for All Truth Seekers Who Vote,"
By Janice L. Ponds blocked every anti lynching law&f=false

Democrats.....the Democrat party....the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, killed every anti-lynching bill to come to the Senate.

The Democrat party is the party of all inclusive, it those Dixie Democrats that became Republicans. Learn some history as well as biology.

"... it those Dixie Democrats that became Republicans."

The usual lie.

They were Dixiecrats, not Dixiecans.

1. Every segregationist who ever served in the Senate was a Democrat, and remained a Democrat…except for Strom Thurmond. He remained a Democrat for eighteen years after running for President as a Dixiecrat- before he became a Republican. There’s a reason they are not called “Dixiecans.”

2. “The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms. Democrats never denied a segregationist a committee chairmanship or a leadership position because of his noxious views on race. No Democrat has ever been punished for making a racist remark….More than 80 percent of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965….[The] record on race, of Thurmond the Republican is pretty good. He was among the first of Southern senators to hire blacks for his staff. He supported blacks for judgeships. He voted for extension of the Voting Rights Act.” Jack Kelly

a. Ernest Hollings, Richard Russell, Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, J. William Fulbright, and Robert Byrd all voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act…and all remained Democrats. But, lest one think that only Southern Democrats were inclined against civil rights, the following Democrats were far from Southerners and all voted against allowing the 1957 civil rights bill on the calendar: Senators Wayne Morse of Oregon (a favorite target of Senator Joe McCarthy), Warren Magnuson of Washington, James Murray of Montana, Mike Mansfield of Montana, and Joseph O’Mahoney of Wyoming.

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down.
What would you know you suck at history and are a foreigner, but mostly you suck at history and so do yer anti-American buddies.
"Everything I believe is right. Everything you believe is wrong. Everything I've ever believed has always been right. Everything you believe has always been wrong."


Sadly, that's what passes for "intellectual debate" here.

If it were not true, you'd be able to 'debate' what I post.... can't.
You don't know how to debate.If you want to prove it go to the Bull Ring.
you are going to try and go there again. We all know that the parties switched and it was the southerners against the blacks and still are.

There was never any 'switch.'

That's the lie you Leftists tell yourselves, to assuage the guilt and keep voting for the slavery party.

Sure there was explain this tidbit; and who was pro Civil rights more than JFK (a democrat)

The longest spoken filibuster in American history was by Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, who went on for 24 hours and 18 minutes in filibustering the Civil Rights Act of 1957.Mar 6, 2013

Also please also explain by the Democrat congress is more diverse, not one Republican Senator at this time.

More education????

Sure thing....

"Another way Democrats could keep blacks from being elected ... antilynching laws, but Democrats successfully blocked every antilynching bill. ... a federal antilynching bill in Congress, but Democrats in the Senate killed it."
"Stealing the Minds of America: A Must for All Truth Seekers Who Vote,"
By Janice L. Ponds blocked every anti lynching law&f=false

Democrats.....the Democrat party....the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, killed every anti-lynching bill to come to the Senate.

The Democrat party is the party of all inclusive, it those Dixie Democrats that became Republicans. Learn some history as well as biology.

"... it those Dixie Democrats that became Republicans."

The usual lie.

They were Dixiecrats, not Dixiecans.

1. Every segregationist who ever served in the Senate was a Democrat, and remained a Democrat…except for Strom Thurmond. He remained a Democrat for eighteen years after running for President as a Dixiecrat- before he became a Republican. There’s a reason they are not called “Dixiecans.”

2. “The Dixiecrats were welcomed back into the Democratic fold with open arms.

Actually the population of "Dixiecrats" was a total of two --- Thurmond and his running mate Fielding Wright. After they failed to upset the 1948 election they ceased to exist as a party, Wright went back to his law practice and Thurmond took his first run at the Senate. But the state Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot and he had to run as a write-in, which he won, and that's how he got into the Senate.

Got any more trial balloons? 'Cause I got pins all day.
"Everything I believe is right. Everything you believe is wrong. Everything I've ever believed has always been right. Everything you believe has always been wrong."


Sadly, that's what passes for "intellectual debate" here.

Well....take responsibility.
You sound like the Sonny Gray of the board.

I do my part....and provided detailed and carefully constructed post.

If you can't compete....well, stop grousing and do your part.
Hi PC. Hope your summer is going well.

This thread doesnt have much 'environment' in it so I thought I could veer that way.

Rex Murphy is a CBC talking head on our national TV. He has been grandfathered in because he is obviously too ugly for television, and his opinions are obviously his own because they dont match up with political correctness. Lately he made an astute comparison with climate change and Trump hatred.

Hatred of The Donald is the ultimate pass to be as vicious and crude as anyone could wish and still have a guaranteed place in heaven

It may now join the propositions of Euclid, as impregnable to rebuttal, that Donald Trump or any news that alludes to him, unhinges the minds of those who oppose him. Trump, in this respect, is like global warming. He is the universal key to every phenomenon. Any statement about Trump, so long as it is in any way condemnatory, dismissive, insulting or condescending, requires neither proof, consistency, logic or (and especially) decency.

Just as enlisting in the grand cause of global warming invests the recruit with the immeasurable gifts of infallibility, moral superiority and boundless righteousness, so too does opposition, even to hatred, of Trump free the mind from all obligation to moderation, custom, or articulate argument. It is the ultimate pass to be as nasty and crude as anyone could wish, and — with rarely noted irony — even to be more nasty and crude than the great boorish Trump himself. How odd: to oppose Trump is to become a more clangorous version of him.


"This thread doesnt have much 'environment' ..."

Let's be clear.....the OP was about the global warming scam.
I just can't resist sticking my finger in the Liberals' eyes on those other topics.
The OP is all over the board here. This thread doesn't really belong in Environment
Let's see....

Bill Clinton is a rapist

Obama is an empty suit

Low economic growth is the new normal

Income inequality matters

Global warming......"Turns Out To Be Hysterics

1. It is 30 years this past week that James Hansen, then well into the first of more than three decades as head of the NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)-Goddard Institute for Space Studies, testified to a Senate committee that the then-current heat wave in Washington was caused by the relationship between “the greenhouse effect and observed warming.

2. Hansen was embraced by the environmental movement, from authentic scientists like David Suzuki to well-meaning faddists like the Prince of Wales, to cynical interlopers from the defeated international left grasping at anything to debunk and confound capitalism, like Naomi Klein, to complete charlatans like former vice-president Al Gore.

3. ...occurred: unchanged world temperatures since 2000, apart from 2015-2016; then the temperature rose slightly after a heavy El Nino, and then receded again although world carbon emissions have increased moderately.

4. Parallel predictions were made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which forecast temperature increases twice as great as occurred in the period up to 2000, with accelerating increases in the years since, when the temperature has been flat (with the exception of the one year mentioned).

5. Mr. Hansen also predicted exceptional warming in the Southeast and Midwest of the United States, which has not occurred either.

6. As his predictions were battered and defied by the facts, Mr. Hansen reinforced his expressions of ecological gloom and in 2007 predicted that all Greenland’s ice would melt and that ocean levels would rise by seven metres within 100 years.

7. Undaunted, Professor Hansen pressed on like the Ancient Mariner, or Captain Bligh. Hurricanes and tornadoes, at least in the United States, would become stronger, a prediction repeated by the American left’s favourite weatherman, Senator Bernie Sanders. None of it has occurred,...

8. ...Hansen’s predictions have all bombed and he has not recanted. His polyglot and multi-motivated echo chamber, including Dr. Michael Mann and his infamous “hockey stick” of sharply rising temperatures, have had their noses rubbed in the fiction of increasing world temperatures throughout this new millennium.

9. ...there is no justification whatever for the self-punitive nonsense of the Paris climate accord, where the administration of President Obama committed to garrote American industry with costs of tens of billions of dollars to reduce carbon emissions,....

10. The lessons of all this are clear, but most of our political and academic leaders are so far over-invested in defending against something that is not happening, they continue to call for the sacrifice of others,..."
Warming Air Turns Out To Be Hysterics

In short.....Leftism is the brand of the very....very.........stoooooooopid!

It is true the Left has been wrong many times, even make a decent case of it here, but...….

The Right has been wrong plenty of times over the years too.

Being highly partisan weakens your credibility.
Global warming must be true.

It's hot as hell outside.

Oh wait, it's July. Nevermind. climate change is deadly serious..... it is predicted that at the rate of current global warming the climate is going to change 40-70 degrees in the next 4 months.... this is a catastrophe...... it is said that this level of climate change will cover most parts of Canada, northern Europe, and the northern part of the United States in snow.......

There is no hope...

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