Not so unarmed after all

Kinda blows that whole "it can't be an insurrection because they were unarmed" thing outta the water now don't it?

Next question is why hasn't this fella been arrested yet?
Must have been a Fed that fired his pistol.....:abgg2q.jpg:

Hey, QAgain, in those other times you have been banned from this chatroom and others, was it because of this sbasement-level of ad hominems?
  • "suck.....old cocks"?
  • "fucking bad'?

Learn that words have actual meaning.

Or fuck off.

Or do both.
No, that officer murdered babbitt.

the officer killed a rioting bitch, who might have been packing or strapped. she was assigned security detail when she was in the air force ... providing security for air bases. she knew full well the risk she was taking, & in fact - when she was detailed to security - if anyone breached the air base ... her orders were to shoot to kill.

she gambled & she lost.

Its really that simple. Libs would have been screaming like wild chimpanzees had that been a white officer shooting a black lady at the white house. Just silence shows how they have no credibility.


blah blah blah.gif

Kinda blows that whole "it can't be an insurrection because they were unarmed" thing outta the water now don't it?

Next question is why hasn't this fella been arrested yet?
There were a couple hundred thousand people there. One must conclude that there were MANY guns in DC that day, but none entered Congress that we know of. If a gun did enter the House that day, it certainly wasnt used to foment "insurrection".

You have no case for "insurrection". :dunno:
You can have it as a coincidence that thousands showed up without guns. Or at least with guns not visible.

The troulble is Nostra, neither side can admit to it being prearranged.

Can you figure out by yourself the reason why it can't be mentioned? I bet you can't.
I don't have to figure it out. YOU claimed knowledge of secret meetings, Simp.

When asked how you know, you have nothing.

Kinda blows that whole "it can't be an insurrection because they were unarmed" thing outta the water now don't it?

Next question is why hasn't this fella been arrested yet?
It "appears" one guy may have shot once into the air.

No eminent (sic) threat to Officer Byrd.

This is well-plowed ground.
The matter is settled. Several years ago.

The Police Review Board disagrees with poster MMike on the imminence of the threat. They thought it WAS imminent.

Context matters. The shot was not in a vacuum. The imminence of the threat was apparent to the officers behind the now battered purpose-built barricade.

  • Earpieces inform of 'Officers down'.....of "We lost the line".....of painful screams by officers, of warnings of imminent threats.
  • A loud violent crowd of attackers at the barrier battering it down, smashing hardened windows
  • ....until......until a breach in the barrier is effected. Clearly visible to the officers under attack.
  • And into that breach leaps a shrouded figure with an ominous woman?. No matter ... an attacker.
  • An attacker into the breach who is charging towards the officers.
  • NOT away from the officers.

Context mattered, then and now.
She's now dead. That's on her.
Ashli Babbitt is dead because of......Ashli Babbitt.

May her family find freedom from nut-job Trumpaloons who constantly drag her cold corpse across the internet in their attempts to bolster their uber-partisan polemics.

The family deserves better than rabid MAGA/QAnon jackasses.

I don't have to figure it out. YOU claimed knowledge of secret meetings, Simp.

When asked how you know, you have nothing.

The leftist vermin NEVER have ANYTHING.

Yet here they are, yammering. What sorry little lives they must be living.

This is well-plowed ground.
The matter is settled. Several years ago.

The Police Review Board disagrees with poster MMike on the imminence of the threat. They thought it WAS imminent.

Context matters. The shot was not in a vacuum. The imminence of the threat was apparent to the officers behind the now battered purpose-built barricade.

  • Earpieces inform of 'Officers down'.....of "We lost the line".....of painful screams by officers, of warnings of imminent threats.
  • A loud violent crowd of attackers at the barrier battering it down, smashing hardened windows
  • ....until......until a breach in the barrier is effected. Clearly visible to the officers under attack.
  • And into that breach leaps a shrouded figure with an ominous woman?. No matter ... an attacker.
  • An attacker into the breach who is charging towards the officers.
  • NOT away from the officers.

She's now dead. That's on her.
Ashli Babbitt is dead because of......Ashli Babbitt.

May her family find freedom from nut-job Trumpaloons who constantly drag her cold corpse across the internet in their attempts to bolster their uber-partisan polemics.

The family deserves better than rabid MAGA/QAnon jackasses.

Chillicocrape caught a misspelled word. He is soooo pleased with herself.

And factually, Chilliconfuzed is still wrong.

The matter is not settled and the review board doesn’t necessarily speak the truth.
The matter is not settled and the review board doesn’t necessarily speak the truth.

Well, prolific-poster QAgain, rather than whine and hissyfit under a fake name on an American social media this: Go down to your nearest FBI office (google their locations).....and file a complaint about this Babbitt shooting.

Be a git-er-done kind of American man who does not whine and complain and go all tantrummy. Do something.

After your meeting with the agent(s) at the office, then do this: Come back to this gossipboard and explain to the forum how your meeting went.

Be a a more effective QAnon'r.....and NOT some weird and whiney QNut.

Good luck.
Ummm, why?
Why x2?

  1. Why in a Super Max prison?
  2. Why trust you?
:auiqs.jpg:Well, one would just need some common sense to figure that one out.
Which, is what you lack, so you needed to ask the questions. :rolleyes-41:
'...caught a misspelled word. He is soooo pleased...'

Ah, I think poster QAgain is referencing the use of the proofreading device 'sic'.

He misinterprets its usage.
Rather than an attempt to condescendingly correct the one being quoted it is, instead, a courtesy by the one doing the quoting. A courtesy directed towards not only other readers but also to the one being quoted.

I mean by that: Using sic...usually in parenthesis, signals to readers that the quoter is honoring the quoted by offering his words as they were written, and not editing or changing them.

And the quoted is reassured that his words are being transcribed as he intended.

All good.

ps.....I think QAgain may be striving too hard here. May be seeing --and fearing -- boogeymen that don't really exist.

We wish him good luck in that search, though.

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