Not supporting the war BUT supporting our troops

Abbey Normal said:
ProudDem, in my little husband/wife scenario in a former post, did you think that wife was truly supporting her husband? Do you think he felt supported and was able to do his job well after talking to her?

Abbey, I mean to comment on your little dialog, which I found funny (but not in a deragartory way). I dont' think it's a good comparison. The husband CHOOSES to work there. For our troops, they have no choice.

Take a judge I once worked for. He is totally pro-life. He had to make decisions based upon Roe v. Wade that he did not like. His wife did the "March for Life." He is BOUND by Roe v. Wade in applying the law. So does his wife's protest show she doesn't support him? NOPE.
ProudDem said:
If you and everyone else who is accusing me of not being able to be against the war BUT support our troops wants to believe that, that's fine. Based upon my definition of supporting our troops, I am supporting them. If it's not your definition of supporting them, no problem.

But to tell me that I can't have it both ways is a joke.

Im not laughing.

You either support the troops or you don't. You don't say that their mission is illegal and thus label them as illegal by doing so. Do you say that a thief is not a thief if he is doing something you perceive to be thieving? If someone steals a car, do you say that you support him but denounce his actions?

Your perceiving this war to be wrong yet you are supporting those that commit the act? Makes zero sense.
Hey, the kids they're sending over to that blown-up parking lot don't have anything to do with the reasons for the war. The war sux. Nobody with any sense disputes that. These kids are just following orders going over there. And I hear that patriotism is pushed pretty hard in the military, so a lot of them are over there because they genuinely feel that they are protecting their country. So of course I feel sorry for them and their families and I don't want any harm to come to them. So I support the troops. I support their well being because I support their being pulled out of harm's way by being able to come home to live with their families.

You jingoist war hawks see the world in black and white when in fact the world is made up of a million shades of gray! This war is illegal in the eyes of the rest of the world. But the soldiers at the bottom following orders aren't to be held responsible, they didn't start the war! The politicians did!
GunnyL said:
I can stomach only so much ..... your sorry little ignorant ass don't RATE to use the term "Semper Fi." You more than likely have no idea what it means. Keep your scuzzy little lips off MY Marine Corps motto, shithead.
I love the marines, they are my fav, sorry army dudes. But thats why i know more about them than the average idiot.

Let me tell you why you are wrong.
YOU KEEP TELLING ME that I think the troops are doing something ILLEGAL!
I DONT believe our troops are doing things ILLEGAL: BECUASE they are protecting themselves from enemy insurgents and terrorists!! whats wrong with that?

Therefore, all your nuremburg bullshit is futile.
ProudDem said:
Abbey, I mean to comment on your little dialog, which I found funny (but not in a deragartory way). I dont' think it's a good comparison. The husband CHOOSES to work there. For our troops, they have no choice.

They made the choice when they joined the military. They were not drafted. Once you become enlisted, you signed on for whatever is in store for you. If you have qualms about fighting in a war, DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY!
"These kids are just following orders going over there."

Just a few questions for you...

Just following orders was not a valid excuse for what was done in other wars why would it be in this one? If you believe the war to be illegal, are not the actions of those perpetrating the action illegal regardless of whose orders they are following? Where is the expectation of those that would not follow illegal orders by going to an illegal war?

If you believe that everything they do is wrong because if was flawed from the start, can you say you support what they are doing? If you cannot support what they are doing why do you excuse it by telling yourself that they are just following orders?

If you tell them what they are doing is wrong, can it be perceived as support and if so how?
Hagbard Celine said:
Hey, the kids they're sending over to that blown-up parking lot don't have anything to do with the reasons for the war. The war sux. Nobody with any sense disputes that. These kids are just following orders going over there. And I hear that patriotism is pushed pretty hard in the military, so a lot of them are over there because they genuinely feel that they are protecting their country. So of course I feel sorry for them and their families and I don't want any harm to come to them. So I support the troops. I support their well being because I support their being pulled out of harm's way by being able to come home to live with their families.

Basically you just said that all these young boys are too stupid to think for themselves. Because no one joins the military for love of their country. :rolleyes:

You support ending the war. You support the American withdraw. YOU DO NOT SUPPORT THE TROOPS! At least be honest with yourself.
xen said:
I love the marines, they are my fav, sorry army dudes. But thats why i know more about them than the average idiot.

Let me tell you why you are wrong.
YOU KEEP TELLING ME that I think the troops are doing something ILLEGAL!
I DONT believe our troops are doing things ILLEGAL: BECUASE they are protecting themselves from enemy insurgents and terrorists!! whats wrong with that?

Therefore, all your nuremburg bullshit is futile.

So you support the war then if they arent doing anything illegal? The principles of the war are clear to you and you agree with them, therefore you support the war and are rooting for the troops to win the war.
I can stomach only so much ..... your sorry little ignorant ass don't RATE to use the term "Semper Fi." You more than likely have no idea what it means. Keep your scuzzy little lips off MY Marine Corps motto, shithead.

Hey GunnyL, when you walk, do your knuckles drag on the ground?

xen said:
I love the marines, they are my fav, sorry army dudes. But thats why i know more about them than the average idiot.

Let me tell you why you are wrong.
YOU KEEP TELLING ME that I think the troops are doing something ILLEGAL!
I DONT believe our troops are doing things ILLEGAL: BECUASE they are protecting themselves from enemy insurgents and terrorists!! whats wrong with that?

Therefore, all your nuremburg bullshit is futile.

Your response is a delfection, and has nothing to do with what was posted. And as usual, your shit just doesn't come together quite right.

Committing a criminal act/carrying out an unlawful order has NOTHING to do with justified self-defense, junior.

Buy a clue.
Zhukov said:
You didn't, but if you are correcting yourself, fine.

eek, you're right. I did not say that. Oops. I am correcting myself.

Alright, well I think then it's time you explain your non-support for the war, because it's one thing for a soldier to think, "Gee, I don't want to go to Iraq. Iraq sucks; it's all hot over there and people will be shooting at me. But my buddies are going and I made a promise when I signed my name so I'll go too," but quite another thing for a soldier to think, "Gee, this war is completely illegal, what the President wants us to do is morally wrong and against the law, it's just for oil and to makes his buddies richer, but I guess I'll go and risk my life anyways." What sort of non-support are we talking about here?

I do not support the cause of this war. We were told that Saddam Hussein was making WMDs and that we could not wait any longer to take him out. He was a danger to the world and a danger to us. And we should take him out before it's too late. He reminds us of how vulnerable we were on September 11th.

So our soldiers run in there, without enough troops I might add, and they're able to take Saddam out of there very quickly. Wonderful. But then we find out that there are no WMDs. Then insurgents come into Iraq and start killing our soldiers. In my heart, and it's okay if you do not agree with me, I believe that Bush exaggerated the intelligence. Can I prove it? Probably not. But that is what my gut instinct tells me.

Thus, I do not support our reasons for going in there since they did not exist and were based upon exaggerations laid out by our honorable president. Therefore, I don't appreciate our soldiers getting killed over there for NOTHING. I know Saddam was a horrible dictator and that we are doing the Iraqis some good; however, that is not enough reason for us to go in there.

I have never told a soldier (or Marine) that I don't support the war they are fighting. I keep my mouth shut. However, if one asked me what I thought and I genuinely thought that they would be able to withstand my opposition, I would state it. But I am not out there protesting, putting bumper stickers on my car against this war, or doing anything out in public.

When I read the newspaper and it has articles about another burial at Arlington Cemetery, it upsets me because I care about them. I see the number of soldiers that are dead increasing regularly. This bothers me.

I am part of a group that sends care packages to the troops. I have donated phone cards for them to use. I have sent them Valentines telling them I support them. I have gone to Walter Reed because I chose to go and see the injured soldiers. NOT ONCE did I ever say to them, "Well, that nasty injury was because of a lie."


Then, please, paint the conditions that would describe an Iraq you would feel comfortable pulling all our troops out of. Give me your definition of victory (you don't want them to fail, right?) with respect to the situation we are in now.

May I pass on this right now? I don't have the energy to come up with a thoughtful answer.

I don't think the majority of protestors want to see this country destroyed (even if they are unwittingly assisting those who do). I think the majority of the protestors are stupid or ignorant. The stupid are the ones with the "War is not the Answer" bumper stickers, the ignorant are the ones who claim this is an illegal war, or who believe there will be more peace if we left Iraq.

We can agree to disagree. I believe that war is the answer in some circumstances (i.e., Afganistan) and that it is not the answer to the war in Iraq. I guess for those who say this is an illegal war, they are saying that Congress granted the President the right to go to war based upon evidence that did not exist. I would not label it "illegal."
Hagbard Celine said:
Hey GunnyL, when you walk, do your knuckles drag on the ground?


Mostly just across the noses of loudmouthed, ignorant leftist pieces of shit.
Hagbard Celine said:
Hey GunnyL, when you walk, do your knuckles drag on the ground?


Fantastic support of the troops, calling them, even after they have retired, knuckledraggers is usually a sign of sincere affection and genuine approval..


Thanks, but no thanks for your "support". Either you are part of the problem, or you are part of the solution. Giving up is not a solution we can afford.
insein said:
Basically you just said that all these young boys are too stupid to think for themselves. Because no one joins the military for love of their country. :rolleyes:

You support ending the war. You support the American withdraw. YOU DO NOT SUPPORT THE TROOPS! At least be honest with yourself.

You apparently completely ignored the part where I said that "many of them are probably over there because they have a genuine sense of patriotism."

And are you telling me that soldiers join up because they want to have free will? Joining the military is about following orders dunce! Give me a break you are a neanderthal, warhawk.
xen said:
I love the marines, they are my fav, sorry army dudes. But thats why i know more about them than the average idiot.

Let me tell you why you are wrong.
YOU KEEP TELLING ME that I think the troops are doing something ILLEGAL!
I DONT believe our troops are doing things ILLEGAL: BECUASE they are protecting themselves from enemy insurgents and terrorists!! whats wrong with that?

Therefore, all your nuremburg bullshit is futile.

If you haven't served, your opinion or like of ANY service is worthless.
Hagbard Celine said:
You apparently completely ignored the part where I said that "many of them are probably over there because they have a genuine sense of patriotism."

And are you telling me that soldiers join up because they want to have free will? Joining the military is about following orders dunce! Give me a break you are a neanderthal, warhawk.

Beautifully stated! :) :clap:
GunnyL said:
Mostly just across the noses of loudmouthed, ignorant leftist pieces of shit.

GunnyL, I see you are an former elisted Marine. I guess you weren't able to be an officer, could you?
Hagbard Celine said:
You apparently completely ignored the part where I said that "many of them are probably over there because they have a genuine sense of patriotism."

And are you telling me that soldiers join up because they want to have free will? Joining the military is about following orders dunce! Give me a break you are a neanderthal, warhawk.

Joining the military is about pride in the Nation and service. This assumption that people in the military lose their sense of morality and become automatons blindly following orders is simply a fallacious assumption without regard to the actual humanity of those that serve.
Hagbard Celine said:
You apparently completely ignored the part where I said that "many of them are probably over there because they have a genuine sense of patriotism."

And are you telling me that soldiers join up because they want to have free will? Joining the military is about following orders dunce! Give me a break you are a neanderthal, warhawk.

Well thank you. Coming from a slimy, inverterbrate worm, that is quite a complement.

Im so sure of your sincerity when you said they have a genuine sense of patriotism. I read it as "they were all brainwashed to think that way." Excuse me for disecting your liberal mind. I think i need a shower now. Im all icky from being in there.
ProudDem said:
GunnyL, I see you are an former elisted Marine. I guess you weren't able to be an officer, could you?

I had every opportunity, thanks. Why the hell would i want to be a zero? They don't get to say what they think ..... Gunny's do.

But don't think I missed the attempted backhanded insult. ;)

btw .... I see you are a liberal. Unable to think coherently, huh?

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