Not The Onion: Climate Change Causing Ocean Floor To Sink Under Water Weight From Melting Glaciers

The levels of the ocean, the beach, and the intercoastal waterways are in the exact same place as they were when I first visited them in the late sixties.
Invincible ignorance is well described.

My data is every bit as good as your data. You get yours from the scammers that are paid to find AGW.

The truth, the real life, that actual fact is that it isn’t happening.
Yeah...yeah...sinking ocean floors...that's the ticket...sea levels aren't rising as predicted so lets tell them that the ocean floor is sinking....yeah...they will believe that...that's the ticket.
They could be, but I thought it was a lot more gradual than a couple hundred years. We know the land rises as the weight of whatever moves off them. So why couldn't it sink if something heavy is on it? (the ocean, as a whole, is pretty heavy--just think back to the last time you carried a ten gallon water jug).
Yeah...yeah...sinking ocean floors...that's the ticket...sea levels aren't rising as predicted so lets tell them that the ocean floor is sinking....yeah...they will believe that...that's the ticket.
They could be, but I thought it was a lot more gradual than a couple hundred years. We know the land rises as the weight of whatever moves off them. So why couldn't it sink if something heavy is on it? (the ocean, as a whole, is pretty heavy--just think back to the last time you carried a ten gallon water jug).
Then how far as the land risen that is supposedly free of ice?
Nobody wants to answer that.......
So that's why the oceans aren't rising. That makes perfect sense. That's right up there with North America Global warming ice box.

Did the trapped excess heat make the oceans sink too?
Guess we no longer have to worry about rising oceans.


"Hi, it's me, TimeWarner. We publish tons of "Global Warming" fearmongering on a daily basis. You know, snow a thing of the past, sea levels rising, oceans becoming hot acid, etc. You might ask us, if AGW if real, why did we sell our building at Columbus Circle to move to the waterfront? Good question. Here pick a card, any card"
So that's why the oceans aren't rising. That makes perfect sense. That's right up there with North America Global warming ice box.

Did the trapped excess heat make the oceans sink too?
Guess we no longer have to worry about rising oceans.


"Hi, it's me, TimeWarner. We publish tons of "Global Warming" fearmongering on a daily basis. You know, snow a thing of the past, sea levels rising, oceans becoming hot acid, etc. You might ask us, if AGW if real, why did we sell our building at Columbus Circle to move to the waterfront? Good question. Here pick a card, any card"
Streisand's home:

DiCaprio's home:

Al Gore's home:
Yeah...yeah...sinking ocean floors...that's the ticket...sea levels aren't rising as predicted so lets tell them that the ocean floor is sinking....yeah...they will believe that...that's the ticket.
They could be, but I thought it was a lot more gradual than a couple hundred years. We know the land rises as the weight of whatever moves off them. So why couldn't it sink if something heavy is on it? (the ocean, as a whole, is pretty heavy--just think back to the last time you carried a ten gallon water jug).

Yeah, but the oceans are pretty vast too, and I don't think the amount of ice falling off the land masses is going to make any appreciable difference. If you drop an ice cube into an 8 oz glass of water then you'll probably see a slight rise in the water level. But drop that ice cube into your bath tub of water and you won't see an difference. Now I know that glaciers and water from ice melt ain't no ice cube, but take a second to realize just how large the oceans are, they comprise some 70% of the world's surface. So I'm not buying the idea that the additional weight of the ice and water is going to matter one little bit when it comes to the overall weight on the ocean floor.

'Course, that's just me, a guy with no degree in geophysics or whatever the applicable field of study is. What I do know is that the planet's inner layers are always in flux, plate tectonics and all that. Some plates bump into each other and subduct or slide over one another with the result that the ocean floor may rise or fall in some areas. Heat rises up to the crust in some places and declines in others for whatever reasons.

We also know that the oceans have ridges dividing them into sections and the crust on the ocean floor is being pushed apart in some places with super hot magma pushing up from below. Guess what happens when the magma cools? It sinks. So, depending on where you take your measurements,your going to get changes over time in some places, up or down. Or maybe nothing. You're right though, it 's more gradual than a few decades or a few hundred years.
When Al Gore says that snow will be gone by 2010...

...and it’s 2018 and there is snow in the hottest desert on the planet.
Well now, all of your posts peddle that.

You are trying to say that because I don’t know all I need to know about the Stefan Boltzmann equation, which is from Quantun Mechanics in the likely event that you don’t know, that everything I’m saying about Global Warming is bull shit.

This is the very reason that intelligent, educated people don’t buy into your AGW religion. Fraud, lies, and cherry picking is as transparent as it can be.

You have nothing, moron.

The thermal energy radiated by a blackbody radiator per second per unit area is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and is given by


Stefan-Boltzmann Law

This is taught in the 200 level chemistry and physics courses. If you don't know what it is, you have no real scientific education.
Yeah...yeah...sinking ocean floors...that's the ticket...sea levels aren't rising as predicted so lets tell them that the ocean floor is sinking....yeah...they will believe that...that's the ticket.
They could be, but I thought it was a lot more gradual than a couple hundred years. We know the land rises as the weight of whatever moves off them. So why couldn't it sink if something heavy is on it? (the ocean, as a whole, is pretty heavy--just think back to the last time you carried a ten gallon water jug).

Yeah, but the oceans are pretty vast too, and I don't think the amount of ice falling off the land masses is going to make any appreciable difference. If you drop an ice cube into an 8 oz glass of water then you'll probably see a slight rise in the water level. But drop that ice cube into your bath tub of water and you won't see an difference. Now I know that glaciers and water from ice melt ain't no ice cube, but take a second to realize just how large the oceans are, they comprise some 70% of the world's surface. So I'm not buying the idea that the additional weight of the ice and water is going to matter one little bit when it comes to the overall weight on the ocean floor.

'Course, that's just me, a guy with no degree in geophysics or whatever the applicable field of study is. What I do know is that the planet's inner layers are always in flux, plate tectonics and all that. Some plates bump into each other and subduct or slide over one another with the result that the ocean floor may rise or fall in some areas. Heat rises up to the crust in some places and declines in others for whatever reasons.

We also know that the oceans have ridges dividing them into sections and the crust on the ocean floor is being pushed apart in some places with super hot magma pushing up from below. Guess what happens when the magma cools? It sinks. So, depending on where you take your measurements,your going to get changes over time in some places, up or down. Or maybe nothing. You're right though, it 's more gradual than a few decades or a few hundred years.
The ice melting off the continents after the last ice age raised the sea level by over 300 ft.

Global sea-level rise at the end of the last Ice Age interrupted by rapid 'jumps'

Southampton researchers have estimated that sea-level rose by an average of about 1 metre per century at the end of the last Ice Age, interrupted by rapid 'jumps' during which it rose by up to 2.5 metres per century. The findings, published in Global and Planetary Change, will help unravel the responses of ocean circulation and climate to large inputs of ice-sheet meltwater to the world ocean.

Global sea level rose by a total of more than 120 metres as the vast ice sheets of the last Ice Age melted back. This melt-back lasted from about 19,000 to about 6,000 years ago, meaning that the average rate of sea-level rise was roughly 1 metre per century.

Previous studies of sea-level change at individual locations have suggested that the gradual rise may have been marked by abrupt 'jumps' of sea-level rise at rates that approached 5 metres per century. These estimates were based on analyses of the distribution of fossil corals around Barbados and coastal drowning along the Sunda Shelf, an extension of the continental shelf of East Asia.

Were all the ice to melt in Greenland and Antarctica, the sea level rise would be over 240 ft.

Fact Sheet fs002-00: Sea Level and Climate
So you ask, isn't that weight already in the ice? Ice is lighter than water. It floats. So it doesn't count. Or something. Trying to follow our scientific superiors thinking gives me a headache.

So much extra water is being added into the world’s oceans from melting glaciers that the ocean floor is sinking underneath its increasing weight. This ocean floor deformation also means we have miscalculated just how much ocean levels are rising and the problem could be far worse than previously believed.

Over the past 20 years, ocean basins have sunk an average of 0.004 inches per year. This means that the ocean is 0.08 inches deeper than it was two decades ago. While this small fragment of an inch may not seem much, oceans cover 70 percent of our planet, making the problem bigger than it seems at an initial glance.

All that extra water from melting glaciers has caused the ocean to sink
Any kind of rational or logical thought at all tends to give you a headache. That ice that is adding water to the ocean is on land. As the ice melts, isostatic rebound takes place on the land. As the oceans gain more water, the opposite happens. Of course, that is just too complex for you.
So Kanada is the next Himalaya's? Siberia is becoming the Grand Tetons?

Can you link to any of your so called science showing us the elevation changes?
Post-glacial rebound (also called either isostatic rebound or crustal rebound) is the rise of land masses that were depressed by the huge weight of ice sheets during the last glacial period, through a process known as isostatic depression. Post-glacial rebound and isostatic depression are different parts of a process known as either glacial isostasy, glacial isostatic adjustment, or glacioisostasy. Glacioisostasy is the solid Earth deformation associated with changes in ice mass distribution.[1] The most obvious and direct effects of post-glacial rebound are readily apparent in parts of Northern Eurasia, Northern America, Patagonia, and Antarctica. However, through processes known as ocean siphoning and continental levering, the effects of post-glacial rebound on sea level are felt globally far from the locations of current and former ice sheets.

Isostatic rebound

The data set depicts a regional pattern of sea level rates from 3 to 32 mm/yr, with peaks centered over upper Glacier Bay and Yakutat Icefield. Raised shorelines that date back to 1770±20 AD indicate total uplift change in the range of 1.0 to 5.7 m. The onset of uplift measured at the raised shoreline sites occurred at the same time the Glacier Bay Icefield began its dramatic collapse. These results provide robust constraints on lithospheric elastic thickness, asthenosphere thickness and asthenosphere viscosity (Larsen and others, 2005). The simultaneous onset of unloading and sea level change is a direct observation of the causal relationship between glacial unloading and the region’s uplift. The remarkably large amplitude and short timescale of this uplift is evidence that rapid changes of glacier systems and ice caps, triggered by climate, can excite a very large solid earth response, much larger than has been previously appreciated. Such flexure can impact regional faulting and seismic activity, and thus has implications for attempts to derive long-term kinematic models and orogenic histories from observations of current crustal movement

I can link a lot more. Not that I expect you even to read it, much less understand it.
Well now, all of your posts peddle that.

You are trying to say that because I don’t know all I need to know about the Stefan Boltzmann equation, which is from Quantun Mechanics in the likely event that you don’t know, that everything I’m saying about Global Warming is bull shit.

This is the very reason that intelligent, educated people don’t buy into your AGW religion. Fraud, lies, and cherry picking is as transparent as it can be.

You have nothing, moron.

The thermal energy radiated by a blackbody radiator per second per unit area is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and is given by


Stefan-Boltzmann Law

This is taught in the 200 level chemistry and physics courses. If you don't know what it is, you have no real scientific education.

Again, complete nonsense. You are very good at looking shit up on Google. Congratulations.
Well now, all of your posts peddle that.

You are trying to say that because I don’t know all I need to know about the Stefan Boltzmann equation, which is from Quantun Mechanics in the likely event that you don’t know, that everything I’m saying about Global Warming is bull shit.

This is the very reason that intelligent, educated people don’t buy into your AGW religion. Fraud, lies, and cherry picking is as transparent as it can be.

You have nothing, moron.

The thermal energy radiated by a blackbody radiator per second per unit area is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and is given by


Stefan-Boltzmann Law

This is taught in the 200 level chemistry and physics courses. If you don't know what it is, you have no real scientific education.
Says an idiot who has no clue how to apply it... got to love them cut and pastes...

Your a hoot.... a clueless moron telling others they are clueless... Priceless...
This is the very reason that intelligent, educated people don’t buy into your AGW religion.
That would be just about all the world's governments and scientific institutions as opposed to a few dumb fuck US rightards.

You say that like you are completely unaware of just how often all the worlds governments, and scientific institutions have been dead wrong about any given scientific topic. Are you? And considering their historical track record, how bright is it, really, to offer them up as "evidence" that they are right?
So that's why the oceans aren't rising. That makes perfect sense. That's right up there with North America Global warming ice box.

Did the trapped excess heat make the oceans sink too?
Guess we no longer have to worry about rising oceans.


"Hi, it's me, TimeWarner. We publish tons of "Global Warming" fearmongering on a daily basis. You know, snow a thing of the past, sea levels rising, oceans becoming hot acid, etc. You might ask us, if AGW if real, why did we sell our building at Columbus Circle to move to the waterfront? Good question. Here pick a card, any card"
Streisand's home:

DiCaprio's home:

Al Gore's home:
The ocean is a giant fudge factor for the proto-Marxists AGW cult. Can't find the warming? Oh, the oceans ate 90% of it. Sea levels not rising? Oh, the ocean floor must be sinking.
Well now, all of your posts peddle that.

You are trying to say that because I don’t know all I need to know about the Stefan Boltzmann equation, which is from Quantun Mechanics in the likely event that you don’t know, that everything I’m saying about Global Warming is bull shit.

This is the very reason that intelligent, educated people don’t buy into your AGW religion. Fraud, lies, and cherry picking is as transparent as it can be.

You have nothing, moron.

The thermal energy radiated by a blackbody radiator per second per unit area is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and is given by


Stefan-Boltzmann Law

This is taught in the 200 level chemistry and physics courses. If you don't know what it is, you have no real scientific education.

If you had ever had a 2000 level chemistry course, then you would know that that particular equation, describes a perfect black body in the absolute absence of any other matter...a theoretical perfect situation that probably doesn't actually apply to anywhere in the universe. The situation only exists in a model. The equation for out here in reality looks like this:


Where the energy radiated by a given radiator is dependent upon its emissivity (e), its area (A), and the difference between its own temperature (T) and the temperature of its surroundings (Tc). Tc according to SB is always assumed to be a lower temperature than T...alter the difference between T and Tc and P changes accordingly.

So you can spout an equation...then immediately prove that you don't have any idea what it means...and suggest that you can apply it to anywhere other than theoretically ideal conditions within a model.
This is the very reason that intelligent, educated people don’t buy into your AGW religion.
That would be just about all the world's governments and scientific institutions as opposed to a few dumb fuck US rightards.

You say that like you are completely unaware of just how often all the worlds governments, and scientific institutions have been dead wrong about any given scientific topic. Are you? And considering their historical track record, how bright is it, really, to offer them up as "evidence" that they are right?

Historically, "scientists" have been more wrong than right. The thing that is VERY different this time is that scientists used to believe that we didn't have all the answers and that scientific knowledge was always in flux. this time they say "we're right, don't question us". An attitude that historically has always been wrong.
Well now, all of your posts peddle that.

You are trying to say that because I don’t know all I need to know about the Stefan Boltzmann equation, which is from Quantun Mechanics in the likely event that you don’t know, that everything I’m saying about Global Warming is bull shit.

This is the very reason that intelligent, educated people don’t buy into your AGW religion. Fraud, lies, and cherry picking is as transparent as it can be.

You have nothing, moron.

The thermal energy radiated by a blackbody radiator per second per unit area is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and is given by


Stefan-Boltzmann Law

This is taught in the 200 level chemistry and physics courses. If you don't know what it is, you have no real scientific education.

If you had ever had a 2000 level chemistry course, then you would know that that particular equation, describes a perfect black body in the absolute absence of any other matter...a theoretical perfect situation that probably doesn't actually apply to anywhere in the universe. The situation only exists in a model. The equation for out here in reality looks like this:


Where the energy radiated by a given radiator is dependent upon its emissivity (e), its area (A), and the difference between its own temperature (T) and the temperature of its surroundings (Tc). Tc according to SB is always assumed to be a lower temperature than T...alter the difference between T and Tc and P changes accordingly.

So you can spout an equation...then immediately prove that you don't have any idea what it means...and suggest that you can apply it to anywhere other than theoretically ideal conditions within a model.

All he did was Google it.
Well now, all of your posts peddle that.

You are trying to say that because I don’t know all I need to know about the Stefan Boltzmann equation, which is from Quantun Mechanics in the likely event that you don’t know, that everything I’m saying about Global Warming is bull shit.

This is the very reason that intelligent, educated people don’t buy into your AGW religion. Fraud, lies, and cherry picking is as transparent as it can be.

You have nothing, moron.

The thermal energy radiated by a blackbody radiator per second per unit area is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature and is given by


Stefan-Boltzmann Law

This is taught in the 200 level chemistry and physics courses. If you don't know what it is, you have no real scientific education.

If you had ever had a 2000 level chemistry course, then you would know that that particular equation, describes a perfect black body in the absolute absence of any other matter...a theoretical perfect situation that probably doesn't actually apply to anywhere in the universe. The situation only exists in a model. The equation for out here in reality looks like this:


Where the energy radiated by a given radiator is dependent upon its emissivity (e), its area (A), and the difference between its own temperature (T) and the temperature of its surroundings (Tc). Tc according to SB is always assumed to be a lower temperature than T...alter the difference between T and Tc and P changes accordingly.

So you can spout an equation...then immediately prove that you don't have any idea what it means...and suggest that you can apply it to anywhere other than theoretically ideal conditions within a model.
LOL A 2000 level chemistry course? LOL No, I have not had one of those. Neither have you, or anyone else. LOL
This is the very reason that intelligent, educated people don’t buy into your AGW religion.
That would be just about all the world's governments and scientific institutions as opposed to a few dumb fuck US rightards.

You say that like you are completely unaware of just how often all the worlds governments, and scientific institutions have been dead wrong about any given scientific topic. Are you? And considering their historical track record, how bright is it, really, to offer them up as "evidence" that they are right?

Historically, "scientists" have been more wrong than right. The thing that is VERY different this time is that scientists used to believe that we didn't have all the answers and that scientific knowledge was always in flux. this time they say "we're right, don't question us". An attitude that historically has always been wrong.

The only thing that can buy that sort of consensus within a group that is supposed to be naturally skeptical of everything is a big ole trough full of money...and the money trail is easy to follow in climate science as it is absolutely enormous.

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