Not The Onion: Climate Change Causing Ocean Floor To Sink Under Water Weight From Melting Glaciers

Show us all where the science is mattering in the real world s0n?? Billboard stuff doesn't count. Some links would be helpful btw...........
Well, just the awareness and the measures taken so far have slowed the increasd of emissions. They have even leveled off, here in the States. No, I will not be spoonfeeding you any links. Dont waste my time, dummy.

Well then.........I guess that makes me the dummy in here!!!


But a winning dummy that just clicked on the link above and laughed his balls off!!!

The Twilight Zone - The Dummy
See what I mean? You are a gullible idiot who will believe anything that jibes with his politics and superstitions, immediately and forever.
Coming from a left wit moron like you, that eats every turd given to him by his handlers, you calling him out only shows your own stupidity..
The difference being, in on the correvt side of the facts, and you are a cackling, ignorant, ineffectual little hack.

The only side your on is the one eating crap..

I have shredded your so called facts with empirical evidence. Now where is your empirical evidence to support your suppositions? Just one quantified, observed, and verifiable empirical evidence fact or experiment that can be reproduced?? Just ONE that shows how CO2 is the cause and Natural variation is not....
It's not "my opinion" it's demonstrable fact.
Demonstrate it then, that the oceans are not rising.

Here's NOAA's take...

Global sea level has been rising over the past century, and the rate has increased in recent decades. In 2014, global sea level was 2.6 inches above the 1993 average—the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year.
Is sea level rising?

Where's yours?
The questions remain...all I want is a single piece of observed, measured data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability
I'm sure this won't hit whatever goal posts you are moving. The greenhouse gas theory predicts temperature rise with increased (human activity emitted) greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and observations show this.


Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots


ESRL Global Monitoring Division - Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network


Figure 2: Human CO2 emissions (blue, left y-axis, Source: IEA) vs. atmospheric CO2 concentration (red, right y-axis, Source: Mauna Loa record)
What is causing the increase in atmospheric CO2?
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You are wrong in my case. I have a better understanding of both thermodynamics and quantum mechanics than most people who aren’t in those disciplines. I also know history very well. History tells us that every time science “knows for sure” it really doesn’t. It also tells us that scientists were and are still, for sale.
Do you believe that warm objects can radiate photons in all directions no matter what the temperature of the background is? Do you believe the Stefan Boltzmann equation says that object radiate EM energy according to the fourth power of temperature no matter what the background temperature is?

As to the first, yes I do. As to the second, I’m not familiar enough with that to have an answer.
Then you do not have an adequate scientific education to be making the statements that you do.
QUOTE="SSDD, post: 19033920, member: 40906"]Moron...look at the reason leeches were used back then compared to now...are you that desperate to feel like you might be right about something?
Look who's being desperate now.[/QUOTE]

So you believe that if you have an upset stomach, you should apply leeches to your abdomen and moderate your diet? You are absolutely laughable...whose sock puppet are you?
It's not "my opinion" it's demonstrable fact.
Demonstrate it then, that the oceans are not rising.

Here's NOAA's take...

Global sea level has been rising over the past century, and the rate has increased in recent decades. In 2014, global sea level was 2.6 inches above the 1993 average—the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present). Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year.
Is sea level rising?

Where's yours?

The levels of the ocean, the beach, and the intercoastal waterways are in the exact same place as they were when I first visited them in the late sixties.
You are wrong in my case. I have a better understanding of both thermodynamics and quantum mechanics than most people who aren’t in those disciplines. I also know history very well. History tells us that every time science “knows for sure” it really doesn’t. It also tells us that scientists were and are still, for sale.
Do you believe that warm objects can radiate photons in all directions no matter what the temperature of the background is? Do you believe the Stefan Boltzmann equation says that object radiate EM energy according to the fourth power of temperature no matter what the background temperature is?

As to the first, yes I do. As to the second, I’m not familiar enough with that to have an answer.
Then you do not have an adequate scientific education to be making the statements that you do.

Complete garbage.
This info is another perfect example of nobody cares. How many in the public will find out about this? And if they do, how many will care? The answer is, a fraction of 1% and a tiny fraction at that. This is more internet hobby shit s0ns......kinda interesting for the few thousand engaged in it, I suppose :popcorn:

Again.........the science doesn't matter for dick in the real world if <1% are caring. And of course, we know that because there has been zero discussion about climate change in congress for over 10 years.:oops-28:
Well now, all of your posts peddle that.

You are trying to say that because I don’t know all I need to know about the Stefan Boltzmann equation, which is from Quantun Mechanics in the likely event that you don’t know, that everything I’m saying about Global Warming is bull shit.

This is the very reason that intelligent, educated people don’t buy into your AGW religion. Fraud, lies, and cherry picking is as transparent as it can be.

You have nothing, moron.
I have a career in science
Then you should know that scientists admit they never know for sure. They have more evidence or less evidence. How has that escaped you?

It hasn’t escaped me, that’s my point. Can you read at all?
Reasonably well. How does scientists knowing for sure come about?
. I also know history very well. History tells us that every time science “knows for sure” it really doesn’t. It also tells us that scientists were and are still, for sale.
So you believe that if you have an upset stomach, you should apply leeches to your abdomen and moderate your diet? You are absolutely laughable...whose sock puppet are you?
For god sake SSDD I was just joking. You are taking it too seriously.
This is the very reason that intelligent, educated people don’t buy into your AGW religion.
That would be just about all the world's governments and scientific institutions as opposed to a few dumb fuck US rightards.
So you ask, isn't that weight already in the ice? Ice is lighter than water. It floats. So it doesn't count. Or something. Trying to follow our scientific superiors thinking gives me a headache.

So much extra water is being added into the world’s oceans from melting glaciers that the ocean floor is sinking underneath its increasing weight. This ocean floor deformation also means we have miscalculated just how much ocean levels are rising and the problem could be far worse than previously believed.

Over the past 20 years, ocean basins have sunk an average of 0.004 inches per year. This means that the ocean is 0.08 inches deeper than it was two decades ago. While this small fragment of an inch may not seem much, oceans cover 70 percent of our planet, making the problem bigger than it seems at an initial glance.

All that extra water from melting glaciers has caused the ocean to sink
Any kind of rational or logical thought at all tends to give you a headache. That ice that is adding water to the ocean is on land. As the ice melts, isostatic rebound takes place on the land. As the oceans gain more water, the opposite happens. Of course, that is just too complex for you.
So Kanada is the next Himalaya's? Siberia is becoming the Grand Tetons?

Can you link to any of your so called science showing us the elevation changes?
I have a career in science
Then you should know that scientists admit they never know for sure. They have more evidence or less evidence. How has that escaped you?

It hasn’t escaped me, that’s my point. Can you read at all?
Reasonably well. How does scientists knowing for sure come about?
. I also know history very well. History tells us that every time science “knows for sure” it really doesn’t. It also tells us that scientists were and are still, for sale.

I don’t understand your question. Try it again.

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