Not too many years ago


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

the press while leaning left for the most part was at least tolerable. Since BO they are way over the edge. Nothing but PR for the looney tune demrat left.

the press while leaning left for the most part was at least tolerable. Since BO they are way over the edge. Nothing but PR for the looney tune demrat left.

This last part is so powerful and truthful...

Thomas Jefferson said: "I have sworn on the altar of God, eternal hostility to all forms of tyranny over the minds of man."

Today's "journalists" say: "We have sworn eternal hostility to the minds of those who dare to disagree with us." So they try to stifle dissent, ban the truth, and cancel reality. Tragically, they are, in a very real sense, a clear and present danger to the republic.
Interestingly, Exhibit A of this very phenomenon has been playing out over the past few days, as Glenn Greenwald was censored - essentially had his opinion piece shit-canned - by the editorial board of the Intercept, a publication which he FOUNDED seven years ago, thus effectively forcing him to resign.

The slow, painful death of Freedom of Speech in the Media is the grandchild of the Vietnam War, when Leftist draft dodgers began their long campaign to take over Academe. People no longer go into Journalism to inform people; they go in to INFLUENCE people, and have no compunctions about distorting, ignoring, and lying about reality to accomplish their nefarious purpose.

Thank God for outlets like Fox News, where one can go to get the "other side" of the story.
"News outlets" like CNN and MSNBC, as well as NBC, CBS and ABC have devolved into nothing but tabloid journalism.

It's like reading the headline on The Enquirer in the grocery aisle and actually believing that Kennedy's brain is really being kept alive in a jar at Area 51...
Yeah, Trumpybear should just order the so called Free Press (and all News outlets) to runs those Amazing Biden horror (or whore) stories at the top of every and every news cycle till Nov. 3rd.

That'll teach um!
Yeah, Trumpybear should just order the so called Free Press (and all News outlets) to runs those Amazing Biden horror (or whore) stories at the top of every and every news cycle till Nov. 3rd.

That'll teach um!
Any Republican that would what Biden and his family did would be all over the front pages and would have been indicted by now and fing well know it.

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