Not Your Father's Refugees


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
We hear a lot from the left about these refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere around the middle east and how they need to be taken in for humanitarian reasons. Poor refugees... mostly women and children... tattered and hungry... just trying to stay alive as best they can. Most of us have this image in our mind of what a refugee is, we've had them in the past from war-torn nations, it's not a new thing. But apparently, the basic needs of life have changed since the days of wars gone by....

Migrants with mobiles: Phones are now indispensable for refugees

SOMETIMES Hekmatullah, a 32-year-old Afghan, has to choose between food and connectivity. “I need to stay in touch with my wife back home,” he says, sitting in a grubby tent in the Oinofyta migrant camp, near Athens. Because Wi-Fi rarely works there, he has to buy mobile-phone credit. And that means he and his fellow travellers—his sister, her friend and five children—sometimes go hungry.

Such stories are common in migrant camps: according to UNHCR, the UN’s agency for refugees, refugees can easily spend a third of their disposable income on staying connected. In a camp near the French city of Dunkirk, where mostly Iraqi refugees live until they manage to get on a truck to Britain, many walk for miles to find free Wi-Fi: according to NGOs working there, the French authorities, reluctant to make the camp seem permanent, have stopped them providing internet connections. Some of the residents buy pricey SIM cards brought over from Britain, where buyers need not show an ID, as they must in France. A lucky few get airtime donations from charities such as “Phone Credit for Refugees and Displaced People”.

Okay... several questions here.... Why is a 32 year old man fleeing his country where our boys are fighting terrorists? Why would he leave his wife behind? And... his sister, her friend and five children are going hungry so he can have connectivity?

The article goes on to tell the heartbreaking story of a 26-year-old man and a 30-year-old male engineering student... yes... a 30-year-old student... who are poor unfortunate refugees struggling to survive without Wi-Fi connectivity! I mean, like, they can't even check their Facebook pages man! And it's a struggle because some of them are apparently forced to let the women and children in their group to go hungry because they have to buy pricey air time cell phone cards.

Those poor, poor refugees!
IMHO-----the propagandaists are USING the tragedies of the past in order
to justify unbridled jihadist influx and the DEMANDS of this "new" refugee
thing. I almost vomited when some jerky muslimah---in fact a citizen of the
USA, compained EMOTIONALY----"we are afraid that we will all end up in
internment camps like the Japanese during world war II" "THEY are making
<gasp> LISTS. Am I missing something? are muslims in the US being
subjected to death marches? Killing fields?
How much longer before being connected to the internet is considered a "human right" and denying it is a war crime? Apparently, not much longer.

When I read this, my jaw hit the floor. Why are these young adult Arab men considered refugees? Does anyone have an answer there? Because the left is absolutely silent.
So, I post this and it gets one reply then disappears into obscurity because no one wants to discuss it?

I asked several questions in the OP and I'd like for some of the leftists who support these "refugee" programs to give me some goddamn answers. IF you don't WANT to answer, then I want to discuss why that's the case with people who are opposed to the "refugees" flooding into America.

In any event, I have no intention of letting the thread die because you don't want it to interfere with today's Trump headhunting mission.
Why is a 32 year old man fleeing his country where our boys are fighting terrorists? Why would he leave his wife behind? And... his sister, her friend and five children are going hungry so he can have connectivity? 30-year-old students?
Why is a 32 year old man fleeing his country where our boys are fighting terrorists? Why would he leave his wife behind? And... his sister, her friend and five children are going hungry so he can have connectivity? 30-year-old students?
All I can say is good luck man!
All I can say is good luck man!

No one seems to want to touch this. We're told about these poor pitiful "refugees" and I think a lot of Americans have an image in their minds of little emaciated rag-a-muffin children and their spindly mothers who look like they've been through hell. But these "refugees" sound like Arab men in the prime of their life who can't seem to live without internet connection.

Why are these men not in their countries fighting? Why are their women and children allowed to starve so they can get online? Why isn't anyone demanding some damn answers? Why is the left avoiding this OP like the plague?
All I can say is good luck man!

No one seems to want to touch this. We're told about these poor pitiful "refugees" and I think a lot of Americans have an image in their minds of little emaciated rag-a-muffin children and their spindly mothers who look like they've been through hell. But these "refugees" sound like Arab men in the prime of their life who can't seem to live without internet connection.

Why are these men not in their countries fighting? Why are their women and children allowed to starve so they can get online? Why isn't anyone demanding some damn answers? Why is the left avoiding this OP like the plague?
Those Who Are Somebody Must Become Nobodies

It embarrasses us that such concern is shown for these criminal fugitives, but our outrage over this treason doesn't change the laws allowing the invasion to continue. Attack the transnationalist rulers and their heirs. Take away the leaders' future or we won't have any. If Marine Le Pen wins, that will be the handwriting on the wall for the xenophile elite.
Merkel finally sees the handwritin' on the wall...

Germany's Merkel agrees to limit number of refugees
Oct. 9, 2017 -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed Sunday to back a limit on refugees entering the country as part of a concession with an ally conservative party to form a coalition government.
Merkel agreed to limit the number of refugees per year to 200,000, as opposed to the past policy which allowed anyone who made it to the German border, resulting in more than 1 million refugees in 2015 and 2016, mostly from North Africa and Syria. The German leader previously refused to back a refugee limit, but had to change her position after after far right parties gained seats during last month's election, reported the New York Times. The political shift caused Merkel's Christian Democrats to make a deal with the Christian Social Union, whose leader had been pushing for a refugee limit. "We reached a compromise that I consider to be a very good basis to begin discussions with the Free Democrats and the Greens," Merkel said Monday. "Germany needs a stable government and the prerequisite for this was a common negotiating position."

But Simone Peter, co-leader of the Green party, said the limit was too restrictive. "When you throw together asylum seekers, refugee contingents, resettlement programs and family members joining refugees all in one pot, and then set a limit of 200,000, one group will be thrown under the bus," Peter said. "I would like to see how that can go along with humanitarian immigration."


German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks at a press conference at the Elysee Palace in Paris on July 13. On Sunday, the German leader agreed to a deal that would limit the number of refugees into the country.​

There is also some question about the legality of such a limit because under European Union law, asylum seekers can't be turned away. "We have common EU asylum policies and regulations that predetermine how people who come asking for protection as refugees must be treated," Thomas Giegerich, professor for European, international and public law at the University of Saarland, told DW. "EU law does not include a migration cap for people in need of protection," he added. "If someone comes from a country in the throes of civil war and it's clear that they cannot go back there, they have the right to be protected and must not be turned away."

However, refugee applications into Germany have fallen by more than 50 percent this year after the drastic rise in 2015 and 2016. During the first eight months of 2017, fewer than 124,000 people have applied for asylum, in part because of a deal the EU made last year with Turkey, which agreed to take in more migrants.

Germany's Merkel agrees to limit number of refugees
Why are most of the refugees fighting-age men? Hmm? That's a good question.

Gotta have a cell phone to remote-detonate that IED then post about it on FB.

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