Note to Latino's and women....blame yourselves


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
As a black woman living in this country, adversity will always be apart of my DNA, but for latino's and white women, yaw helped put this bitch in the white house, so let the chips fall were they may!!

Trump Says He’ll Immediately Deport Or Imprison Up To 3 Million Undocumented Immigrants
The Republican leader is embracing mass deportation.

Donald Trump: Women Will ‘Have To Go To Another State’ For Abortions If Roe V. Wade Is Repealed
Trump pledged to appoint Supreme Court justices who oppose the law that guarantees women the right to have an abortion.

What kind of undocumented immigrants?? That's why people gave a huge fuck you to the media, for those sort of dishonest headlines. Everyone should support illegal CRIMINALS getting the boot.:thup: Please don't mention that Trump referred to the remaining illegals as "terrific people". The faux shuddering from the left is amusing.:D
The Latino vote didn't matter because most of them are in deep blue states anyway.

You were lied to again by the MSM, yet you keep carrying their water.
Deportation won't happen in a door to door search. It'll be done gradually, like when an illegal is picked up by police they'll deport him.

As for the abortion thing, that won't happen. And if it does well maybe people thought it was worth it, considering birth control is pretty good and cheap and if not just have the baby. Better than having a country without a wall on it.

And to add to it, I'm sure plenty of gays voted for him to avoid being shot by other gays and if things go bad against them well they can just stop being gay.
I want to thank my sisters for listening to the truth tellers and not the liars. And voting Trump. Thank you so much. You are truly going to have a voice now. You and your families will matter. You will no longer be a "demographic".

Boy I hope I get this right because I am trying to learn German and Spanish at the same time,gracias hermana. You made such a difference in Florida. Thank you.
The Latino vote didn't matter because most of them are in deep blue states anyway.

You were lied to again by the MSM, yet you keep carrying their water.

I beg to differ when it came to Broward. In Florida. The D's got the shock of their lives. Now I should explain that although I am currently living back home in Canada, I'm dual with a unique perspective because I pretty well grew up in Florida in a place called Ormond by the Sea if one wants to count in their most formative years aka first summer first kiss. I've spent a lot of years south including many years in that great state of Tennessee.

I digress. Hey I'm shit faced. Hang in with me. :lol:

The Cubans and most South Americans along with Haitians went all out for Trump in Broward. I was working comment sections like crazy to supercede the Univision bullshit they were getting.

Most don't know Univision is owned lock stock and barrel by a devout Israeli Clinton backer. They arent getting news. The people are getting what Clintonistas want them to know. Haim Saban.
Trump Says He’ll Immediately Deport Or Imprison Up To 3 Million Undocumented Immigrants
You're leaving out just a little, aren't you? He said he wants to deport the fucking gang members and drug dealers who are here illegally and have CRIMINAL RECORDS. A minor detail you neglected to include. Are you against that???
As a black woman living in this country, adversity will always be apart of my DNA, but for latino's and white women, yaw helped put this bitch in the white house, so let the chips fall were they may!!

Trump Says He’ll Immediately Deport Or Imprison Up To 3 Million Undocumented Immigrants
The Republican leader is embracing mass deportation.

Donald Trump: Women Will ‘Have To Go To Another State’ For Abortions If Roe V. Wade Is Repealed

Trump pledged to appoint Supreme Court justices who oppose the law that guarantees women the right to have an abortion.
Well to be exact he said he'll be deporting two to three million of them that are criminals, and abortion should be left up to the states.
Trump Says He’ll Immediately Deport Or Imprison Up To 3 Million Undocumented Immigrants
You're leaving out just a little, aren't you? He said he wants to deport the fucking gang members and drug dealers who have CRIMINAL RECORDS. A minor detail you neglected to include. Are you against that???
It's the same type of bullshit coverage that CNN and MSNBC do when they cover "news",
Trump Says He’ll Immediately Deport Or Imprison Up To 3 Million Undocumented Immigrants

You conveniently left out the part about them having a criminal record. What sane person would oppose such a thing?
As a black woman living in this country, adversity will always be apart of my DNA, but for latino's and white women, yaw helped put this bitch in the white house, so let the chips fall were they may!!

Trump Says He’ll Immediately Deport Or Imprison Up To 3 Million Undocumented Immigrants
The Republican leader is embracing mass deportation.

Donald Trump: Women Will ‘Have To Go To Another State’ For Abortions If Roe V. Wade Is Repealed

Trump pledged to appoint Supreme Court justices who oppose the law that guarantees women the right to have an abortion.
Have you checked out the lack of support the Hildebeast got from colored folks this go-round?
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Just to clarify, I was raised Catholic, but I am a bit more modern now. Mi Mamasita is still a big time Catholic. Some Muslim and Jewish women, oh and some Black women, and Native women and Hindu women voted Trump- Pence. As far as abortion goes, God teaches there is a season for everything. There are extreme cases of duress that calls for abortion. Mr. Trump does need a wake up call on women in general. Nobody is perfect. So now is the chance for a new reasonable womens movement that is centered and honest.
What kind of undocumented immigrants?? That's why people gave a huge fuck you to the media, for those sort of dishonest headlines. Everyone should support illegal CRIMINALS getting the boot.:thup: Please don't mention that Trump referred to the remaining illegals as "terrific people". The faux shuddering from the left is amusing.:D
Note to stupid white person, the Obama administration thus far has exported over 2 million illegals who are criminals, something again Trump plans to exploit and take credit for once in the white house.....I don't think the bitch has an original anything in that fuckin white head, but orange juice and shit.
As a black woman living in this country, adversity will always be apart of my DNA, but for latino's and white women, yaw helped put this bitch in the white house, so let the chips fall were they may!!

Trump Says He’ll Immediately Deport Or Imprison Up To 3 Million Undocumented Immigrants
The Republican leader is embracing mass deportation.

Donald Trump: Women Will ‘Have To Go To Another State’ For Abortions If Roe V. Wade Is Repealed

Trump pledged to appoint Supreme Court justices who oppose the law that guarantees women the right to have an abortion.
Have you checked out the lack of support the Hildebeast got from colored folks this go-round?
One thing is certain, we know white trash when we see it, unlike you white fuck heads.
As a black woman living in this country, adversity will always be apart of my DNA, but for latino's and white women, yaw helped put this bitch in the white house, so let the chips fall were they may!!

Trump Says He’ll Immediately Deport Or Imprison Up To 3 Million Undocumented Immigrants
The Republican leader is embracing mass deportation.

Donald Trump: Women Will ‘Have To Go To Another State’ For Abortions If Roe V. Wade Is Repealed

Trump pledged to appoint Supreme Court justices who oppose the law that guarantees women the right to have an abortion.
You have to blame the media on this one.

Market watch said Trump received over 3 billion in free air time. You can't fight that kind of money.
Just to clarify, I was raised Catholic, but I am a bit more modern now. Mi Mamasita is still a big time Catholic. Some Muslim and Jewish women, oh and some Black women, and Native women and Hindu women voted Trump- Pence. As far as abortion goes, God teaches there is a season for everything. There are extreme cases of duress that calls for abortion. Mr. Trump does need a wake up call on women in general. Nobody is perfect. So now is the chance for a new reasonable womens movement that is centered and honest.
Right now, its too late for women, minorities and such to whine about anything, the worst person in the world is now President. I'm gonna pass period on religion, it has no place in a Trump world or this country. We are a nation of racist, and until we bow down to those fact, God will be missing forever in a country built on his trust and love....he's out!!
As a black woman living in this country, adversity will always be apart of my DNA, but for latino's and white women, yaw helped put this bitch in the white house, so let the chips fall were they may!!

Trump Says He’ll Immediately Deport Or Imprison Up To 3 Million Undocumented Immigrants
The Republican leader is embracing mass deportation.

Donald Trump: Women Will ‘Have To Go To Another State’ For Abortions If Roe V. Wade Is Repealed

Trump pledged to appoint Supreme Court justices who oppose the law that guarantees women the right to have an abortion.
You have to blame the media on this one.

Market watch said Trump received over 3 billion in free air time. You can't fight that kind of money.
Oh, I called the media out on day one, when Obama was talking to the press and they interrupted the presidents address to cover Trump at some rally in Ky. The media hand delivered Trumps victory on a silver platter and the fucked part, these mindless telepromter reading bastards, still are asking how this man got elected, removing themselves completely from the mix...which is typical for this country, always pointing fingers at everybody the mirror in front of them.

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