Note to protestors, this isn't Egypt and Trump ain't Morsi !!


How is Trump not yet President a deflection?

You jump to conclusions and speculate that he will be the downfall of this nation.

I think without even taking office, he's destroyed the soul of this nation.

He got in appealing the worst instincts of America- Xenophobia, Racism, Misogyny.

Heck, even Hitler got the Trains to run on time... but it was still awful even before the war started.

You need to sign off. Consider why we have Trump as President and realize that your ideology has been rejected.

I saw this coming a long time ago.

Your arrogance blinds you.

First, I don't have an "idealogy". I see myself as a moderate Republican who is horrified that the plutocrats and religious crazies have taken over his party.

Second. Trump lost the popular vote. The voters got it right. The system got it wrong.
It was these same people that in 2009, when right-wingers were opposing ObamaCare and the Stimulus failure, who said on this forum "Obama won. You need to deal with it".

Now 8 years later.... Trump won "wah wah wah wah we're going to protest!".

Left-wing belief is really the ideology of a 2-year-old. They all have that mentality.

This mentality is common on the right to. But instead of fighting the typical Republican just rolls over and pisses it's self. Instead of sitting on their ass's they should be taking notes. The left, while extremely puss cakes have a few things going for them. They are not lazy. They always grind their opponents away. Look what they did to Boosh. Republican need to sober up from their Trump sperm fest and make sure that Drumphf remembers why he got the job.

How is Trump not yet President a deflection?

You jump to conclusions and speculate that he will be the downfall of this nation.

I think without even taking office, he's destroyed the soul of this nation.

He got in appealing the worst instincts of America- Xenophobia, Racism, Misogyny.

Heck, even Hitler got the Trains to run on time... but it was still awful even before the war started.

You need to sign off. Consider why we have Trump as President and realize that your ideology has been rejected.

I saw this coming a long time ago.

Your arrogance blinds you.

First, I don't have an "idealogy". I see myself as a moderate Republican who is horrified that the plutocrats and religious crazies have taken over his party.

Second. Trump lost the popular vote. The voters got it right. The system got it wrong.
And Joey doubles down on insulting those who thinks he knows, yet knows nothing about.

The system worked.

Good luck changing it.
How about you (as protestors) figure out quickly that you are making complete idiots of yourselves now.!

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

11:29 PM - 6 Nov 2012

[URL=''] Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

11:30 PM - 6 Nov 2012
I just do not understand the arrogance and hypocrisy. They are so out of touch with America and live in their echo chamber bubbles. Everyone must treat them tenderly, but they can spew vile hatred, pay people to incite violence, lie and cheat.

The sky is falling doom and gloom is absurd. We have had shitty presidents before. At least this one won't have uncleared subordinates printing thousands of pages of classified documents that are ... where now?

No, this one is going to have subordinates who are on the payroll of the Kremlin, and we won't know how much because he never released his tax returns telling us how in hock to the Russians he is.

Hillary is the one with Russion ties, backroom deals with Putin and personal enrichment from Russia at the expense of the US.

He has released financial documents far more detailed than an income tax return.

Once again, the left accuses the R of doing something (bad) that the left has actually done. Comical. Which is worse: Clintons definitely personally gained via deals with Russia trading OUR uranium deposits; or, Trump has some real estate deals in Russia so maybe had contact and/or deals with the government but we don't know?

P.S. His tax returns would not even reveal what you think it would. Per left-leaning CNN:
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The reason conservatives on this thread and others react to any mention that Trump is a minority of voter's President and that he lost the popular vote is that they want to project him as a hugely popular People's champion...he is not all that...the Electoral College system , at least in this instance, magnified the votes of rural white voters [mainly white folks] over more concentrated Urban voters ..

The Three States of North Dakota, South Dakotas and Wyoming
... have a Combined population of 2,200,000 citizens (2015) ....they voted, combined close to 65 % for Trump...........
The Three states of North Dakota , South Dakota and Wyoming were politically represented in the Electoral College System to the tune of Nine (9) EV

Miami-Dade County Florida has a population of 2,700,000 (2015), Half a Million more than the Three states combined Voted at a 64 % rate in favor of Hillary Clinton
The Greater Population in Miami Dade County earned Zero (0) EV
If you did everything you could to stop it, then you aren't much help to your side at all, because you helped Trump win big league. Please don't try to help anyone else win anything.

He didn't win. Hillary got more votes.

He will be, and he will be surrounded by great men with a great compassion for this country. The leftist are irrelevant for a spell now, and Thank God for it.

yeah. Um. Right. He's got Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich. What could possibly go wrong?
. Your just a hateful democrat and it shows.
The reason conservatives on this thread and others react to any mention that Trump is a minority of voter's President and that he lost the popular vote is that they want to project him as a hugely popular People's champion...he is not all that...the Electoral College system , at least in this instance, magnified the votes of rural white voters [mainly white folks] over more concentrated Urban voters ..

The Three States of North Dakota, South Dakotas and Wyoming
... have a Combined population of 2,200,000 citizens (2015) ....they voted, combined close to 65 % for Trump...........
The Three states of North Dakota , South Dakota and Wyoming were politically represented in the Electoral College System to the tune of Nine (9) EV

Miami-Dade County Florida has a population of 2,700,000 (2015), Half a Million more than the Three states combined Voted at a 64 % rate in favor of Hillary Clinton
The Greater Population in Miami Dade County earned Zero (0) EV
. Ohhhhhhhh, and you sure do hate them white folks or votes don't you racist ??
And Joey doubles down on insulting those who thinks he knows, yet knows nothing about.

The system worked.

Good luck changing it.

I think after Trump messes up everything and gets impeached, they will be falling all over themselves to fix it.
. Might be, but never will this nation be fooled again by you people. Put that in your leftist pot loving pipe, and toke on it for a while.
Might be, but never will this nation be fooled again by you people. Put that in your leftist pot loving pipe, and toke on it for a while.

again, guy, you lost the popular vote... And when the dumb-ass white trash in the rust belt figures out not only aren't the jobs coming back like he promised, but stuff at WalMart and Piggly-Wiggly costs more,
How about you (as protestors) figure out quickly that you are making complete idiots of yourselves now. I bet you are making your parents so proud of all their hard work and efforts to save their hard earned money to send you off to those brainwashing factories we call colleges now. Keep making them proud in your rebellion, because that will be a pride that can't be swallowed easily by them once you are hauled off to jail, and your life not only starts with all that debt, but with a criminal record to boot ?? You have been led to drink the koolaid, and it shows big time. You see all the devastation to this nation, all the dependency created, the rule of law being thwarted, coddling or cozying up with the enemies of America, allowing lawlessness & corruption to grow to the point of seeming normal. Ok, so what are you people protesting about again ?? Ohh it's a party is all it is.... right !!!!!!
White people greeting the first black family.....May you all rot in hell!!
. Your just a hateful democrat and it shows.

Your arguments would be more convincing if you could use proper grammar.
. Well blame Bill Gates for his spell correct on these phones, where as if you don't go back constantly to proof read, then you get this. That's why the site has the edit function, but of course you don't need that do you Mr.Perfect Joe ?? There was enough there to know what I meant, but you being stunned by it left you again picking around the edges for a crumb I must have dropped.
It was these same people that in 2009, when right-wingers were opposing ObamaCare and the Stimulus failure, who said on this forum "Obama won. You need to deal with it".

Now 8 years later.... Trump won "wah wah wah wah we're going to protest!".

Left-wing belief is really the ideology of a 2-year-old. They all have that mentality.
Big gotdamned difference, Obama didn't scorch the fuckin country with racist anti every gotdamn thing that isn't vomit white, like this white bastard....Never will Trump be our president, and stop trying to compare Obama with this racist white motherfucker!!
Might be, but never will this nation be fooled again by you people. Put that in your leftist pot loving pipe, and toke on it for a while.

again, guy, you lost the popular vote... And when the dumb-ass white trash in the rust belt figures out not only aren't the jobs coming back like he promised, but stuff at WalMart and Piggly-Wiggly costs more,
. This post shows just how dumb you think your readers are, where as you are white but you choose to use racial slurs against white people ??????? You are a flipping idiot Joe.
How about you (as protestors) figure out quickly that you are making complete idiots of yourselves now. I bet you are making your parents so proud of all their hard work and efforts to save their hard earned money to send you off to those brainwashing factories we call colleges now. Keep making them proud in your rebellion, because that will be a pride that can't be swallowed easily by them once you are hauled off to jail, and your life not only starts with all that debt, but with a criminal record to boot ?? You have been led to drink the koolaid, and it shows big time. You see all the devastation to this nation, all the dependency created, the rule of law being thwarted, coddling or cozying up with the enemies of America, allowing lawlessness & corruption to grow to the point of seeming normal. Ok, so what are you people protesting about again ?? Ohh it's a party is all it is.... right !!!!!!

Guy, Trump stole the election. People should be upset, and they have every right to protest.

Trump will probably get impeached in his first year.

It was these same people that in 2009, when right-wingers were opposing ObamaCare and the Stimulus failure, who said on this forum "Obama won. You need to deal with it".

Now 8 years later.... Trump won "wah wah wah wah we're going to protest!".

Left-wing belief is really the ideology of a 2-year-old. They all have that mentality.
Big gotdamned difference, Obama didn't scorch the fuckin country with racist anti every gotdamn thing that isn't vomit white, like this white bastard....Never will Trump be our president, and stop trying to compare Obama with this racist white motherfucker!!
. Good grief.

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